Newspaper Page Text
Told by Mrs. Lynch From
Own Experience.
Providence, R. I.— “I was all ran
down in was nervous, had head-
’75 7f V
7°57“ Wain/4m“
headaches disappeared. I gained in
weight and feel tine, so I can honestly
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege¬
table Compound to any woman who is
■Offering Lynch, as I Plain was. St., ’ ’— Mrs. Adeline B.
100 Providence, R. L
Backache and nervousness are symp¬
toms or nature’s warnings, which in¬
dicate a functional disturbance or an
unhealthy condition which often devel¬
ops into a more serious ailment
Women in this condition should not
continue to drag Lynch’s along without help, but
profit this by Mrs. experience, and
try famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬
Lydia pound—and E. for special advice write to
Pinkhsm Med.Co.. Lynn, Mass.
Soothe Your
wK Itching Skin
~vV,4 With Cuticura A Talcing 26.
All druggist*; Soap 25, Ointment 25 50. Boston.*
yftarople each fro-o of “Putters?*, Dept H,
Fall Cabbage Plants
Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, Suc¬
cession and Flat Dutch. By express, 500,
11.25; 1,000, #2.00; 5,000 at $1.75; 10,000 up
at $1 50, t. o. b. here. Parcel post, prepaid,
100, 35e; 1,000, $2.50. Wholesale and retail.
D. F. JAMISON, Summerville. S. C.
fA DROPSY M,IW * w 1 'Boon , TREATMENT, removes swelling Give* quick ami relief. short
8 Try breath. Writ, Bulk It. to Trial Never Bldg.. DR. treatment THOMAS heard Boa ao. of aent Its CHATSWORTH. E. equal FREE, CREEN for by mall. dropsy. »*.
Each Day Gives Opportunity to Learn
a New Lesson, Even Though
End Is Near.
We tilt! not stsk to he born and have
our names entered in the school of
J'fe: hut here we ure—willing or un¬
willing pupils, which Is It? Are we
learning life’s lessons cheerfully, glad¬
ly, optimistically; or do we chafe and
fume and fret and worry? There are
so many lessons and life is so short.
Every dn,v our wonder Increases at
our Father’s never-failing goodness;
at thi' discovery of new virtues and
powers in some life where they have
long been dormant, or in some new
beauty of tlds wonderful world that
we had long viewed with unseeing
eyes. We need hearing cars and see¬
ing eyes if we would noipiirc knowl¬
edge In the scltool of life. We need to
open our hearts Rod ward every morn¬
ing and say, “Lord make me teachable
M,v aged grandfather often said tc
me, "George, I learn something new
every day.” Ah I is not every day a
fresh page of life? Is if not half th<
charm of life to know that each dewy
morning is a door opening into a won
netful field where we have not yel
walked; where the flowers of knowl¬
edge bloom, and there are new task!
awaiting us and new lessons to b<
United States may tax mules tint
When the
morning cup is
suppose change you moke
a from
the old-time
beverage to the
snappy cereak
surprised you’ll at its be
cheering, satis¬
fying and delightful qualities
flavor. It’s all
Try a Tin
aches, my back
ached all the time.
I was tired and had
no ambition for any¬
thing/^ I had taken
a number of medi¬
cines which did ma
no I read good. about One Lydia day
E. Pinkham’s Vege¬
table Compound and
what it had done for
women, so I tried
it. My nervousness
and backache and
Germany’s Reply Apparently Accepts
All Of President Wilson’s
Peace Terms
Washington.—Apparently acceding
all demands imposed by President Wil¬
son, the text of Germany’s reply to
the “three vital questions” was receiv¬
ed by radiogram through semi-official
circles here. The reply was transmit¬
ted for Prince Maximillian by Solf,
State secretary of the foreign office.
The government asks the American
people to withhold their judgment on
Germany's note until President Wil¬
son has received the official communi¬
cation and has had opportunity to con¬
sider it.
Text Of Germany's Reply
The text of the German note says:
'In reply to the question of the
president of the United States of
America the German government here¬
by declares;
“The German government has ac¬
cepted the terms laid down by Presi¬
dent Wilson in his address of January
8 anil in his subsequent addresses on
the foundation of a permanent peace
on justice.
“Consequently, its object in enter¬
ing into discussions would be only to
agree upon practical details of the ap¬
plication of these terms.
