Newspaper Page Text
In the
All of its goodness
sealed in —
Protected, preserved.
The flavor, lasts I
£>K for. and be SURE
to set WRIGLEVS. It’s in
a sealed package. but look
for the name -the Greatest
Name in Goody-Land.
A Dash -
of Chocolate
All foods are flavored to make them
palatable. All smoking tobaccos are treated
with some flavoring for tbe same reason.
But there is a big difference in the Quality
and kind of tobacco flavorings. Tuxedo,
the finest of properly aged burley tobacco,
uses the purest, most wholesome and
delicious of all flavorings—
chocolate! That is why “Your
Nose Knows” Tuxedo from all
other tobaccos—by its delicious
pure fragance.
Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo
briskly in the palm of your hand to
bring out its full aroma. Then smell it
•deep—its delicious, pure fragrance
will convince you. Try this test with
any other tpbacco and we will let
Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment.
**\our Nose Knows”
Gfuxedo Tie Perfect Tobacco for Pipe tod Cigarette
/y Guaranteed by
Freezone is magic! Corns and
calluses lift right off—
Doesn't hurt a bit
A few cents buys a tiny bottle of
the magic Freezone at any drug store.
Apply a few drops of Freezone upon a
tender, aching corn or a callus. In¬
stantly that troublesome corn or callus
stops hurting, then shortly you lift It
out, root and all, without any pain,
soreness or irritation. These little bot¬
tles of Freezone contain just enough to
rid the feet of every hard corn, soft
com, corn between the toes and the
calluses on bottom of feet. So easy I
So simple. Why wait? No humbug I
Pat Finally Scored.
A Dublin jarvey was conducting an
Australian around the city. When the
Australian saw Nelson’s pillar he
asked what that was and received the
answer that it was the tallest monu¬
ment in Dublin.
“Humph!” said the Australian, with
a show of contempt, “why down under
we can get cigars that are longer than
All went well, however, until they
passed six horses drawing a lorry on
which was an immense piece of iron
for one of the buildings in Sackville
street. On being asked what it was
for Fat said:
“Oh, you see, sefine people down here
are building a little house for them¬
selves, and that’s the kitchen poker."
Silence reigned afterward.
The New Nausealess Calomel
That Does the Work Without
the Slightest Unpleasantness
or Danger of Salivation
Ask your doctor and he will tel! you
that calomel la the best and only sure
remedy for a lazy liver, biliousness, indi¬
gestion and constipation. Now that all of
Its unpleasant and dangerous qualities
have been removed, calomel. In the form
of Calotabs, Is the easiest and most pleas¬
ant of all laxatives to take. One tablet
at bedtime with a swallow of water,—
that’s all. No taste, no griping, no nau¬
sea, no salts. In the morning, you feel
simply tine,—live, wide-awake, energetic,
strong and with a hearty appetite for
breakfast. Eat what you please and go
about your work,—no danger of salivation.
Calotabs are sold only In original sealed
packages, price thirty-five cents. Tour
druggist recommends and guarantees Cal¬
otabs by offering to refund the price if
you are not delighted with them.—(adv.)
His Apprehension.
“Those new-faugled skirts that are
drawn in at the bottom may be all
right,” remarked Mr. Peabody, “but I
am apprehensive that some night we
will go out to make a call and I will
come away and leave Mrs. Peabody
in the corner In mistake for my um¬
If you paid a specialist 525.00 for a
prescription, you would not get any¬
thing that would give quicker relief
for Croup, Catarrh. Colds, or Sore
Throat, than VACHER BALM, which
only costs 25c In jars, or tubes.
Write for Samples and Agent’s
Prices. Beware of imitations. E. W.
Vacher, Inc., New Orleans, La. Adv.
The Nature of It.
“Some of these troubled European
states want to go hack to a monar¬
“They would find that a crowning
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of|
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Ever notice that a tot of imitations
are better than the originals?
imetimes Indigestion alarming produces iugcb g symptoms. s disagreeable Wright’s and j
Indian Vegetable JM a^s. v «« \
** cs^vauic Pills xrmm fill* stlmulat eti stimulate ns tile * .. it, the .. dlges- SI — — _ ,
tlve processes to function naturally. Adv.
It is as easy for a fool to give advice
as it Is for a wise man to pass it up.
Granulated Eyelid*. Stle*. Inflamed Eye*
relieved over night by Roman Eye Balaam.
One trial prove. It* merit. Adv.
Bat women make fools only of men
who supply the material.
No matter what nils your child, a
gentle, thorough laxative should al¬
ways be the first treatment given.
If your little one is out of sorts,
half-sick, isn’t resting, eating and act¬
ing naturally—look, Mother! see if
tongue Is coated. This Is a sure sign
that the little stomach, liver and bow¬
els are clogged with waste. When
cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour,
breath bad or has stomach-ache, diar¬
rhea, sore throat, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of “California Syrup of
Figs,” and in a few hours all the con¬
stipated poison, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of the lit¬
tle bowels without griping, and you
have a well, playful child again.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
this harmless “fruit laxative,” because
It never falls to cleanse the little one’s
liver and bowels and sweeten the stom¬
ach and they dearly love its pleasant
taste. Full directions for babies, chil¬
dren of all ages and for grown-ups
printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of “Cal¬
ifornia Syrup of Figs;” then see that
It Is made by the “California Fig Syrup
Might Have Thought of That.
