Newspaper Page Text
Southern Folks Testify
W Columbus, life Dr. Pierce’s Ga.:—“ManyXtimes Favorite during
. $3.117 ‘;
'17“ 1‘
7’” r
. , I
\ ‘\
4» A .fr
the change . splendid health. I highly
m can
recommend 'Favorite Prescription’ for
weak women or those approaching the
critical time of life, it is the best medicine
I have ever taken."—MRS. S. A, Mo
QUINN, 2913 4th Ave.
A Woman’s Tonic and Nervine
Augusta, I have Ga.:—"During found all - of __ —j my mar roar
ried *»nv life a mi* »v twuuu *->» Dr. • Pierce’s a *erce s Favorit< pavorite
Peoaovintinn Prescription to ha be a a splendid cnlonrllrl tonio and
nervine. I was on the verge of nervous pro¬
stration when' I first started to take the
‘Prescription’ (during the first year of my
married life) and it cured mo of my ner¬
vousness and so built me up in health that
ever since that time I have depended upon
it to restore me to a better condition when¬
ever I have become weak, nervous and
rundown. It has never once failed to
strengthen and me I and relieve me of the ner¬
vousness consider it the best medicine
in the world for women who are weak and
ailing.”—MRS. St. H. J. MILLER, 824
Bilious Attacks and Sick-Headaches
Augusta, Ga.:—'*Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets are toe best I have ever used. I
give them to all members of my family and
I consider them very good for children,
being easy to take, and while they are very
effective, the they liver, do not cause distress. They
act on toning it up when sluggish,
and for constipation, bilious attacks or
sick-headaches the ‘Pleasant Pellets’ are
especially lets should fine. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel¬
bo kept in every home as a
family medicine."—MRS. W. B. PATCH,
1333 Estes St.
Caused by
Millions of people who worry, are despon¬
dent, have spells of mentai depression, feel
blue and are often melancholy, believe that
these conditions are due to outside Influences
over which they have little or no control.
Nearly always, however, they can be traced
to ah interna] source—aeld-itomsch. Nor it
It to be wondered at. Acid-stomach, begin¬
ning with such well defined symptoms as in¬
digestion, belching, heartburn, bloat, etc.,
will, degree II not checked, all in tirhe affect to some
or other the vital organs. The
nervous system becomes deranged, Digestion
suffer*. The. blood is impoverished. Health
and strength are undermined. The victim of
acid-stomach, although he may not know
the cause of his ailments, feels his hope,
courage, ambition and energy slipping. And
truly, life is dark—not worth.much to the
man or woman who has acid-stomach!
Get rid.-of it! Don’t let acid-stomach hold
you da£» back, wreck your health, make your
miserable, • make you a victim of the
‘'blues’’ and gloomy thoughts! There Is a
marvelous modern remedy called EATONIC
that brings* oh I such quick relief from your
atomach miseries—sets your stomach to right*
—makes it strong, cool, sweet and comfort¬
able. Helps you get back your strength, vigor,
vitality, '"'enthusiasm and good cheer. So
many thousands upon thousands of sufferers
have used KATONIC with such marvelously
helpful results that we are sure you will
feel the same way if you will Just give it a
trial. Get a big KO cent box of EATONIC—
the good tasting tablets that you eat like
Vt of candy —from your druggist today. He
vfll return your money If results are not
ivfen more than you expect.
HP (Tor tour acid-stomaciO
The tastiest
tobacco you
ever tasied.
Who Take Pictures!
We will do the work and give you
favorite negative with white borders
for cash finishing order of $1.50, or
for $1.00 and names of We kodaking make
friends living anywhere.
snappier better detail; prints, with greater cloth brilliancy malting bags. and
coin give you and
cards, one day service return your
exact Send change. 20 roll. years Merchast-lgseis finishing pictures. Wasted.
us your next
Chicago, III. B!Ir. Litchfield, 111. 15S* St. Louis, N.W Mo.
SU EUiwortk But
His Favorite Place.
“He is a man of extremes in his
moods. He Is either up in the garret
of down in the cellar.”
