Newspaper Page Text
ffbe Cleveland
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Pos< at Cleveland
dm., as second claw mail matter.
Subscription, fcl.oO per year
Flu has interfered with the com¬
munity meetings being conducted
under the supervision of Connty
Agent A. D. Robertson this week.
At some school houses he has had
good audiences, while at others he
had none at all. It has been deem¬
ed advisable to call off the meet¬
ings scheduled for next week, and
if at the end of the week fiu condi¬
tions have sufficiently improved to
warrant it, he will make announce¬
ment of meetings to be held the fol¬
lowing week.
Mr, and Mrs. YV'. jVl. Cooley
were called to the bedside of their
son, Frank, in Atlanta, Sunday.
At the annual meeting of the
stockholders of Cleveland Cheese
Futurday, an assessment of $10.00
was issued against each share of
stock to liquidate a debt due from
the completion of the plant, the
plant costing more than the capit¬
alization of the company. The
factory has been turning out a
large quantity of cheese, and there
is a large quantity on hand which
is thoroughly cured and ready for
Cleveland graded school has
# bcen closed ond account of the fin,
and in all probability it will re¬
main closed for two weeks.
Rural Carrier W. C. Henderson
has been off duty since Wednesday
as a result of the flu. His substi¬
tute, Benj. G. Allison, is render¬
ing service to the patrons of that
route until Mr. Henderson recovers.
Mrs. J. H. Campbell has been
dangerously ill for the past week.
She hasn’t the flu, and we haven’t
learned what the doctors have con¬
cluded her trouble is.
Mr. Howard McAfee left Wed¬
nesday morning, where he has gone
to work in the Ford uutoniobile fac¬
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson,
who resided just across the White
county line in Lumpkin county, are
dead from flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had been
to Atlanta and were on their way
home about two weeks ago when*
they became so ill on the way that
they could not get home, although
they had reached the home of Tom
Grindie, within a quarter of a mile 1
of their residence. They were
sick only about a week when Mr.
Anderson died Saturday morning,
and while the funeral was being
held Sunday his wife died. The
coupl e leave a small f amily.
One ten year old mule -
Thos. W. Kimaey,
R. 3 Clevela nd, (ia.
The election held Saturday, Feb.
2rst, at Macedonia church, upon
the question of consolidatingW’hite
Creek and New Bridge schools.was
lost to the consolicaiion.
Mr. George Davidson has been
spending a few days with home
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Ash were
absent from home first of the week
on a visit to relatives.
A rumor is circulated that Dr.
Evans, in the course of his prac
lice in Mossy Creek district, gave
medicines to an entire family sick
with flu, wherein one was unable
to render help to the other, and the
family without anyone to nurse,
cook or even keep a fire in the
house for them, Wednesday morn
ing. He returned to this distressed
family iu the afternoon, and in go
fng from bed to bed in serving his
medicines to this unfortunate fam¬
ily, he found one member, a two
year-old son, clasped in the cold
embrase of death. Could one im
itgiiii a more pathetic scene.
Breaks Your
You Helpless When Ex¬
posed to Other Germs.
These Are Dangerous
If in Doubt About Your Blood
Take Pepto-Mangan, Fam¬
ous Red Blood Builder
If you are just recovering from
a fight with the ‘Flu’ it will be
weeks before you are really out of
danger. Your blood has exhausted
its strength—it is in no condition
to fight off other disease germs it
may be exposed to. That is why
doctors advise staying away from
crowds as long as possible.
You can help your blood get
back its strength—its stability to
fight off disease—by taking ‘that
splendid tonic, Pepto-Mangan.
The famous blood builder will
supply the iron and other proper¬
ties your blood lacks and hely you
regain your old time vigor and
Get Pepto-Mangan today. It may
be had at any drug store in either
liquid or tablet. They are e/.actly
the same in medicinal value. Take
which ever you prefer.
But be sure you get the genuine
Pepto-Mangan. Ask for “Gude’s”
and be sure that the name is on the
In Memory of L. B. Wooten
Barton, as he was known, was
an honest, truthful man, making
him a good citizen,; as a husband
loyal and loving ; us a father, gentle
and affectionate; as a Christian,
one who loved the Lord and de
lighted in His service.
