Newspaper Page Text
Came to this Woman after
Taking Vegetable Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Restore Compound to
Her Health
married Ellensburg, I Wa-ih.—“ After I was
was not well for a long time
and a good deal of
the time was not
able to go about.
Our greatest desire
was to have a child
in our home and one
day my husband
came back from
town with a bottle
of Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable
Compound wanted and
me to try it
It brought relief
from my troubles.
I improved in health so I could do mv
housework; of which we now have a little one, all
I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham’e
Vegetable Compound.”—Mrs. 0. S.
Johnson, R. No. 8, Ellensburg, Wash.
There are women everywhere who
long for children in their homes yet are
denied this happiness disorder on account of
some functional anal dis which in most
cases would readily yield to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Such women should not give up hope
until medicine they have given this wonderful
write Lydia a trial, E. and for special advice
Pinkbam Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 years
experience is at your service.
in absolutely new Discovery, guaranteed to
idn. emove Freckles and Blotches from the
Positively harmless, contains no mer
>ury. This liquid discovery is the result of
nany years of Microscopical and Chemical
research work by an eminent Chemist. Price
‘2.00. Sent charges prepaid upon receipt of
3 ostal or Express Money Order.
J47 5th Ave. New York City, N. Y.
Babies Smile
when stomachs do their
work and bowels move naturally.
Fretful, crying babies need
The fifwti' aaH CkiI4r.a'» HinUta
to make the stomach digest food,
and bowels to move as they
should. Contains no alcohol,
opiates, narcotics, or other [' £ r
1 harmful ingredients. "
At your drvgyittr liiflli Jj}.
; ------------- • ijk
Sticking It Out.
“There is little hope of wallpapers
turning down," says a well-known sub
irbajp builder and decorator. This is
mly because people will keep on leah
ng against the wall.—London Punch.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
>y local applications as they cannot reach
■lie diseased portion of the ear. There is
mly one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness,
ind that is by a constitutional remedy.
;hrough the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
»f the System. Catarrhal Deafness is
:aused by an inflamed condition of the
nucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is Inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the
•esult. Unless the inflammation can be re
luced and this tube restored to its nor¬
mal condition, hearing may be destroyed
forever. Many cases of Deafness are
:aused by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed
tondition of the Mucous Surfaces.
;ase of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
All Druggists 75c. Circulars free.
P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Nothing will take the fun out of a
Yellow quicker than for the teacher to
step up behind him.
Mr. Knight Was Down With Kid¬
ney Complaint; Found Doan’s
the Remedy Needed.
"Kidney trouble put me In a bad
way.” says Thomas A. Knight, Re¬
tired Insurance Agent, 624 N. Ninth
St., East St. Louis, 111. “It came
on with pain across my back and
the attacks kept getting worse un¬
til I had a spell that
laid me up. Morphine
was the only relief
and I couldn’t move
without help. The kid¬
ney secretions were
scanty, painful and
tilled with sediment.
“I was unable to
leave the house, could Hr. Knight
not rest, and became utterly ex¬
hausted. The only way I could
take ease was by bolstering my¬
self up with pillows. For three
months I was In that awful con¬
dition and the doctor said I had
gravel. Doan’s Kidney Pills
brought me back to good health
and I have gained wonderfully in
strength and weight”
Sworn to before me,
A. M. EOOMANN, Notary Public.
Get Doan*. at Any Store, vs;LV1 60c • Bex
BronchiaST roubles
Soothe the irritation and you relieve the
distress. Do both quickly and effectively
by using promptly a dependa b l e remedy—
p I SO'S
Let “Danderine” save and
glorify your hair
I In a few moments you can trans¬
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of fife. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of “Dan¬
derine” for a few cents. Then moist¬
en a soft cloth with the Danderine and
draw this through your hair taking one
small strand at a time. Instantly, yes,
immediately, you have doubled the
beauty of your hair. It will be a mass,
so soft, lustrous, fluffy and so easy to
do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil
is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness In your hair. This
stimulating tonic will freshen your
scalp, check dandruff and falling hair,
and help your hair to grow long, thick,
strong and beautiful.—Adv.
