Newspaper Page Text
&be Cleveland
Official Organ of White County,
Puhlisbed Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Poe' »fHce at
Ga,, as second e)*ss mail matter.
Subscriplioq, $1.00 per
As the campaign for the
Liberty Loan approaches
ican army in France is found
ing toward Germany’s
border fortification, Metz.
other parts of the Western
our allies have been successful
forcing the IIun back—less
killed and captured. In the
kans the efforts of the allies
been successful in pushing the
man-Bulgarian armies back at
loss. General Allenby, more
a thousand miles further east,
Palestine has been capturing
in a splendid success—and the
of the war is brought just
much closer, and the peoples of
allied Nations feel much
ed—but the end is not yet. It
take many billions of dollars yet
win this struggle—but who
for the dollars it takes to
world Liberty.
This fourth loan must be a
success. We ought to be as
xious to be a party to this loan
we are to the protection of our
homes. When our soldiers on
battle front are braving death,
one offering to make the
sacrifice for his country and
great cause, we who remain
at home surely will give them
support for we should make
sacrifice to strengthen them.
It is a great cause for
Ame/icu is in this war; it is a
struggle-in which the very hope
the world is bound up that is
waged in Europe and on the
seas. It is an honor to have a
in it and all Americans, all of
lives, will be proud of the part
had in it or ashamed of their
ure to do their part.
Mrs. A. II. Henderson is
proving only slowly from the
ture received a few weeks ago.
Mr. R. T. Kenimer and Mr.
H. Telford made a business trip
Jefferson fust of the week.
Mr. B. J. Beach and son, E.
spent a few hours Sunday at
home of Mr. Beach’s son, Jim,
Hall county, who has been
ing from blood poison in one
His friends in White county
glad to hear bis condition
Mrs. Frank Kenimer has been
the bedside of her aunt, Mrs.
Henderson, for the past week.
A Liberty bond rally was held
Nacoochee Valley Saturday
and the audience displayed a
deal enthusiasm. Meetings at
places liavt been held this week.
A big traction engine and
mill pasfed through town last
en route to the Longstreet
to cut the timber on that
There is on this property a
amount of good hardwood, and
it lies quite accessible to the
road, this is a splendid
for government contractors to
what they want.
Mr. and Mrs. F.A.McAfee
Sunday with relatives in
Congressman Bell enjoyed
day at Reservation.
Mr, F. G. Jones has gone
Kentucky for a car of mules,
he hopes to return with about
end of next week.
Stateiueut Of The Ownership and
Pnblislied weekly at Cleveland. Ga.,
Oet., it»18. Editor, Managing
Business Manager and Publisher,
11avideo71. *
Owner, Alex. Davidson.
Known bondholders, mortgagees,
other security holders, holding 1 per
or more of total amount of bonds,
gages, or other securities: None.
(Signed) Alkx. Davidson.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
lit day of Oct . i 918 .
J. Vr. H. CnbkkWood, N. Pi
Hell’s I*opular Vote 12,400.
Congressman Tlios. M. Bell’s
popular vote in the primary of
September 11, was 12,400, while
his opponent, Rev R. P. Jackson,
received 5,395. Mr. Bell’s majority
being 7.005. This was the smallest
vote ever polled in a Congressional
primary. Two years ago Mr. Bell
himself received nearly as many
votes as botli ee and his opponent
received this time, Mr. Bell’s vote
two years ago being 17, t8 7 .
The vote in detail by counties in
the recent primary is as follows :
Bell Jackson
Banks .......... ...... ‘93
Baarow ........ .609 ...... 3 ”
Cherokee........ 1105 ...... 474
Dawson ........ • 4*4 ......168
Fannin ......... • 34 6 .......24
F'orsyth......... .470 ...... 4^7
Gilmer........... .522 ....... 34
Gwinnett........ 1286 .....1324
Habersham ...... ......1 7 ‘
Hull ............ 1722
Jackson-.......... 1201 ...... 597
Lumpkin......... • 4°5 ......129
Milton ......... • 59 6 .....D 3 1
Pickens.......... 298. . . ... O
Rabun .......... ......127
Stephens ........ ■ 5°7 ......215 4'8
Towns .......... .247. .......
Union........... 178 ....... 74
White............ .434 ______168
Total.... 12,400 5-395
Bell’s majority.... 7,005
The Fair At Gainesville.
Next week is fair week atGaines
ville. Great preparations are being
made by our neighbors there to en¬
tertain the thousand who will visit
Gainesville during the week of Oct.
8 to 12.
