Newspaper Page Text
Ebe Cleveland Courier,
Official Organ of White County , Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post iffice at Cleveland
Ga., as second class mail matter.
Subscription, 11.50 per year
A number of years ago a young
man, who had just been fined by
the mayor of Cleveland on a charge
of drunkenness, came to the editor
of The Courier and pleaded that
his name might not appear in con¬
nection with the case, not only
promising, but signing a pledge
that he would not be drunk in
Cleveland within a year from that
time. We complied with his re¬
quest. If that young man has been
intoxicated in Cleveland since that
time we have not heard of it, and
that is quite a few years ago. He
was a boy of his word, aad if we
have helped him we are proud of
it. It is no pleasure for us, as an
editor—or anything else—to write
up stories that people are ashamed
of being connected with, and if we
can do or help to do anything that
will tend to improve and strengthen
the will of any person to make of
themselves a better citizen, we are
glad to do it,
In connection with this we have
now before us a request from one
who has recently been before the
mayor and who was charged with
serious misconduct, having been
drunk at the time. This man’s
failing is the want of will power
to govern himself and to withstand
temptation when whisky is before
him. He has been sentenced to
pay a fine of IgO and thirty days
upon the street, but the thirty days
has been suspended. We hoffe he
■will in future be able to live up to
the standard required of him, but
in order that be may hope to do so,
he must not only resolve to ‘'let
whiskey alone,” but do it, for the
continuation of its use means rnore
and greater troubles not only for
him, but to his family, to his friends
and to all well-wishers of peace
and happiness, Let us hope that
that man has drank his last drop of
intoxicants that we may be all the
more proud of him.
Friday is St. Valentine’s Day.
February 22 is Washington’s
birthday, and it falls upon Sunday.
Because of this there will be no ser¬
vice d/bnday, February 23. All
patrons of rural routes should take
notice of this, so that they will not
be disappointed in dispatching
mail of importance.
The infant child of Aft. and Afrs.
Frank Turner, who died Friday
morning, was laid to rest in Cleve¬
land cemetery. The parents have
the sympathy of the community in
the loss of their precious little one.
Mrs. Eugene Jarrard is visiting
relatives in Cleveland this week.
Rev. Chas. Henderson, of d/ays
ville, spent a day or two with his
parents in Cleveland this week.
Prof. C. T. Edwards, who was so
ill as to be anabie to teach on Tues¬
day, is again in the recstution room
J. D. Jackson, with the United
Slates army, has been in Cleveland
this week in the interest of the re¬
cruiting service. He has his offices
in the Chamber of Commerce rooms
in the Jackson |buiiding, Gaines¬
ville, where anyone wishing to call
on him may do so, and anyone who
withes to enlist in the army should
see Aft, Jackson. The army offers
wonderful inducements for young
men to enter this branch of the
service to their country. It is the
intention of the recruiting officers
to give Gainesville a permanent re¬
cruiting station if business will
J/iss Liela Skelton went to
Gainesville Wednesday to assist
her sister, J/iss Leola. home from
the sanitarium, where she has un¬
dergone a serious operation.
J. A. Dockery, of the firm of
Dockery & Reece, was in town a
few days this week.
Mr. O. A. O’Kelly, of Shoal
Creek, is dangerously ill.
The Gainesville Eagle has chan¬
ged hands, and its columns in the
future will be under the supervision
of Dr. Merlinjones, who with his
wide acquaintance will no doubt
find bis work pleasant and profit¬
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Nix, twin sons. This reminds us
of the story of the Dutchman who,
when asked by his friend whether
it was a boy or a child, replied, “It
is both of ’em.” Congratulations
to you. Elmer.
Mr. Henry Warwick has gone
to Oglethorpe county, where lie
will farm this year.
Mr. Ed Carpenter has accepted a
position with the internal revenue
Mrs. Sarah L. Juckson, on route
2, is considered seriously ill at pres¬
Quarterly Conference Meeting
The first quarterly conference of
the M. E. Church, Soath, for she
Cleveland charge, was held with
Cleveland church, last Wednesday.
There was a large attendance, and
the meeting was the most successful
ever held in all respects. All but
two churches were represented.
