Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXI. No 3t.
Depnty Marshals Capture
Ten Gallons of Whiskey
Ed Parsons was captured Sun¬
day by Deputy Marshals Dorsey
and Carpenter near Clermont; along
with a Chevrolet car and ten gal¬
lons of whiskey. The revenue
officers had been to Atlanta and
were returning home when they
met Mr. Parsons with the car,
■which they suspected to have
whiskey, and stopped him.
They took him into the residence
■of someone living near, and while
in the house they heard another
sar coming, which they supposed
tto be another one they were ex¬
pecting, and ran out to see if it
vteally was the one. While out of
the house Parsons made his
According to information given
officers, Parsons resides in Banks
"Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomas spent
‘Saturday night and Sunday with
Mrs. Thomas’ parents, Mr. andMrs
Harve Adams.
Mr. Emory McClure, who has
been Atlanta quite u while, has
* been visiting his sister, Mrs. E. L.
Cantrell, the latter part of this
Misses Mattie and Hattie Hol¬
comb made a trip to Helen last Sat¬
urday to see their brother, Lemuel
Messrs. Martin Chastain, Emory
McClure. V. L. York, Sam, Harve
and Elijah Cantrell enjoyed a fox
race last Friday night and caught
* fine oppossum.
Mr. John Robinson was in this
community one day last week ask¬
ing the people to vote for him for
sheriff. He says he will make them
a sheriff they will not be ashamed
We are sorry to hear of the
death of Mrs. C. H. Davis. The
bereaved have our sympathy.
Mr, Emory McClure, who has
been visiting his sister, Mrs. E. L.
Cantrell, has returned to Atlanta.
Mr. Will Pardue’s are sick at
this writing.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
David Lawson is sick at this writ¬
The school at Tesnatee has stop
Miss Laura Ash spent part of
last week with Mrs. Nettie Led¬
Several in this section have
pneumonia fever.
It is to be regretted that the
people were unable to meet with
the County Agent at Tesnatee
school house last Saturday night,
but on account of the illness we are
ull excusable.
We are now located in our new
place, ready for business. We
have a good line of groceries and
feed stuff at the right price.
We will buy your produce and
will pay the market price, and will
sell you stuff in exchange for a
reasonable profit.
We will appreciate your trade
and invite you to call on us for any
thing you need in our line, and we
will make the price right.
Qur place being on Saine switch
and by moving our stuff in car lots
we do not have to pay drayage and
therofore can save our customers
that amount.
Come to see us.
We thank you.
Swine k K*tumcf Grocery Co.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Woman Slops Flying Mole
To Tell piosl ill Story
Mrs. A. Iiloom, of Atlanta, on
Motor Trip to West Florida,
Rushes in Store to Tell of
Her Wonderful Experience.
Columbus, Ga.—A fast moving
touring car stopped suddenly in
front of the Wheat Drug Store and
a neat and prosperous looking mid¬
dle-aged woman alighted to the
sidewalk, entered the store and said
to one of the clerks; “There it is
—that is what I want,” and point¬
ing to a bottle of Pomeroy’s Pura
tone continued : “Give me two bot¬
tles please. I,m on mv way from
Atlanta to West Florida, where 1
will spend the remainder of the
winter. When 1 was in the hotel
here today, I heard someone men¬
tion Puratone, and realized that I
had left home without bringing
some of it with me, and when 1
learned you sold it, I hastened in
here to buy some more, for the
dealers down in ""Florida may not
have it in stock, and I don’t want
to run any risk of oeing without it.
“My name is Mrs. A. Bloom and
I live at 3 *i East Tenth street, At¬
lanta. 1 am going to West Flor¬
ida, where, where I will spend the
remainder of tho winter. I live in
a regular Puratone neighborhood,
for nearly everybody around me
lias started taking Puratone after
seeing the good it did me,
•Jt is certainly the grandwst med¬
icine in the world, for it overcame
my troubles entirely, and I just
wish I could tell everybody in this
state what this medicine will real¬
ly do.
“I don’t believe any woman in
Georgia ever suffered much more
than 1 did with stomach trouble.
I couldn’t eat like other folks—just
had to diet all the time—and the
least little thing would cause gas
to form on my stomach and no one
will ever know the misery 1 went
through. Iwas dreadfully consti¬
pated, and would get so dizzy at
times 1 could not walk across the
room. Severe headaches almost
drove me distracted and at certain
periods I had awful bearind down
Meat Preserver
Absolutely does away with the old way.