“The German government believes
that the government of the powers as¬
sociated with the government, of the
United States also takes the position
taken by President Wilson in bis ad¬
“The German government, in ac¬
cordance with the Austro-Hungarian
government, for the purpose of bring¬
ing about an armistice., declares itself
ready to comply with the propositions
of the president in regard to evacua¬
"The German government suggests
that the president may occasion the
meeting of a mixed commission for
making the necessary arrangements
concerning the evacuation.
"The present Geraian government,
which has taken the responsibility for
this step toward peace, has been form¬
ed by conferences and in agreement
with the great majority of the reich
“The chancellor, supported in all his
actions by the will of the majority,
speaks in the name of the German gov¬
ernment and of the German people.
“State Secretary of the Foreign Of¬
fice, Transocean, Berlin."
Germans Seem To Be Retreating Ev¬
erywhere—From St. Gobain To
The Argonne Germans Lose
New York. — Tile German battle
line in France continues 10 bend un¬
der the attacks of the entente allies.
But nowhere has it been broken. The
enemy almost everywhere is in re¬
treat toward new positions. But his
retreat is orderly, and the British.
French and Americans are being com¬
pelled to fight their way forward
slowly in the face of enemy machine
gun detachments acting as rear
Highly Important strategic positions
have been wrested from the enemy
by the British and French, while on
their sector of the front the Amer¬
icans have further advanced their
line on both sides of the Meuse, ob¬
taining the objectives they sought.
To the south the French have
blotted out both LaFere and the
greater portion of the St. Gobain ma
sif standing in the elbow where the
line runs eastward toward the Swiss
frontier. Here also the Germans for
weeks had stood fighting desperately,
realizing that a successful advance
by their foes would shatter all the
military idans in the south and prob
■ablv compel a swifter retirement than
is now' being carried out and possibly
make untenable the entire Meuse
500 Dead; Thousands Are Homeless
Duluth, Minn.—With probably five
hundred persons dead, thousands
homeless and without clothing, and
with property damage mounting far
into millions of dollars, whole sec¬
tions of northern Wisconsin and Min¬
nesota timberland, are smouldering,
fire-stricken areas, with only the
charred ruins of abandoned, depopu¬
lated towns to accentuate the general
desolation. The bodies of seventy
five victims lie in Duluth morgues.
Hundreds more along the roads lead¬
ing to Duluth and Superior.
Silent Deaath For Turkish Sentinels
With the British Forces in Pales¬
tine.—-Silent death in the blackness
of night, the fate of unnumbered
Turkish sentries surprised at their
posts by patrols of Indian troops
with the British army, has imposed
upon the Ottoman soldiers a whole¬
some respect for these dark-skinned
fighters who have replaced many
white contingents sent to other
fronts. The cleverness of the Gurk¬
has at stalking has had a terrifying
effect upon the minds of the Turks.
| | Drop Freezone on a touchy
corn, then lift that corn
l off with fingers
Doesn’t hurt a bit! Drop a little
Freezone on an aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
it right out. Yes, magic! No humbug)
A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a
few cents at any drug store, but is suf¬
ficient to remove every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, and the
calluses, without soreness or irritation.
Freezone is the sensational discov¬
ery of a Cincinnati genius. It ts won
Couldn't Understand It.
A newly drafted negro who had
been in camp only a week entered the
orderly room and asked the captain
for a three-day leave. His reason for
making the request being sufficiently
good, he was given his pass. Just as
he left the room he saluted the cap¬
tain and said : “Thank you, sergeant.”
The captain didn’t intend to let
such a mistake pass unnoticed, so
called iho negro back, saying: "John¬
son, one of the first things you want
to learn to do is to address soldiers
by their proper titles. I ntn a captain
—not a sergeant.”
A look of surprise came over the
negro’s face. He said: “Excuse me,
cup’n, but Ah done thought they’d
make such a nice man as you-all Is, a
sergenn t.”—The Bayonet,
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it is that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason ia plain—the article did not fuflSi
the promises of the manufacturer This
applies more particularly to a medicine,
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says, “Take for
example Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
suits, as many of my customers testify,
No other kidney remedy that I know of
has so large a sale.”
