Newspaper Page Text
Cbe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of Whitt County. Ga
Published 'Weekly at Cleveland fin.
Alex. Davidbon, Editor.
Entered at the Pus- ittic.e at Cleveland
Ga., as second cla^s mail miner.
Subscription, *1.00 per year
January 1st, 1920, the sub¬
scription price of the Courier
will be $1.50 per year. Until
that date we will accept sub¬
scriptions at $1.00. AH sub¬
scriptions paid in advance.
Messrs. W. A. RnsselJ and
Hubert McDonald were visitors of
Atlanta last week.
Messrr. Dewey Stovall and Zeb
Curtis here laBt week,
Mr. Marvin Reece, who has been
in Texas for the past few months,
arrived in our little city Saturday
night. Mr. Reece, it is needlessly
to say, is very glad to look on the
smilling faces of some of the peo¬
ple of Cleveland. Marvin always
carries a smile with him and of
course you can imagine how two
smiles are greeted. He will prob
aly remain with us for awhile.
Mr. F. G. Jones’ sale which was
held last Saturday, we- learn
brought around $4500. Eugene
Twiggs sold his Thanksgiving and
received around *7,000. Also Mr,
A. O. LaPrade, formerly of this
county, but now ofWinslow,Ari/,.,
sold his farm on Shoal Creek for
Kenimer & Telford purchased
the lot in the northeast corner of
square, which is the estate of Mrs.
Mr. Stone, of Blairsville, spent
night here Sunday. Mr. Stone is
employed by the Government in
the interest of their,timber.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A.* Hooper re¬
turned to Tennille, Ga. last Satur¬
day, after spending a few week
with Mr, and Mrs. Wtn. Hooper,
Mr. Geo. F. Hooper, of Bowers
ville, Ga., visited homefolks part
of last week. '
Miss Ida Allison spent the week¬
end with homefolks.
The long wished rural route by
by the people of Town Creek will
start January 2, 1920. These peo¬
ple have had to go some 4 or 5
miles for their mail and which
caused much inconvenience. They
are all “tickle to death” to hear of
the good news.
Mr. Ed. Hood, who has been
sick for the past few months, is
able to be out.
That great worker Mr. W. H.
Bell was in town Thanksgiving
day and of course can’t be con¬
tented without doing somebody
some good, and be immediately got
busy and started a movement to
get Rev. S. D. Cherry a turkey for
Thanksgiving and you bet he suc¬
ceeded in the movement.
Editor Smith, of The Dahlonega
Echo, was in town a few hours
Wednesday on business and, of
course, gave us a short call. Edit¬
or Smith keep “Uncle Bill” pull¬
ing out his hair over some of his
clever commits. The Nuggett
notorious writer must pay tribute
to Mr. Smith for be said that The
Echo would soon fire her big gun
for The Nuggett was the only
newspaper that could exist in
Lumpkin county. It seems that
the good people of Lumpkin coun¬
ty think difierent, for The Echo is
getting out an extra good country
newspaper and “Uncle Bill he is
banding you every week more of
that “hot stuff” than you oan
digest without pain.
Mr. John Edwards is in the
Courier office learning the first
part of the “devils” work at his
spare time.
Everybearing strawberry plants
$1.25 per 100 prepaid.
Mrs. Barney Menders,
Brockton, Hall County, Ga.
How’s This?
V7e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catc.rrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
five years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi¬
son from the Blood and healing the dis¬
eased portions. Catarrh
After you have taken Hall’s
Medicine for a short time you will see a
great Improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi¬
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free. Ohio.
F. J. CHENET & CO.. Toledo,
Sold by all Druggists. 76c.
Legal Advertisements.
Notice is hereby given that the Nacoo
ebee Telephone Company, operating
telephone systems between Cleveland
and Nanooohee, Georgia, and from these
places to other points, in White county,
has applied to the Railroad Commission
of Georgia for authority to increase its
rates from $1.50 per month per station ,
for business and residence, to $‘2.00 per
month for residence stations a d $3.50
per month for business stations.
This application has been assigned for
hearing by the Railroad Commission of
Georgia at its offices in Atlanta, on Tues¬
day, December 9, 19ii). at 10 o'clock, A.
M., at which time andl place parties de¬
siring to be heard upon said application
will be given an opportunity to be so
heard, eithei orally or in writing.
This notice is published by order of the
Railroad Commission of Georgia.
Naconeliee Telephone Company,
By J. L. Glen, Manager.