Dolis' Eyes.
Groat quantities of cherry stones are
used in Germany for dolls' eyes,
painted, Being ready-carved by na¬
ture, and of suitable shape and size,
they serve the purpose admirably.
Keep Your Liver Active, Your
System Purified and Free From
Colds by Taking Calotabs,
the Nausealess Calomel
Tablets, that are De¬
lightful, Safe and
Physicians and Druggists are advis¬
ing their friends to keep their systems
purified and their organs protection in against perfect
working order of as influenza. a They know
the return
that a clogged up system and a lazy
liver favor eolds, influenza and serious
complications. cold overnight and to
To cut short a
prevent serious complications swallow take one of
Calotab at bedtime with a
water—that’s all. No salts, after no nausea,
no griping, no sickening effects.
Next morning your cold has vanished,
your liver is active, your system is puri¬
fied and refreshed and you are feeling
fine with a hearty appetite for break¬
fast. Eat what you please—no danger.
Calotabs are sold only in*original
scaled packages, price thirty-five cents.
Every druggist is authorized to refund
your money if you are not perfectly
delighted with Calotabs.—(Adv.)
Oldest New Mexico Town.
| older Acoina, than N. St. M.. Augustine, on Indian first village, Kuro- is
| peon settlement in America. A coma is
j mentioned in chronicles of 15”',!.
I f
Rid System of Clogged-up
Waste and Poisons
with “Cascarets.”
Like carbon clogs and chokes a mo¬
tor, so the excess bile in liver, and
I the constipated waste in the bowels,
I produce foggy brains, headache, sour,
j acid stomach, indigestion, sallow skin,
! sleepless nights, and bad colds.
Let gentle, harmless “Cascarets" rid
the system of the toxins, acids, gases,
j and poisons which are keeping you up
| set. Take Cascarets and enjoy the nicest,
gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever
! experienced. Cascarets never gripe,
j sicken, or cause inconvenience. They
work while you sleep. A box of Cas
: carets costs so little too.—Adv,
Quite Different
“Pop !”
“Yes. luy son.”
“l'ou say lightning bugs are very
useful because they eat up things?"
“Quite so, my boy.”
“Well, pop. 1 eat up things and you
say that’s all I'm good for!"
A torpid liver prevents proper food assim¬
ilation Tone up your liver with Wright’*
Indian Vegetable Pills. They act gently. Adv.
A gossip is a person who thinks toe
little aud talks too much.
Mr. Didson Warns Against Use of
Treacherous, Dangerous
Calomel. \
Calomel salivates! It’s mercury.
Calomel acts like dynamite on a slug¬
gish liver. When calomel conies into
contact with sour bile it crashes into
it, causing cramping and nausea.
If you feel bilious, headachy, consti¬
pated and all knocked out, just go to
your druggist and get a bottle of Dodr
son’s Liver Tone for a few cents which
is a harmless vegetable substitute for
dangerous calomel, Take a spoonful
and if it doesn’t start your liver and
straighten you up better and quicker
than nasty calomel and Without mak¬
ing you sick, just go back and get your
If you take calomel today you’ll be
sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides,
it may salivate you, while if you take
Dodson’s Liver Tone you will wake up
feeling great, full of ambition and
ready for work or play. It’s harmless,
pleasant ami safe to give to children;
they like it—Adv.
Industrial Training.
The difficulty of procuring sufficient
trained workers in the garment indus¬
try in this country because immigra¬
tion lias nearly ceased promises to be
obviated in a large measure by the in¬
stallation of industrial training, which
the government is promoting through¬
out the United States as a branch of
the department of labor. The gov¬
ernment’s aid for the Industry is in
the form of four books, which set forth
in detail practical methods of teach¬
ing old and new workers the most ap¬
proved ways of performing their tusks
Stomach Pain,Sourness,Gases,
and Acidity ended with
“Pape’s Diapepsin"
Out-of-order stomachs feel flue at
once! When meals don’t fit and you
belch gas, acids amt undigested food.
