Newspaper Page Text
Was Told He Couldn’t
Live Six Months
But Doan’s Brought Mr.
Clayton Health and
C. T. Clayton, 78 N. Broad St.,
Woodbury, N. J., says: “I had
about the worst case of kidney
complaint a naan could have My
kidneys were in terrible shape. I
had sharp, knifelike pains in the
small of my back,
and my buck often
gave out entirely. I
couldn’t stoop to lace
> Vi $ 111 7 shoes. For two
years 1 was in this
helpless condition and
didn’t do a tap of
■‘IS ti/sCW A work and no one
thought I would ever
be able to work again.
In fact. I was told I
couldn’t live sis months. But for¬
tunately I began using Doan’s
Kidney Pills. They made me feel
better from the first and after tak¬
ing several boxes, I had better
strength and health than ever be¬
fore. I think Doan’s are worth
their weight in gold, and I recom¬
mend them whenever I hear any¬
one complaining of their kidneys.”
Get Doin’* at Any Store, 60c • Box
Chills and Fever. Biliousness,
Constipation and ailments
requiring a TONIC treatment'.
and made bi}
Behrens Drug Co
Wato, Tex. a. « I
All Sold Druggists by k[ _
Signs of It.
“The chestnut crop is going to
good this year.” “You can tell that
the fish stories.”
The Owners of
“Swift & Company”
(Now Over 22,000)
Perhaps it has not occurred to
you that you can participate in
Swift & Company’s profits,—and
also share its risks,—by becom¬
ing a co-partner in the business?
It is not a close corporation.
You can do this by buying Swift &
Company shares, which are bought
and sold on the Chicago and Boston
stock exchanges.
There are now over 22,000 share¬
holders of Swift & Company, 3,500 of
whom are employes of the Company.
These 22,000 shareholders include
7,800 women.
Cash dividends have been paid reg¬
ularly for thirty years. The rate at
present is 8 per cent,
The capital stock is all of one kind,
namely, common stock—there is no
preferred stock, and this common stock
represents actual values. There is no
“water,” nor have good will, trade
marks, or patents been capitalized.
This statement is made solely for your
information and not for the purpose of
booming Swift & Company stock.
I We welcome, however, live stock
producers, retailers, and consumers as
We particularly like to have for
shareholders the people with whom
we do business.
This leads to a better mutual
Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company
Doesn’t hurt at all and costs
only a few cents t
Magic! Just drop a little Freezone
on that touchy corn, instantly it stops
aching, then you lift the coru off with
the fingers. Truly! No humbug!
Try Freezone! Tour druggist sells a
tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient to
rid your feet of every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, and
calluses, without one particle of pain,
soreness or irritation. Freezone is the
discovery of a noted Cincinnati genius.
Something to Start On.
Betty had two sisters, but was just
informed that she had a new baby
brother. ‘‘Oh, goody,” she exclaimed
excitedly, “now our family has the
starting of a real soldier.”
USE VACHRR-BALM, it is cooling,
and relieves promptly, besides being
Avoid imitations.—Ailv.
Not a Thought of It.
“What did you think of my speech?”
“You didn’t say a thing that set me
When BOWHL Baby w MBDICINB Teethine will
QROVB8 BABY cornu*
the Stomach and Bowel troubles. Cerfectlj harm¬
less. See directions on the bottle.
The little act of kindness is never
time wasted.
Surrender Of Buigars, Demobilization
Of Army—Free Access To Terri¬
tory The Conditions
+ + + + + + + + ♦+ + + + +
+ +
+ Terms Laid Down To Bulgaria ♦
+ +
♦ New York.—The terms laid +
+ down by the allies are reported +
+ to be as follows: +
+ Surrender of all Bulgarian +
+ forces outside Bulgarian terri- +
+ tory and demobilization of the +
+ army within. +
+ Complete breaking of rela- +
+ tions with Germany, Austria +
+ and Turkey. +
+ Free access of allied forces +
+ to Bulgarian territory. +
+ Bulgarian representatives +
+ agreed to an armistice—proba- +
+ bly the first step in Bulgaria’s +
+ withdrawing from the alliance +
+ with the central powers—a few +
+ less than three years after she +
entered the war on the side of +
+ Germany. It was on October +
+ 8, 1915, that Bulgaria issued a +
+ manifesto announcing her deci- +
+ sion to cast her lot against the +
+ entente alliance. She had been +
+ fifteen months in deciding her +
+ course. +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
London.—Strong belief exists that a
peace offer from Turkey is imminent.