Ge.orgia, White County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary, of said county, granted at the
term, 1019, on the application
of J. N. Hulsey, guardian of the person
and property of .1. J. Boggs, an imbecile,
will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Cleveland, in said county
within the legal hours of sale on the first
in January 1019 for cash to the
highest bidder the following described
real estate the property of said ward to
wit: Parts of lots of land Nos. 04 and HI
the second district of said county and
bounded us follows: Beginning at a rock
between this property and B. T.
mill property, thence south a
line to the creek or mill
pond, thence up said creek to a point op¬
posite the upper willow hedge in the bot¬
tom, thence across the creek with said
willow hedge to a ditch, thence across
said ditch nearly west to an apple tree,
thence a little northwest a straight line
to a rock corner in the bend of the road
near and southwest of the tenant house
known ns the “Jim Jackson” house,
thence a straight line topping the moun¬
tain to the original line, thence north the
original line with the Underwood line,
to the original corner, thence east the
original line to the original corner,thence
south the original line to a rock corner
known as the Morris property to Hie
public road,thence nearly southeast with
said public mad to the beginning point
containing iIJO acres more or less. There
is on this property about 75 acres in cul¬
1 am in tlie market lor
Produce. Pay cash for
everything. Always see
me when you come to town
before selling.
4 ♦ Biggest in - the World
♦ No, we are not referring to our bank. It is big enough
for nil community needs but it isn’t the biggest thing in
the world.
i The biggest thing, the most important thing in the
world is SERVICE, That’s the one excuse your business
has for being here. The amount of service rendered is the
measure of your need. Our bank honestly tries to be of
service to this community. We try our best to anticipate
your needs and to be of service to you. Have we succeed¬
ed? Well, ask our satisfied patrons. If you are not one of
them, we invite you right now. No time iike the present.
••• • • *•••«*••*»•**• #
tivation, about 25 acres of which is line
bottom land, a splendid five room dwell¬
ing, good tenant house, store house,
good barns and outbuildings etc. This
is a splendid farm in two and one-half
miles from Cleveland. There is a tine
orchard on this farm. Sold for the pur¬
pose of paying debts of said ward.
Prospective purchasers are invited to
go and sec this p.mperly before sale day.
This Dee, 1st 1919.
Guardian of J. J. Boggs.
Georgia, White County:
Under arid by virtue of a decree of
the Superior Court granted on the appli¬
cation and petition of J. J. Hoggs-, by J.
N. Hulsey, his guardian against J. H.
Glaze at the October adjourned term
1910, will Me sold by the undersigned
commissioner appointed by the court,
before the court house door in the town
of Cleveland in said county within the
legal hours of sale to the highest bidder
for cash on the first Tuesday in January
1920 the following described property to
wit: Parts of lotayif land Nos. I2J and
124 in the second district of said county
containing 230 acres more or less and
bounded as follows: On the east by the
lands of W. J. R. Hogan and J. I). R.
•Smith, on tne north by the lands of John
Palmer and Mrs. W. J. H. Hogan, on
the west by the lands of E It. Smith and
E. R. Hooper, on the south by the land*
of J.N.HiDsey and N.J. Autry and being
more fully described in three deeds when
taken together. One from C. H. Kytle
to J. J, Boggs dated August 3, 1895, re¬
corded in the Clerk's office of said coun¬
ty, record of deeds Book "I” page 424
anil another deed by J. K.Tritt, as exec¬
utor of A. W . Zacbery, deceased, to J. J.
Boggs dated the day of Jan. 1OO8 and
recorded as above book “M” page 424
and 425, and one other deed from J. J.
Head to Barney Hooper and P. 8. Dor¬
sey, trustees of Bogg’s School site, to J.
J. Boggs dated October 24, 1905 and re¬
corded as above Book “1." page 577.
Baid proprety will be sold to satisfy
said decree.
This is a splendid farm in one of the
best and most desirable sections of
White county. There is on this place
several tenant houses and one good
dwelling of something like six or seven
rooms, about one hundred acres in culti¬
vation. The rents from this farm in Hie
year >010 amounted to from $1500 to
$2000. Good outbuildings, well located
and in a good community, ami generally
known as the J. J. Boggs home place in
said county. Prospective purchasers are
invited to go and inspect this property
before saie day.
This Dec. 1st, 1919.
Tims. F, Underwood, Commissioner.
Court of Ordinary White County, Ga.
