Newspaper Page Text
Now Enjoy* Best of Health
and Doe* Her Housework
"I didn't enjoy one day of good
health for more than two years," Georgia says St.,
Mrs. C. E. Wildes, 746 E.
Memphis, Tenn.
"At first I had
nothing more than
backache. After¬
wards terrible at¬
tacks of pain left
me weak and limp.
My ached. arms and My limbs feet
felt weighted of with
tons lead. I
couldn't walk
without a cane
and had to be car¬
Mr*. Wilde. ried to bed every
night. I couldn’t
do a bit of work and kept limbs. my people Some¬
busy rubbing my body aching became rigid. My
time* my whole
feet were swollen twice their normal
"It almost killed me to pass the kid¬
ney secretions. I lost 42 pound* and
each day felt I had aged a year. I was
so nervous the rustle of a paper made
me scream.
“Finally I was advised to use Doan’s
Kidney Pills and seven boxes made
me a well woman. I have enjoyed have the
best of health for seven years, and
done all my housework without any
trouble." Sworn to before me.
JOHN McNULTY, Notary Public.
G*t Doan's at Any Store, 60 c a Box
Cuticura Soap
Clear the Skin
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
Laugh and the world laughs with
"Pape’s Diapepsin” at once
fixes Your Sour, Gassy,
Acid Stomach
Stomach acidity causes Indigestion 1
Food souring, gas, distress! Wonder
what upset your stomach? Well, don’t
bother 1 The moment you eat a tablet
or two of Pape’s Diapepsin all the
lumps of indigestion pain, the sour¬
ness, heartburn and belching of gases,
due to acidity, vanish—truly wonder¬
Millions of people know that It Is
needless to be bothered with Indiges¬
tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stom¬
ach. A few tablets of Pape’s Diapep¬
sin neutralize acidity and give relief
at once—no waiting! Buy a box of
Pape’s Diapepsin now I Don’t stay mis¬
erable! Try to regulate your stomach
eo you con eat favorite foods without
causing distress. The cost Is so little.
The benefits so great.—Adv.
You may at least learn something
by trying to teach old dogs new tricks.
Drug Stores Sell It?
Five million people COLDS
use it to KILL
Standard cold remedy for 2D year*
k —in tablet form—safe, sure, no
opiates—breaks up a cold in 24
^ hours—relieves back grip it fails. in 3 days. The
__ Money » has Red
*\top genuine with box Mr. a Hill’*
At All Drue? Storms
Carbolated Reg U. S. Pat. Off
An antiseptic
dressing for cuts,
sores, etc.
A necessity
where there
are children.
State Street _ New York
Fn-cUrs, scars, wrinkles, smallpox pils, etc .
removed; deformities corrected, if you have
facial di-hguremenls of any kind, write Dr.
Bailey, -2, Empire Fids . Denver. Colorado.
Monev dack wunoui fails Question
if HUNT'S SALVE In the
treatment of I TCH . ECZEMA*
itching skin diseases. Price
7bc at druggists, or dire it from
At lisfearit MiiKki
Oklahoma Lady Tells How Her
Husband Believes in Black
Draught and Uses It For
Many Ailments.
Nowata, Okla.—Mrs. W. B. Dawson,
a resident of this place, says: “My
husband Is a great believer in Black
Draught and thinks it cures about
It is splendid for headache, constipa¬
tion (which usually causes headache),
Indigestion or any kind of stomach
trouble, and we just keep it for these
troubles. I don’t know when we
haven’t used It, and we always find it
I know it has done us both a lot of
good and saved us many dollars. I use
it in teaspoon doses at first and
follow with small doses, and It sure
does make a person feel like new.
It cleanses the liver better than any
other liver tonic I have ever used,
and after taking a thorough course
nature asserts itself and you are not
left in a constipated condition that
follows a lot of other active medicines.
This is one thing I like especially
about It.”
For over 70 years Thedford’s Black
Draught has bepn in use for many sim¬
ple ailments and today Is a recog¬
nized standard remedy in thousands
of family medicine chests. It will
pay you to keep Black-Draught in the
house for use when needed.
Your druggist sells It.—Adv.
Not That Goal.
“Are you going to the terminal on
this car?” “Oh, no; we’re just going
to (he end of tin- line.”
