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v’OL. XXI. No 2 S.
Declare Civilized Mail
Lacks Common Sense
Scientist Told Well - Known
Southerner He Was laving
Like a Fool as Far as His
Stomach Was Concerned.
His 1 heory I hat the Stomach
Is the Cause of Ninety Per
Cent of \li III Health Is
Being Verified Every Day.
John Pomeroy, the remarkable
New Zealander, who is now
ing Macon and attracting so
attention by his novel theories,
th inks that civilized man lacks
common sense. Pomeroy claims
that most ill heglth is due to
ach disorders caused by
living and eating. When seen at
his Macon headquarters he said :
"While modern conditions have
a (heap lo do with people
sickly, looking tired, thin and pale
all the time, lack of common sense
can be blamed equally as much.
“It is impossible always to lead
the active outdoor life nature de
mands. It is imyossible for many
to exercise the body sufficiently to
make the gastric juices wholly ac¬
tive and virile. It is impossible to
fn spend as much time as we should
the fresh air and sueshine. It
also impossible for us to get abso¬
lutely fresh vegetable food all the
time, and this, more than anything
else, is the cause of so many under
nourished and yellowish, sickly
looking people. But it is possible
to treat the stomach, already
ened by tl.ese mistakes, with at
least a little consideration.
If yeople thought half as much
of their stomachs as they do their
pocketbooks, there wouldn’t
much sicUness here.
“If we would sit down quietly
to a plain, cominon-s6nse meal, eat
slowly, and chew every mouthful
thoroughly, and then give it time
to digest and he assimilated into
the blood to uourish the
there wouldn’t be so many
A wedding of much interest to
the people of this community was
that of Mr. Dewey Skelton and
Miss Mamie Boggs Sunday, which
was solemized at the home of
bride s sister, Mrs. Andrew Hoop
er. Many good wishes are
ed Mr. and Mrs. Skelton.
Mr. Fred Hooper, Misses Hazel
and Mayoma Haaden attended
vice at Zion Sunday.
M'-s M Hide Head was the guest
of Miss Minnie Hooper Sunday.
Cashier Dillard filled his
appointment Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. „ Etta TT Head , spent the , week- 1
end with her son. D. C. Head, at
Mrs. Smith, of Rome, Ga,,
visiting her brother, T. B. Hooper,
and other relatives.
Miss Hazel Header,, who ha5
been clerking several for months at
Lawson & Hulsey’s store is at home
and we now understand why
Claude Hulsey wa-seen in V iiite
county Sunday.
Favorite Bible Verses Selected by
In all thy ways acknowledge
Him and He shall direct thy path,
-—Proverbs 3 :6.
Devctsd to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
plaining, droopy, listless and fret*
lul men and women. But we don’t ;
we are a nation of bolterf. We
bolt our food and expect our stom¬
achs to do the work our teeth were
intended for. In consequence, we
are becoming a nation of chronic
dyspeptics and rheumatics,
"Our forefathers gave us two
things—first, a glorious land with
unlimited resources and opportune
ties; second, a Round constitution
with K° od - he!,lth y digestiveorgans.
\\ e (ought to keep the first intact
;UuUree - but we ’ rc Gting the sec
ond ”° lo IU, . ' n ”
"The amount of half-chewed,
llrtstil >' ealen fodl tlle avera « e Per¬
son stuffs into himself during the
d is P ositivel .v "’icked. Then,
when 1,e fe ‘‘ ls dul1 and nervoUB ‘ e
wonder * vvliat ’ s lhe trouble and
1 ,ma S i,,es hc has heart trouble or in
somnia - or B oodness kno " s what '
H,ere is just one thing the matter
vvith 1,im ‘ has abused the one
or g“ n of his body which is most es
sential to good health—the stom
ach—and until the gastric juices in
his stomach ferform their func
as they should, all the doctors
and medicine in the world will
not make him well and robust.
