Newspaper Page Text
Sbc Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Ai.ex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post >ftice at Cleveland
Ga., as second cla'B mail matter.
Subscription, 11.50 per year
.Miss Pearl Jackson returned
home J/onday from Downey’s
Hospital and is now improving
nicely after a very serious opera¬
tion which she underwent some
weeks ago.
Rev. F. D. Byce will preach at
the Baptist Church the first Sun¬
day in yl/arch at n o’clock. All
the members are earnestly request¬
ed to be present.
Were it not that the ground is
too wet, the candidates would now
be making the dust fly ;as it is they
must sling mud (if they’re going
te raise sand) until the ground
Miss Eliza Kenimer, who has
been in Atlanta for a couple of
weeks, has returned home to the
delight of many friends.
Mrs. Oscar Gillstrap, after visits
ing relatives in Cleveland, return¬
ed to her home in Shoal Creek first
of the week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Turner Wednesday night of last
week, a daughter.
Mr. A. D. Robertson, who has
been attending a meeting of the
county demonstration agents of the
state at Athens during the past
two weeks returned home Saturday
Mr. N. C. Westmoreland, who
unexpectedly came home some
weeks ago to visit his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Westmoreland, has
returned to Los Angeles, Cal.,
where he is engaged in business,
lie was happy to find upon his re¬
turn home that his parents were
alive and enjoying their usual
health, for whom he will erect a
new home soon. lie has traveled
in many states and to Alaska and
has accumulated considerable
wealth, and he hasn’t failed while
with his people to share freely his
good fortune with them freely. lie
will come again in a few months
to spend a while with his parents
who will be as proud to see him as
he can possibly be to see them, for
they are all proud of this noble son.
, 1 /essrs. William A. Russell and
Thos. F. Underwood went to At¬
lanta Sunday on business.
Town Afartial Turner took in
custody a man whese name seems
to be unknown a few days ago,
charged with being intoxicated.
He was fined $20 and costs.
Walnut post offie, which has been
without regular service since the
first of January, will be supplied
by Route No. 4 from Cleveland in
Mr. Frank Allen lias taken a
position with A. II. Henderson to
run the hotel, with the assistance
of his wife. Fravk has been with
John E. J/itchell. Helen, for many
years, and resigned his position
there to accept the proposition of¬
fered him by Mr. Henderson. Ilis
many friends and the friends of the
hotel hope that he will be success¬
ful in his new position.
We are informed that W. A.
Jackson will enter the race for sher¬
iff at an early date and that his
announcement will appear in our
next issue. lie held this office for
a number of years and made a good
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Quinn have
been on the sick list for the past
weed, but are now a little im¬
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Car¬
penter, a girl.
The Courier received an article
this week for publication, we pre¬
sume, but as the party or parties
failed to put his or their name to
the article we are compelled to lay
it aside. When writing for this
paper always sign your name.
Marvin Reece, who has opened
a soft drink and confectioneiy store
in town, has gone on a business
trip to Atlanta.
Healthy, Robust
People Popular
Good Health Creates an At¬
tractive, Magnetic Person¬
ality and Wins Ad¬
Healthy People Are Happy
Peplo-.Mangan Has Put Thou¬
sands into the Healthy,
Full-Hlooded Class
Mow the red-blooded, energetic,
and attractive man or woman is en¬
vied by those who feel that it is
always ther unfortunate lot to be
thin, pale and weak-bodied.
And yet why coutinue to envy
men and women who possess a
vigorous, healthy physical condi¬
tion and jan attractive, magnetic
personality? I’oor health and lack
of vitality are often merely the re¬
sult of impoverished blood.
Guile’s Pepto-Mangan is for peo¬
ple whose bodies suffer from lack
of proper blood nourishment. Pep¬
to-Mangan enriches the blood and
increases the number of healthy
red blood cells, which are necessary
to carry the proper nourishment,
vigorousness and strength to every
part of the body.