The management states that
every available inch of display
space will be filled with meritori¬
ous exhibits, the live stock sheds
will be filled with the best hogs
and cattle ever shown in this part
of the country, and the midway
will provide plenty of high class
amusement day and night.
Some of the special features an¬
nounced by the Fair are :
Tuesday, Oct,. 8th. School Day.
Every child will be admitted free
on this day.
Thursdyy, October 10th. Lib¬
erty Day. Uhe program will be in
charge of the Liberty Loan Com¬
mittee and includes a “regimental
band of 34 pieces from Camp Gor¬
don, and a parade of mothers and
wives who have sons or husbands
in the service.
Friday, October nth. Old
Folks Singing Day. Thousands of
the old timers from miles and miles
around are expected to attend and
take part in the program
This will undoubtedly be one of
the best fairs ever field in Georgia,
and those who attend can be assur¬
ed in advance that they will see
things which will be inspiring, en¬
tertaining and educational.
We wantevery afflicted woman to try
at least one bottle of SteUa-Vltae on
our plain, open guarantee to return the
money paid for it if it does not benefit.
If you doubt our word that it will
relieve the distressing aches, pains and
misery peculiar to the diseases of wo¬
men, read the testimony of these women
who have tried it and are glad to tell
others what it has done for them. Tht
only that interest which they have in the feels mattei in
is any true woman
helping to You relieve the believe sufferings them. of other
women. can
Mrs. J. F. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had
female complaint for years. Three bot¬
tles of feTKL.LA-YiT.VB cured her,
said, and this added,“I female am certainly tonic.”
ful for great
Paralee Frazier, Longview, Tex.,
presses! appreciation of
in these words: “I cannot say too
for this wonderful medicine. I
taken other female medicines for
years with no good results. I am
grateful for the good
has done me.” Mrs. Sandy terrible Withers
of Greensboro, Ala., trouble—and was a
ferer from female oulv
woman knows what that means!
condition got so bad her pains
her into spells like fits. Iler
feared she would lose her mind.
Greensboro doctors pronounced her in
curable. Then somebody
that she take Fteia.a-Yitak. FUe do
so. The first dose lightened her spells harm
Stella-Vitae is a pe rfeci ly
less compound audit not only
a woman's pain, but builds up
health; it stimulates her appetite,
digestion, quiets her nerves and
her complexion. It improves her
son a! appearance.
All deale s sell Stella-Vitae, and
authorized to return the money
for the iirst bottle if it does not
Cleveland Drug Company
Cleveland, Ga.
Legal Advertisements.
Application For Charter.
State of Georgia, County of White.
To the Superior Court of said county
and the Hon. J. U Jones .Judge of said
The petition of ]). L. Pitner of the
county ofoi-esaid, ami Frank II. Walker
and E. M. Stuart of New York city of the
State of New York, show to the court the
following facts:
(1) Petitioners, together with their as¬
sociates, desire to be incorporatrd under
the name and style of ‘‘INTERN ATIOAI.
TREENAIL COMPANY” for the period
of twenty years with the right to renew
said charter at the expiration of said time
The object of said corporation is pecuni¬
ary gain and to carry on and maintain
the business of manufacturing treenails,
to make insulin- pins and to do a general
wood specialty business with the right to
erect darns across Chattahoochee river
and to generate electricity at Roberts
town, Ga , to buy and sell timber and
other articles that may be dealt in by
said corporation and to make contracts,
borrow money, loan money, to sue and
be sued, and to do any and all acts that
may be necessary in the operation of said
(2) The principal place of said business
will be in the town of Robertstowu, Ga.,
in the county of White with its home
office in Helen, Ga.
(3) The capital stock of said corpora¬
tion shall tie $5,000.00 divided into
shares of $ 100.03 each, and they desire
to begin in business when ten per cent,
of Oie capital stock is paid in.
(4) Petitioners desire the rigid to in¬
crease the capital stock to JjO.OOO.OO.
(5) Petitioners desire that said corpor¬
ation may have the right to elect a board
of .directors by a vote of H4 stockholders,
and to elect a President, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer by said Board of
Directors and to have and make all neces¬
sary by-laws, rules and regulations that
are necessary and may be proper for the
currying on of said business, and also to
have and to use a common seal.
Wherefore, petitioners tile this their
petition in the office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of White county, Ga.,and
pray that after the same lias been adver¬
tised as required by law, that the court
by proper order grant this petition,
Attorneys for petitioners.
Fled in office July 13, 19l8,
Clerk Superior Court, White Co., Ga.
