Cleveland courier.
March 28, 1919
Image 5
Cleveland courier., March 28, 1919, Image 5
Funding for the digitization of this title was provided by the Institute for Museum and Library Services through Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
About Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1919)
Newspaper Page Text
Painted walls now the vogue
Leading architects and interior deco
rators are specifying painted walls.
Pee Gee Flatkoatt will help you carry
out any decorative scheme you have
in mind—all that you have to do is
The Pee Gee label on a can of Flatkoatt
is your assurance that you are getting
the very best paint that money can buy.
The colors are fascinating—let us
help you make a selection.
Cleveland, <ia.
Mr. Bart Black spent a few days
here recovering bis house. He ex¬
pects to come back to his home in
the near future.
Mr. Frank Black has bought the
farm of Mr. James Thurmond.
Mr. Thurmond will move to Stat
ham, Ga., soon.
A crowd of young folks from
New Holland spent Saturday night
with Mr. J. Will Thurmond and
went on Yonuh mountain Sunday.
Mrs. Marcelle Ross, Mrs. Guy
Thurmond and Mr. Frank Burson,
of Stathain, Ga., were visiting Mr.
James Thurmond last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J B. Reece was in
this section last Sunday.
Mr. Ralph Christian has moved
back to Cornelia, his former home.
| Well April is here but warm
I weather has not arrived yet. but
we are still looking for it and w.ll
give it a hearty welcome when it
does come.
Subscribe For The Courier
Renew Your Health
by Purification
Any physician will tell you that
“Perfect Purification of the System
i is Nature’s Foundation of Perfect
j Health.” Why not rid yourself of
chronic ailments that are undermin¬
ing ycrur vitality? Purify your en¬
tire system by taking a thorough
course of Calotabs,—once or twice a
week for several weeks—and see how
Nature rewards you with health.
Calotabs are the greatest of all
system purifiers. Get a family pack¬
age, containing full directions. Only
35 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.)
Hlue Ridge Dots
j N , essrs _ Marvjn Satterfie i d and
j ; Dftan Thcmias made a p l easure trip
(0 MiUon county iast Saturday.
Mrs. T, J. Winkler fell from
her porch last week and was hurt
very bad, but is improving.
Mr. George Dockery made a trtp
to Canada, Ga., this week.
The farmers are making head¬
way preparing to farm.
Mr. J. C. Ledford has moved to
the Med R. Kellum place.
Contractors to get out chestnut
extract wood by the cord. A good
opportunity for the right parties.
Morse Bros. Lumber Co.,
Helen, Ga.
Rev. Charlie Palmer filled his
regular a ppoitmtient at Slmal
Creek Church las! Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B R. Barrett
were shaking handv*. with old
neighbors and acquaintances here
last Sunday.
The party who cut to pieces
Wilburn West’s plow lines ought
not to have done so. for that was
wrong and besides, just think of
the disappointment had Wiiburn
taken a notion to have hanged him¬
self that morning and no rope.
\V hy it’s a shame to think we have
people who would try to injure
folks by private mischief.
We don’t kimw much about this
legisla ure business but from what
we hear it remainds us of a church
row we once heard of. The
brothers and sisters met to settle a
dispute. So the first speaker by
chance s-id something about an
asli cake. Someone asked what an
ash cake was. Another answered
by saying it was corn meal made
into dough bran and ail and baked
in hot ashes. Another said the
meal was sifted, So'they disputed
over the ash cake all the time they
were here and the first subject left
ns they found it.
We heard somerme say they were
at a. grocery store not long since
and noticed and Irish potato bug
crawling over the ledger trying to
j j find seed. out who all had bought potato
Gee Whtliksns! what kind of a
t lot of bunk will a fellow have to
.give the guano matt this time?
Not long till Easter. That’s
when we eat eggs. Don’t know
I why then more than any other time.
W'e hope that is is altogether an
American habit.
Rev. Garner preached at White
Creek Sunday. His text was:
i “Building for Eternity.”
Farmer, have done a lot of plow¬
ing and tire ordering fertilizer by
the car load.
Grady I’resley, of Lake Worth,
Fla., is visiting parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Presley.
We were sorry to hear of the
death of .Mr. J. M, Miller. We
sympathize with the bereaved in
their hour of sadness.
Misses Lola and Fay Head spent
Saturday night with Miss Mollie
Lee Presley.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. White spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C.