To his memory we will say :
Tiny soul as*white as driven snow
Somewhere with God doth rest,
While ceaseless ages onward go,
Thy home will be ’mid the blest,
Though death has closed thine
Thy voice we bear no more ;
Somewhere far up above the skies,
We call it Heaven’s bright gold
en sllore
The falling tears of loved ones here
Are mingled with delight,
Because we know that thou art
Thy soul’s amid God’s radiant
Lould we hut see thy place of test,
And know Ul >’ j°>' complete,
We, too, will do our best
With you some day to meet.
Written by James A. Mauley, Royston, Ga.
Mrs. Lizzie Martin is ill with the
flu at this time. We hope she will
soon recover.
Miss Fannie Lance spent Sun¬
day afternoon with Miss Ella Dor¬
The exercises at the school house
Saturday night were enjoyed by all
present. Music was rendered by
Miss Menders and Mrs. Nix.
Messrs. Tom and Ilomer Lance
f.otn Blairsvilie recently visited
their sister, Miss Fannie Lance.
Mr, and Mrs. Robinson, of Mel
dean, are very sick with the fiu.
Fletcher Cooley went to Atlanta
Sunday to see his brother, who is
very , "'
Mrs. Nix visited Mossy Creek.
I Friday ufternoon ‘ Co,lle a *“ in -
" 6 are aIway8 glad l ° have >' ou '
■■ - ■ '---————
Frost Proof Cabbage
For immediate shipment, extra
fine stocky plants. Early Jersey,
Charleston Wakefield, Succeesion,
Flat Dutch. By express 1000 $2.00 ;
000 f 3 . 5 o; 5,000 $7.50. Prepaid
mail, $-.50.' 300 ; 300 ¥1.50;
Send for price list'. Sweet
Potato, Tpmato and other plants,
Parker Farms. Moulirie, (ia.
Miss Sarah Lou Satterfield, from
Gainesville, is visiting her
to the delight of her many triends
Love and a Love letter
Love is as old as the hills, and
| as enduring as the -Rock of Ages,’
! Poets have song of it from
foundation of the world, and yet
I half of the story lias never been
j told. It is something "indcscrib
J able.” Regardless of how great a
master of the English language
man ar wom an may be, words fail j
| them in describing the sensations
j | of Jove. Love is no respector of
persons. Lika the mumps, measles
land whooping cough, it gets all
alike, big, little, old and young,
: rich and poor. The educated tel)
about in one lauguage, the unedu¬
cated in another ; yet it all means
the same thing when ‘boiled down’
and serves the same purpose. The
country swain and the mbst un¬
learned, with their limited vocabu¬
lary, can express* themselves so as
to be understood just as the manor
maid who have many words at
their command.
Old maids, bachelors and unfeel¬
j ing people tell us that love is un¬
real; that it is only a condition of
the ittiud, that it is only “make be¬
lieve.” ..
Do you believe this?
We dont.
And after you read the lovcletter
j printed below, you won’t, either;
that is, if you are a person that an
argument or sound reasoning will
convince. Read and be convinced
that we know whereof we speak.
“Dere sweethart, i will rite to
let you no how gud i luv yu, and i
wood cum to seo yu if i oood, but
yu wont let trie cum. if yu will let
me cum over there i will buy you
anything yu want, if yu eat as
good as yu look i wood like to eat
yu. you are the only girl i ever
luved yu sweet liuny of mine, if i
can cum to are yu rite and tell me
and i will bring yu candy and j
WANTED — Experienced tim¬
ber cutters and saw mill
men* War’s work. Good pay,
flood board, reasonable rates.
Camps furnished if preferable.
Reference. Write Frank Parks
Siiwanee, Gwinnette County,
Water ground meal and flour. ;
Extra fine pigs, also one mute
Glenn Falls Milling Co.
Now, More Than Ever
it behooves everyone to choose with
care iheir
Spring and Summer
Here yon will find a big assortment of the latest
styles and newest fabrics.
COME IN 1 Let us take your measure for a trulv
Tailored Soil.
Our Hit* Spring Line Now on Display at our Otlioe
over Reece’s Store.
The Difference
—between the man who has learned
tn save and bank his money and the
Form the habit man who has not learned,is the differ¬
of saving ence, ten year* lienee, between the
Bank man .flourishing in business and the
and with man looking for a job,
chuin gum all the time, from your
bsst sweethart, anc. snne.
—Echo. gess hu.