Georgia, White County.
Office of the clerk of the superior court
of said county.
I, J. B. R. Barrett, clerk of the supe¬
rior court in and for tHe said county,do
hereby certify that, the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the application for
charter, as the same appears of tile in
this office.
This the UHh day of July, 1918.
Clerk Superior Court, White County, Ga.
Georgia, White County.
I). J. Smart vs. Alvia Smart.
Libel for divorce.
To the sheriff of said county greeting:
The defendant, Alvia Smart, is hereby
cited and required, personally or by at¬
torney, to be and appear at the superior
court to be held in and for said county
on the 14th day of October, 1 DIB. then
and there to make answer or defensive
allegation, in writing, to the plaintiff’s
liable, as in default thereof the court
will proceed according to the statute in
such cases made and provided.
Witness the Honorable J. B. Jones,
judge of said court, this ist day ol
August, 1918.
J. 11. R. BARRETT. Clerk.
Georgia, White County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that J. K. Rob¬
erts, as administrator of Caroline Roberta
deceased, having applien to me by peti¬
tion for leave to sell the real estate of the
said Caroline Roberts, deceased, and that
an order was made thereon at the Sep¬
tember term of this court for citation,
and that citation Issue. All the heirs at
law and creditors of the said Caroline
Roberts, deceased, will take notice that
I will pass upon said application at the
October, 1918, of the Court of Ordinary
of White county, and that unless cause is
shown to the contrary at said time leave
will be granted.
This Sept, ”, 1918.
Oi-dinai-y White County, Georgia.
Libel for divorce in White Superior Court
April term, 1918.
William Sosebee vs. Mary Sosebee,
To the defendant, Mary Sosebee.
The plaintiff, \V illiatn Sosebee, having
tiled his petition for divorce against the
said Mary Sosebee in this court, return¬
able to this term of the court and it be¬
ing made to appear that Mary Sosebee is
not a resident of said county and also
that she does not reside within the state,
and an order having been made for ser¬
vice on her by publication tkis.therefore,
is to notify you. Mary Sosebee. to be and
appear at the next term of White Supe¬
rior Court, to be held on the secondMon
day in October, 1918, then and there to
answer this complaint.
Witness the Honorable J. B. Jones,
J udge of said Court.
This April 12th, 1918,
J. b. it Barrett, clerk.
Oct. 12,13,14J5,16,17,18,19
War Ship Models OOOInPrizes Browning Machine
Including Guns
Dreadnaughts Presenting exhibit That Shoot
Battleships an of Agriculture, 1,000
Destroyers Horticulture, Cattle, Swine, Poultry, Bullets a Minute,
Cruisers Horses, Mules, Sheep, Which Promises Shells of Guns
Depth Bombs to be The Greatest in The South This That Shoot
Torpedoes Year and the Only Fair In The South¬ TWENTY MILES
Sea Mines eastern States Featuring The
Airplane GRAND CIRCUIT RACES Springfield and
Bombs Enfield Rif]«$—
WITH ALL THE With Running Races, Patriotic Fireworks, Lewis Machine
Big Program of Pleasing Free Attrac¬ Guns — Trench
Fighting Tools tions, Biggest Midway and Greatest Ag¬ Periscope — Gas
That Is Making gregation of Varied Amusements Ever Masks — Field
The Ocean Unsafe Presented At A Fair in The South With Wireless Outfits
For Internationa] the Usual Exhibits of —Heliograph and
Robbers And Boys and Girls Clubs—Child Welfare. Thou sand s of
Those Who Bomb Woman’s Graphic Exhibits
Torpedo Churches Hospital and Swine Work—Education—Poultry, and Calf Department Prepared by The of
Ships Regardless Club Contests Agriculture and
of Their Treaties. Auto Show Dorn Show Dog Show its Different Bu¬
Write For Free Premium List reaus.
Softool Gardens Support Play Week,
The United Slates School Gar¬
den Army, a million and a half
strong, is taking an important part
in the Patriotic Play week which is
being celebrated throughout tire
country this month as a climax to
the recreation drive carried on by
the children's bureau of the U. S.
department of labor and the Wo¬
man’s Committee of the Council
of National Defense, in connection
witli children’s year.