“Well, If he was prudent enough to
lay iji a private stock I het most of
the flme he’s down In the cellar."
Cuflcura Soothes Baby Rashes.
That Itch and burn with hot baths
of Caticura Soap followed by gentle
anointings of Cuticura Ointment.
Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe¬
cially if a little of the fragrant Cuti¬
cura Talcum is dusted on at the fin¬
ish. 25c each everywhere.—Adv.
Point of Vantage.
“What have you here?”
“A humorous article entitled, ‘The
Funny Side of Straphanging.’”
"The idea of anybody being aide to
see the funny side of straphanging!”
“Oh, it can be done, if you view
straphanging from the right angle.
The author of this piece occupied a
Night and Morning.
Have Strong, Healthy
Eyes. If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Bum, if Sore,
Irritated, Inflamed or
________Granulated, use Murine
Often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for
Infant or Adult. At ail Druggists. Writefor
Free Eye Book. Hsm* E« *n*<y C*, CMe**j
naa been of much -t.
benefit to me. I
have taken it when
suffering inine from fem¬
which had troubles
me to become all
run-down and when
I was going thru
middle life I de¬
pended entirely
upon the ‘Pre¬
scription’ to keep
me well, it being
my and only I medicine,
Fililly Health. Bsd Du's and Wtt Rotund
to Has Been Strong
and Well Since.
“Malaria fever weakened my kidneys
when I was a young man,” says L. W.
Garrison, ‘Finally, 23 F St., Anderson, S. C.
ten years ago, I was in such
bad that
Medicine wouldn’t
help My me any more.
back pained
as if it were
pierced with a
knife. Many times
1 have fallen in
the street and
didn't have any
strength to awful move
until the
misery I was cased
up. couldn’t
sleep in bed for
two years. The
kidney passed secretions
every few
minutes and scald¬
ing hot ivater
e o u . d r • t have
doomed any die, worse, I thought pleaded f was
to but a friend
with me to try Doan’s Kidney PilU
and I owe my life o his visit. Doan’s
boxes helped made me from the start and eleven
.. permanent cure which
has lasted eight years. I have not had
one sick minute since, nor missed a day
from work.” Sworn to "before me.
II. S. Shumate, Notary Public.
Get Doan’, at Any Store, 60c a Bos
DOAN’S K PILLS . , . D ,"V
No woman can tell whether her hat
Is becoming to her until she ascertains
the price.
A little “Danderine’’ stops your hail
coming out and doubles
its beauty.
To stop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of delightful “Dan
derine” at any drug or toilet counter
for a few cents, pour a little in your
hand and rub It into the scalp. After
several applications the hair usually
stops coming out and you can’t find
any dandruff. Help your hair to grow
strong, thick and long and become soft,
glossy and twice ns beautiful and abun¬
Picking the Bones.
The place was clean and the food
was good but sparing—one chop was
served apiece. Across from me sat
tiie hungriest-looklng man I had ever
seen. His face looked so hungry and
emaciated that I couldn’t bear to look
at him. The man next to him left his
seat. With the words, “I guess there
Is a little more picking on that," he
reached over to the deserted plate,
picked up the discarded chop and
greedily munched the bone.—Ex¬
Telit How to Open Clogged Nostril*
and End Head-Colds.
You feel fine In a few moments.
Your cold In head or catarrh will be
gone. Your clogged nostrils will open.
The air passages of your head will
clear and you can breathe freely. No
more dullness, headache; no hawking,
snuffling, mucous discharges or dry¬
ness; no struggling for breath at
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm. Apply a
little of this fragrant, antiseptic
cream in your nostrils, let It penetrate
through every air passage of the head ;
soothe and heal the swollen, Inflamed
mucous membrane, and relief comes
It is just what every cold and ca¬
tarrh sufferer needs. Don’t stay
stuffed-up and miserable.—Adv.
The Poor Married Hick.
“Before marriage my husband was
so susceptible to flattery.”