Sylvia was often lonely, and ex¬
pressed a wish that she could have a
little sister to play with. Her mother
told her that if she would be a good
little girl perhaps her wish might be
gratified. One day her father came
hotse arid took mother away—for laid a
visit, fie said. The next day he
to his little daughter: “What do you
think mother’s going to bring you
when she comes home?”
Sylvia didn't guess right, so her
father told her: “Two little brothers,
Sylvia; twins.”
“Oil, daddy, why didn’t nmvver have
one of them a girl, as long as she
bought two of ’em?”
A Feeling of Security
Yon naturally fee! secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
teaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature’s great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad¬
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr,
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
Clocks That Speak.
Clocks without hands or faces are
now common In Switzerland. The
timepiece stands in the hall, and, when
a button is pressed, by means of pho¬
nographic arrangements it calls out:
“Half-past five,” or “Five minutes to
nine,” as the case may be.
Cuticura for Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples and blackheads
smear them with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off in five minutes with Cuti¬
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
daily toilet purposes. Don’t fall to In¬
clude Cuticura Talcum.—Adv.
One way to become round Is to eat
plenty of square meals.
Grove’s Tasteless chili Tonic
restores vitality and enemy by pnrifvlnz unit on blood. You can soon feel ltd Strength¬
ening, Invigorating Bffect. Price 60c.
Ability is the art of doing only what
we are capable of doing.
neaa and indlgeatlon. “Clean bouse.” Adv.
A good appetite does not want siiuce.
-Italian Proverb.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Smarting — Just By© Comfort. 60 cents at
Druggists or mail* Writ© for B're© Hye Book.
Mozley’s Lemon Elixir Proved to
Be a Blessing to an Atlanta
Man—Had it Shipped to
Him Wherever He
Prevention is surety better than cure.
That's what Mr. E. G. Willingham, the
wealthy retired lumber merchant of At¬
lanta, found out with the help of Mozley's
Lemon Elixir. His account of his experi¬
ence with this standard llver-regulatlng
remedy will be especially Interesting t-o
every one who is subject to biliousness
and constipation. Mr. Willingham says:
“I moved to Atlanta more than thirty
years ago. I was an Invalid two years
previous to going there, caused by bilious¬
ness and constipation. Physicians told me
they could do nothing for me. In the
meantime. I saw advertised Mozley’s
lemon Elixir and bought a bottle. I
found relief and for years I have been
taking It regularly every night. Were It
not for Mozley's Lemon Elixir I would
not be alive today.”
Mozley’s Lemon Elixir has been a
popular household remedy for 47 years.
There are men and women all over the
south who remember taking It when they
were children. It is a vegetable prepara¬
tion of wonderful efficiency in relieving
stomach and bowel trouble, sick head¬
ache. torpid liver, dizziness, indigestion,
lassitude, rheumatism and a spoonful or
so will help ward off a cold, or an attack
of grippe or “flu,” if taken in time. Buy
a bottle and try it—large size, J1.25; trial
size, t»c.—(adv.)
The Reservation.
“The human tongue is a mighty en¬
gine of progress.” “It is when it is not
run by hot air.”
No man should complain of being
weighed on his own scales of being
measured by bis own yardstick.
MTOICnnFwni com**
Perf80tlJ ton “
It is usually the forward boy who Is
backward at school.
For centuries all over the world
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has af¬
forded relief in thousands upon thou¬
sands of cases of lame back, lumbago,
sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, grav¬
el and nil other affections of the kid¬
neys, liver, stomach, bladder and al¬
lied organs. It acts quickly. It does
the work. It cleanses your kidneys
and purifies the blood. It makes a
new man, a new woman, of you. It
frequently wards off attacks of the
dread and fatal diseases of the kid¬
neys. It often completely cures the
distressing diseases of the organs of
the body allied with the bladder and
kidneys. Bloody or cloudy urine, sed¬
iment. or “hrickdust” indicate an un¬
healthy condition.
Do not delay a minute If your back
aches or you are sore across the loins
or have difficulty when urinating. Go
to your druggist at once and get a
DR.ED D in the war trenches of Europe, a wave of ordi
nary ITCH is spreading over the country. This skin
disease, history shows, has always prevailed, following
wars and the concentration of armies. It was common
during the Civil War and following that conflict. There
was War. an Now epidemic history of the Itch after the Spanish-American
struggle.' i* repeating itself after the great
European Returned soldier*
and those with whom they come in
contact will find a recognized remedy for the Itch in
Hunt’s Salve, commonly known as “Hunt's Itch Cure.”
Man ay a veteran of ‘ the late ’90’s >nn\. will -all testify i—.:r~ to i. its ---- merits.