Guaranteed to preseve and keep your meat.
You will find a sample bottle at the Post Office.
Also find it in stock at our place
or see B. H. Middlebrooks’; he has used it.
Dockery & Reece
Book an&
©one witb IReatness anfc Dispatch
Send Us Your Orders
Clevelanb Courier Job ®ffice
pains in my back and sides. My
nerves were shattered, and many a
night I lay in bed unable to clbse
my eyes in sleep, and when morn¬
ing came 1 felt tired and so weak
1 could hardly drag myself out of
“I tried doctors,I tried medicines,
1 tried health resorts and every¬
thing else, but nothing reached fill. jpiy
trouble and 1 kept going down
Then a friend of mine told m^ of
ih^ good Puratone did her and bag¬
ged me to try it.
“After taking three or four doses
I began to feel better. It is re¬
markable how quickly this medi¬
cine takes hold. To make a long
story short. I will just say bottles* thatjto
day, after taking four of
Puratone I am as healthy as I ever
was in my life. I hrfve a splendid
appetite, can eat anything I want
and have no bad after-effects. And
oh. how I do enjoy my meals nqw!
j I sleep like a child and awake every
morning feeling rested and re¬
freshed, and with plenty of life 4nd
energy. My strength has beenpn
creased wonderfully, and I have
actually gained eighteen younds.
“While I realize that I feel like
a brand new woman in every
l am not going to quit taking P
tone until I have taken two n|ore
bottles. My case was of such lbng
standing and was so serious \ am
not going to take any chances, 1
want to be sure my relief is
nent. That is why I am buying
these two bottles.
“The people of Georgia are for¬
tunate in having Mr. Poineroy
bring his Puratone here, ann if
every man and woman in this city
knew what this medicine will really
do, you would sell at least a thou¬
sand bottles of it tins very day.
“Yes,” concluded Mrs. Bloom as
she departed from the store with
her purchase, “you may publish my
statement if you like. I would be
ungrateful not to let others know
about a medicine that did me so
much good.”
Puratone is sold in Cleveland by
Cleveland Drug Co., and by one
leading druggist in every town,
The farmer's in this section are
busy cutting wood.
J.B. Sosehee visited Vaudriver
Skelton Sunday
We are sorry to hear of so
much flu in our Community.
Henry. Pittman was seen hitc¬
hing his mule at J.D.Hoopers
Ilassie and Eunice Trulove
visited their sister Lillie.Hulsey
Mas.Hooper, and Mattie Sos
cltee. was the guests of Mae
Griffin, Sunday, morning.
Miss Joe Truelovc. was the
guest of Lucille flauks Sunday
The Duckett school is progress,
ing nicely under the management
of Minnie Ilulsev as teacher.
Mr. and mrs. F.C.Truelovo visi¬
ted relatives in Hall County Sat¬
urday night.
Bethel Sunday school is pro¬
gressing nicely.
Claud Sosehee was the guest of
Ivin Hooper Sunday.
Fred Hooper was seen going
towards the camp ground Sunday
evening wonder what the attrac¬
tion is.
Miss Hassse Truelovc spent
Friday night with Miss Maude
This neighborhood is rapidly im¬
proving along the agricultural line
and general improvements.
We are the first school district in
white county to organize a farm
bureau. Its officers are as follows :
Chairman—Thos. W. Kimsey,
Secretary—Marvin Chambers.
Treasurer—W. S. Thurmond,
Horticultural division —W. H.
General farming—R. L.Edwards
Membership—Thos. VV. Kimsey
Program—W. II. Allen.
Live stock—VV. S. Thurmohd.
Home department—Mrs. W. H.
Market—S. P. Kimsey.
These organizations mean better
roads, farms, schools, churches,
prices, etc., and above all to bring
the farmer out in the front line of
the world, where the creator in¬
tended him to be.
Our next meeting will be in the
interest of the [tig club boys.
We have the banner Sunday
school of While county, superin¬
tended by Thos. W. Kimsey, and
W. II. Bell, secretary,Jiaving won
the banner at the Sunday school
E. C. Stewart, of Atlanta, is out
to see his young orchard, managed
by S. P. Kimsey.
The North Georgia Lumber Co.
has two mills running.
T. VV. Kimsey was visiting rela¬
tives in Cleveland, Friday.