Physicians introduced Guile's
Pepto-Mangan to the public be¬
cause they knew that it contained
the very properties that are so sore¬
ly needed to build up thin, warery
blood. For your convenience Pep
to-Man/lan is prepared in two
forms’ liquid and tablet. Both
contain exactly the same medicinal
Insist on the genuine Pepto-Man¬
gan. To be sure you are buying
the genuii e Pepto-Mangan, ask
your druggist for “Gude’s.” And
be sure the name “Gude’s” is on
the package.—Advertisement.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, us they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in¬
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im¬
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which In
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur¬
faces. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine. Cir¬
culars free. All Druggists. 75c.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Community Meetings
Meetings for the purpose of or¬
ganizing a Community Farm Bu¬
reau will he held at 7:30 p. in., as
follows :
Feb. 6—Blue Ridge school.
Feb. 7—Yonah school.
Feb. 9—Woodlawn school.
Feb. 10-—Duckett school.
Feb. 11—Friendship school.
Feb. 12—Blue Creek school.
Feb. 13—Oakes Chapel school.
Feb. 14—Etris school.
There will be a set of pictures
shown at these meetings. Even¬
tual), woman and child should see
There will be no candidate
speeches, so be on hand.
County Agent.
I feel it my duty to warn the
people who do not know or realize
that the law was so fixed in 1917
that the ordinary shall be one of
the members of the commissioners
of roads and revenues of White
county. So when you are voting
for your ordinary for the county
you are also voting for one of the
commissioners of roads and rev¬
enues. Respectfully,
Extra early King seed, #2.25 per
bushel, f. o. b,, Cleveland, Ga.
Amberol Records
for January, 1920
Royal Purple Records, $1.00 each
Marie Tiffany and Mario Laurenti No. 29042
Tell Me the Old, Old Story, Doane, Bass-Baritone,
orch, acc. Arthur Middleton No. 29042
Regular List, 60c each
A Cowboy Romance, Spencer, A Scene on the
Prairie, Len Speneer and Company, No. 2898
Alexander’s Hand Is Hack In Dixieland, Gumble,
Male V oices, orch- aec„ Premier Quartet, No. 2901
Breeze, Blow My Baby Back to Me, Macdonald,
God win-IIanley, Premier Quartet, No. 2888
Clarinet Squawk, One-Step, introducing "Summer
Days” Lada-Nunez-Cawley, for Dancing
Louisiana Five, No. 2890
Flirtation Vaise, Intermezzo, Steek, Conway’s
Band. No. 2891
Granny, Belledna, Contralto, orch. acc., Marion
Evelyn Cox. No. 2900
I Know What It Means to Be Lonesome, Kendis
Brockman-Vincent, Soprana, orch, acc.
Margaret A, Freer. No. 3894
In the Old Sweet Way, Caddigan-Storr, Contralto
and Tenor, ouch, acc,, Helen Clark and George
Wilton Ballard. No. 3897
I’ve Made Up My Mind to Mind a Maid Made Up
Like You, Swartz, Contralto and Baritone,
orch. acc., Helen Clark and Joseph
A. Phillips. No. 3885
Little Arrow and Big Chief Greasepaint, Spencer,
Vaadedille Sketch, Ada Jones and Len
Spencer, No. 3999
< My Desert Love, Cooper, Tenor, orch. acc., Lewis
•J James. No. 3895
*- Romance from L’Eclairc, Halevy, Peerless Orches¬
tra. No, 3886
? Tears, Dry Your, Fox Trot, Hickman-Black, for
^ Dancing, Green Bros. Novelty Orchestra. No.3884
Uncle Josh and Nancy Put Up the Kitchen Stove,
Stewart, A Rural Scene, Carl Stewart
■I and Ada Jones. No. 3940
Waii Until the Roses Bloom, Morgan, Saxophone
Wheeler Wadsworth. No. 3889
We’ll All Go Home the Same Way, H. Lauder,
orch. acc., Glen Ellison. No. 3887
You’re Ny Gal, Bernard, Negro Melody, orch. acc.
A1 Bernard and Ernest Hare. No. 3893
French Records, 60c each
Presque Verteuse, Gabaroche, Baritone, in French,
orch. acc., Hector Pellerin. No. 27188
’ V.'.V.V.V.VAA
Miss Mndelene Castleberry spent
with Miss Eva Cathy.
Rev. Marvin Allen filled his teg¬
appointment at I.oudsville,
Sunday, and preached to an
interested audience.