“The other day a man well
known over this section came to
j <eils nle and said ubout : ‘ y.vur From medicine., wlutt a frie,ld 1W
tonc, I think it will help me. At
least 1 am willing to give it a
trial. But supposing it does get
' nl stomach in shape, how long
will it last?’ 1 simply said: ‘It
i >’ ou be B in lakin k r Purato,le ‘ 'g 1 ' 1
nww < at the end of « few da >' s >' our
! (ood sil0l,ld be ‘testing perfectly
once ,nore ‘ Bul if >' ou continue to
! act like a f ° o1 ’ so far as what >' ou
,-at and lhe " a >' > ou eat !t ,s c,)n
merited, cerned ’ you >' ou wil1 will bc ri « ht back
where you are now inside f six
j hat I said to this man can be
| applied to thousands just like him
1 11 d over the country,
! Puratone is sold in Clevelrnd by
Cleveland Drug Co., and by one
leading druggist in every town.
Friendship Locals.
Mr. and Mrs. Atkins have moved
* rom New Holland to their farm
1 '« White count.*. We are glad to
j llave them in this part,
The sing at Mr. and Mrs. Nix’s
Saturday night was higlqy enjoyed
by all present,
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Brown
gave tiie young people a corn
shucking Monday evening of this
j week.
Mrs. Whitlock spent Sunday af¬
ternoon with Mrs. Atkins.
Ask Mr. Newt Thomas why he
j couldn’t come to Sunday .school last
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry \V illiamR
j *P ent Sunday afternoon with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield
tmi family.
Mr. Elbert YVhitfiejd spent the
da v with his sister, Sunday.
Mrs - J>> - F - Trotter spent the
; Aeek end D vith her P arents > Mr -
and Mrs. Sosebee.
M r . B. F. Trotter attended
\ ing at Mr. and Mrs. Nix’s Saturday
j ni K ht - He reported a good time.
Miss (Jla Nix paid home folks a
visit Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. II. L. Kytle and
have been on a visit to their folks
in Atlanta.
western news.
Mr. J. M. Wilkins, of Lumpkin
county, has been spending a lew
days here helping his son, C. E.
Wilkins, haul logs to the saw mill.
Our merchants, Rev. Burns and
Mr. Jackson, are doing uninterest¬
ing business. They are paying
36c per daz. for eggs.
Mr. ]. W. Nix and daughters.
Misses Corine and Irene, rere visit¬
ing at Town Creek and aided in
some very interesting singing tit
the church.
Two of the Misses Dunagan’s
are visiting the family of Mr. Mar¬
low Staton.
M. ), W. Etris gave the young
people a singing Sunday night,
which enjoyed by all psesent.
Rev. W. (i. Burns delivered a
very able and interesting sermon at
Town Creek Sunday.
We are informed that some par¬
ties have been furnishing some of
the young men of our community
with whiskey and that there has
been some drinking on the road
near Etris school house on the Sab¬
bath days. We hope the parties
that furnish the whiskey and those
that drink it will refrain from that
evil before they get into trouble,
and have to pay fines in court.
Mr. Meaders, of Eeo. is opening
up his store at the W. N. Turner
stand at this writing.
Rev. II. II. Harris, who has been
at Helen for sometime, eeturned
home Saturday.
Mr. Henry Mauldin has beep
quite busy for the last few flays
-praying iiis apples trees.
Mr. Y . J. Thompson, who lm
been quite ill, is up and able to
walk and will make a business trip
o Gainesville this week.
Miss Harriet Houston seemed to
enjoying the company of Mr. Guy
Willson Sunday afternoon.
Mr. F. K. Harris has purchased
himself a sawmill says he intends
10 ctii lumber for the whole country
Misses Bertha and Fossie Van¬
diver spent the night with Mrs.
Barron Saturday night.
Mr. Kimsey, from Arizona, has
been visiting his brother, Mr. O,
II. Kimsey.
Mr. Will Stovall is through saw¬
milling on Smith’s Creek and will
move his mill to Yonah mountain
this week.
2 heifers, one cream Jersey, one
red and white spotted; marked
swallow fork in right ear and over
bit in left. Ranged on Blue Ridge
mountain last summer. Will pay
$10 for each to any one that will
get them for me. Both are de¬
Cleveland, Git., R. 2.
Meldean Spacials.
| Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dean
gave a
I dinner Sunday. Those present
j were . J)r and V| s W> E Evans ,
j Lucy< Eva y |ae> Mrs D E Evans
. . .
j , nt j little son, Roy, Mrs. Stephens,
and daughter from Clermont.
j | Albert carrying Brown, of his Shoal girls Creek, ride
was seen a
| Sunday afternoon,
| Edgar West has ordered him a
new buggy. Wonder who is going
J to get a ride?
| Ernest Whitfield and mother
were visiting relatives near Dew
berry Sunday.