Some folks find it difficult to
avoid the appearancejof trouble if
there is a mirror in the house.
No man can claim to be domes*
ticated until he has learned where
put the knives and jforks after
he has helped to wash the dishes.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application*, as they cannot ranch
the dlaeaaed portion ot the ehr. There in
only and one way to cure coaatttutiinnl catarrhal deaftea*.
that la by a remedy.
Catarrhal la cauae* by an In¬
flamed condition of the mucaus lining at
the Ehtatachian Tube. When- thia tube la
inflamed you hay# a rumbilng wound or Im¬
perfect hearing, and when ft i* entirely
cloned. Deafneea ia the reaultr- Unleaa the
Inflammation can be reduced and thia tube
reatored to It* normal condition, hearing;
will be deotroyed fororor. Many caaeo of
deafneoo are eauoed by catarrh, whtch lo
an Inflamed condition of tbo mucouo aur
face*. Hall 1 * Catarrh Medicine acta thru
the blood on the mucoua aurface* of tbo
We will (ire One Hundred. Dollar* for
any caae of Catarrhal Deaftica* that caar.ot
be cured by Hair* Catarrh Mbdlclno. Cir¬
cular# fret. All Druatioto. 71c.
V. J. CHENET * CO.. Toledo, O.
I have a team of one mare and
one horse and a two-horse wagon
1 want to swap for one gentle mule
or horse. Mr$. A. A. DAVIS.
Route 2 Cleveland, Ga.
Extra early King seed, $2.25 per
bushel, f. o. b,, Cleveland, Ga.
2 heifers, one cream Jersey, one
red and white spotted; marked
fork in right ear and over¬
bit in left. Ranged on Blue Ridge
mountain last summer. Will pay
$10 for each to any one that will
get them for me. Both are de¬
Cleveland, Ga., R. 3 .
J have a good Jersey bull for ser¬
vice. Fee $1.00. Also a Duroc
boar, fee $2.00. All fees to
paid af the gate.
2 milk cows, calves only a few
old; one extra good. Will
sell reasonable.
B. H. Middlebrooks, Sr,
Route 3.
Political Announcements.
To the voters of Whi e County :
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Ordinary of
White County subject to the pirimary to
tie held the 17th day of March 1920, and
if elected will continue to try to do my
duty as heretofore in behalf of the- cou -
ty affairs. Thanking the people for sup¬
port heretofore rendered me. Hoping to
be remembered on the 17th at the poles
in the same maftner ns before.
Respectfully yours,
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
Georgia, White county.
To the voters of said county:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
White-County sudject to the county prim¬
ary to be held March 17th, I92O. If
elected I promise the people of the county
faithful and efficient service. Your sup¬
port will be highly appreciated.
Thanking the people of my county for
past support.
I am, very respectfully your*,
J. B. R. Barrett.
To the voters of White County:
1 hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Tax Collector subject to the
county primary to de held on March i7tb
1920. If elected I promise faithful and
efficient service to the people.
I will appreciate yonr support.
Thanking all the voters of the connty
for their jiast support!'
I am, yours respectfully,
To tli*-. Voters of Whit* County;
I hereby annouce myself a candidate
for Tax Receiver of White County sub¬
ject to the primary, if one lie held. If
elected I shall use my best efforts to make
an accomodating' and efficient officer,
solicting yonr support at polls which 1
assure you will he highly appreciated.
E. C. Hefner.
To the Voters of White County:
I take the method of announcing to you
my canidaey for the office of Ordiuary of
White County subject to the action of the
Democratic primary, and assuring you
thaLyour suppoit will lie very greatly
Thos. P, Underwood.
To thecitizensxif White County:
I heieby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector of White County sub¬
ject to the county primary, of March 17.
If elected I pledge myself in making my
rounds to make Cleveland my last ap¬
pointment and to be thereon Saturday's,
and to otherwise render the best possible
service in the interest of the tax payers.
Thanking you in advance for your sup¬
G. E. Allen.
To the voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sheriff'for White County subject to
the County primary to be held March 17,
Suiietitiiig your support and if elected
I promise faithfully to perform the duties
to tne best of my ability.
• John Ash.
To the voters of White County:
I respectfully announce myself a can¬
didate for tax receiver of White County
subject to the county primary to be held
March 17, 1920. Your vote solicited and
J. C. Carter.
To the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for tHX collector, subject to the primary
to be held March 17, 1920. It I am elect¬
ed I will serve the people to the best of
my ability.