Look for name “Bayer" on tablets and
follow directions in
The Bayer Company, who Introduced
Aspirin, tell In their careful directions
in each package of genuine “Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin” that to get the
best results one or two glasses of water
should be drank after taking tablets.
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” to be
genuine must be marked with the
safety “Bayer Cross." Then you are
getting tlie world-famous Aspirin, pre¬
scribed by physicians for over eighteen
Each Unbroken "Bayer” package
contains proper directions for Colds,
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu¬
ralgia, Lumbago, Pain RheumaMsm, Neuri¬
tis, and for generally.
Handy (in boxes of twelve tablets
cost but a few cents. Druggists also
sell larger “Bnyer” packages. Aspirin
Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac¬
ture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcy
The Selection.
"I have been eating fish for the ben¬
efit of my brain.”
To half pint of water add Compound, 1 oz. Bay Rum,
a small box of Barbo and 14
oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a
week until it becomes th desired shade.
Any druggist can put this up or you can
mix it at home at very little cost. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded ray hair,
and will make harsh hair soft and glossy.
It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub off.—Adv.
A finished orator ought to know
when to quit.
(Everybody Loves Baby
Baby Augusta, Ga.:—"From the time my
girl wa9 three months old l have
given her ‘Golden Me¬
dical Discovery’ for
stomach and bowel
disorders. My father
suggested her ’Discovery’ my giving
the in
doses of ten drops three
times a day. The im¬
provement She was very
marked. is now
seven months old, has
v eight teeth and haa
(never / ing trouble had any whatever, teeth
and I give Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Dis¬
covery all the credit
In the world for my baby’s present perfect
health. The ‘Golden Medical Discovery’
has also been used by my sister for her
babies when they digestion were only two months
old to help in and she always
COX, praises 843 it as Phillip highly St. as I do.”—MRS. W. Q,
Suffered with Asthma
Macon, Ga..—"For about two years I
suffered with asthma; this caused" mo to
become verk weak and nervous, I took
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery’ for
the asthma and the ’Favorite Prescription’
to build me up and give me strength, and
those two medicines cured me of my asthma
and restored me to health and strength and
1 have never bad any return of this ailment,
w "I am never without Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets in my home for use in the family
when needed. They are the best medicine
I have ever used to keep one in a good
liver healthy and state; they regulate the stomach,
bowels and are mild and easy to
take.”—MBS. J. H. BATEMAN, 121 EU
Bilious Attacks and Headaches
Athens, Ga.:—“Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets I consider very good ter biliousness.
At times I have bilious attacks and head¬
aches caused from and my liver being sluggish
and inactive, with my husband is also
bothered bilious attacks and consti¬
pation, ‘Pleasant Just recently we learned of the
Pellets’ and we find them just fine
in relieving these conditions. They tone
up appetite.’’—MRS. the whole svstem FSSIBMEALOB. and give on? a good
Mitchell 115
Brief News Of Importance Gathered
From All Parts Of
The State
.,, an , a. ,, oteis of Georgia will
‘ E) ? m ‘
r I,re ' Sldent at a
pnmary to he , held , in every county j
of the state on April 20 and this ac
tion will be ratified by a state conven
Don to be held in Atlanta on May 18 |
following which the conveution will
name delegates to represent the state
at the national convention in San Fran¬
cisco. This action executive was taken by the
state Democratic committee I
at probably the most harmonious meet-!
ing of this body. While some differ- j
ences of opinion developed, they werei
easily adjusted, and every member of
tbe committee appeared to be satis
tied with the action taken. After
primary, the executive committee in
each county will name delegates to the I
state convention from the friends of
the presidential candidate who gets presi-! the
highest vote in the county. The
dentiai candidate who secures the;
largest number of county unit votes j
wlll receive the vote of Georgia in the
San Francisco convention. A commit-:
tea of seven named by the chairman
will arrange the details of the pri¬
Dawson To Have New Hotel I
Dawson—Efforts of the chamber of!
commerce to secure tor Dawson a new
and larger hotel, to be built of brick
and to cost not less than $30,000 to
$100,000, are about to be crowned with
gratifying success. James S. Farnutn,
and who who was horn is and reared wealthy in Dawson and in j
now a :
fluential citizen of Charleston, S. O., j
owns Dawson a and desirable the lot instance for a of hotel in j
at a com
has mittee agreed from to the sell chamber this lot of at commerce |
a reason-;
able valuation and to take 50 per cent;
of the stock in the company that will;
undertake the work of erecting the
proposed hotel building.
