Newspaper Page Text
Government Clerks
Thousands of clerks are needed by the
Government. We coach you for $5.00.
No extras. Examinations in your state
soon. Write for particulars. Pittman
CivO Service School, W&thington, D. C.
Automobile Tops, Slip-on Covers, Curtain
Windows in stock to fit all cars. Jobbers
of trimming materials; quick service.
W rite us for catalog.
Atlanta Automobile Top & Trimming Co.
■Clover Leaf Orangeade— A better drink."
Make this delicious soft drink whenever de¬
sired from our special compound. Send 10c
for 3 glass pkg. Schubert, R. R. 3. Dayton. O.
Free on request, pictures and exceptionally
interestins infor. of world famous Texas Oil
Fields r.oom 6. Coulaon Bldg . Ft. TVorth.Tex.
Improved steel wire cable friction feed and belt feed saw mills,
Portable and semi-portable high speed engines mounted on high
pressure boilers, Cornish and slab boilers. $est oil tractor on the market
Complete Line Circular Saws, Teeth, Locks, Pulleys, Belting, etc., for Immediate Shipment
Avery & Company, 53 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga.
— ———————M l , mn II »
uuaranteeu lu ueavzu.y yotaiu uuya muium jau A ,
and without Injury to vine. One or two applications *
usually sufficient to save the entire crop. Easily
applied. Insist Stonecypher's Irish Potato Bug
Killer, At druggists and general stores. It your
dealer will not supply you, we will send you
four 35c cans, postpaid, for $1.00. and
Try it on cucumber, squash, cantaloupe
tomato plants. Money back If not satisfied^
Utoninpher Drag and Oumletl Co., Watiminltr, t.C.
owe Also Strengthening a Fine General Tonic.
The Mission of
Swift & Company
Swift & Company has become
one of the large businesses of the
world through continuing to
meet the growing needs of a
nation and a world.
Society has a right to ask
how the increasing responsibil¬
ities and opportunities for use¬
fulness which go with such
growth are being used by the
men who direct its affairs—and
the men have the right to answer:
To promote the production of live
stock and perishables and in¬
crease the food supply;
To reach more people with more
and better meat;
To make a fair competitive profit,
in o'rder to reimburse the
25,000 shareholders for the use
of their capital, and to provide
for the future development of
the business;
To reduce to a minimum the costs
of preparing and distributing
meat and to divide the benefits
of efficiency with producer and
To live and let live, winning
greater business only through
greater usefulness, with injury
to nothing but incompetency,
inefficiency and waste; to deal
justly, fairly, and frankly with
all mankind.
These are the purposes and
motives of the men who direct
the policies and practices of
Swift & Company.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
$40 to $100 a Week
Men and women are making amazing big
scription money during spare time. well-known, Attractive sub
tional proposition Live on wires given na
magazine. are
big salaried positions as District Man
agers. Write A. P. Collins, American
Fruit Grower, Chicago.
No. 2 Brownie developed and printed
on high gloss paper for 34c. Complete
price list and mailing stickers free.
day and up; no experience necessary; send
10 cents, for particulars. FRANK E. CASTON
COMPANY. 21S E. Archer St.. Tulsa, Okla.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 24--1919.
Oklahoma Lady Tells Hew Her
Husband Believes in Black
Draught and Uses It For
Many Ailments.
Nowata, Okla.—Mrs. W. B. Dawson,
a resident of this place, says: “My
husband is a great believer in Black
Draught and thinks it cures about
It is splendid for headache, constipa¬
tion (which usually causes headache),
Indigestion or any- kind of stomach
trouble, and we just keep it for these
troubles. I don't know when we
haven’t used it, and we always find it
I know it has done us both a lot of
good and saved us many dollars. I use
It in teaspoon doses at first and
follow with small doses, and it sure
does make a person feel like new.