When you feel indigestion pain, lumps
of distress in stomach, heartburn or
headaches. Here is instant relief.
Just as soon as you cat a tablet or
two of Pape’s Diapepsin all the dys¬
pepsia, indigestion and, stomach dis¬
tress caused hv acidity wilt end. These
pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape’s
Diapepsin always put sick, upset, acid
stomachs in, order at once and they
cost so little nt drug stores.—Adv.
Nationalized Pharmacies a Failure.
Itoports received from Europe by
members of the trade in this city are
said to indicate that the nationaliza¬
tion of pharmacies in Hungary lias
not come up to expectation. From
statements made by state officials and
by the former owners it appears that
already the deficit amounts to 1,000,
000 crowns. Further than tLis. there
are many complaints about the slov¬
enly and indifferent manner in wjiich
the work is being done as contrasted
with the former methods In vogue.—
New York Post.
Name “Bayer” is on Genuine
Aspirin—say Bayer
Insist on “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin”
In a “Buyer package.” containing prop¬
er directions for Headache, Colds,
Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu¬
matism. Name “Bayer” means genuine
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
nineteen years. Handy tin toxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade
mark of Buyer Manufacture of Mono
aceticacidester of Salicvlieacid.—Adv.
A Dry Town.
“The officer claims you were going
at the rate of 40 miles an hour,” said
the judge, looking at the man at the
bar over his glasses.
“Yes. your honor. My chauffeur was
trying to get me to the railroad sta¬
tion in time to catch the 5:15 trai*i.”
“But you didn’t have to catch that
particular train; there was another
one in an hour."
“Very true, judge, hut what in the
world could I do to kill time in this
town for an hour?"
Cuticura Soap for the Complexion.
Nothing better than Cuticura Soap
daily and Ointment now and then as
needed to make the complexion clear,
scalp clean and hands soft and white.
Add to this the fascinating, fragrant
Cuticura Talcum and you have the
Cuticura Toilet Trio.—Adv.
Accurate Description.
“What is an Italian vendetta?”
“It Is one of them new-fangled
porches around the new cottages.”
Ignorance is bliss until it begins
to associate with egotism.
Christ and
/ Extension Department .Moody Bible
J Institute, Chicago
TEXT.—-Ye must be born again.—John
The moon and all the stars are out
to light a trembling traveler upon a
darkened road.
One of the best
men of his time
has come to Jesus
Christ—a man of
the highest mor¬
ality and the ut¬
most devotion to
religion. By com¬
ing at all to this
Prophet of Naza¬
reth his reputa¬
tion ns a religious
leader is Imper¬
iled; so he comes
by night. But he
has come to the
Light, and night
for him can be no
more; in future he’ll walk in the light.
“A man of the Pharisees, named Nic¬
odemus,” so upright, so good, so re¬
ligious, such a charming gentleman,
surely the Lord will welcome him with
open arms 1 But no. Abruptly he de¬
clares that this splendid man has not
.vet begun to live: “Except a roan be
horn again, he cannot perceive the
kingdom of God.” He cannot even
have rigid thoughts about It, to say
nothing of his entering it.
He has come, saying: “We know
that thou art a teacher come from God,
for no man can do these miracles that
thou doest, except God be with him.”
And, oh, what a lesson fids Teacher
Come from God has for him! “Here,”
thinks he, “is one who can teach me
something that shall make me a better
man than I am,” and he learns that
the flesh does not need teaching be¬
cause it has been judged; that all that
Is horn of It Is still but flesh; and that
man In the flesh cannot be made fit
for God. He must, by second birth in
the power of the Holy Spirit, be
brought Into the new creation. And
nothing short of this can ever meet the
mind of God.