"And now he is susceptible to noth¬
ing but fresh cold.”—Florida Times
Everyone needs VACHER-BALM
this time of year as a preventive, or
relief for Colds and Flu. It Is un¬
doubtedly the best thing to use,
30c in jars or tubes. Carry a tube
In your pocket.
If you cannot get it locally send 30c
stamps for a tube to E. W. VACHEU,
Inc., New Orleans, La.
Avoid imitations.—Adv.
Oh, Dearl
She was going down in the elevator.
Her voice had a touch of sadness that
almost approached emotion.
“Hardly a bit of use for me to go
out to lunch.” she said to her girl
friend. “Everything I like I can’t
eat—turnips or sauerkraut—well, I
ain’t so crazy about boiled cabbage,
but it does taste kind o’ good. Oh
dear 1”
Nr. CuriMB
An excess of acid in the stomach
sours the food and starts fermentation.
Distressing gases form. Your meals
don’t digest but lay like lumps' of lead.
Then you have heartburn, flatulence,
fullness, belching, headache, and real
misery in the stomach and intestines.
A few tablets of “Pape’s Diapepsln”
bring relief almost as soon as they
reach the stomach. “Pape’s Diapepsln”
costs little at drug stores.
.. The Challenge.
He—A kiss is the language of love.
She—Dummy.—Boston Transcript.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORTA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and mu children, cm ilu eu, uuu and see sett that uuu it n
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
The Reason.
“You look depressed this morning.”,
“Yes; when I went to look at my
private stock this morning I found
I was out of spirits.”—Baltimore
Pills and Strong Medicines Made
This Lady’s Troubles Worse,
But Thedford’s Black-Draught
Improved Her Appetite and
Took Away Her Bile,
Nancy, Ivy.—Mrs. Cora Waddle, a
resident of this place, gives out this
statement: “I have taken Black
Draught and found it to be the best
liver medicine I ever used. It has
just been fine for Indigestion, sour
stomach and a bitter taste In the
I used to get bilious and constipated
and had to take something. Pills and
other strong medicines would only tear
my stomach up and leave me In a
worse fix than before taking. I began
to have sick headache.
After learning of Black-Draught I
took it and was cured of sick head¬
aches. One or tvyo doses a week, or a
pinch after meals, kept the bowels
open and took away all bile. I have a
good appetite, due to my use of Black
If your liver is not ncting properly
you may suffer from such symptoms
as headache, biliousness, constipation,
indigestion, etc., and unless relief is
obtained serious trouble may result.
In its 70 years of successful use,
Thedford’s Black-Draught has been
found to relieve these ailments and
stimulate the liver to do Its work.
At all druggists,—Adv.
“I have a novel idea for a film play.”
“What Is It?”
“The husband and wife In the plot
have no serious marital difficulties.”
8ut "Diamond Dyes” Made Her Faded
Shabby. Old Garments
Like New.
Don’t worry about perfect results
Use “Diamond Dyes.” guaranteed to
give a new. rieh. fadeless eolor to any
fabric, whether It he wool. silk, linen
cotton or mixed goods — dresses.
Mouses, stockings, skirts, children’s
coats, feathers—everything!
Direction Book In package tells how
to diamond dye oyer any color. Tr
match any material, have dealer show
you “Diamond Dye" Color Card.—Adv
A woman is always grateful to the
man who gives her a chance to refuse
Good health de pend* upon Rood digestion.
Wrlght’a Indian Vegetable Pills safeguard
your digestion and d your yoi health. A medicine
es well as a purgative. liv¬ Adv.
Sampling the Cellar Stock.
“Has Bill changed much since he got
out of the army?”
“Not much. He still spends n great
deal of his time in a dugout.”—The
Home Sector.
often follows
Neglected Cold
Standard cold remedy for 20 years
—in tablet form—safe, sure, no
w opiates—breaks up a cold in 24
hours—relieves grip in 3 days.
v Money back if it fails. The
k genuine box has a Eed
k top with Mr. Hill's
, picture.
At All Drag Stores
tablets without fear, if you see
the safety “Bayer
If you want the true, world-famous
Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians
over eighteen years, you must ask
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.”