It cleanses the liver better than any
other liver tonic I have ever used,
and after taking a thorough course
nature asserts itself and you are not
left in a constipated condition that
follows a lot of other active medicines.
This is one thing I like especially
about it.”
For over 70 years Thedford’s Black
Draught has been in use for many sim¬
ple ailments and today is a recog¬
nized standard remedy in thousands
of family medicine chests. It will
pay you to keep Black-Draught in the
house for use when needed.
Your druggist sells it.—Adv.
A sword in the hands of a coward
Is his own danger.
Nothing Like Plain Bitro-Phosphate
to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and
to Increase Strength, Vigor
and Nerve Force.
Judging from the countless preparations
and treatments which qre continually be¬
ing thin advertised for the purpose of making
people, fleshy, developing hollows arms, neck
and bust, and replacing ugly and
angles by the soft curved lines of health
and beauty there are evidently thousands
of men and women who keenly feel their
excessive thinness.
Thinness and weakness are often due
to starved nerves. Our bodies need more
phosphate than Is contained in modern
foods. Physicians claim there Is nothing
that will supply this deficiency so well as
the organic phosphate known among drug¬
gists pensive as bitro-phosphate, is which all is Inex¬
and sold by most druggists
under a guarantee of satisfaction or money
back. By feeding the nerves directly and
by supplying the body cells with the nec¬
phosphate essary phosphoric should food produce elements, bitro
a welcome
transformation In the appearance; the in¬
crease ishing. In weight frequently being aston¬
Increase in weight also carries with It
a general improvement in the health.
Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of
energy, which nearly always accompany
excessive thinness, should disappear, dull
eyes become bright, and pale health. cheeks glow
with the bloom of perfect
CAUTION: — Although bitro-phosphate
is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness,
sleeplessness and general weakness, It
should not. owing to Its tendency to in¬
crease weight, be used by anyone who
ioes not desire to put on flesh.
Good Digestion
and natural bowel movement
result from the use of
Tl. icftoti’ ul Children's Register
This superior purely vegetable
preparation for correcting
baby’s troubles contains no alco¬
hol, opiates, or narcotics.
Brings gratifying results for
mother and child. Formula on
! If there is nothing in a man he is
not on the visiting list of opportunity.
Why Vacher-Balm stops all kinds of
pain and soreness so quickly is that It
stops inflammation, therefore nothing
gives quicker relief for Mumps, Head¬
ache, Burns, etc. It also quickly re¬
lieves Catarrh, and being harmless
may be used internally.
If you cannot buy it locally write
for Free Sample and agent’s prices.
Beware of imitations. E. W. Vacher, j
Inc., New Orleans, La.—Adv.
It’s no more human to err than it is
to lie about it.
Your.l- Wbolestce, Cleansing,
Refreshing and Healing
Letian —Murine for Red¬
ly If 1 — - ness, Soreness, Granula
J tion, Itching and Burning
of the Eyes or Eyelids;
“2 Drop-,” After the Movie*. Ask Motoring Your Draggisi or (Jolt
wiii win your confidence.
for Marine when your Eye* Need Care. M-U
Mitrlu Ey« Remedy Co., Chicago
Program Will Feature Exercises
at Fire Hall on Wed¬
[From Nashville Tennessean.]
Ann Dallas Dudley, the new fire en¬
gine at the 'VVaverly-Belmont fire hall,
will be christened on Wednesday aft
eroon at 2 o’clock with appropriate
exercises. Mrs. Guilford Dudley, for
whom the engine gets its name, is one
of the state's pioneer suffrage workers
and it is due to her untiring work that
partial suffrage was given the women
of Tennessee. Mrs. Miles Williams, a
resident of the twenty-first ward, Is
chairman of arrangements, and also a
pioneer suffragist, and little Judith
Winston Folk, the 6-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Reau Folk, also a
pioneer suffragist and the youngest
member of the Nashville organization,
has been chosen sponsor. Miss Folk
has selected as her maids the following
young girls, daughters of prominent
suffrage leaders: Travania Dudley,
Lenore Kenny, Kate Barksdale, Harriet
Ingrain, Mary Sue Cantrell, Jane Davis
and Elizabeth Smith.