Mrs. J. G. Voting visited her
daughter, Mrs. Joe Ash, Saturday.
A crowd of entertainers seeking
a place ot entertainment got scat¬
tered badly Saturday night.
Messrs. W. A. N’iv and G. E.
Allen made a business trip to Shoal
Creek one day last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Allen
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Allen,
Mr. Ollie Allen contemplates
moving to Jackson county in a few
Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Allison
visited relatives over in Lumpkin
county Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, who
have been at the Jo me of Mr, \Y.
M. Miller for the past month, left
lor Seattle, \\ ash,, Monday.
The Difference
—between the man who has learned
to save and bank his money and the
Form the habit man who lias not learned,is the differ¬
of saving ence, ten years hence, between the
man flourishing in business and the
and Bank with man looking for a job,
Little Martha Underwood, of
Lumpkin county, is on visit to her
grandmother, Mrs. Martha Uniler
wood, of this place.
Mr. Albert Dyer gave a singing
Sunday night, which was enjoyed
by all present,
We have been having some bad
weather for the past two weeks.
Mis, Laura Ash spent Sunday
and Sunday night with Mrs. Nettie
Tlie school at Tesnatee is pro
gressing nicely.
Mrs. Martha Merritt is spending
the week witli Mrs. Farah Ash.
Miss Jessie Cox and sister spent
Sunday with Miss Nettie Clark.
Mr. L. G. Ash was up this way
Miss Mary Gloaer went to
Gainesville one day last week to
get some dental work done.
Miss Nettie Clark spent the night
with Miss Avie Cathy one night
last week.
Political Announcements.
To the voters of Whi'e County: —
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Ordinary of
White County subject to the primary to
be held the 17th day of March 1920, and
if elected will continue to try to do my
duty aH heretofore in behalf of the con -
ty affairs. Thanking- the people for sap
port heretofore rendered me. Hoping to
he remembered on the 17th at the poles
in the same manner as before.
Respectfully yours,
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
Georgia, White county.
To the v oters of said county :
I hereby announce myself a - a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court o|
WliitiCounty sudject to the county prim¬
ary to tie held March 17th, 1 of0. If
elected 1 promise the people of the county
faithful arid efficient servh ", Your sup
port will be highly appreciated
Thanking the people of my comity for
past support.
1 am, very respectfully if. yours,
J*. R. Barrett.
To the voters of White County;
I hereby an non nee myself as a candi¬
date for Tax Collector subject to th
county primary to tie held on March i7tb
1920. If elected I promise faithful and
efficient service to,the people.
I will appreciate your support.
Thanking all the voters of the county
for their past supportr
I am, yours respectfully,
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby an Douce myself a candid t!<
for Tax Receiver of White County sub
ject to the primary, if one be held. 1
elected 1 shall use my best efforts to make
an accomodating and efficient officer,
solid mg yonr support at polls which 1
assure you will be highly appreciated.
K. <\ Hefner.
To the Voters of White County:
l take the method of announcing to you
my can id Hey for tie* office of Ordinary of
While County subject to the action of th
Democratic primary, and assuring you
that your suppoit will be very greatly
appreciate! 1.
Respct fully,
T h os. V\ U n <ierw < >o< 1.
To the citizens of White County :
I heieby announce myself a candidat*
for Tax Co I lector of White Comity sub
ject to the county primary, of M?u eh 17
If elected I pledge myself in making my
rounds to make Cleveland my last aj
point men t and to be thereon Saturday's,
and to otherwise render the best possible
service in the interest of the tax payers.
Thanking you in a<l\aiH*.e for your sup¬
G. E. Allen,
To the voters of White Count}
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sheriff for White County subject to
the County primary to !>r held March 17.
Sulictiting your support and if elected
I promise faithfully to preform the duties
to trie best of my ability.
John Asti.
To ttie voters of White County:
I respectfully announce myself a can¬
didate for tax receiver of White Count}
subject to the county primary to be held
March 17, 1920, Your vote solicited ami
J. C. Carter,
To the voters of White county
I hereby announce myself a candidal”
f >r tax collector, subject to the primary
to tie held March 17, 1920. It I am elect¬
ed 1 will serve the people to the Lest ot
my ability.