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmers’ Swamp-Root is due to the fact
that so many people claim, it fulfills al¬
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments, corrects ur¬
inary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcel Post. Address
l>r. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and
enclose ten cents; also mention this paper,
Large r,flrffp and am! medium ciro size Ltnftlaa bottles fnr for cdle sale
at all drug stores.—Adv.
French or Yank?
When you have 20-odd men, all
wearing. Bed Cross pajamas, and all
lying In the same kind of cots, how
are you going to tell a Frenchman
from an American?
“The Frenchmen have mustaches
aud we haven’t.” explained one Yank,
but it isn’t always as simple as that.
Even the nurses sometimes get
them mixed, and address a wounded
American boy in French in perfectly
good faith. And every time that Jiap
fiens, the doughboy gives himself
away by trying to talk French back.—
Paris Stars and Stripes.
and buy an imitation; get the original
It is better than any of the substi¬
tute “Balms” for quickly relieving
Coughs, Colds. Croup, and all kinds of
hurts and soreness.
The many imitations are proof that
it is an unusually good thing.
The price is only 25c per Jar or
Tube. Surely it is worth that to get
rid of a Cough or Cold, or your child’s
Croup. If your druggist will not sup
ply you and we have no agent in your
locality, IrtrtflHfiT write ivritA for f. iw the agency.
Every family needs Vaohev-Balra,
and we supply samples Free, to start
the demand. E. W. VACHER, Inc„
New Orleans. La.—Adv.
One Better.
“I’ve got a tireless cooker in my
’ I'll go you one better. I've a smoke¬
less husband in mine,”
l ittle Girl—Please. Miss, it means
having to come to Sunday school.—
New Haven Register.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills contain
nothing but vegetable ingredients, which act
gently as a tonic and purgative by stimu¬
lation and not by irritation. Adv.
A woman's strength lies in
knowledge of a man’s w eakness.
matter what ails your child,
! gentle, thorough laxative should al
| j ways If be the little first treatment is out given, of sorts,
your one
i half-sick, isn’t resting, eating and act
{ | tongue ing naturally—look, is coated. This Mother is 1 see sign if
a sure
| | that elfl the little clogged stomach, liver aud When bow
are with waste.
i cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour,
S'breath bad or has stomach-ache, dlar-
1 rhea, sore throat, full of cold, give a
j teaspoonful of “California Syrup of
j stlpated Figs,” and in a few undigested hours all food the eon- and
| poison,
j sour bile gently moves out of the lit
I tie bowels without griping, and you
! have a well, playful child again,
j i this Mothers harmless can rest laxative,” easy after giving
“fruit because
| It never fails to cleanse the little one’s
1 liver and bowels and sweeten the stom
| ach and they dearly love its plensnnt
taste. Full directions for babies, chil¬
dren of all ages and for grown-ups
printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of “Cal¬
ifornia Syrup of Figsthen see that
St is made by the “California Fig Syrup
Kindred Spirits.
A well-known society performer vol¬
unteered to entertain n roomful of the
I , o . nP - v Hatch lunatic asylum and
made up a very successful little mono
logue show, entirely humorous. The
in the main gave symptoms
of sUgM , v bored< but ont . ),lgb
j, ' . intelligent ... maniac . saw the . whole , ,
1 fh 'ng •» Proper light and, clapping
! the talented actor on the shoulder,
“Glad you come, old fellow. Ton
and I will get along fine. The other
I 'HW*™ ,, her . <’ «<> *»shefl Signified,
j ” * lal I Si LV I s if a man is mad be
! needn’t put on airs about It!”—Lon
j j don Opinion.
The “Come-back” man was really never
down-and-out. llis weakened condition
because of overwork, lack of exercise, im¬
proper eating and living demands stiinula
appetite tion to satisfy and the cry for a health-giving
( the refreshing sleep essential
| *<> strength GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
i Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland,
'vvm Three do of the these work, capsules They X hey each are wonderful. will
& man on his feet before he day knows put it;
whether his trouble comes from uric acid
poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or stone in
the bladder, stomach derangement or other
ailments that liefall the over-zealous Amer
ican. The best known, most reliable rem¬
edy for these troubles is GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. This remedy has
stood the test for more than 200 years
since tories its in discovery Holland. in It the acts ancient directly labora¬ and
gives relief at orvce. Don’t wait until you
are entirely Your down-and-out. but gladly take them
today. if druggist they do will help refund
your money not you. Ac¬
cept no substitutes. Look for the name
GOLD MEDAL on every box, three sizes.
