Newspaper Page Text
Avoid Trouble at
Teething Time
by giving baby
1b uj CUMna'i SLnbtu
By causing the stomach to
digest food as it should, keeping
the bowel 3 open and by giving
baby less food, the first teeth
never cause trouble.
Contains no harmful ingredients
—formula on every bottle. Use it
and note how easy and comfort
abl« baby is when teeth come.
At all druggists.
Get a Can of Bee Dee
Stock & Poultry Medicine at
Your Store Today!
She It to your X sick animals
and fowls for such troubles
m Constipation. W9 Indigestion, Liver
rroubles. Loss of ▼ Appetite and Colds.
Also mix a little BEE DEE regularly with your
Stock and poultry feed. One 30 o can will make
Two Big Sacks of Tonic Food. Try It £
Merchants; Ask Your Jabber’s Salesman about BEE DEEl
Vi Q is a guaranteed remedy
* for Pellagra, Rheumatism,
Scrofula, Eczema, contracted blood
and poison, liver constipation kidney and all blood
is good or At diseases. druggists My guarantee
to you. or postpaid,
$1.00 per bottle, or 6 for $5.00. Write me
for testimonials and mention this paper.
Take Grot*’ Little Liver Pill* 35c
Sox 17 Little RocK, 'Ark.
Gratifyinct Relief
'SGranulated InflantedEyes
A Granulated eye eye lids—styes, lids—styes,
etc., baa been experienced by
thousands who value their eye¬
sight. Never take chances with
^ powerful pow simple—dependable—absolutely drug . “drops" but use
I ■ finis, safe remedy. by mail Pram Pries 26c. Sold Ay all dr*?
■ HALL hall * A r----
ft 235 Wash!: EYE SALVE
N«w New
is the poor man's paradise. $ 100 invested
in oil paid $20,000 within eight months.
If interested and can invest $50 or more,
Texas State Bank, Fort Worth, Tex.
Responsible Salesmen Wanted.'
Kodak Finishing
All 6 roll films developed and printed. Trial order
15c, stamps or coin. 12 roil and-fiim packs 25c.
Beautiful work; quick service. Star R. Studios, Ellijay, Ga.
direct from manufacturer. Save the middle
man's M “ n '“ profit. Single Single ten texture, |4; double tex¬
ture. $5. Black Leatherette Leathe Sport and Mo¬
tor Coats, $11. 252 Express Ma resfl prepaid. pre..... BERMAN
RUBBER CO.. lagnoUa, Roxbury, Maes.
Osceolaa $6 per bushel; plant as late
June 15th. H. M. Fran *nklin, T Tennille, Ga.
W, N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 20-1919.
No organs of the human body are so
important kidneys. When to health they and slow long up life and as com¬ the
Danger mence to is lag in sight. their duties, look out!
Find out what the trouble is —with¬
out delay. Whenever you feel nervous,
weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness,
or have pains in the back, -wake up at
once. Your kidneys need that help. These are
signs to performing warn you their your functions kidneys
are not
properly. They are only half doing
their work and and are allowing be converted impurities into
to accumulate
uric acid and other poisons, which
are causing you distress and will de¬
stroy yon unless they are driven from
your system.
making of meat biscuits make
W Dltder tus ftuto. or if not he should.
c4sk him oc write as qivuij his name .
Guaranteed to destroy potato bugs without fail
aad without Injury to vine. One or two applications
usually sufficient to sar* the entire crop. Easily
applied 8tons*ypt>er'» Irish Potato
Insist epos If
Kifler. At druggists and general stores. your
/) daaler will not supply you, we will send you
four 35c cans, postpaid, for |1.W. and
. Try it on cucumber, mash. cantaloupe
tomato plants, Moaey back if not satisfied.^
StssMnAsr 0me sod Ea , WsstnSnster. S. C-,
Thanks to the War, housewives have
been given some unforgettable lessons
in common sense. Minute saving and
penny saving have gained new signifi¬
One vital economy which has im¬
pressed itself upon thousands of prac¬
tical women is quick breads—the new
and better way of supplying the staff
of life, always recognized as more es¬
sential than bullets.
While the pre-war methods which
so frequently suggested the use of
yeast were far ahead of the pre-bis
toric practices of soaking grain In wa¬
ter until softened, then making into
a paste and baking into a hard, gran¬
itic cake, the necessity of using bak¬
ing powder with substitute flours in
the various war recipes has antiquated
the old, slow, cumbersome methods
which for centuries have handicapped
cooks, without sacrificing taste, tex¬
ture or technique.