The “Bayer Cross” is stamped on
each tablet and appears on each pack¬
age for your protection against imi¬
In each package of “Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin" are safe and proper direc¬
tions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia,
Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain in
Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab¬
lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
also sell larger “Bayer” packages. As¬
pirin is the trade mark of Bayer Man¬
ufacture of Monoaceticacidester of
If you would know a man study his
infirmities rather than Ids virtues.
If Constipated, Bilious of
Headachy, taka
Cascarets never gripe, sicken or in¬
convenience one like Salts, Oil, Calo¬
mel or harsh Pills. Feel bully ! Be effi¬
cient ! Don’t stay sick, bilious, head¬
achy, constipated. Remove the liver
and bowel poison which is keeping your
head dizzy, your tongue coated, your
breath bad and stomach sour. Why
not spend a few cents for a box of
Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest
laxative-cathartic you ever experi¬
enced? They work while you sleep. Adv.
Many a man says he is nervous
when he is merely ill tempered.
How’* This?
We offer flOO.OO for any case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by HALL'S
en internally and acts through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Sold by druggists for over forty years.
Price 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Some folks would rather waste time
than make good use of it.
You never can know how superior to other
preparations Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot” Is un¬
til you have tried It once. A single dose
cleans out Worms or Tapeworm. Adv.
“Making nloney, I see. If you keep
on like tills you may get into our cir¬
“I have no time for circles. I pro¬
pose to plug straight ahead.”
Lambs rash in Wall street when the
old sheep fear to tread.
■ •
We have ample supplies of German potash Salts to
enable us to say to the trade we are prepared to
furnish all grades of mixed goods with foreign
Potash Salts EXCLUSIVELY and, in addition, we
are prepared to sell Genuine German Kainit and
other grades of foreign potash Salts.
KAINIT ......................... .12.40% Potash
KAINIT ...................................14.00% Potash
MANURE SALTS ................. 20.00% Potash
MURIATE OF POTASH.....................50.00% Potash
See your Royster dealer and place your order now
Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C.
Washington, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga.
Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio
Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper
N» Package To Get
Genuine Alabastine
Without Cross Results You
and Circle Must Ask far
Printed in Red Alabastine
by Name
We Hand You the Package That Puts Health
and Cheerfulness in Your Home
Smoked, grimy, papered, painted or kalsomined walls arc a
menace to health and offensive to the discriminating housewife.
Alabastine is so economical, so durable, so sanitary, so easy to mix and
apply that it is universally used in securing proper wall conditions.
Alabastine is used in the homes, schools, churches and on all kinds of interior
surfaces, whether plaster, wallboard, over painted walls, or even over old wallpaper
that is solid on the wall and not printed in aniline colors.
Alabastine is packed in dry powder in full five pound packages, requiring
cnly pure cold water to mix, with directions on each package. You will readily
appreciate the economy of Alabastine over other methods, and remember it Is
used in the finest homes Alabastine, and public buildings every¬
where. Be sure you get and if your dealer
cannot or will not supply you, write direct for sample
card and color designs with name of nearest dealer.
New walls demand Alabastine, old walls ap¬
preciate Alabastine.
Alabastine Company
1646 Grandville Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Improved steel wire cable friction feed and belt feed saw mills.
Portable and semi-portable high speed engines mounted on high
pressure boilers, Cornish and slab boilers. (Best oil tractor on the market
Complete Line Circular Saws, Teeth, Locks, Pulleys, Belting, etc., for Immediate Shipment
Avery & Company, 53 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Imt DroUr has thani. or if no! ht should.
«/4#k him or wrilo us qivitu) Uts name.
A New Department.
“How’s your meat department com¬
ing on?”
“Woman don’t rush for the rem¬
nants as they do in other lipes.”
Question incomplete.
Mrs. A—Have you still got that cook
you had Inst week?
Mrs. B—Which day lust, week?
The most wonderful soil builder ever
known. Write for our illustrated catalog,
giving full description. Ail kinds of gar¬
den, field, flower and grass seeds. •
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 9-1920.