Funding for the digitization of this title was provided by the Institute for Museum and Library Services through Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Elbert Logging after being
in France two years is at home on
a I5 days furlough.
Mr. Claude Jackson killed a hog
last week that weighed 490 pounds.
The farms that were sold on
Mossy Creek last week was divid¬
ed up in shares and brought a high
Mr. Frank Wofford has bought
a part of his mother’s place and
lias moved to it. We are glab to
have him with us.
Mr. Claude Sosbee is back at
home after spending two years in
Colo. •
Mossy Creek will loose another
good man when Mr. Bill Cooley
moves to Cleveland.
Mr. Carlton Holcomb is building
him a new dwelling house on the
Cornelia road that that runs
th o gh his farm.
Mr. E. W. Brownlow bus about
completed painting W.J. Presley’s
There is some salk of running J.
F. Cantrell for Ordinary.
Miss Clara Davidson is spending
this week in Gainesville.
Mr. Clyde Anderson, who has
been visiting relatives here, has
returned to his home in Atlanta.
We all miss him very much,especi¬
ally his girl.
Mr. Fred Hooper and Mr. Les¬
ter Black made a flying trip to
Gainesville Friday afternoon.
Mr. R >se Hanie, of Atlanta, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Hanie.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hooper en¬
tertained Thanksgiving night in
honor of Mr. Clyde Anderson.
Candy, oranges and O'ea coluThere
were a large crowd present and all
report a nice time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dorsey en¬
tertained some of their friends with
a sumptuous opossum dinner on
Tnanksgiving day.
Miss Hazel lleaden was the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. P. Heuden, Thanksgiving night
Wonder who the girl Was that
turned over Mr. Clyde Anderson’s
ink Tuesday night. Ask Miss V r «l
!ie llanie she can tell you.
Mis Mayonia lleaden spent the
day with Miss Mary Lou Dorees
Miss Willie Alexander spent tiie
day with Miss Mary Lou Dorsey
Mr. Boys Hooper spent the week
end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
T. B. Hooper.
Mrs. 1 '. G. Hooper and Miss
Minnie Hooper spent Sunday after¬
noon with Miss Mayoma lleaden.
Two yearlings, 2 years old, dark
jerseys, one with horns and one
muley, marked overslope and
underbit in right ear and split in
left, branded “D” on left hip.
f.!.oo each to anyone who will get
them and notify tne at Cleveland,
AM ELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you
Ctmelsare sold every¬ V> ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch,
where in scientifically then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test and know
sealed packages of 20 for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth
cigarettes or ten pack¬ body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a
ages (200 cigarettee) class by themselves!
in a glassine-paper
covered carton. We Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice
strongly recommend Domestic tobaccos. You'll not only prefer this blend toeither
this carton for the
home or office supply kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you’ll appreciate the
or when you travel! remarkable full-bodied-mildness and smooth, refreshing
R. J. RcjrnoldtTobucaC*. flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation!
Wuutaa-Stlea, N. C, Camels win you in so many ways! They not only
a package permit you to smoke liberally without tiring your
taste but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un¬
pleasant cigaretty odor!
Compare Camels with any cigarette
in the world at any price! You’ll
prefer Camel quality to premiums,
coupons or gifts!
Edison’s LilHikc Phonograph
I I n s A. E li-t.ti made tt possibl for us to offer \ou 11 tree trial of his wonderful musical instru¬
ment—liis N Diamond Amberola.
T ■ Diamond Amberola makes it possible for music lover- in the remotest -ections of the country to
enjoy the finest vocal and instrumental music produced in the world just as lifelike, just as natural as if the
singer* ami players came in person to their home*. And now Mr Edison permits us to make you a remark¬
able three days’ free trial offer. There is every reason why you should accept and none why you shouldn’t
unless you already are the owner of a
>rvt Edison Diamond Amberola
We can afford to make this offer because we know
tliat very few Amberolas which we will place on trial as a
re-ult of this advertisement will come back to our store.
The Amberola is so entertaining that nobod} wants to part
with it once they have it in their home.
This beautiful booklet describes the several without costing you one cent or without obligat¬
models of the Amberola and shows them in ing you in any way. Play them to your heart s
natural colors. Select the model Amberola you content for three days, and, if at the end of that
prefer and, from the Blue Atnberol Record Cat¬ time, you do not care to purchase them, simply
alog we will also send, choose any twelve of the tell us so and we will bring them back to our
wonderful Blue Atnberol Records (which are store. That’s all. No obligation, no embarras-
almost unwearable and unbreakable). Ask us to ment, no red-tape and no strings to this offer.
send the Amberola and records to your home It is as free to you as the air you breathe.
Cleveland, Georgia