They Haarlem are Oil the Capsules.—Adv. pure, original, imported
Suspicious Motives.
Nippen—Funny thing about old Tite
wodd. His wife coaxed him all sea¬
son for enough money to go on a va¬
cation. He finally gave her $10 and
told her to stay as long as she liked.
Tuck—And did she go?
Nippen—No. she thought her hus¬
band must have had a sudden change
of heart and she had better stick
Cuticura Beauty Doctor
For cleansing and beautifying the
j and skin, Ointment hands and afford hair, the Cuticura most effective Soap
I preparations. For free samples ad
<1 dress, “Cuticura, 'nfioiiwn Dept. TA ,\rvt X. V D Boston.” ** At A 4“
druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Oint¬
ment 25 and 50.—Adv.
Somehow the things we imagine
would make us perfectly happy are
generally possessed by others.
Dr. Pcerv’s “Dead Shot” is powerful but
safe. One dose is enough to expel Worms or
Tapeworm. No castor oil necessary. Adv.
Nowadays a patriot and his money
are soon parted.
Granulated Eyelids,
B | Eye, to inflamed Ssn, Dust by and expo¬ Wind
Eyes just | juickly :yeRem»dy. Eye relieved Comfort. No by Smarting, Murine At
Your Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle.
For Book ol the Eye free write an
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Lifeboats Are Shattered By Shrapnel
And Wounded And Dying
Men Sent Down
An Atlantic Port.—Scores of Amer¬
ican sailors and soldiers were killed
or wounded by shrapnel fired by a
German submarine after it had tor¬
pedoed the steamship Ticonderoga
1,700 miles off the Atlantic coast, ac¬
cording to the story told by twenty
survivors who arrived here aboard a
British freighter.
There were 250 men aboard the Ti¬
conderoga, an American steamship of
5,130 tons, and all except the twenty
who arrived here are believed to have
perished. The survivors got away in
the only boat which was not demolish¬
ed by the shellfire from the submarine,
they said. Seventeen of the men
reached port were members of a de¬
tachment of soldiers detailed to care
for horses which were being trans¬
The Ticonderoga was attacked pre¬
sumably on October 2, w’hen she fell
behind her convoy because of engine
According to the survivors the sub
marine was not sighted until she had
sent a torpedo crashing into the side
of the ship. The torpedo did not
strike a vital spot, however, and the
captain crowded on full steam in an
effort to escape, at the same time or¬
dering the gun crews into action
against the submarine, which appear¬
ed about a mile off.
“Our gun crew's did not fire more
than five or six shots,” one of the sur¬
vivors said. “The forward gun was
shot away almost at once. The after
gun and its crew was done for almost
as quickly. Then the men went to the
boats, but it was no use, as the flying
shrapnel was spraying the decks and
men fell in scores, either killell or
badly wounded.”
Fear 300 Lives Lost On Steamship
A British Port. — The Japanese j
steamship Hirano Maru, of 7,935 tons !
gross has been torpedoed and sunk. It i
is feared that 300 lives were lost.
The Hirano Maru w'as outward I
bound for Japan and carried about 200
passengers. The vessel w'as torpedo¬
ed and sunk by a German submarine
when about 300 miles south of Ireland.
The few survivors who were picked
up by the American torpedo boat de¬
stroyer Sterret have been brought
here. They the steamer declare that the torpedo j
struck in the forward en- i
gine room.
Paris.—The Hindenburg line no i
longer bars the path of the allies. The j
definite rupture of it was achieved on
the first day of the fighting in the
new development toward the north of I
the great battle from the Bscaut to
the Meuse.
To Anglo-Saxon forces went the
honor of storming the last remnants
of the extraordinary maze of defenses, i
i nsome places twelve miles in depth,
between Cambrai and St. Quentin.
Apart from this achievement, the re¬
sults of the fighting were notable in
that the enemy’s losses must have run
into tens of thousands of men dur¬
ing the fighting in the various sec¬
tors of the long battle front, in ad¬
dition, important strategic objects
were attained.