Quick breads mean a saving of time
and when made of high-grade ingre¬
dients are also of better quality and
more economical.
The use of baking powder prevents
a continuous loss of a small percent¬
age of flour from which there is no
escape when yeast is used.
One of my friends writes of her ex¬
periences and how she was won over
to the new way as follows:
"Through my desire to ‘Save Food
and Help Win the War,' I became in¬
terested in an unusual advertisement
for Calumet Baking Powder in which
It was claimed that dough left over
from the evening meal could be placed
in the refrigerator and used for break¬
fast biscuits with gratifying results.
“Early training had taught me to
consider yeast as the only leavening
element worthy of my time and trou¬
ble in baking. I laid aside my preju¬
dices and was delighted to find the
problems which formerly worried me
are now so easy, and today seem al¬
most unreal. I am filled with a new
zeal to cook since I gained the help
of this time-saving product.”
Even though the world is again fol¬
lowing peaceful pursuits, the purchase
power of a penny is much less than
it was a few years ago. Housewives
can only meet this unusual condition
by heeding the lessons which the War
has taught them, Including the tests
that have proven the folly of judging
values by outward appearances, such
as the size of the package or looking
at quantity rather than quality, etc.,
for example—a 10-cent can of Calu¬
met will furnish more leavening than
the Big Can of double its size of some
cheap mixture, manufactured by hap
hazard methods.—Adv.
Talk of Resourcefulness!
He was discussing Australian re
'sourcefulness, and told how an Aus¬
tralian and bis dog were lost in the
bush. They were starving. The man
loved his dog too well to think of kill¬
ing him for food, not wishing to sur¬
vive his faithful companion.
At last he had a brilliant idea which
would serve to keep them both alive.
He kindled a fire, cut off the dog’s
tail, cooked it, ate the meat, and gave
the bone to the dog.
Why Vacher-Balm stops all kinds of
pain and soreness so quickly Is that It
stops inflammation, thenefore nothing
gives quicker relief for Mumps, Head*
ache, Burns, etc. It also quickly re
lieves Catarrh, and being harmless
may be used internally.
If you cannot buy it locally write
for Free Sample and agent’s prices.
Beware of imitations. E. W. Vacher,
Inc., New Orleans, La.—Adv.
Quite Unlike.
‘That fellow Beatem is a sponge.”
“Don’t libel a useful article. You
couldn’t get anything back from Beat¬
em by squeezing him."—Boston Eve¬
ning Transcript.
If your druggist does not have Dr. Peery*«
'Dead Shot" for Worms and Tapeworm,
send 30 cents to 372 Pearl street, New York,
and you will i get — It - by return - -------— mall. Adv.
In the soiitude of country life are
the solid things of life.
Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules at once. They are an old,
tried preparation used all over the
world for centuries. They contain only
old-fashioned, soothing oils combined
with strength-giving and system-cleans¬
ing herbs, well known and used by phy¬
sicians in their daily practice. GOLD
MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules are im¬
ported direct from the laboratories in
Holland. They are convenient to take,
and will either give prompt relief or
your money will be refunded. Ask for
them at any drug store, but be sura
to get the original imported GOLD
MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes.
In sealed packages. Three sizes.
Thedford’s Black-Draught, Says
Kentucky Lady, Is Excellent
For Breaking Up a
Elgin, Ky,—Mrs. Albert Albright, who
has lived here many years, says: “I
use Black-Draught as a laxative. It Is
splendid for breaking up colds. I have
used It for a bad cold and tightness In
the chest. One cup of good warm tea
made from Black-Draught I found most
helpful. It makes the liver act and
gives almost instant relief.
This spring my little daughter began
having chills, the hard, shaking kind.
After the chills her fever would rise
and her head would ache. We are a
good ways from the doctor, so I just
began giving her good doses of Black
Draught and it cured her. She is In
good health, has a good color, and her
appetite is all right. So of course we
consider Black-Draught a3 unsurpassed
for a family medicine.”
Don’t wait until you have headache,
sick stomach, indigestion, or other dis¬
agreeable symptoms, but take an occa¬
sional dose of Black-Draught to help
keep your system free from poison,
your body in good health.
Made from purely vegetable ingredi¬
ents. Black-Draught acts in a gentle,
natural way, and has no bad after¬
effects. It may he safely taken by
young and old.