At the christening not champagne
but a bottle of coca-cola will be broken
and the maids will shower the engine
with yellow flowers. Speeches will be
made by Mayor William Gupton, Com¬
missioner Totnpklns and Chief A. A.
Rosetta. Mrs. Dudley, a member of the
national suffrage organization, nnd
Mrs. Reau Folk, chairman of the city
organization, will be honor guests of
the occasion.—Adv.
All some women talk about is—well,
about 18 hours.
Cry tomorrow, if yon must, bnt
laugh today.
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With the antiseptic, fascinating Cut.1
cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented convenient, economical face,
skin, baby and dusting powder and
perfume. Renders other perfumes su¬
perfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet
Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum).—Adv.
Do you put your “O. K.” on your
day’s work?
Laws are not alive until they are
Kidney A disease majority is fib of tespecter the ills afflicting of per¬
sons. ouuo,
kidney people kidney today trouble. can be traced back to the
The kidneys are the most important
organs of the body. They are the fil
terers of your blood. If the poisons
which are swept trom the tissues by the
blood are not eliminated through the
will kidneys, disease of one form or another
claim you as a victim.
Kidney disease is usually indicated by
weariness, despondency, sleeplessness, nervousness,
ble, pain in loins backache, and lower stomach trou¬
gall gravel, rheumatism, abdomen,
stones, sciatica
and lumbago.
All these derangements are nature’s
Good Riddance.
“Shall we hire a detective to watch
our wedding presents?”
“I hardly think that will be neces¬
sary, my dear. Our friends have
seized the opportunity to work off a
lot of old junk.”—Louisville Courier
Health Insurance
One of the distinctive qualities of food
baked with Royal Baking Powder is
wholesomencss. :y»v,
This is health insurance of such vital
importance that millions of women
bake at home just to be sure that
Royal Baking Powder is used.
Remember the adage—"Bake it with
Royal and be sure.”
13 nv AVAT JL Ail baking POWDER
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes
Royal Contains No Alum—
Leaves No Bitter Taste
Their Faithfulness.
“Force of habit is almost as hard a
master to some people as rum Is said
to be,” commented the landlord of the
tavern at Grudge. “Although the post
office moved to its n*w location more
than a month ago, and, too, though
they never were compelled by law to
do so, ’most any time o’ day a hunch
The Effects of Opiates.
pium known. and Even its various in the
tions — and --------——i growth of the —------•«>•"> cells which likely to become voumi changes in the func¬
imbecility, mental perversion, craving are for alcohol permanent, causing
Nervous diseases, such intractable a or narcotics in later life.
powers a result of dosing as with opiates nervous narcotics dyspepsia and keep lack children of staying
are or to quiet
in their infancy. The rule among physicians is that children should never
receive opiates in the smallest doses for more than a day at a time, and
only The then if unavoidable.
administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and
other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too strongly
decried, and the druggist should not be a party to it. Children who are ill
need the attention of a physician, and it is nothing less than a crime to
dose them willfully with narcotics.
Castoria contains no narcotics if it bears the
signature of Chas. H. Fletcher.
Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of'
Don’t Sneeze; You May Die.
Scientists say that we are never
nearer death than when we sneeze,
the act causing a momentary convul¬
sion of the brain.
Now It the Time to Get Rid of Theae Ugly Spota
There’s no longer the slightest need of feeling
ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne—double
strength—la guaranteed to remove these homely
Simply get an ounce of Othlne—double
strength—from your druggist, and apply a llttlo
of it night and morning and you should aoon see
that even the worst freckles have begun to dis¬
appear, while the lighter ones have vanished en¬
tirely. It la seldom that more than one ounce
Is needed to completely clear the akin and gain
a beautiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne,
as this is sold under guarantee of money back
1C It fails to remove freckles.—Adv.