Nicodemus speaks of miracles, but
the Lord will not stop to discuss such
trifles. He will tell at once of the
greatest and most Important of ail
miracles: the regeneration of a soul.
Mon think that If they can understand
miracles, they could understand Christ
and the new birth. Oh, If they would
only believe what Is written, that “In
him was life; and the life was the
Light of men!” Once you have the
life that Is In Christ Jesus you are in
the light forever, and shall never have
any difficulty about miracles or about
anything that you find In Holy Scrip¬
Striking It Is that the only place in all
Scripture in which the new birth Ls
-pressed is here, where, the Lord presses
it upon this upright man. Ah, if he,
with Ids goodness and religion, must
he horn again, what folly to claim ex¬
ception from this necessity for any
man that lives today!
But how? He Is bewildered by the
thought of such a change. “How can
these things be?” And the Lord makes
no answer. He Is not at pains to ex¬
plain the workings of the Holy Splr*
it. The question is not, “Do yon un¬
derstand?" but “Do you believe wluit
God says?” If so, there is another
“must” In this discourse that explains
it all: “Even so must the Son of Man
be lifted up: that whosoever believetb
in him shall not perish, but have eter¬
nal life.”
“Except a man be born of water and
of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God.” Water is in Scrip¬
ture the symbol both of the Word of
God and of the Spirit of God. The
Holy Spirit works through the word
to accomplish the regeneration of the
soul, bringing the sinner face to face
with Christ, Tn this regeneration a
judicial cleansing is effected. It is
that of which we read in Titus 3:5,
“the washing of regeneration,” and of
which the Lord spoke to Peter, declar¬
ing that it cleanses “every whit.” By
the Spirit’s ministry in the word the
sinner is brought to see what the Lord
pointed out to Nicodemus, that he is
the antitype of the brazen serpent, en¬
during on the cross of shame the judg¬
ment that was the sinner’s due. The
moment he accepts that he is born
One came to me saying, I cannot
understand about the new birth and
am so distressed over your insistence
upon the necessity of it.
“It is not necessary to understand
it In order to attain it,” I replied, but
simply to believe in him who has made
it possible.”
“But I have been taught all ray
life that if I was good I would go to
heaven when I die."
“And so was I,” I said, “but it is not
true. But do you believe the gos¬
pel? Do you believe that when Jesus
died it was for you and that because
he died for you he Is exalted in
“I do with al! my heart.”
“Then you believe that Jesus is the
“Very well, then, read this,” and as
I placed my Anger on I John 5:1, she
read it aloud: “Whosoever believeth
that Jesus is the Christ is born of
God.” And with ft cry of joy she ex¬
claimed: “Oh, I see it now: I sec it
now! I am saved!”
Mr. McKinley’s letter
brings cheer to all who
may be sufferers as he
was. Read it:
“I can honestly say that I owe
my life to Peruua. After some of
the best doctors in the country
gave me up and told me 1 could
not live another month, Perunn
saved me. throughout Travelling from town
to town, the country
and having to go Into all kinds
of badly heated stores and build¬
ings, sometimes standing up for
hours at a time while plying my
trade as auctioneer. It is only
natural that I had voids fre¬
quently ! so when this would Mr. Samuel McKinley,
occur I paid little attention to It, 22nd St., Kansas City, Mo
until last December when I con¬ Jewelry
tracted a severe, case, Which, her of the Society of U. S.
through neglect on my part ’.•uctioneers.
settled on my lungs. When al¬
most too late, I began doctoring,
of but, Peruna. without It avail, until I heard Sold Everywhere.
cured me! so * Tablet or Liquid Form
cannot praise it too highly.”
Quick Change Artist.
Our idea of an Independent man is
one who can pin up the baby’s outfit
as quick ns he can change tires on
his motorcar.- Dallas News.
Important to Mother*
Examine carefully ever y bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remery
for infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
None but Japs Admitted.
Amid restaurants of all nationali¬
ties in London open to all nationali¬
ties, is jusl one for one race alone.