In re petition of II. B. Smith, to pro¬
bate will of Lydia Bowen, deceased.
H. B. Smith, administrator, with the
will annexed of Lydia Bowen, deceased,
having applied to probate in solemn form
the last wdl and testament of LydiaBow
en of said county. All the heirs at law
of said Lydia Bowen are required to be
and appear in the court of Ordinary for
said county on the first Monday in Janu¬
ary 1920, when said application for pro¬
bate will be heard.
Ordinary White County, Ga.
SEC. 171. Every parent, guardian or
other person having charge and control
of a child between the ages of eight and
fourteen years, who is not exempted or
excused as hereinafter provided, shall
cause said child to he enrolled in and to
attend continuously for six months of
each year a public school of the district
or of city or town in which the child re¬
sides; which period ot attendance shall
commence at the beginning of the first
term of said school in the year. Such at¬
tendance at a public school Bhali not lie
required where the child attends for the
same period some other school giving in¬
struction in the ordinary branches of
English education, or l as completed Hie
seventh grade of school work as pre¬
scribed by the State Board of Educat ion,
or where, for good reasons, the sufficien¬
cy of which shall be determined by Hie
board of edueatiou of the county or of
Hie city or town in which the child resid¬
es, the said board excuses temporarily
the child from such attendance, such
boards authorized to take into consider¬
ation the seasons for agricultural labor
arid the need for such labor, in exercis¬
ing their discretion as to the time for
which children in fanning districts shall
be excused. Provided, that no guardian
shall be compelled to send such child or
children to school out of any other than
the funds belonging to the ward' or
wards. Temporary absence of any child
enrolled as a pupil may be excused by
the principal or teacher in charge of the
school, because of bad weather, sickness,
death in the child’s family, or other
reasonable cause.
Penalty for Non-Compliance. Suspension of
Punishment. Notice Board.
SEC. 172. Any parent, guardian or
other person who has charge and control
of a child between the ages aforesaid,
and who wilfully fails to comply with the
foregoing requirements shall he guilty of
a misdemeanor, and on con victim there¬
of shall be punished by a fine not to ex¬
ceed ten dollars for the first offense, and
not to exceed twenty dollars for each
subsequent offense, said fines to include
all costs; but the court trying the case
may, in its discretion, suspend enforce¬
ment of the punishment, if tue child be
immediately placed in attendance at a
school as aforesaid, and may finally re¬
mit the same if such attendance has con¬
tinued regularly for the number of
months hereinbefore prescribed for at¬
tendance, Hchool attendance may be
proved by an attested certificate of the
principal or teacher in charge of the
school. No person shall he prosecuted
for violation of the foregoing require¬
ments unless the board of education of
the county or municipality in which the
person accused of such violation resides
shall have caused to be served upon the
Hocused, at least ten days before proseeu
tion, a written notice of the charge with
the name of the child to which it refers,
Any person so notified, not previously
convicted of violation ofthis Act as to the
child referred to in said notice, may pre
vent prosecution on the charge set out
therein, by giving, at any time before
Such prosecution is instituted, a bond in
the penal sum of fifty do'lars payable to
ttie Ordinary of the county, with security
to be approved by the Ordinary, eondi
Honed that the said person shall thence
forth faithfully comply with the require
ments of this section as to the said child
Duty of Parent and Guardian. Enrollment and Attendance of Ctiiid,
Excuse of Absences.
Clean Army
Perhaps the cleanest body of men
ever assembled was General Per¬
shing’s army when ready to go over
the top. The life of continence is es¬
sential to the athlete, the soldier and
under all conditions where manhood
in its fullest sense is demanded.
Is that demand any more urgent
to the army than to every day life?
The boys who went “over the top’’
have taught the lesson; will you heed
it? /
Auction Sale
I will sell at my home in
White Creek District, White
County, Ga., near Leaf post
office, on
December 18,1919,
10 A. M.
M r household and kitchen
fun iture, corn, fodder, team
of mules, 3 wagons, farming
and blacksmith tools, 3 cows,
2 hogs, etc.
Bargains in milk cows, fresli in
milk. Will sell or trade.
it. H. Middlebrooks.
Mt. Laurel Farm, Cleveland, Ga.
R 3 .
One good 5-passenger I919
imnled, Ford car. Also one good
cook stove, one good art square,
2 good French beveled edge mir¬
rors, size 18 inches wide and 3^ ft.
length, one grapliophone and one
extension table.