Several of the young people at
tended the singing at F. M» G.
Mirs Fannie Lance and Miss
Bertha Hamilton visiledGaiuesville
last Saturday. j
Mr. Bob Johnson was visiting
his cousin, Fletcher Cooley, Satur- j
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dorsey
spent Saturday night with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Dorsey.
Miss M Iggie Dorsey has been
on the sick list, for the last week.
the 1 /iss week Liela with Dorsey her grandparents] is spending j
- 1 /r. and J/rs. Turner Davidson.
Several from our part attended
Dewey Autry’s birthbuy partyMon
day night. They report a good
Marvin Ilighsmih visited Iiis
unole Yandriver Skelton last Sun¬
,’l had a bad case of constipa¬
tion, gason the bowels and other
stomach trouble. Twelve hours af¬
ter 1 took Adler-i-ka I felt better,
and after continuing 1 consider
myself CURED.” (Signed) E. 11 .
Beeinan, Calispell, Wash,
Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and
sobrness, stopping stomach distress
foul matter which poisons system.
Often CURES constipation, Pre¬
vents appendicitis. We have sold
Adler-i-ka many years. It is a
mixture of buckthorn, cascara, gly¬
cerine and nine other simple drugs.
Cleveland Drttd Co.
■ ■>■' ■• — - - ■ ■■ ■•
--v m
H ss
•tsrt Thai is what we are conducting, and it is a big
m in the true sense of the word when you consider
the fact that we are selling furniture for less than
factory prices in car load lots.
Sinee the first of January every furniture factory in the United
#1 States Ouj that stock we know bought of have last advanced year’s market their prices and from 20 to before 50 percent last
on some years
lias been extremely large, but is growing less each business day. We
do not advance our prices with the market; if we did we would be get¬
1& ting double. We sell the goods at the price they were bought to sell at
regardless of the market, and we are frank to tell you that you can buy
tbe same furniture here for less.
We pass this information to you in order to give you a chance to
buy now and protect yourself against the tremendous advance which
you will have to pay on all shipments coming from the factory.
Y esterday is gone; today is short; tomorrow may never come. Get
furniture while getting is possible and at a great saving in price.
Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Stoves, Ranges, Buggies, Wagons, and
Auito Supplies. Also Coffins, Caskets and Burial Supplies
Real Estate, Lumber or Wood
What Makes A Bank? ?
Well, our answer lo that question is that it is the men t
behind the bank, the men interested in its management, ♦
the men who stand for business integrity and square i
dealing. T
The officers of our bank are accomodating and willing
to extend you every courtesy. Ottr directors are not figure¬ —
heads, they actually direct the affairs of the bank and know *
how its business is conducted. Our stockholders are
among the solid men of the community. These are what it i
takes to make a good bank,, in our judgment, a safe place
lor you to do business. We invite you to joih us. f
Blue Ridge Dots.
Rev. Marvin C. Allen filled his
regular appointment at Loudsville
last Sunday.
Dr. Adair and Rev. II. M. Ed¬
wards gave your correspondent a
pleasant call last Sunday after¬
Mi;. and Mrs. Illiley Field dined
with M. and Mrs. J. P, Winkler
last Sunday.
Uncle fohn Winkler, who is
spending his last days with Iiis
nephew, Mr. Joe Winkler, is grow¬
ing feeble. lie is 89 years old.
fPRICE *1.50 A YE Ui
Mrs. J. C. Allen and Mrs. Mrs.
J. W. Allen spent last Sunday af¬
ternoon at Mr. J 03 Winkler’s
We are glad to hear through the
Courier of the E. P. Headen fam¬
ily. It reminds us of past times
when we were on the same farm.
Mr. Jackson, of Union county,
was here on business last week.
Mr. Herbert Winkler and sister,
Miss Com, spent last Sunday in
this part with friends.
Pure heed Silver Paced Wyandottee, $2
per 1 5, delivered,
Mrs. J. Miller, Cleveland, Ga., K. No. 1,