The financial reports showed that
never before bad there baen such
interest manifested, many churches
having doubled in collections over
former years. To meet the increas¬
ed cost of living the preacher’s sal¬
ary was correspondingly increased.
The interest manifested at this
meeting was quite encouaaging and
shows that the work of the church
is steadily advancing and taking
deeper root in the hearts of its
membership, as well as all lovers
of righteousness.
Community Meetings
Meetings for the purpose of or¬
ganizing a Community Farm Bu¬
reau will be held at 7 =30 p. m., as
follows :
Feb, 16—Union Grove school.
Feb. 17—Shoal Creek school.
Feb. 18—Zion school.
Feb. 19—White Creek school.
Feb. 20 —Mossy Creek school.
Feb. 21—Tesnatee school.
Pictures of educational value will
be shown.
County Agent.
Tliis is in memory of A/cs. At ary
Logging, who died on February
and was laid to rest in White Creek
cemetery on February 6. She leaves
friends and relatives to weep and
mourn for her loss. She was on
her bed of affliction for four weeks
and died in her right mind. She
leaves a husband and four children.
She told them not to weep for her,
and that she would be waiting for
them up there and that there was
nothing between her and her God.
She said the Lord helped her bear
her great pain with patience,await
ing the time when He would take
her in His loving arms. She show¬
ed love and respect for her husband
and died with her arms around bis
neck. She didn’t seem to fear
death. Her death should be an ex¬
ample to those who are yet living.
Written by one who helped to
on her through her last days.
belonged to the Christian church
for many years. ~
John Kemmer Sot A Candidate.
To the People of White County:
Owing to my daily routine of
at home, I have decided not to make
race for clerk. I sincerely thank
people for their hearty support
me. which I shall carry in memory,
ingly. When X can lie of any service
! any and all, the people need not
j to call on me.
Your friend,
40 Per Gent of Georgia
People Are Half Sick
John Pomeroy, Noted
New Zealand Scientist,
Says American People
Treat Their Stomachs
With TOO Little Re
Forty per cent of the people ot |
Georgia are half sick and fully
ninety per cent of these can at¬
tribute their sufferings to stomach |
Such are the main points in Pom¬
eroy’s new theory which has stirred
Atlanta, Macon and other Georgia
cities where he has visited during
the past few weeks. “This is due
to modern conditions,” he explain¬
ed in Atlanta recently.
“These people,” he went on,
“have run-down, overworked di¬
gestive organs, owing to too little
exercise in the fresh air and too
much hastily eaten food. It isn’t
kidney trouble, or nervousness, or j
liver complaint, or dozens of other
diseases invented by their imagina- j
t ' on ’
“One man called on me last week
and started our conversation by
saying: ‘My stomach is on the
bum.’ 1 could think of a rnore ele¬
gant way to describe the condition
„f modern Americans, but none
, .W<‘//,*,
\ To Be Here
We are pleased to announce that our Expert Optometrist,
O. Blierrill
Skilled Opticians fill the prescriptions of Dr. Sherrill.
They devote themselves exclusively to scientific examina¬
tion of the eye and to furnish glasses.
[pair of
is ileserving of the greatest care and skill
in eye examination—and the BEST
't our eyes rre the windows of the soul. Take care < f
them. They are the most delicate part of the anatomy,
and should have best of care. Dr. Sherrill’s professional
services are at your command. If your eyes trouble you in
any way, be sure to see him. lie will give you his person¬
al attention.
Remember the Date Remember the Place
Dr, Sherrill is too well known for us to comment on
his ability in refracting errors of the eve. He has had
many years experience and has always pleased the public
in every respect. Your friends can tell you how well they
are pleased.
It is our aim to impress upon you the necessity of liav
! ing your eyes properly cared for by Optometrists of ac
! knowledged skill. This is the kind of service we offer you.
| We personally guarantee all work. Don’t forget the dale.
