Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Dodson, the “Liver Tone” Man,
Tells the Treachery of
Calomel loses you a day ! You know
what calomel is. It's mercury; quick¬
silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes
into sour bile like dynamite, cramping
and sickening you. Calomel attacks
the bones and should never be put into
your system.
When you feel bilious, sluggish, con¬
stipated and all knocked out and be¬
lieve you need a dose of dangerous cal¬
omel just remember that your druggist
sells for a few cents a large bottle of
Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely
vegetable and pleasant to take and is
a perfect substitute for calomel. It is
guaranteed to start your liver without
stirring you up Inside, and can not
Don't take calomel! It can not be
trusted any more than a leojiard or a
wild-cat. Take Dodson’s Liver Tone
which straightens you right up and
makes you feel fine. Give it to the
children because it is perfectly harm¬
less and doesn't gripe.—Adv.
Said the almost philosopher: “It's a
mean man who will lead his little boy
to believe lie is penniless when the
bid asks for one.”
Look at tongue! Remove poisenf
from stomach, liver and
Accept “California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, thou you are sure your
child is having the best and most harm¬
less laxative or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot¬
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say “California.”
r- Adv.
Nothing is made in vain except the
extremely fashionable girl—she is a
maiden vain.
Pape’s Diapepsin” at once
fixes your Sour, Gassy,
Acid Stomach
Undigested food! Lumps of pain;
belching gas, acids and sourness. When
your stomach is all upset, here is in¬
stant relief—no waiting!
The moment you eat a tablet or two
of Pape’s Diapepsin all the indigestion
pain and dyspepsia distress caused by
acidity is relieved.
Your disordered stomach will feel
fine at once.
These pleasant, harmless tablets of
Pape's Diapepsin neutralize the harm¬
ful acids in the stomach, and give al¬
most instant relief; besides they cost
so little at drug stores.—Adv.
The forceps, or pincers, is an instru
iric!,: ihat dates back into the times
of antiquity.
A woman isn't necessarily shallow
because her beauty is only skin deep.
What is to be? A verb, of course.
Weak and Miserable?
Dbcs the least exertion tire you out?
Feel ''blue'' and worried and have daily
backache, lameness, headache, dizziness,
and kidney irregularities? Siek kidneys
are often to blame for this unhappy
state. You must act quickly to pre¬
vent more serious trouble. Use Doan's
Kidney Pills, the remedy recommend¬
ed everywhere by grateful users. Ask
your neighbor!
A Georgia Case
Mrs. Bertie Waits,
160 Barnesville St.,
Thomaston, Ga.,
says: “Kidney
trouble and rheu¬
matic pains had
me in miserable
condition. My back
lame and weak,
pains would
up and down
back and my
didn’t seem to
refresh me and I
felt run
down, tired out and
listless. My kid¬
neys didn’t act
right. Different remedies failed to
help me- I finally used Doan’s Kidney
Pills and they quickly cured me."
Get Do an*a &t Any Store, 60c a Bos
Back-aches, Run-Down,
Weak, Nervous
from Atlanta! Ga.:—“I suffered for a long time
feminine weakness which caused me
to become all run¬
down, weak and
nervous, and I back¬ suf¬
fered with
aches and pains in
my side. I was just
as miserable as one
could ever think of
taking being when Pierce’s X began
Favorite Prescrip¬
tion and it soon
built me up in
health and strength
and I felt so much
‘Favorite Prescription’ improved in every
way. is tho best
woman's medicine I have ever taken and I
expect to continue to ~irnise it as long as 1
live."—MltS. ALICE MILAM, 67 Savan¬
nah St. . ; -
Nerves Shattered
Prescription _ Amista, Ga.:—"Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
restored me to perfect health
when 1 had become a complete nervous i
wreck. I was suffering with backaches, I
oaused by my kidneys becoming congested,
and my erves were completely shattered.
I was not able to do any work, I was so
weak. I could not sleep, I was so nervous, i
and my appetite was very poor. I was just
a wreck when my mother gave me the
taken 'Favorite about Prescription’ bottles and when I had I
five I was well and ,
strong.”—MRS. N. I,. GOODWIN, 1731
Walker St.
Hemorrhages and Nervousness
Macon, Ga.:—“At the turn of life I
became terribly weak, very nervous and
run-down. One of my neighbors in Ala
bama had been cured of a serious ailment
in Dr. Pierce’s Institution in Buffalo, and
I had always heard Dr. Pierce’s medicines
spoken of so higldy that I just made up my
mind to try ‘Favorite Prescription.' Two
bottles of this medicine brought me thru
the critical time in splendid health and cured
me of the hemorrhages and nervousness. I
honestly Prescription do believe Dr. Pierce's Favorite
to be tho very best medicine a
period woman can 'of take to help her thru this critical
life."—MRS. JENNIE C.
PADGETT. 17b3 Third St.
The Reason.
“They say England is crazy over
“No wonder with a lot of our
stock probably going over there."
"Danderine” creates mass
of thick, gleamy waves
In a few moments you can transform
your plain, dull, flat hair. You can
have It abundant, soft, glossy and full
* f life. Just get at any drug or toilet
counter a small bottle of “Panderine”
for a lew cents. Then moisten a soft
cloth with the “Danderine” and draw
this through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time. Instantly, yes,
immediately, you have doubled the
beauty of your hair. It will he a mass,
so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up.