Date For Hearing Petition Changed
Atlanta.—The date of the hearing 1 !
on a petition for an Injunction brought
by Butts county against the state
prison commission to restrain that
body from includes Gie mileage
the city streets in the basis of dis
iributing county convicts has been set
for March 3 at the state library in¬
stead of February 14 at Griffin, as pre¬
viously arranged. The case will be
heard before Judge W. 1-.. IT Searcy, i
Jr., of Griffin who announced the
change ot date,
Sparks Institute to issue Bonds
At a meeting of the board of trus¬
tees of Sparks Collegiate institute,
held here, resolutions were proposed j
and passed that bonds be Issued to
the extent of $16,000 and put on the
market for sale in the very near
ture. Tlic money received for the
bonds will be used for the purchase
of additional ground for campus and
for providing for the accommodation
of boarding students. This will put j
the school in a position to take care |
of the ever-increasing enrollment. | |
Interesting Old Land Grant
Americus.—A land grant conveying:
202 1-2 acres of pine land, located
wliat is now the twenty-seventh land
district of Sumter couty, to "James,
Pedigrees' orphans,” and signed by i
“His Excellency Charles J. McDonald, j
governor and commander-in-chief of;
the army militia and navy of this state and;
the thereof,” owned is an by interest-j Gordon!
ing legal document |
Howell. Americus attorney, who is
now in’possession ot the property con-1 '
veved in the grant.
Experts Speak On Money Crop
Blakely.—A large crowd of farmers
and business men assembled here to;
hear experts from the state college
of agriculture speak on present farm-;
ing problems, greatest interest being;
centered in discussions relating poisoning to cot- the; j
ton production, such as
weevil with calcium arsenate, varie- j
ties of seed to plant and kind, amount
and time of application of fertilizers. j
- i
Engineer Hurt When Cars Turtle
Tifton.—Passenger train No. 6, local;
between Tifton and Macon, north
hound, was wrecked two miles north;
of Tifton by a broken rail. The
gine and two cars turned over. En
gineer Sasser was caught under his
locomotive and severely scalded,
taining severe cuts on the head. The
Injuries are not necessarily fatal,
Atlanta Mecca For New Concerns
Atlanta.—Indicative of the
growth and industrial expansion that
is being experienced by Atlanta, a
of wore than 140 new industries and
business concerns that have located
here within the past six months
given out by J. E. C. Redder, divisional
superintendent of Bradstreet’s com
mercial agency. These industries and
business concerns range in capitaliza¬
tion from $5,000 to $500,000. and the
total amount of capital involved is
lieved to run into many million dol¬
Federal Cash For State Roads
Atlanta.—Georgia will receive $4,-
307,437, according to present esti¬
mates for federal aid in good roads
construction, for the fiscal years 1019
and 1920. This is an estimate of
Georgia’s share in the apportionment
by the United States department of
agriculture in the lump sum of fifty
five million, dollars, which goes to
Southern states. The amount already
allotted for Georgia on projects under
construction for the fiscal years 1918,
1919 and a part of 1920 amounts to
$1,725,798, for a total mileage of pro¬
jects of 307 miles. These figures are
on a basis of 60 per cent from the
state, and 40 per cent from the fed¬
eral appropriation. Georgia has a
good roads law, which will give her
a system of highways second to that
- other State. Sixteen projects in
Georgia were approved by the deparl
ment recently . Several
for bridges and for ,
S ?32 im ’° non 00 a ■, mile m,le
Campaign To Reduce High Costs
Atlanta.—The immense proportions
of the government’s country-wide cam
pa ‘ gn gainst the high cost of living
and ^ an 1° bring together all the
i ,cople of the United States in an
ef£ort to direct the course of after
war reconstruction, were made pub
Iic at a meeting of fair price and gov
officials here and at a mass
meetin S of Georgia women. Both the
meetings were held at the chamber
o£ commerce and resulted in a hearty
endorsement of the campaign. Govern
ment representatives for the first time
'Mile official declarations that the
United States faces an economical cri
sis beyond governmental control and
appealed to the patriotism of the peo
pie as the one power which can avert
an economical disaster, which, they
quite frankly admitted, is impending.