Mr. Candidate, we are looking
for men to lio'd office who are
friends to farmers, to Christianity
and general improvements ror the
betterment of the country. We
want sober, level-headed men, and
it is up to the voters as to what our
County will be in the future.
W. H. Bell had two expert hor¬
ticulture men to visit his orchard
to teach the proper method of
pruning trees. A. D. Robestson,
county agent, and an Athens hor¬
ticultural agent.
Thos. W. Kimsey has stocked a
young peach and apple-orchrrd ad¬
joining the Mount Yonah orchard.
Montgomery Kimsey is very sick
with the flu.
Mrs. Eliza Nix, of Gainesville,
is spending a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. John Allen, on
Mr. Albert Allen is oi) a visit to
home folks at this writing.
Mr. Sylvester Nix of Gillsville,
was up here one day last week.
Aunt Jane Hamilton, who lives
with her son, Bob, near Gaines¬
ville, has been seriously ill for a
long time is better.
Mrs. A. F, Johnson, of Mossy
Creek, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
VV. C, Whitmire.
&lr. Carl Wiley died at his home
Thursday with typhoid fever. The
funeral was held at Clemonds
Chapel Friday by Rev. A. D.Byce
Mr. Floyd McIntyre spent the
week-end with his parents in White
Mr. Robert Dyer has got a Ford
automobile. Look out, girls.
Miss Martha Cain was visiting
Miss Bonnie Dyer Sunday after¬
About six months ago a black
and sandy spotted, mule mountain
hog came to my housa. Owner
will come and get same.
R. i. Nacoochee, Ga.
Mr. ffoyd* Cox pnsled through
this part qne day this week.
G. A. Vandiver of Helen made
a triy to Gainesville this week to
have his eyes treated.
O. II. Kimsey was called to the
bedside of his son, Creed Kimsey.
is off at college'.
Henry and Le9son Clark, who
been visiting relatives in Ala¬
has returned home.
Bart Taylor is having some saw
We handle Royster’s Guano and Acids. See us at
once for your requirements. Our prices are right.
We also have on hand a good supply of Feed Stuffs,
Huy, Oats, Meal, Hulls, Beet Pulp, Peanut Meal and
Sweet Feed,
Get our prices before buying.
Tel fol d & K ent me
What Makes A Bank? »
Well, to that question is that it is the men 4
our answer
behind the bank, interested in its *
the men management,
the men who stand for business integrity and square
dealing. i
The officers of our bank are accomodating and willing 4
to extend you every courtesy. Our directors are not figure¬ * *
heads, they actually direct the affairs of the bank and know
how its business is conducted. Our stockholders are t
among the solid men of the community. These are what it *
takes to make a good bank,, in our judgment, a safe place
for to do business. We invite you to joili us. t
you i
[PRICE $1.50 A VE \K
milling done this week.
We are sorry to hear of the
death of Miss Mary Mebin, who
died at Clarksville la-t Friday.
Rev. II. H. Harris gave M. L.
Vandiver a eall last Saturday.
. If your
- liver works
all right, the
rest o f yoLr
. Inside works are
apt to be all right
, —otherwise not so.
Then look after your
liver, see that it runs
"smooth and steady”;
_ that it doesn’t get clog
^ tli ped tow up the or whole skip a machinery cog and
.out of gear.
Dr. Thacher’*
Liver and Blood
Is a Liver Regulator, a Blood
Burt tier, a Laxative and a
Tonic of 67 years standing;
the prescription of an old
tice; family doctor of large prac¬
the a standard remedy for
whole family from the
children to the. grand
"About three years ago, X was
all run down in health, weighed
only 104} lbs., and getting worse
every Dll. day. i began the use oi
thankful SYRUP, and today l
am health, So say that I’m in
pcriect lbs., anil weigh 15 $
health and attribute my good
to the _ of that
joins me in recommending ^ A
this great tonic.—Mrs.
C. E. Chadwick, Ala.
For sale by
Cleveland, Ga. ■
a, ITCH!
Hunt’s Salve, formerly called
Hunt’s, Cure is the especially treatment com¬ of
pounded Ecsema, for Ring and
Itch, and is sold by worm, the drug¬
Tetter, the strict guarantee that
gist narchaae on price, 75c, will be
promptly refunded to any dissat¬
isfied customer. Try Hunt’sSatve
at our risk. For sale locally by