Yours truly,
To the Voters or White County:
I hereby announce mj’self a candidate
for sheriff of White county, subject to
the primary to be held March 17 th. 1
feel 1 am fully competent and will do all
in my power to discharge all of the duties
devolving upon me, and I will greatly
appreciate it if the people will elect me
to this office.
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself for re-elec¬
tion to the offie of tax receiver of White
county, subject to the democratic prim¬
ary of March 17, i920. If elected 1 will
continue to perform the duties of the
office to the yery best of my ability and
skill as heretofore. Thanking the people
for all past favors and in advance for fu¬
ture support. Yours truly,
To the Voters of White County:
After being solicited by many friends,
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for sheriff, subject to the primary
to be held March 17,193O.
To the voters of Mhite County.
I hereby announce inyself a Candida
for the office of County School Supt.,eub
ject to the primary election to be held on
the 17th day of March, 1*20. j respect¬
fully solicit the support of the people
and, if elected. I will endeavor to ffive
you a faithful administration; looking ar
*11 times to the education of thn children
and the building up of the schools of the
C. H. Edwards.
To the voters of White County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Ordinary. Thanking you
in advance for your support on the i7th
day of March, 1920,
J. C. Russell.
To the Voters of White County :
I will certainly appreciate your vote on
March 17, 1920, for the office of Superin¬
tendent of Schools of White county, and
promise you in return, if elected, faithful
and efficient attention to every duty fall¬
ing upon that official—attention that shall
ever be looking lo the best interest of the
schools, and to the uplift of our county
through the inspiration, higher educat ion
and better training of our boys and girts.
Yours respectfully,
To the voters of White County:
I am a candidate for Tax Receiver of
White County, subject to the decision of
of the voters rendered in the primary to
ha help March 17, 1920. Should I re¬
ceive the nomination and be elected to
this office I promise the tax payers the.
very best, service possible.
W. W, Lotbridge.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support for the
family of J, F. Davis, deceased, having
been filed in my offie, all persons con¬
cerned are cited to show cause by the 1st
day of March, 1920, why said applica
cion for twelve months'support should
ont be granted. This February 2, 1920
N J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
To the Voters of Said County :
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
White county, subject to the primary to
lie held March 17, i920. If elected I
promise the people of the County faithful
and efficient service. Your support will
be highly appreciated. The time being
short, it will he impossible for me to see
all the voters of the county. Please take
this *s a face-to-face talk aud give me
the office for four years, and I assure you
I will not tie in the race for the next t<.*im.
I am very respectfully yours,
To the Voters of White County:
J hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for sheriff of White lounty, subject
to the primary to be held March 17, i990.
I respectfully solicit the support of the
citizens of my county, and if elected I
promise that I will discharge the duties
of the offie in strict accordance with the
oath taken by me as such to the best of
my ability.
Thanking the people of the county for
past support, I am very respectfully,
To the voters of While County:
After boing solicited by several in the
various districts of the county to make
the race for ordinary I have decided to
put my name before the public for them
to pass upon. If my service will help
the county in any way I um willing to
serve. Anything in my behalf by any¬
body wil* be highly appreciated by me.
W. K. Dean.
To the voters of White Cornty:
I hereby annonnee myself a candidate
for Cornty Surveyor. I make this race
unsolicited, believing that I am capable
of giving the people the best possible ser¬
vice. Your vote is earnestly solicited
and if elected I promise to discharge the
duties of this office to the best of mv abil¬
jess Abernathy.
To the Voters of White County:
Owing to the limited time in which I
have to canvass the county, I take this
method of announcing myself as a candi¬
date for Ordinary of White County, sub¬
ject to the Democratic Primary of March
the 17th. My motto is the general uplift
of the county. Earnestly soliciting yonr
support, and thanking yon for your past
support, I am yours truly.
Pigs For Sale.
Both cross and Pure Pigs. Also
bred and unbread gilts. Pure ser.
vice boars Gall or write
B. H. Middlebrooks
Mt. L-iure! Farm, Cleveland, Ga,
Eure bred Silver Laced Wyacdottee, $2
pet 15 J. . delivered, Miller, CUt.laftd, R.Vo
Mrs 1 C. 0 a i