Bulgaria has surrendered uncondi¬
tionally. according to an agency dis¬
patch received here.
The allies and Bulgarians have ceas¬
ed hostilities, it is learned from an au¬
thoritative source here.
The Serbian legation confirms Bul¬
garia's unconditional surrender.
Speaking at the Guild hall, Andrew
Bonar Law, the chancellor of the ex¬
chequer, said a Bulgarian convention
had been signed by which hostilities
Bulgaria by the terms fixed gives
completely the control of the rail¬
ways, the chancellor stated.
“This convention means,” said the
chancellor, “that communication
tween Germany and the east in
direction has been cut off and that
Germans' dream of a German
eastern empire has gone forever.”
Control of the Bulgarian railways,
the chancellor pointed out, gives con¬
trol of Bulgaria.
Alluding to the Palestine campaign,
Mr. Bonar Daw said:
“The magnificent success of our ar¬
mies in Palestine has resulted in the
extinction of the greater part of the
Turkish army, but something more Is
going to follow.”
Terms Reported As Exacted
Paris.—An armistice has been con¬
cluded between the allies and Bulga¬
ria on the allies’ own terms.
This announcement was made of¬
United States Makes Stiff Reply To
Shotgun Ultimatum—Two
Can Play “Game”
Washington. -The American gov¬
ernment, in reply to Germany's threat
to execute American prisoners of war,
found in possession of shotguns, gave
notice that if Germany carried out any
such threat suitable reprisals will be
Secretary Lansing’s reply, made
public, declares that the use of shot¬
guns is sanctioned by The Hague con¬
vention, and that, in comparison with
other weapons now used in modern
warfare, the shotguns used by the
American troops cannot be the subject,
of legitimate or reasonable protest.
“If the German government should
carry out its threat in a single in¬
stance,” says Secretary l^ansing’s re¬
ply, “it will be the right and duty
of the United States to make such
reprisals as will best protect, the
American forces, and notice is here¬
by given of the intention of the gov¬
ernment of t.he United States to make
such reprisals.”
Sailors Drowned When Boat Capsizes
An Atlantic Port.—Twenty sailors
were drowned in this harbor at night,
it is learned, when the boat in which
they were riding struck a buoy and
capsized. The men had been on shore
leave and were returning to their ship
about midnight. A high sea was roll¬
ing at the time and cauhgt their boat
and dashed it against the buoy. The
accident occurred within a few bun¬
dled yards of the vessel to which the
men were making their way. Naval
authorities have declined to make any
statement whatever.
Wilson Urges Suffrage Amendment
Washington.—Shortly and sharply,
President Wilson called upon the Unit¬
ed States senate to pass a constitu¬
tional amendment granting women full
and equal suffrage with men. As “eom
mander-in-chief of the army and
navy,” he declared suffrage to be “vi¬
tally essential to the successful pros¬
ecution of the great war of humanity.”
The president declared it his duty
“to ask you to remove every obstacle
that stands in the way of winning the
Some years ago a vegetable wax
was discovered that has the power to
quiet nerves, and thus stop inflamma¬
tion. without injury; this we combine
with extracts that destroy disease
germs and prevent infection. AV*
make this compound into a salve, with
the result that we have a local rem¬
edy that promptly relieves practically
all kinds of pains, such as Rheuma¬
tism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache,
Sprains, Burns, Boils, etc.
This salve Is obviously also the best
thing for Catarrh and Croup; In fact
its quick action in the latter danger¬
ous ewnplnlnt is simply marvelous:
and being harmless, it can be used in¬
ternally for Colie, etc.