Friday, Feb. 20
, .V.\V.V.W. , AWWVSV%SV.V.V.SV%VVAV.W.‘AVW, 1 .%\\
The Difference
—between the man who has learned
to save and bank his money and the
Form the habit man who has not learned,is the differ¬
of saving ence, ten years hence, between the
man flourishing in business and the
and Bank with man looking for a job.
more accurate or expressive. These
half-sick people today have diges¬
tive organs that are ‘on the bum ’
“Sometimes when I see on the
street a tired looking man or
woman with dull eyes and sallow
complexion, I feel like saying:
‘Say, 1 know what’s the matter
with you. lean help you if you
will do as I tell you.
“A sound digestive apparatus
that is doing its full duty in cretting
every particle of vitality out of the
food is what makes good health.
Only keep the stomach in condition
lind there*is likely to be but little
“It is the American tendency to
treat the stomach with too little re¬
spect. Most people stuff themselves
with too much food, and then when
the digestive organs get out of or¬
der, are half-sick all the time, and
don’t know what is the matter with
them. My medicine, Puratone, re¬
stores misused or ‘out of whack’
stomachs to normal condition and
destroys chronic constipation. Thott
sands of people say that this is
the reason for my big success and
explains why I am now attracting
such an unusual amount of atten
tion all over the state.
Puratone is sold in Cleveland by
Cleveland Drug Co., and by one
leading druggist in every town.
Political Announcements.
To the voters of Whi'e County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Ordinary of
White County subject to the primary to
he held the 17th day of March 1920, and
if elected will continue to try to do my
duty as heretofore in behalf of the cou -
ty affairs. Thanking the people for sup¬
port heretofore rendered me. Hoping to
tie remembered on tin- 17th at the poles
in the same manner as before.
Respectfully yours,
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
Georgia, White county.
To the voters of said county:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
Whib County siidject to the county prim¬
ary to lie held March 17th, lr/JO. If
elected I promise the people of the county
faithful and efficient service. Your sup¬
port will be highly appreciated.
Thanking tile people of my county for
past support.
1 am, very respectfully yours,
J. B. R. Barrett.
To the voters of White County :
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Tax Collector subject to the
county primary to de held on March i7th
1920. If elected I promise faithful and
efficient service to the people.
I will appreciate your support.
Thanking all the voters of the comity
for their past supportr
I am, yours respectfully,
W. 11. HULSEY.
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby annouee myself a candidate
for Tax Receiver of White County sub¬
ject to the primary, if one be held. If
elected I shall use my best efforts to make
an accomodating and efficient officer,
solicting yonr support at polls which I
assure you will be highly appreciated.
K. C. Hefner.
To the Voters of White County:
I take the method of announcing to you
my canidacy for the office of Ordinary of
White County subject, to the action of the
Democratic primary, and assuring you
that your Slip pm t will be very greatly
Thus. V, Underwood.
To the citizens of White County:
I heieby announce myself a candidate
fnf Tax Collector of White County sub¬
ject to the county primary, of March 17.
If elected I pledge myself in making my
rounds to make Cleveland my last ap¬
pointment and to tie thereon Saturday’s,
and to otherwise render the best possible
service in the interest of the tax payers.
Thanking you in advance for your sup¬
G. K. Allen.
To the voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sheriff for White County subject to
the County primary to be held March 17,
Bulictiting „ and elected , ,
your support it |
I promise faithfully , » n to , prrforin the .1 duties , .
to tne best of my ability.
John Ash.
To the voters of White County:
1 respectfully announce myself a can- j
didate for tax receiver of White County j
subject to the county primary to be held j
March 17. 1920. Your vote solicited anil |
appreciated. |
Kesp’y, ;
J. C. Carter. |
1 the of White !
voters . county: ,
... 1 hereby myself ,, candidate ,.. ,
announce * a
for tax collector, subject to the primary
to he held March 17, 1920. It I am elect- j
ed I will serve the people to the best of j
my ability. ....
Yours truly,
To the \ oters or White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate j
tor sheriff of White county, subject
the primary to he held March 17th. i
feel I am fully competent and will do all
in my power to discharge all of the duties |
devolving upon me, and I will greatly
appreciate it if the people will elect me
to this attire.