Yours truly,
To the Voters or White. County :
1 hereby announce myself a
for sheriff of White county, subject
the primary to tie held March 17th. I
feel 1 am fully competent and will do all
in my power to discharge all of the
devolving upon me, and I will
appreciate it if the people will elect
to this office.
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself for
tion to the offie of tax receiver of
county, subject to the democratic
ary of March 17, 1920. If elected 1
continue to perform the duties of
, office to the very best of my ability
skill as heretofore. Thanking the
I for alt past favors and in advance for
] ture support. Yours truly,
To the Voters of White County:
After being solicited by many
I hereby announce myself as a
date for sheriff, subject to the
to be held March 17, I 92 O.
To the voters of Mhite County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County School Snpt.,sub¬
ject to the primary election to be held on
the 1 9th day of March, 1920. j respect¬
fully solicit the support of the people
and, if elected. I will endeavor to give
you a failhful administration: locking* at
dl times to the » duration of tho children
and th * building up of the schools of the
C H. Edwards.
To the voters of White County,
I hereby an non nee myself a candidate
fiij* the < ffieo of Ordinary. Thanking you
in advance for your support on the 1 71li
day of March, If-20,
•EC. Russell.
To the voices of White County:
I h"rchy announce that I am a eandi
lat.-u tor ie-eIeciiou to the Superinten¬
dent or Schools of White Councy, subject
,o th-* Primary Election which is to be
hehi March i7tb,
Respsct fully,
T. V. Cantrell.
Fo the voters of White County:
I am a candidate for Tax Receiver of
White County, subject to the decision of
of lhe voters rendered in the primary to
bo help March 17, 1929. Should 1 re¬
ceive the nomination and be elected to
this office I promise the tax payers the
Very best service possible.
W. \Y. Lot bridge.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support for the
jamily of J. f*\ Davis, deceased, having
been filed in my offie, all persons con¬
cerned are cited to show cause by the 1st
day of March, 1930, why said applica
cion for twelve months'' support should
out be granted. This February 2, 1920.
M J. ALLISON. Ordinary.
Ala, ing of the Board of Education
.>!' Whit mty held January I7th. 1920,
motion was carried out to reconsider the
ions did id h nof White Creek and New
Bridge schools. The Board directed the
County School Superintendent to call an
electi n in he held at Mucedonia Church
ori February 21. 1921 upon the question
of eonsolidat’.on of the schools above
TU' -e favoring consolidation
shall have written or printed on their
leiketsthe word: “For Consolidation"
j Those opposed to consolidation shall have
j uri * M ir printed on their tickets the
u-d: “Againts Consolidation". Qunli
( i ts 1 voters residing whitlmi the bound¬
aries of the old White Creek and New
Bridge Districts may vote in this elec¬
tion. A complete discriptiou of said
boundries will he furnished the manager
of the election. Lied ions wi'l open at H
A. M and close a! it P. M.. Saturday.
KeBurarv 21, 1920. Notice of said elec¬
tion is herebv given.
T. V. Cantrell C.8. S.
j i h e a good Jersey bull for ser
vice. Fee fi.oo. Also a Duroc
J >ey boar, fee $2.00. All fees to
paid at the gate.
Fids For Sale.
Both cross and Pure Pigs. Also
t bred and unbread gilts. Pure ser¬
vice boars. Call or write
15 . II. Middiebrooks.
Mt. Laurel Farm, Cleveland, Ga,
Hont’3 Salve, formerly called
Hunt’s, Care is especially com¬ of
pounded for »be treatment
Itcb, Eczema, Ring worm, and
Tetter, and is sold by tbe drug¬
gist on the strict guarantee that
the purchase price, 75e, will be
prompt'^ refunded to any dissat¬
isfied customer. Try Hunt'sSalve
at our risk. For sale locally by
One good work steer for sale.
Three years old past. Quiet dis¬
position. Price reasonable.
Frost Proof Cabbage Plants.
l ,,r immediate shipment, extra
fine stcckv plants. Early Jersey,
Charleston Wakefield, Succession,
Flat Dutch. By express 1000,
20*10. $:i.sO, 5000, *7.50.
Prepaid mai 300, ft.00, 500, ¥1.50.
looo, $2.30. Send for price list
i Sweet potatoe Tomato, and other