Of course the success of Vaeher
Balm caused many imitations to ap¬
pear, so be sure you get the genuine
which lias the signature of E. W.
VACHER on every package. It is put
up in 25c and 50c jars, and 25c tubes.
If you have never tried Vucher-Balm
write to E. \Y. Vucher, New Orleans,
I.a, for a Free Sample. No family
should be without this remarkable rem¬
edy ; it saves so much suffering.
If your druggist will not: get Vaclier
Ralm for you, we will supply you di
reet, and give you the agency. We
supply our agents with Free Samples
that sell tlit- jars or tubes without any
Cheaper Than He Thought.
When a happy and care-free unmar¬
ried man decides to go over the top,
his married friends cluck dtscourag
ingly, talk liieltlngly of the price of
fee, heatedly of the cost, of coal and
with consuming anger of the flight of
food charges.
When Green was preparing to jus¬
tify his name, as his associates said,
he heard much about ever-flowing
water hills, rushing gas costs and
pressing laundry bills, to say nothing
of relentless rent. But Green was an
optimist. He did it yesterday. When
he appeared at the office today a scant
twelve hours following the ceremony,
he asserted conviction:
“Say. 1 can’t see that marriage is
so all-fired expensive.”
Lives 200 Years!
For more than 200 years, Haarlem Oil,
the has been famous recognized national remedy of Holland,
as an infallible relief
from a!! forms of kidney and bladder dis¬
orders. Its very age is proof that it must
have unusual merit.
If you are troubled with pains or aches
iu the back, feel tired in the morning,
headaches, indigestion, insomnia, painful
or too frequent passage of urine, irritation
or stone in the bladder, von will almost
certainly llaarlem Oil find Capsules. relief in This GOLD MEDAL
is the good
old remedy that has stood the test for
hundreds of years, prepared in file prop'
quantity and convenient form to tak
It is imported direct from Holland lab¬
oratories, and you can get it at any
home drug store. remedy It and is needs a standard, old-time
no introduction.
Each capsule contains one dose of five
drops and is pleasant and easy to take.
joints, They will that, quickly backache, relieve rheumatism, those stiffened
bago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, “brick
dust,” etc. Your money promptly refund¬
ed if they do not relieve you. But he sure
to get the genuine GOUT) MEDAL brand.
In boxes, three sizes.—Adv.
It Wouldn't Do.
Novelist Robert W. Chambers said
at the Country club in Now York:
“This war has changed all things.
We older writers are quite disoriented.
We don’t know how to write any more.
“Imagine describing n girl’s ear to¬
day,” be said,” as shell-like!”
Dr Peery's "Dead Shot" Is not a "lo¬
zenge” or "syrup," hut a real old-fashioned
dose of medicine which cleans out Worms
or Tapeworm with a single dose. Adv.
It is easier to find fault than to
lose it.
Behavior is everything.
? similatin£theFood AVe^efablc PrcparafionforAs byRc^ula
| lindtheStomadis and Bowels on
1 Infants /Children;.
I Thereby Promoting Dips'll™
I Ghcerfu Iness and Rest Contain
i neither Opium, Morphine nor
j i Mineral. Not Narcotic
j JkcpTafOtdDcSMMIffl^
Pumpkin Seed
Mx Strata Sato
ill HochtUe Seed
%£*%'** Anise
»|| Warm JW
(|ii viS ClamMSagar f&triyrmn/iinr
m A helpful Remedy for
j Constipation and Diarrhoea,
‘ and Feverishness and
if ;:Kf restrttin^ Fac-Simiie Loss UietvfronHnlirfancy of Si gnature Sle £P d .
ft Iff CektaubCohpasy
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
I am Sincere! Stop Calomel!
I Guara ntee Dodson' s Liver Tone
Listen to me! Calomel sickens and you may lose a
day’s work. If bilious, constipated or
headachy read my guarantee.
Liven up your sluggish liver!
and cheerful; make your work
be vigorous and full *
But take no nasty,
because it makes you
you may lose a day’s work.