Patriotic attention to the economic
situation and a unity ot purpose in
combating it was declared to be as
important now as during the war.
Decision On Par Clearance
Atlanta.—Following the ruling by
Judge W. D. Ellis of the superior
court, that the case of the American
Bankers association and the Georgia
Country Bankers’ association, filed in
Atlanta, was a matter of federal court
against the Federal Reserve bank in
jurisdiction and did not rest within
the power of the state for settlement,
m. b. Wellborn, governor of the ted
erai reserve bank, announced that the
policy of the hank in regard to the par
clearance of checks by members of the
federal reserve system would con
Savannah Lanlords Not Profiteers
Savannah.—According to the report
of a government investigator who
some time in Savannah, the
j am |i 0 rds and property owners of Sa¬
vannah are not profiteers. This in
vestigator was a lady. She said the
rents charged for houses and stores
in Savannah were lower than any
c j t y j„ which she had been before. She
eeetaod surprige(I at tile low flgures
charged for residences in Savannah.
Work To Start On Tugalo Dam
Toceoa.—The Georgia Railway and
Power company began on the track
leading out from Tugalo station on
the Southern railway, Just above Toc
oa ’ ™> s tn “ k »
transport material Horn he mam line
the Southern to the Tugalo river,
"heie the company will begin the
work of huiidmg the immense dam
acrosa Gie river,
New Steel Bridge For Oconee
Eatonton.—After years of agitation
and effort, Putnam and Greene couu
lif, s are to he connected l>> a splon
steel bridge ovei the Oconee n\
er - T'he bridge is to be built jointly
by the two counties and will mean
much for the business interests
motorists of these and adjoining coun
Atlanfa Militia Unit Is Accepted
Atlanta.—Ajt. Gen. J. Van Holt
Nash has received formal notification
from the militia bureau of the war
department at Washington of the ac
ceptance of the Elizabeth Rifles, the
Atlanta company which is to form a
unit of the reorganized national guard
ol' Georgia.
Large Land Transfer Made
Thomasville.—An interesting
estate deal in Thomas county land was
the sale by Dr. J. W. Moody, of Bos
ton, of what is known as the
more farm, comprising about 700
acres, lo Mrs. A. E. Massey, of New
Orleans. The purchase price, it is un
derstood, was about $25,000.
$200,000 Damage Done By Flames
Atlanta.—One large four-story
ing and its entire contents were
siroyed, with an approximate propeity
lass of $200,000; two firemen were
injured, and the lives of many more
were several times endangered,
flames razed the Piedmont garage, at
10 1-2 South Piedmont avenue.
Lowndes County Buys Big Tractor
Valdosta.—The county commission¬
ers have bought a ten ton tractor to
be used in working the roads, thus
giving the county two big tractors
and two heavy trucks, which are to
he used for the same work.
Dougherty Lets Contract For Bridge
Albany.—Contract has been let by
the Dougherty county board of com¬
missioners of roads and revenues for
the building of a handsome new con¬
crete and steel memorial bridge across
the Flint river at Albany for $263,204.
Simply Worn 0
How Many Women Are Like This ?
Can anything bo more wearing for women than the ceaseless
round, of household duties? Ohl the monotony of it all—
work and drudge; no time to bo sick; tired, ailing, yet can¬
not stop. There comes a time when something “snaps ” and
they find themselves “ simply worn out,” and to make matters
worse,have contractedserious feminine disorder which almost
always follows the constant overtaxing of a woman’s strength.
Then they should remember that there is no remedy like
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound -the expe¬
rience of these two women establishes that fact:
Cedar Rapids, la.—“After the
birth of my last child I had each
painful spoils that would unfit me
entirely tor my housework. 1 said suf¬
fered for months and the doctor
that my trouble was organic ulcers
and I would have to have an opera¬
tion. That was an awful thing to
me, with a young baby and four other
children, so one day I thought of
Lydia E. I’inkham’s Vegetable
Compound and how it decided bad helped
me years before and I to try
it again. I took fivo bottles of Vege¬
table Pinkham’a Compound Banative and used Lydia E.
then I have been a well woman, able
to to take take care care of of ray ray house house and and family family
without any troublo or a day’s pai n.