T. j. McDonald,
Cleveland, On.
N O T 1 C E.
I am now located at Gainesville,
Ga., 12A East Broad St., and am
prepared to do mattress work of
all kinds. Give me a trial and I
will give you satisfaction.
If you want to buy a nice clean
mattress made of new cotton see or
write tne and I will make the price
Dooley Mattress Works,
i2| E. Broad St. Phone 745
Gainesville, Ga.
Your town taxes are due. Please
pay THOS.V. promptly.
Tojyn Clerk.
One lemon and white ticked,and
medium-sized female hound. One
small black and white female, has
one glass-colored eye. Two lemon
and white colored females, one
medium size, the other small. One
small black and white spotted fe¬
male. One large male, solid tan,
about five or six years old, and one
medium size male, tan color with a
little white.
All of these dogs strayed from
my home within the last two
months. If you have a lost dog of
the description above mentioned,
notify me at Cleveland. If the
dog is mine I will pay you $5.00
for your trouble.
Cleveland, Ga.
HiaVft Salve, torserly called
finn: s Cure is guaranteed to
u : ;• permanent.y core tba:
terribio pounded itching. for that It Is coin -1
jour money will be purpose promptly ai
if refunded Hunt’s without halve failB question
__ Itcb. jb, Be Bcxema,Teeter. Ring Worm
or or any any other skio disease. Tso
the bo:
fcf «ai« locaUy by
Each day’s willful failure of a parent,
guardian or other person in charge and
control of a child as aforesaid, after the
expiration often days from such notice,
to cause the child to attend school, when
such attendance i« required by this sec¬
tion, shall constitute a separate offense.
In p*oseeutiohs under 'his section the
exemptions and excuses herein provided
for shall be matters of defense to lie es¬
tablished by the accuseiY, and need not
be negatived in the indictment, or accusa¬
tion. .
Dufies of Boards of Education and Teaciiers.
8E0. 173. itsball be the duty of the
County and Municipal lioanlH of Educa¬
tion to investigate as to the attendance
and non-attendance of child run required
by this section to attend the schools
under their supervision, and it shall also
he their duty to institute or cause to he
instituted prosecutions against, persons
violating this section. It shall he the
duty of the principal or teacher in charge
of any public, school, in which pupils be¬
tween the ages of eight and fourteen
years of age are instructed, to keep an
accurate record of the attendance
of such pupils, and at the end of each
month to make it written report, of the
same to the board of Education having
supervision of the school and to note
therein excused absences reasons
Attendance Officer.
BKC. 174. Kadi county and and Muni¬
cipal B< ard of Education shall employ an j j
attendance officer whose duty it shall be
to report to the Board of Education fail¬
ure of atU’ud.'tHuo on the part, of the
pupils between t he age of 8 and i t years.
For this service these officials shall be
paid not less than one dollar nor more
than thiee dollars per day during the
time employed and said payment shall be
paid, so far as possi hie, from the fees col¬
lected . The balance doe shall be paid
from the school funds of the county or
local system. Any board or local school
system failing to comply with this law
for attendance officer shall not be entitl¬
ed to receive funds from the State Treas¬
ury until it is shown that said attend¬
ance officer has been appointed and has
entered upon his duties.
Fines and Forfeitures a Part of School Fund.
8EC. i<;>. All firms imposed here¬
under and all sums required to be pair!
as penalties under bonds given under
this section, el,all, after payment of
the costs of prosecution and of recovery
thereof, be paid in to the county treasury
and become a part of the school tumi of
the county.
Law Effective, When,
SEC. 17fi. The provisions of thie Act
H ^*ill become operative on the first day
; ot' January, in Hie year nineteen hundred
! !t 'id twenty
j Publication of Law.
KKC. 177. It hall he the duty of the
; Board of Education of each county, at
least four weeks before the first day of
January following the adoption of this
section, to cause this section to be pub
: lislied in a newspaper of the county, it
there he one, ami to cause copies ofthis
section to be posted at the court, house of
the county and at the public schools
Gleveland Garage
General Ford Parts Carried In Stock
Repair Work Guaranteed
Used Gars Bought and Sold
If You Have One For Sale See Us.
We Pay Top Price.
Cleveland, Georgia.
The Difference
—between tlie man who has learned
to save and bank his money and the
Form the habit man who has not the differ¬
ence, ten years hence, between the
of saving flourishing in business and the
and Bank with man looking for n job.