Newspaper Page Text
Organization Will Collect Largest
Amount Ever Handled By Any
Religious Denomination
The Centenary Commission of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
has announced its plan for collecting
*he $53,000,000 00 which was pledged
for the missionary work of the church
in the recent eight-day drive. The
plan was prepared and will be direct¬
ed by Colonel John E, Edgerton, of
Tennessee, the general centenary
treasurer and the director of the de¬
partment of finance for the Centenary
Colonel Edgerton is a well known
business man. He Is president and
manager of the lyrbanon Woolen
Mills president of the Tennessee
State Manufacturers Association, and
during the war he was a member of
tha executive commitee of the war in
dustr) board appointed by President
"Our slogan Is no shrinkage, but an
nerease,” said Colonel Edgerton re
ently. “Just as the S:>uthern Metho¬
dist church has surpassed all records
n securing pledges for benevolent
purposes and has raised the largest
sum ever given to any church at one
lime In the history of the world, so do
-we expect to »et a new record In
Election of these pledges.”
An Extensive Organization.
The organization through which
these pledges will be collected has
four centers of responsibility. Tbe
first is a general finance commission
with headqu: rlers at Nashville, headed
by Colonel Edgerton. This commis¬
sion has prepared the standard plan
wnri will direct the ent re movement.
Landing down to tbe various t ■ <<l 1<
hrougheut the church detailed plans
for their guidance.
There will also be a conference cab
inet in each annual conference of the
'hurch, about forty In number. These
conference cabinets will be composed
of the Conference Missionary Secre¬
tary. Conference Campaign Directoi.
the Lay leader, and the Conference
Centenary Treasurer. Each of these
officials have .ertaln specific duties,
and will direct the work of collecting
•ill the pledges in each annual confer
In each of the four hundrea
of the church there is a similar composed of the Presiding
the Lay leader*. Campaign Director*
and the Chairman of tha Methodist
Minute Men. The Conference Miision
ary Secretary is an ex-offlcio
of all district cabinets The work
collecting in the districts will be
pervised by this district cabinet
Twenty Thousand Churches,
In ea h of the 20.000 local
I here will be local cabinets
>f the pastor, the centenary
urer, the campaign director, the
leader, the chairman of the
men, the Sunday school
and the president of the Woman’s Mi*
slonary Society. This cabinet will
all the actual work of collecting
individual pledges.
The persons who made
tions will be divided Into lisle
twerity-five and the lists will
placed in charge of a certain
of the church cabinet who will
all pledges as they come due.
One feature of the standard plan
III order to become better acquainted
and introduce my work in North-east
Georgia, Dr. Ellison is going to do
Dental work at about half price for
next 30 days.
Solid Gold Crowns, 22-k. $3.00 up
Teeth Bridged, gaps filled $4.00 up
I do all classes of w ork (or (lie
•m A lid.,.
Guarantee All Work 10 to 15 Years!
Remember this work is g’oing’ on now
I and will last but 30 days
DR. ELLISON Dental Offices
| Across the Streei from Piciure Show, Upstairs
that the Itjeal church will be respon¬
sible for col> ting the full amount ol
: its subscripts n. If any subscriber
dies or meets with misfortune ouch at
to reader it impossible for him to pay
his pledge, it will be the duty of the
church cabinet to secure another pet
son to lake the place of Ihe one thus
become delinquent
It is a’so p/rpr.'ed tbrl every new
mem >:-r who << ;es Into ihe chuivt
shall u'.-.o be ms ed to u . ke, a contrt
nut o ; ;u the Cc .,tenary fund.
The Centenary fund of $35,(t0u,00(
will be used for he church in an ex
tension of it* missionary work
throughout the world. Several milllor
will be spent, in the devastated re
gions of France, Belgium, Poland and
Rusirls. Other millions will go to th«
seven foreign fields occupied by th«
church—Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Africa
China, Japan and Korea Other mil
lions will be spent In the industria
sections of the great cities, :n th<
mountains, among the immigrant*, th<
negroes and the Indians, and In build
ing churches in tbe missionary tarri
j tory of the T’nlted States.
Pitht For Sole.
1 have for -lie vune real yo. d
niwc about to weeks old.
J. L. NIX. |
I was there to make a sketch of dren’s flour like a feast. For the
her. Luncheon was just over, and tiny toddlers there Is a varied
she was to a Utile knot of menu, sometimes Uneeda Biscuit
women. Tlie Arst words I heard, ind milk, sometimes Graham Crack-
1 slid quietly into a nearby seat, wcrl ms, Oatmeal Crackers or Lunch Bis
“National Biscuit,” recalling pleas leult. (occasions This Is changed on special
antly my own tasty Unccda Lund to Old Time Sugar Cook
eon. I liked her, and ■»— |Newtons and, rarest of
fortably as she spoke a;l ire days when we had
and ears busy. Ice cream and Nabisco, and those
“Between the dark “there’s and daylight,’| always lore " Don't our party think days. mv hou Is Just a
she was quotin g, r
hit of pan si__ us happily,
seems waiting and listening—for th< :hat is all, and made us sure they
jchildren. Since they were tin; would keep coming every day—for
things, I’ve given that hour to you and I both know we must feed
babies. First I had ti ^chidrcn, as we must
Then, when thqi >s, if we would
to toddle, I id after their
pie in iyvays like
no onqd £eady to
Child! k up in
0i$ cl lift
\)tf e d*
At the
"top of today’s
tlsi market list by
too-J the unanimous ^phoor
ten tfl vote of the family, *eem
pad of ^ffvy enough
were war COMPANYalways
Hour. NATIONAL HiCUlT —^^Iways dainty, al
“You see, even^ Ing only National
went on, “are much' _ It Products as be. During the
mats. They are most lovable ana can
most tractable after they've had years when my babies were growing
something to eat. National Biscuit up we never missed the Chil¬
dainties always begin our, Chll- dren’s Hour with Its fasty feast