The allies are in the open country
on the Cambrai-St. Quentin front, and
are threatening Bohain, an important
junction of roads and railways, the
Americans having pushed within two
miles of that place. Once the mas¬
ters of Bohain, the allies, should they
push toward Guise, vrould take in the
rear not only the Laon-St. Gobain
massif, but the positions along the
river Serre, dubbed by the Germans
the Hunding line, which joins at Chau
mont-Poreien the Brunhilde line run¬
ning along the Aisne.
Amsterdam.—A revolt has broken
out in Bruges. Belgium, the populace
having arisen against the attempts of
the Germans to deport the civilians,
according to Les Nouvelles. German
troops used their guns and killed or
wounded numerous Belgians. Through¬
out Flanders, the newspaper adds, the
roads are encumbered with cattle,
horses and pigs which are being sent
to Germany.
Former Russian Premier Assassinated
Stockholm.—Alexander Feodovich
Trepoff. former Russian premier, has
been shot according to advices from
Petrograd. Alexander F. Trepoff was
born fifty-six years ago. From his
childhood he was destined for the
army and in this profession he re¬
mained until he had reached the age
of 27. when he resigned to take a place
in the ministry of the interior. In
1S97, he became connected with the
state chancellory and two years later
was appointed assistant secretary of
the imperial council
Helpless as a Baby
Bent Like an Old Man and
Suffered Terribly—Quickly
Cured by Doan’s.
Jno. Bleumte. Jr., 2353 Courtland
St., Chicago, 111., says; “I was
down with my back suffering from
lumbago. I walked like an old man,
all bent over. My back pained
Ki. Bknmke
had terrible pains in the back of my
head and 1 felt drowsy all the time.
I finally used Doan’s Kidney Pills
and soon felt one hundred per cent
better. When I finished the one
box I was entirely cured. The
pains left my back and head and
ray kidneys acted normally. I am
glad to recommend Doan's to other
kidney sufferers.”
Get Do«n’« at Any Store, GOe a Bos
DOAN’S vr.iv
Chills oivd Fever, Biliousness.:
Constipation and ailments
- requiring a TONIC treatment. .
Behrens and made Drug bq Co'
Waco, Tex » l%|| a '
• Sold bq • ' vl it.-l
. All Druggist*
Golden Spoon Handicap.
“I presume tins great artist once
starved in a hull bedroom, as most
men of genius are supposed to do early
sii their careers?”
“No. Strange to say. his people
were wealthy. 1 think lie: deserves all
the more credit for his achievements.”
“Why so?"
“He won fame without ever missing
a meal or having tiis trunk confiscated
bv a hard-hearted landlady.”—Bir¬
mingham Age-Herald.
“Cold In the Head”
Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per¬
sons who are subject to frequent "colds
In the head” will find that the use of
build up the System, cleanse the Blood
and render them less liable to colds.
Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may
lead to Chronic Catarrh.
en internally and acta through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. for anv case of catarrh that
cure. Ohio.
F. .T. Cheney & Co.. Toledo.
Explaining It
One reason more barns are hit by
lightning in this region than formerly
is that there are more barns to be hit.
There is no more lightning than usual,
—Portland Oregonian.
Examine important to Mothers
carefully every bottle of
CASTOBIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of <^
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Crv for Fletcher's Castoria
— ..........................— — --
Chinese are said to be taking to the
alcohol habit.
Buy direct from factory and Rave
half. Four tires, guaranteed 3.00C
miles, 80x3, Ford size, two cord style,
two non-skids, ail for #31. All other
$18. sizes Illustrated same big reduction. 34x4 only
folder giving names
of tires, prices, etc., mailed free.
200 Broadway New York City
The pecan is the most valuable nut tree
grown in America. If you are growing
them you know; if not, write for valuable
information free. Pecans grow success¬
fully wherever cotton does well.
Air, , Fiae Gaunt StractknluTulc. At All Dnx Sum.
Write for information
141 Peach Tree Arcade. ATLANTA
Wanted, Wells tc Drill 3" *sr5SB
well Crillers. SEAT ABTISUI WKU. CO , P«ueoU, FT*.
A Bad Cough
if neglected, often leads to serious trouble.
Safeguard your health, relieve your distress
and soothe your irritated throat by taking:
terribly and when I
moved my arms my
back hurt. I finally
had to go to bed and
just felt sick all over
and was helpless as a
baby. My kidneys act¬
ed too frequently, the
secretions were scanty
and highly colored. I