Though starting late in the sea¬
son, this army lias put into cultiva¬
tion during the spring and summer
no less than 20,000 acres of
ductive land, most of it in
yards and vacant'lots. Local school
gardeners are showing as a feature
of patriotic play week what they
have produced. Some companies
of the school garden army have ar
ranged exhibits, consisting of pho¬
tographs, garden records, market
reports, of vegetables neatly and
attractively arranged for marketing
and of the canned surplus from
their war gardens. They have
practiced special gardening songs,
with ... taking . . .
a view to part m
iminity “sings ,, —tor .. their . . armv,
Itke ... General 1 Pershing », . - , .
s, is
army—and , have , joined . . , the . rehear- ,
sals for the patriotic procession
and , pageant ...... that has been .
ally ,, written ... r for the . play , week , cele- .
1 }
brat ion.
Other young people's organiza¬
tions that are working to make
play week a success are the boy
scouts, the camp-fire girls,
Young Women’s Christian Associ
ation, and the boys’ and girls’ clubs
of the U. S. department of agricul¬
Ford Car, and one Witt gasoline
engine and International grist mill.
All in first class order.
Will sell at a bargain.
2t S. E. REECE.
One-Five passenger Ford for sale
or trade. •
One large white hound dog with
one lemon ear. Reward $5.00.
Gainesville, Ga.
Buy Your Furniture Now
There are several reasons why
you should buy what furniture and
housefnrnishings you need now.
The best time .» the world to buy
furniture is while you can get it.
There never was a time when
wages and farm products were
higher than they are now. Fur¬
niture is getting scarce in the mar¬
ket and is advancing rapidly. The
scarcity of material and labor
j grows worse each day. A number
: of furniture factories have closed
| down already, while others are run
! »ing only' part time and cannot
possibly produce as much furniture
‘ K ' y dul vettr a «°*
j \\ HIGHER!
HIGHER/! still
; We have taken the situation in
consideration and have bought a
j good supply of all kinds of furnit¬
ure and housefurnishings, which we
have in stock. We have a saving
already in the goods of from 15 to
j 2of e under the present market,
j which saving we are giving to our
customers now, however, if our
present sales continue as they have
i we are certain to be without a
(number of items on account of the
1 , the . goods and the
scarcity 01 neces
I time it takes , replenish
snry to 1 our
! ^
therefore, you will profit „ , by
1 J
! taking , . advantage of the times and
'buy , what , you need , NOW. Now
Us the accepted time, before the
[everybody j rush of fall will business sets in when
be trying to buy
.their gootls at' the same time.
j With our farmer friends we can
arrange terms to suit.
Take advantage of this timely
warning and call on us at once.!
Do not be one of those who will]
have to stand back and regret not
looking ahead and taking ^ advent- j
the advice .
age 01 given. |
1 i hone 36 .C. Clermont, r«/<„ Ga.!
Furniture, Houselurnishings, Pianos, Organs,
Stoves, Ranges, etc., Coffins, Caskets,
and Burial Supplies. I
Mr. J. P.Davidson who has been i
using his influence against the Hun J
in the columns of the Courier is
taking military training at N.G.A.
C., he having enlisted there last |
We have spent over 20.000,000 j
just for staple supplies for our
army, such as flour, bacon, rice, :
Every Liberty Loan subscriber
helps feed our soldiers.
Carpenters, lumbermen, railroad
men, grade foremen, and all classes
of laborers for immediate work.
Write or apply to
Morse Brothers Lumber Co.,
Helen, Ga.
Pure Duroc-Jersey pigs and shoals, ‘
tlso Duroc-Berkshire cross pigs and
Want to buy 1 Billy Goat.
Call or write
Mount Laurel Faffm
Fire, Life, Sick, Accident and
all other kinds of protection are
sold by
Cleveland Insurance Agency'.
A. G. Maxwell, Mgr.
Complete line, all sizes and
grades. Embalming. Call Cler¬
mont Phone No. 36.
Clermont, Ga.
Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed.
Soles tacked or sewed on.
All kind of repairing done.
All work done neatly and satis¬
Helen, Ga.
: - ---------------------- -.2
Georgia, White County. ,
T he return of the appraisers setting
twelve months’ support to the
°* M “* s “tteriield deceased,
having been filed m my office, all perco^ns
concerned are cited to show cause by the
7th duy of October, 1918, why said ap
plicatiou for twelve months’ support V.
sh „ uW not be mnted . This s
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
I obtained through the old established ,
r ‘D« SWIFT 6 l CO.” are being Quickly
I bought by model Manufacturers. I
Send a or sketches and description
of your -invention for FREE SEARCH I
and report on patentability. We get pat
| [ of ents 300 or needed no fee. inventions. Write for our free book
D. Patent SWIFT &' CO. i
JO7 Seventh Lawyers. St., Washington, Estau. toss, D. Q.J