Try Thedford’s Black-Draught.—Adv,
Legal Light Had Method of His Own
of Ascertaining Age of Feminine
I.ou Guernsey has gone on record
(hat lie doesn’t think it should be nec¬
essary to establish the age of a woman
witness in court. He made the state¬
ment after pulling a boner in court the
other day which has put him In bad
In one Los Angeles home, at least.
“What is your age, madam?” Lou
asked of the matronly witness.
“My age, why I've just turned 24,”
siie gurgled.
“Let's see. When you turu 24 it’a
42,” figured Guernsey. "I thank you,
“You brute,” she hissed, but the
jury was more appreciative.—Los An¬
geles Times.
Stop dandruff and double
beauty of your hair
for few cents.
Dandruff causes a feverish irritation
of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen
and then the hair conies out fast To
■top failing hair at once and rid the
scalp of every particle of dandruff, get
a small bottle of “Danderine” at any
drug store for a few cents, pour a little
in your hand and rub it into the scalp.
After several applications the hair stops
coming out and you can’t find any
dandruff. Your hair appeals soft,
glossy Try and twice as thick and abund¬
ant: it 1
Rejects Title of “Hon.”
"I received a compliment yesterday
for which I did not thank the giver,”
grumbled old Festus Pester. “A total
stranger wrote me a letter and ad¬
dressed me as ‘the Hon.’
“I do not know why iie should have
applied that epithet to me, unless It
was because he did not know me. I
feel safe in saying that even my ene¬
mies would not charge me with hav¬
ing many of the characteristics of an
“I am not a fawning, smirking blath¬
erskite, too lazy to work, nor am I a
liar and deadbeat. It may be that
I have one attribute of an Hon.—
very likely I am a bore, but beyond
that I am not guilty."—Kansas City
He Thought of Father.
The twilight was wistful and sad.
“Listen,” she said, in a tense voice.
“Hear the howling of the wind among
tlie trembling trees. See how mourn¬
ful lies the waning light on the hills.
This chilly desolation! Oh! does it
not make you feel that in life there is
too much of cold, too much of bleak¬
“Well, no,” he answered, candidly.
“Father, you see, Is in the gas stove
Much of mother’s popularity with
her children is due to tlie fact that
she is willing to wait on them.
Calotabs, the Perfected Nausea*
less Calomel, Sets the Liver
Right Without the Slightest
Nausea or Danger
Feel mean, look yellow? Tour liver Is
out of fix! The poisonous bile is being re¬
tained in your system. You say I know
calomel will set me straight, but I hate
to take calomel.
Why not try Calotabs,the purified cal¬
omel that Is as delightful to take as it
is beneficial in cleansing the liver, and
purifying the systemT Calotabs give you
all of the valuable medicinal qualities of
calomel but are entirely freed from the
unpleasant and dangerous effects. One
tablet at bedtime with a swallow of water,
—that’s all. No taste, no griping, no nau¬
sea, no salts. You wake up In the morn¬
ing feeling fine, with a clean liver and a
hearty appetite. Eat what you please,—
no danger of salivation.
Calotabs are sold only in original, sealed
packages, price thirty-five cents. The fin¬
est medicine in the world for biliousness,
indigestion, headache and constipation. So
fine that your druggist Is authorized to re¬
fund the price as a guarantee that you
will be thoroughly delighted with Calo¬
Great Scott.
An Indianapolis woman had her first
experience with n garden last year.
She spaded the plot herself and then
planted her seeds. Everything came
up fairly well in due time except the
potatoes, and they didn’t come at all.
In desperation siie went to a friend. To
her she told of her failure to grow po¬
tatoes. “I bought such nice, smooth
ones,” she ended her plaint, “and I
peeled them as nice as 1 could.”
“Peeled them!” ejaculated the
“Yes,” agreed the amateur gardener,
“I peeled them as nicely ns I could and
cut out all the specs just as if I were
going to cook them. I did iiate to put
those great white beauties in the
ground but I did and they didn’t come
up, ami—”
“Great Scott 1” ejaculated the friend.
And that was all.
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feel secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr, Kilmer’s Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
teaapoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad¬
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale at ail drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
The successful man is always busy,
whether he feels like it or not. Any
man can work when lie feels like it.
Tlie same hammer that breaks a
piece of inm in two can be used to
Weld two pieces of iron into one.
A town man complains of rain, a
farmer of dry weather.
Betty Said She Could Bake
“I knew she never had baked a cake
and I was doubtful. But I told her
to go ahead.
