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Newspaper Page Text
Wc are opening the Supreme Service Station
and will be open day or night.
We sell Good Gulf gasoline.
We will also carry a line of automobile ac¬
cessories, candy, cigars, cigarettes and cold drinks.
Your business wiil be appreciated.
S. E. Reece in Charge
3j Supreme Service Station
Cleveland, Ga.
Eat at the Right Place
When you are hungry you eat at a place
where the best of food is well cooked and served on
short notice.
The City Cafe has the best place to eat in
Cleveland, and you are always given courteous
Make the City Cafe your headquarters.
Clarence E. Barrett, Manager
Cleveland (Ja„
Just arrived a big line of men and boys spring
clothing, oxfords, ha% caps and dress shirts.
Also a nice line of ladies pumps, oxfords and
dress goods.
Visit our store, look over our nice line of
wearing apparel, get our prices and you will
see that it is not necessary to go elsewhere to
Nice fresh line of groceries always on hand
and at the right price.
We are expecting two cars of Morris fertilizer
this week. See us for prices.
Johnson-Whitmire & Co.
April 5th, 1926,
Pleasant Retreat 9
W. N. Turner's store IO
Adair’s mill 1 i 130
Mrs. Butterfield's store I 2
Blue Ridge L. G. I
Lunsford’s store 2
Town Creek L. G. 3 : 3 °
April 6th.
Asbestos 8
J. M. (Mover’s store 9
J. El. Jarrard I I
P, M. Kimsey 12
Helen 2
Hardman’s mill 4 : 3 °
April 7*h.
Hickorynut School 9
W. L. Hood’s store I I
W. 1 . Stovall 12
Suutee 1 *. (). I
C. W. Oakes 2
Nacoochee Station 3 : 3 °
April 7 th.
Oakes Chapel 8:3°
J. H, Stovall 9 : 3 °
Leaf P. O. 11 -.30
Tomlin’s store 1
Smith’s mill 2
Barrett’s mill 3 ^ 3 °
A. F. Kenimer’s store 4:30
April 9th.
Alexander & Dorsey store S
W. J. f'resley’s store 9
White Creek Church IO
Mossy Creek L. G. I l
Roy Dorsey Ttjftore I 2
Hulsey’s mil! I
Roger’s store 2
Frank Chumler’s store 3
April 10: It.
J. D. Hulsey’s store 8
Meldean Station 9
C. M. Ashmore's store l I
Shoal Creek L. G. 12:30
C. E. Wilkin’s store t =30
Palmer’s mill 2 :8o
W. A. Stover’s mill 3 : 3 °
Black’s store 4:30
W. W. L>tbridge, T. R.
Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel
4 oo Rooms of Solid Comfort.
The Horne of Georgia People.
Rooms, Running Water, $t to $2
Rooms, With Bath, $1.50 to $5.
Free Garage Service.
Jacobs & Maynard, Props.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Why not list your property with
me? i have one of the best Sys
terns of Selling Real E-tnte.”
From the lofty pinnacle to the
bottom of the "Deep Blue”.
If pou have anything to offer
see me
C. C. Jarrard Real EstateBioker
Cleveland, Ga.
*1 here were about twenty people
from Netv Holland who spent
Saturday night us the guest of Mr.
J. Will Thurmond and ascended
Yonah mountain Sunday.
Mr. Boyd Denton is working oti
full time to fillhis order of 250 tons
of asbestos for Mr. Clayton, of
Nashville, Tenn.
Miss Thelma Dorsey, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with relatives.
Mr. Carl Thurmond has just ar¬
rived from Florida.
Mr, Janies W. ..Thurmond has
sold his farm to Mr. Frank Black
and will move to Statham, Ga., in
a few days.
Mr. S. H. McGhee has been
very feeble for the past faw days.
The most of the farmers are get¬
ting alot.g very well with their
There is hoping that the legisla¬
ture will not hold all summer and
that the spring fever does not break
Very few care about riding in
the airplane for the higher they go
the greater distance they have to
The chilly days now remind us
that Easter is near by.
House cleaning and spring plovw
ing is the order now. The mule
and the poet are kicking higher
and higher.
We believe in a free country,
| free schools, free books, free books,
| free ballot, free pre.s, free speech,
! free passes, free tobacco and free
They will soon begin to dig fish
j bait and dream of the fish they did
! not catch.
j heard During the aboul World War you
much preparedness.
1 All the great achievements of the
! nations do not happen by chance,
I but someone has been preparing
and they were concieved in the
human brain before they were put
on paper.
Very few had heard of George
Dewey, but when he blew up the
I Spanish fleet in Manila bay one
morning before breakfast the world
■ beard of him who had been pre
paring. Moses was in the wiider
ness for 4 o years preparing to lead
the children out of Egyptian bond¬
age. Joseph was down in Egypt
preparing for the famine during
the seyen years of plenty> The
Pamtma Canal was not one of the
great human undertakings, was
not concieved in a night but by
years of batient preparing.
March has declared war on
April. All of Baal’s false weather
prophets have become a tinkling
cymbal and sounding brass. There
will be wars and rumors of war.