Al! dust, dirt and excessive oil is re¬
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor, and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff' nnd falling
haii and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and hoautiful.—Adv.
His Table Manners.
Flatbush—I don't like those paper
Bonsonhurst—But they are sanitary,
you know.
“Perhaps so. But they scratch my
neck when I tuck ’em in my collar.”
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like
lead or Bladder
! bothers.
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
1 like the bowels, get sluggish and
! clogged and need a flushing occasion¬
ally, else we have backache and duli
misery in the kidney region, severe
headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of .Tad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tahlespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid o!
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged
kidneys and stimulates them to norma)
activity. It also neutralizes the acids
in the urine so It no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
•Tad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep the kidneys
clean, thus avoiding serious compli¬
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of .Tad Salts to folks whe
believe in overcoming kidney trouble
while it Is only trouble.—Adv.
Natural Action.
“What do men do when they are
drummed out of the army, pop?"
“They beat it.”
Relief Sure
Harmies*, purely vegetable. Infant*’ all |
Children’* Regulator, formula on every label
Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic.
The Infanta’ and Children's Regulator
Children grow healthy and free
from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency, I
constipation and other trouble if |
given it at teething time.
Safe, pleasant—always brings re¬
markable and gratifying results. 1
At All f
For ever half a century DR.
sold for the Liver.
Read the following from a woman
of forty-eight: “I have used DR.
TOTIT’S PILLS for Bowel regula¬
tion many years. I am now con¬
vinced that they are also the best
known regulator for other retard¬
ed female functions. I have told
many of my friends and now none
would be without them. A few
days before, and you are all right.” g
if HUNT’S SALVE fails in tho
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
itching ekin diseases. Prico
75c at druppriflts, or direct from
4 . B, Richards Medicine Co.,Sherman, Tbs.
New Patented Combination Broom
and Mop. Sell ; at sight. Territory now
open. Full particulars. Don’t delay—
Write today. Economy Broom Co., Inc.,
Louisville, Ky.
A Real Test.
“How can a man know who are his
real friends?" “Very easily. They are
the ones who lend him money."
Tomorrow will be clear
and bright, if you take
"Cascarets" tonight
Feeling half-sick, bilious, consti¬
pated? Ambition way below zero?
Here is help! Take Cascarets tonight
for your liver and bowels. You’ll wake
up dear, rosy, and full of life. Cas
enrots act without griping or incon¬
venience. They never sicken you like
Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh
pills. They cost so little too—Cas¬
carets work while you sleep.—Adv.
He Is Interested.
“Did you swear off this year?”
“Is that an academic question or
have you got something?”
A Lady of Distinction.
Is recognized by the delicate fascinat¬
ing influence of the perfume she uses.
A hath with Cuticura Soap and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores,
followed by a dusting with Cuticura
Talcum Powder usually means a dear,
sweet, healthy skin.—Adv.
If we always prepare ourselves for
the worst that may happen, we will
never he disappointed. v
To abort a cold
and prevent com¬
plications, take
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are
nausealess, safe and sure.
Medicinal virtues retain¬
ed and improved. package*. Sold
only in seeded
Price 35c.
from your fertilizer will be greater
if you use
I The Fertilizer That Made
Scrap Fish
Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C.
Washington, N.C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga
Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio
A Terror, Perhaps!
“Bessie, why don’t you try to be a
good little girl?” “1 do Iry awfully
hard.” “But you don’t, succeed very
well.” “Why, mother, just think how
'aid I’d he if I didn’t try at all,”—-Life.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum,
a small box of Barbo Compound, and 14
oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a
week until it becomes the desired shade.
Any druggist can put this up or you can
mix it at home at very little cost. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded jray hair,
rad will make harsh hair Roft and glosay.
It will not co’or the scalp, is not sticky or
ireasy, and does not rub off.—Adv.
Nature has arranged tilings so that
a poor man Is able to display as many
virtues as a millionaire.
ET a package today. No
tice the flavor—the whole¬
some taste of Kentucky Burley
Why do so many “regular
men” buy Lucky Strike
cigarettes? They buy them
for the special flavor of the
toasted Burley tobacco.
There’s the big reason—it’s
toasted, and real Burley. Make
Lucky Strike your cigarette.
In the Slums.
Sunday School Teacher—Why was
St. Paul released from prison?
Muggsey—’Cos his time was up.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ¬
enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S
CATARRH MEDICTNE will cure catarrh.
It is taken internally and acts through
the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho
Is composed of some of the best tonics
I known, combined with some of the best
j blood purifiers. The perfect combination
! of the ingredients in HALT/S CATARRH
MEDICINE is what produces such won¬
derful results in catarrhal conditions.
Druggists Cheney 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. & Co., Props., Toledo. Ohio,
In Korea the marriage certificate
Is equally divided between husband
and wife.
77a? tastiest
tobacco you
ever tasted .
Wanted—Agents everywnere to represent uc
locally, spare time. Liberal commission to
right party. No experience necessary. Must
be honest, reliable, acquainted. Particular*!,
Southland Marble & Granite Co., Marie Ha, Oat
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 6-1920.