If directions are followed HUNT’S SALVE will
prove a never failing tell cure for all forms of the Itch, and
your under druggist strict will you bo. He sells HUNT’S SALVE
a guarantee to refund the purchase price to
any dissatisfied user.
A Medford, HUNT’?! Oklahoma man, among thousands who
“Some people dislike praise cal! the Itch, SALVE, says:
to it but candor compels me to admit
I had It badly. Your Hunt’s Salve, however, cured me after many other
remedies had totally failed. One box completed the cure—the first application
afforded wonderful relief. My advice to those who have to scratch la to
use Hunt’s Salve."
Hunt’s Salve is especially compounded for the treatment of Itch, Eczema,
Ringworm, Tetter and other Itching skin diseases and is sold on our euaxanteo
by all reliable drug stores, or ft will be sent direct by mail if your local druggist
cannot supply. Price 75c per box.
In all cases ol
Distemper, Pinkeye, Influ
enza, Colds, etc.=
of all horses, brood mares, colts,
stallions, is to
On their tongue or In the feed put
Spohn’s Liquid Compound. Give the
remedy to all of them. It acts on the
blood and glands. It routs the disease,
by expelling the disease germs. It wori
off the trouble no matter how they are]
“exposed.” Absolutely free from any¬
thing Injurious. A child can safely take
it. Sold by druggists, harness dealers,
j j or facturers. sent express Special paid Agent* by 'Wanted. the manu
-- : ----.-—- — - ..... ...
tyake your surplus fruits and vegetables earn handsome
Greet demand for good* canned at hom©. We can furnish you with .
ooznploie canning outfit just like those used la the largest canning factories,
only In smaller sizes—eren Kitchen Outfits. Also Continuous Heating Cap¬
ping Steels, Dehydrators, Sanitary ‘’ealer*. Cans, Labels, end other Sup¬
plies. Adopted and used by the Girla* Tomato Club*. Member* of beautifully the V. ».
Dept, of Agriculture. Htndeome Instruction book. Write for
Illustrated free catalog A-!. Good agonta wanted.
Mr. Schleasner in Misery From
Kidney Complaint. Doan's
Gave Complete Relief.
complaint,” "Heavy work brought on my kidney
Suburban says Wm. Scbleusner, 6408
morning when Ave„ shoeing Weilston, Mo. “One
a horse I was
taken with a sudden pain in my back
and fell fiat on the floor. If I had
been hit with a trip ham
« SV ,nur ' ' couldn’t have suf-
3 B _ Aaf, fered more. I stayed in
the house for live weeks
w \ ~A rj!l and the the life pain was of wearing
out me. At
m ‘ wiuk times, of I sleep couldn’t get a
A ^ because of
tlie misery and I had to
' get few
_ '° up every moments.
Mr. Sckbuantr I® 99 the secretions that
foul odor, filled were with highly sandy colored, sediment of
and though terribly it scalding. My bladder felt
brought as were afire. The pain
stupor and a reeling sensation
in my head; the torture of it cannot
be described. If I got onto my feet I
couldn’t walk but felt dizzy and all in
a flutter and everything would turn
black. My head ached so it seemed
as though I my eyes were being dragged
out. started using Doan’s Kidney
Pills and 1 was soon rid of all the
Subscribed and sworn to before
Notary Pubtic.
Get Ooen’e at Aar Store, 60c a Box
DOAN’S %«***
Any farmer who raises grades would realise larger
Shorthorns. profits If he raised purebred
require They <Xun*l
an v moi re room, nor
any more craw feed. iwu, nor any bet¬
ter care than the grades
should iiar-- hare. Bub ....... they sell
for more money. AK&nm
farmer pn •duced 9* head
from one registered Shortr
horn coir in in 12 12 years. Two
brothers In Wisconsin pro¬
duced 119 bead from one la
14 jears. The ratae counts
tip when you’re breeding
purebreds. American Shorthorn Brsedsu
Association. 1H Dexter Part Ave,. Chicago, Ul»
Healthier Horses
overheated from spring work and their long h
takes hours to dry. While wet they are liable
on arrival. Write for catalog.
W. N. U,, ATLANTA, NO. 13-1919.
box of imported GOLD MEDAL Haar¬
lem OH Capsules. They are pleasant
and easy to take. Each capsule con¬
tains about one dose of five drops.
Tnke them just like you would any
pill. Take a small swallow of water
If you want to. They dissolve In the
stomach, and the kidneys soak up the
oil like a sponge does water. They
thoroughly cleanse and wash out the
bladder and kidneys and throw off the
inflammation which Is the cause of
the trouble. They will quickly relieve
those stiffened joints, that backache,
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gall¬
stones, gravel, “brickdust,” etc. They
are an effective remedy for all dis¬
eases of the bladder, kidney, liver,
stomach and allied organs. Your
druggist will cheerfully refund your
money if you are not satisfied after »
few days' use. Accept only the pure,
original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules. None other genuine.— Adv.