To the Voters of White County :
1 hereby announce myself for re-elec¬
tion to the offie of t ax receiver of White:
county, subject to the democratic prim- j
ary of March 17, i920. If elected 1 w ill
continue to perform the duties of the
office to the very best of my ability and
skill as heretofore. Thanking the people
for all past favors and in advance for f.t
j ~ """“"a Lw^mokecin,,.
* — “
To the Voters of White County:
After being solicited by many friends.
I hereby announce myself as a candi- :
date for sheriff, subject to the primary!
to be held March 17,1920.
To the voters of Mhite Comity.
1 hereby aunounce myself a candidate
for the office of County School Supt.,sub¬
ject to the primary election to lie held on
the 17 th day of March, 1*20. 1 respect¬
fully solicit the support of the people
and, if elected. I will endeavor to give
you a faithful administration j looking at
all times to the education of tho children
and the building up of the schools of the
C. II. Edwards.
To the voters of White County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Ordinary. Thanking you
in advance for your support on the i7th
day of March, 1920,
J. C. Russell.
To the Voters of White County :
I will certainly appreciate your vote on
.March 17, 1920, for the office of Superin¬
tendent of Schools of White county, and
promise you in return, if elected, faithful
and efficient attention to every duty fill¬
ing upon that official—attention that shall
ever be looking to tbe best interest of the
schools, and to the uplift of our county
through the inspiration, higher education
and better training of our boys and girls.
Yom s respectfully,
I’o the voters of White County:
I am a candidate for Tax Receiver of
White County, subject to the decision of
of the voters rendered in the primary to
b.i help March 17, 1920. Should I re¬
ceive the nomination and be elected to
this office I promise the tax payers the
very best service possible.
W. W. l ot bridge.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support for the
jamiiy of J. f. Davis, deceased, having
been filed in my offie, all persons con¬
cerned are cited to show cause hr the 1 st
day of March, 1920, why said applica¬
tion for twelve months’ support should
out. be granted. This February 2, 1926
N J. ALLISON. Ordinary
To the Voters of Said County:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
White county, subject to the primary to
tie held March 17, i920. If elected 1
promise the people of the county faithful
and efficient service. Your support will
be highly' appreciated. The time being
shoit, it will be impossible for me to see
all the voters of the county. Please take
this as a face-to-face talk and give me
the office for four years, and I assure y ou
1 will not, lie iu the rare for tile next term.
1 am very respectfully yours,
To the Voters of White County:
1 hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for sheriff of White 30imty, subject
to the primary to lie held March 17, i920.
1 respectfully solicit the support of the
citizens of my countv, and if elected I
promise that I will discharge the duties
of the offie in strict accordance with the
oath taken . by such . to . the , best of
. me as
my ability.
Thanking the people of the county for
past support, 1 am very respectfully,
At a meeting of the Board of Education
of White County held January 17th. 1920,
motion was carried out to reconsider the
consolidation of White Creek and New
Bridge schools. The Board directed the
County School Superintendent to call an
election 10 be held at Macedonia Church
on February . 21. ,, 1927 upon the .. question
of .If .. i»All consolidation Oil lutillll of \ T - the T , 111 schools O/lfl , AJll , O above O , i.,.,1..
aamed. Those favoring consolidation
shall have w "' ritten "‘V" or printed on their M *- r
wont: '-lor Consolidation
Those opposed to consolidation shall have
written or printed on their tickets the
word: “Againts Consolidation". Quali¬
fied voters residing whithin the bound
aries of the old White Creek and New
Bridge Districts may vote in this elec¬
A complete diacription of said
houndriev will be furnished the manager
of the election. Elections wi'l open at 8
A. M. and close at 8 P. M., Saturday,
Feburary 21 , 1920. Notice of said elee
tion is hereby given,
T V. Cantrell C.S. S.
^ ii.oe a good Jersey buli for ser
vice. Fee fi.oo. Also a Duroc
Jersey boar, fee f 2 . 00 . Ail fees to
oe p ;lK j at t j ie g ” ;lte
... - „.. .
— >
■’«* ForSakv
Both cross and Pure Pigs. Also
bred and unbread gilts Pure ser
V|ce boar ,_ C;li) or wr ;,
' M iddlebrook s.
Mt. Laurel Farm, Cleveland, Ga.