“She got my treasured Royal Cook
Book, my can of Royal Baking Pow¬
der and all the fixings—and sailed in.
“Honestly, it was the best cake we
ever had, and now I believe anyone
who tries can bake anything with
Royal Baking Powder
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste
The Royal Cook Bock, containing over 500 recipes for all kinds of cookery, mailed
free. Write for a copy to
ROY AX, BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H, 13S William Street, New York
Trust Me! Try Dodson’s Liver Tone!
Calomel Harms Liver and Bowels
Bead my guarantee! Liven your liver and bowels
and get straightened up without taking sicken¬
ing calomel. Don’t lose a day’s work!
There’s no reason why a person
take sickening, salivating calo¬
when a few cents buys a large
of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a per¬
substitute for calomel.
It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid
will start your liver just as
as calomel, but it doesn’t make
sick and can not salivate.
Children and grown folks can take
Liver Tone, because It Is
Calomel Is a dangerous drug. It Is
&HA1F! Mi&
M t fra tub I* fba MrtMi fw 4004 wW.. w. will -"t -ft~H n
• ifc* 1st H frtu «Ai4 Mn **r - ywl
28x3 « 9.25 *2.40 34x4 $18 5 18
you at the price* given in this ad. a tire BARGAIN —a clear 30x3 a 9,45 2.60 36x4 _____si f m 19 19 2 25
5AVING ol from $5 lo $15 lira—AND written GUAR¬ 30x3*4 11-95 2.85 36x4 19 75 4 60
per a (at 31x3s 12.45 3.00 __________ 34x4 * 22.50 8.20
ANTEE withe&ch TIRE, whicH say*. '4,000 rnilet service, or 32x3 k 13-28 3.26 35x4* 24.00 5.50
Half the li»t price, we GIVE you another tire’—never before i3* 13.60 3.40 36x4* 25.50 5.70
have you bought auch LOW COST Mileage — we make this 30k (4 16.00 3.60 37x4* 27.00 5.90
' epecial bargain offer to get more customer! alerted u*ing 31x4 16.75 3.80 35x3 28.SO 620
OUR tire* Parted with YOU 32x4 17.50 3.90 36x5 29.50 6.50
once you stay u» -we save 33x4 18.00 4.00 37x5 30.50 6.80
•tore renta—salesmen* commUaiona—all the middlemens Express Prepaid When Check Accompanies Order
profit—and DELIVER from factory TO YOU—be sure
to state kind of tire: Q, D. or Clincher or straight side ^
write name end eddiaas CLEARLY— remit by check, LEADER TIRE & RUBBER CO.
money order-or cash registered- *nd PROMPT deliv¬ 707 N Broad Si. Phil.drlpkU. P«. '
ery la guaranteed. Address Dept} A.
The Beginning of Economy.
Husband—We’ll have to economize,
Wife—Well, let’s smoke less.
Constipated Children Gladly Take
“ California Syrup of Figs”
For the Liver and Bowels
Tell your druggist you want genuine
♦“ California Syrup of Figs.” Full directions
and dose for babies and children of all ages
who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue
coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on
the bottle. Look for the name ‘‘California”
gnd accept no other “Fig Syrup.”
He Loved the Khaki.
The officer father had just been mus¬
tered out and when he appeared In
“civvies” his eighteen-months-old son
failed to recognize him. In khaki had
the. father first been introduced to the
and tlie baby refused to acknowl¬
edge the acquaintance in other dress.
all gone!” he cried sadly, over
over again—and when tlie parent
No!" declared the
“papa all gone!” “At least he’s
a pacifist,” was the father’s con¬
mercury and attacks your bones. Taka
a dose of nasty calomel today and you
will feel weak, sick and nauseated to¬
morrow. Don’t lose a day’s work.
Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver
Tone instead and you will wake up
feeling great. No more biliousness,
constipation, sluggishness, headache,
coated tongue or sour stomach. Your
druggist says if you don’t find Dod¬
son’s Liver Tone acts better than hor¬
rible calomel your money is waiting
for you.—Adv.
Vain Escape.
“I am not rich enough to give you
a large contribution to this cause.”
“That is a poor excuse.”
An Easy Promise.
“John,” said the wife, tenderly,
“promise me that If I Should be taken
away you will never marry Nancy
“Certainly, Marla," replied the hue
band reassuringly. “I can promise you
that. Siie refused me three times
when I was a much handsomer man
than I am now.”
If Eve hadn’t been forbidden to eat
tiiat apple the chances are that It
wouldn’t have happened.