I am ready and thankful to swear by
your medicine any time. I am forty
fouryears old and have jiothad a day’s
illness —Mrs. of H. any Koenig, kind for C17 three Ellis years.” Bird,
Cedar Itapids, Iowa.
All Worn Out Women Should Take
5555:5551, :3," rvgrgf 52;; ,3“ “a“: .~ “91% “4.553% xwégw‘mmx ‘15" “fawfifizhéw 31% 52a
3545‘ :v‘iflgg :5 = :5 . «$34 , ”31‘ g 5 f1”, , z ’Z‘v ‘f.,,.:w*;: 7 ;,5x,s€” 3‘"- v”:
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’ V3 IA MM‘ .PINKHAM M CCINE ~. I?“ ‘ 9.8: A;
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The Trouble.
“Is this son you speak of adoles¬
“Mercy no, ma’am. He’s just a little j
queer in the, head."
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush
Kidneys if Bladder
Bothers You.
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some form
or other, says a well-known authority,
because the uric acid in meat excites
the kidneys, they become overworked;
get sluggish; clog up and cause all
sorts of distress, particularly back¬
ache and misery in the kidney region;
rheumatic twinges, severe headaches,
acid stomach, constipation, torpid
liver, sleeplessness, bladder and uri¬
nary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid¬
neys aren’t acting right, or if bladder
bothers you. get about four ounces of
•Tad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of I
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine,
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes aDri lemon juice, com
bined with Hthia. and has been used
for generations to flush clogged kid
neys and stimulate them to normal
activity; also to neutralize the
in the urine so It no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease.—Adv.
Old Practice.
“Do you believe doctors have right
to kill where they can’t cure?"
“Haven't they always been doing
How’s This?
We offer $100.00 for any ease of catarrh
that cannot be cured by HALL'S
en internally and acts through the Blood
or. the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Sold by druggists for over forty years.
Price 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo. Ohio.
If beauty were only skin deep, al
most everybody by taking thought
could have it.
m: Y&UR Eyes. Lritated, Night Smart Hacs It Strong, or and they Burn, Inflamed Morning. Tire, Healthy if Sore, Itch,
EVES Granulated, use Murine or
often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for
infart or Adult At ail Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Book. Karan Eye Remedy Ca., Chictt-.
Sandusky, Ohio.— 1 “ Afterthebirtli
of my baby I had organic trouble.
My doctor said it was caused by
too heavy lifting and I would
have to have an operation. I
would not consent to an operation having
and let It go for over a year,
my sister do my work for mo as I
was not able to walk. One day my
aunt came to see me and told me
about your medicine—said it cured
Tier of the same thing. I took Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable E. Pinkham’s Compound
and used Lydia Sana¬
tive Wash and they have cured me.
Now I do my own housework, wash¬
ing and ironing and sewing for my
family and also do sewing for other
people. I still take a bottle of Vege¬
table Compound recommend every spring medicine for a
tonic. I your
to others who have troubles similar
to mine and you can use mv letter
if you wish.”—Mrs. Paul Pacf.x
fcs 3,1325 Stone St.,Sandusky,Ohio.
A Cheerful Round.
“Do you go to the Green?” a passen¬
ger hoarding a trolley oar In a New
England city asked the conductor.
"Yes," said the conductor smilingly.
“I go to (he Green twenty-five times
a day, and to two cemeteries, three
hospitals and an old Indies’ home.”
Relief vr
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles are most dangerous be¬
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
The world's standard remedy (or these
disorders, will often ward off these dis¬
eases and strengthen the body against
further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists.
f° r *h e name Gold Mud a 5 on eve ry bea
and accept no imitation
nm.w.<u2ws syuup
Hie Infant*’ tad Children’* Retailor
Pleasant to give—pleasant to
take. Guaranteed purely veg¬
etable and absolutely harmless.
^ It quickly overcomes colic.,
J diarrhoea, other flatulency and
like disorders.
The open published
formula appears on
,every label,
,v t AtAUDruggbis
” fpee
[ Tells discovered can being posted. for free S14 share TEXAS of produced Deere fortunes copy. Send Texas in Oil. the your Bldg.. in Oil being $20,000,000 FIELD name Texas Fields. Dalias. made and NEWS Oil. Tex How in a addr*=sf month a* newly Keep you J