The bet you intended to make but
didn’t is always a safe bet.
Singer Building, 149 Broadway, New York City
Will be pleased to send Government Bulletins
or nities answer for farming, any lnqnlrlea stock regarding fruit opportu¬
mining Investment raising, In New Sooth growing,
and Wales,
HAIR '"Barker's BAL8AM
A toilet preparation of merltT 1 *
Helps For to eradicate dandruff. “ *
Beauty Restoring toGray Color and
50a < or Faded Hair,
and 1,00 at Druggist*.
You signals should that the GOLD kidneys MEDAL need help,
use Haar¬
lem Oil Capsules immediately. The
kidneys, soothing, healing oil stimulates the de¬
the relieves inflammation and
Go stroys germs which have caused it.
box to of your GOLD druggist MEDAL today Haarlem and get a
Capsules. Oil
In twenty-four hours you
should feel health and vigor returning.
After you feel somewhat improved
continue to take one or two capsules
each day, so as to keep the first-class
condition and ward off the danger of
other attacks.
Ask for the original imported GOLD
MEDAL brand. Three sizes. Money re¬
funded if they do not help you.
The General Tendency.
“Everybody in America belongs to
some kind of a social or commercial
organization,” observed the distin¬
guished visitor.”
“Yes,” answered Senator Sorghum.
“We have developed into a nation of
of prominent and influential lunkhead?
can be seen standing in the doorway
of the old post office room, patiently
waiting for busy people to come, as
they used to, and scrouge past them,
trying to get in."—Kansas City Star.
Hard facts do not always make an
impression on a soft-headed man.
kills all anywhere, flies. Neat, DAISY clean, FLY KILLER attracts end
ornamental, convenient and
■ 111 111 “ - ' J 1 a cheap. Lasts al 1 sea
rson. Made of metal,
can’t spill soil or tip over;
will not or injur*
anything^ J Guaranteed.
HAllOLD lo^ERSaw E Dl'^aTb P A?L.Br»kIyn, N.Y.
Cuticura Heals
Itching Skin Burning
AH druggists; Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50, Talcam25.
Sample each free of “Gntlcura, Dept. E, Boiton.”
Caused by
That bitter heartburn, belching, food¬
repeating, indigestion, bloat after eating—■
all are oaused by acid-stomach. But thejr
are only first symptoms—danger signals to
warn you of awful troubles if not stopped.
Headache, biliousness, rheumatism, sciatica,
that tired, listless feeling, lack of energy,
dizziness, insomnia, even cancer and ulcers
of the intestines and many other ailments
are traceable to ACID-STOMACH.
Thousands—yea. millions—of people who
ought to be well and strong are mere weak¬
lings because of acid-stomach. They really
starve In the midst of plenty because they
do not get enough strength and vitality from
the food they eat.
Take EATONIC and give your stomach «
chance to do its work right. Make it strong,
cool, sweet and comfortable. ZSATONIG
brings quick relief for heartburn, belching,
indigestion and other stomach miseries. Im¬
proves digestion—helps you get full strength
from your food. Thousands say EATONIO
is the most wonderful stomach remedy in
the world. Brought them relief when every¬
thing else failed.
Our best testimonial is what EATONIO
will do for you. So get a big 50c box of
EATONIC today from your druggist, use it
five days—if you're not pleased, return It
and get your money back.
Hard to Determine.
Ruth Clifford, the moving picture
star, has a cousin overseas. Recent¬
ly his name appeared in the casualty
list ns wounded.
“Yes,” said Miss Clifford, in an¬
swer to an inquiry by her director,
“he was wounded, but not seriously.
We had a letter from the regimental
“Where was he wounded?” asked
“We are not quite sure. The sur¬
geon mentioned the place, but we
don’t know whether it’s an anatomical
phrase or a French village.”