On Its entrance is “For Japanese
Dr. Peery’s "Dead Shot- not only expels
Worms or Tapeworm but cleans out the
mucus in which they breed and tones up
the digestion. One does sufficient. Adv.
Famous Building, Restored by Patrl
iotic Society, is Now Preserved as
a Revolutionary Relic.
The old Slide house in Boston was
erected in 1743. in early days the
first floor was used as the Merchant’s
exchange, and the second story as the
meeting place of the governors of the
province and the royal council. A few
feet from the eastern porch occurred
the Boston massacre on March 5. 1770;
in 1789 Washington reviewed from
this building a procession in his honor,
and In 1835 William Lloyd Garrison
took refuge there to escape from the
mob that had broken up an anti-slav¬
ery meeting and threatened bis life.
In later years the building was turned
Into business offices and was so much
altered, inside and outside, as almost
to destroy the original architectural
effect. In 1881 it was restored by Hie
city at the request of the public-spir¬
ited citizens, and is now in the custody
of the Bostonian society, which occu¬
pies It. The rooms, Including the old
council chamber and hull of represent¬
atives, contain a collection of relics
and paintings of revolutionary times.
Nautical Language.
“What Is a revenue cutter, pa?”
“A revenue cutter is a coupon oli|>
|)or, my son.”
Fortune sometimes favors a man for
the purpose of destroying him.
Fortunate is the girl who loses her
temper and never finds ft again.
It’s the wise house¬
wife who serves
Postum Cereal
instead of coffee. For where
coffee sometimes harmful disagrees after-ef¬
and leaves
fects, Postum is an absolutely Made
healthful cereal drink.
of roasted wheat blended with
a wee bit of molasses.
The extraordinary flavor of
this beverage resembles that
of the finest coffee—pleasing
to particular tastes.
Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c.
Made by
Postum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, Michigan
Not Much Credit Coming to Them.
Jud Tunkins says he knows two
men, and maybe three, who bragged
about not bein’ profiteers, simply be¬
cause they never bad a good elutnee.
A cold is probably the most com*
mon of all disorders and when neglect*
ed is apt to be most dangerous. Sta¬
tistics show that more than three
times as many people died from in¬
fluenza last year, as were killed ini
the greatest war the world has ever!
known. For the last fifty-three years
Boschee’s Syrup has been used foe
coughs, bronchitis, colds, throat ir¬
ritation anil especially lung troubles.
It gives the patient a good night’s
rest, free from coughing, with easy
expectoration in the morning. Made
in America and used in the homes of
thousands of families nil over the
civilized world. Sold everywhere.—Adv.
Famous Roman Woman.
It has been said by a cynic that
never can woman be the friend of
woman. But she can be the friend of
man, and absolutely disassociated
from sex affinity. Paula, noble Ro¬
man lady, was the devoted life friend
and helper of the great Jerome—St.
Jerome. Site was descended from tha
Scipios and (lie Gracchi. She was
bom A. I). 347 at Rome. Married at
seventeen to Textius, she lived in
splendor on Mount Aventine. Upon
her conversion to Christianity rite
gave half her fortune to tlie poor and
began the ascetic life. Sin- came un¬
der (lie influence of the great Jerome,
and the intercourse of these two minds
was continued when Jerome went to
the East to live in a cave at Bethle¬
hem and to put forth Ills mighty lit¬
erary works. Paula, with her friends,
followed bis footsteps, built a convent
near the cave, and ministered to the
saint amid bis stupendous accomplish¬
ments. She died in her convent; her
eyes were closed by St. Jerome. The
poor of Palestine rose up to call her
Chestnut Forests Disappearing.
Tlie great demand for chestnut
lumber for railroad ties has been re¬
sponsible for many chestnut forests
being wiped out. and more are marked
for the woodman’s ax. At the rate
the cutting is now progressing, this
species of wood will be pretty well
cleaned out in another decade in this
vicinity, it is being predicted.—Frank¬
lin (Mass.) Correspondence Boston