Calomel is mercury or
causes necrosis of the
crashes into sour bile
breaking it up. That’s
feel that awful nausea and
Listen to me! If you want to
nicest, gentlest liver and
you ever experienced,
a spoonful of harmless
Tone tonight. Your druggist
sells yon a bottle of
Tone for a few cents under
Also a Fine General
Strengthening Tonic.
Sick and Suffer
Life Is dnrk—nof worth much to the Ilntion. It is the right way to bo well
man or woman with un aeltl -stomach. and keep strong. Ordinary medicine
Acid-stomach kills Hope. Ambition. won’t do any lasting good. The best
Euergy, Courage. It saps the strength they can do Is to spur up your appetite
of the strongest body—Impoverishes the for awhile.
blootl—causes untold suffering — makes A modern remedy makes it possible
millions weak, unfit and brings on pre¬ to remove excess acid without the slight¬
mature old age. est discomfort. It is called EATONIC,
Millions of people are weak and unfit, in the form of pleasant tasting tablets.
suffering all the time, in one way or an¬ Their action in the stomach is a good
other, from SUperacldity or acid stomach. deal like a piece of blotting paper taking
They don't seem dangerously sick. up a drop of ink—they literally absorb
Just ailing. Going through life weak, the injurious excess acid ami carry it
listless, drugging one foot after another. away through the intestines.
They’re nervous and Irritable; lack pow¬ Begin using E ATONIC right now
er and punch, frequently have severe today—and get on the mail to bounding,
attacks of blinding, splitting headaches; vigorous, vibrant health. Thousands
subject tal to fits of melancholia and men¬ upon thousands of people who have
depression. And nearly always their used EATONIC are enthusiastic In Its 6
stomachs are out of order, even though praise. They say they never dreamed
many pains—digestion experience no actual stn that anything could brlug them "such
anywhere near .quick relief.
their food. EATONIC Is fully guaranteed. Your
So, you see, It’s just this—acid-stoni- druggist will give you a big box for only
ach—that is holding people fid cents with the distinct understanding
back so many that if you are not pleased in every way,
should — sapping then- up the..... the strength they you get your T»0 cents back, if you can’t
get from food—taking :!ng a a way way get EATONIC where you live—send us
their vigor and vitality—leaving them your name and address; we will send
weak and d Inefficient. 1 you a fifty cent box and you can send
Get rid of the excess acid. That’s us the 50c when you get It. Address
the secret of good health and Is the only Entonlo Remedy Co., Gunther Bldg., Chi¬
way to obtain good digestion and assim- cago, 111.
Clear Your Skin
All druggists: Soap 25,
Ointment 25 & 50, Tai
cum 25. Sanpple each
free of "Cuticura, ANTISEPTIC POWDER
Dept. Ef, Boston."
PARKER’S Dissolved in water for douches stop*
HAIR BALSAM pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam¬
A toilet preparation of merit. mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Helps For Restoring to eradicate Color dandruff. and Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years.
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
60 c. and $1.00 at Druifg-ists. sore throat and sore eyes. Economical.
•nts bomnern nauway ana auto highway t 5-DAY ECZEMA
•nvllle, suit. Fla. Price $1,600; one third cash, balance
Will take slightly used Ford or Bnick tour¬ cured me while doctors and everything else failed.
car part payment. B, B. KING, St. George, Ga.. Formula$1.00. Address ZONE, St. George,
Children Cry For
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the
Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The
Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
personal money-back guarantee
each spoonful will clean your
liver better than a dose of nasty
mel and that it won’t make you
Dodson’s Liygr Tone is real
medicine. You’ll know It next
ing, because you will wake up
fine, your liver will be working; head¬
ache and dizziness gone; stomach will
he sweet and bowels regular.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely
vegetable, therefore harmless and can
not salivate. Give it to your children.
Millions of people are using
Liver Tone instead of dangerous calo¬
mel now. Your druggist will tell yon
that the sale of calomel Is almost
stopped entirely here.—Adv.