Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Hill Says Lydia E. Pinkham’*
Vegetable Compound Removed
The Cause.
Knoxville, Term. — “My back hurt me
Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham’a
Sanative Wash and now I am well, can
eat thanks heartily and work. I give you my
for your great medicines. You
may publish what my letter and I will tell
everyone your medicines did for
me.”—Mrs. Pearl Hill, 418 Jacksboro
St., Knoxville, Tennessee.
Hundreds of such letters expressing
gratitude for the Compound good Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable has accom¬
plished proving are the constantly reliability being received,
of thi3 grand old
If you are ill do not drag along and
continue to suffer day in and day out but
at once take Lydia E, Pinkham’s
V egetable Compound, a woman’s
remedy for woman's ills.
Costly Joke.
A certain Times man who was hur¬
rying through Glendale too fast the
other day and received the customary
summons, overlooked the date anti
failed to appear until the following
Of course the usual explanations,
etc., but In (lie middle of them his
honor began to chuckle.
“Well," he said, “we’li make it $5
for being too much in a hurry, and an¬
other $5 for arriving too late."—
l/os Angeles Times.
„ If not-'
<*pve them
BeeDee St °%iiS°rS
The old reliable
lor BLACppiOT Stock and poultry
Ask your merchant!
jyfarc&ants : ask your jobber*
Oalaamaa about Bee Beet
Bad Sickness
Caused by
If people only realized the health-destroy¬
ing power of an aekl -stomach— of the many
kinds of sickness and misery It causes— of
the lives it literally wrecks—they would
guard against It as carefully aa they do
analnat a deadly plague. You know In tn
Instant the flret symptoms ot acld-stomach
patns of indigestion; distressing, painful
bloat; sour, gassy stomach; belching; food
repeating; heartburn, etc. Whenever your
stomach feels this way you should lose no
time tn putting it to rights. If you don’t,
serious consequences are almost sure to fol¬
low, such as intestinal fermentation, auto¬
intoxication, impairment of the entire ner¬
vous ihe system, headache. UiUousness, cirrhosis
of liver; sometimes even catarrh of the
stomach and intestinal ulcers and cancer.
If you are not feeling right, see it it isn't
acid stomach that Is the cause of your ill
health. Take EATONIC, the wonderful mod¬
ern stomach remedy. EATONIC Tablets
quickly and surely relieve the pain, bloat,
belching, and heartburn that indicate acid
stomach. Make the stomach strong, clean
and sweet. By keeping the stomach in
healthy condition so that you can get full
airength from your food, your general health
steadily improves. Results are marvelously
OUlek, .lust try EATONIC and you will be
as enthusiastic se the thousands who have
used It nml who say they never dreamed
anything could bring such marvelous relief.
So get a big SO-cent box of EATONIC
from your druggist today. If not satisfac¬
tory return it and he will refund your money.
MB ("for your acid stomac®
Has that good
licorice taste
looking youVebeen
Promptly Irritating Coughs
trrat coughs, colds, hoarseness,
bronchitis and similar inflamed and irritated
conditions of the throat with a tested remedy
eat and my head
bothered me, all
caused b 1 by female I
r o u e, was
three years with
these troubles and
doctors did me no
Your med
icine helped my sis •
ter so she advised
me to take it. 1 took
Lydia Vegetable E. Pinkham’s Com
and the Liver
Mr. Dodeon, the “Liver Tone” Mtn,
Responsible for Change for
the Better.
Every druggist In town has noticed a
great falling off in the sale of. calomel,
j They all give the same reason. Dod
■ son’s Liver Tone Is taking its place.
I “Calomel Is dangerous and people
know It." Dodson’s Liver Tone is per¬
sonally guaranteed by every druggist
who sells It A large bottle doesn’t
cost very much, but if It fails to give
easy relief in every case of liver slug¬
gishness and constipation, just ask for
your money back.
| Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant
! tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harm
j less to both children and adults. Take
a spoonful at night and wake up feel
| acid ing fine; stomach no biliousness, sick headache,
] or constipated bowels.
It doesn’t gripe or cause inconvenience.
Take a dose of calomel today and to¬
morrow you will feel weak, sick and j
nauseated. Don’t lose a day.—Adv.
Playing for Safety.
Jim—You spend too much money on
that girl. Remember girls frequently
help a chap blow in his coin and then
narry the fellow that saves up.
Ed—I know. That’s the reason I’m
pending mine.
Let “Danderine” save and
glorify your hair
In a few moments you can trans¬
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of “Dan¬
derine’’ for a few cents. Then moist¬
en a soft cloth with the Danderine and
draw this through your hair taking one
small strand at a time. Instantly, yes,
immediately, you have doubled the
beauty of your hair. It will be a mass,
so soft, lustrous, fluffy and so easy to
do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil
Is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness In your hair. This
stimulating tonic will freshen your
scalp, cheek dandruff and falling hair,
und help your hair to grow long, thick,
strong and beautiful.—Adv.
If it weren’t for the few the multi¬
tude would siill tie burning caudles
and driving ox teams.
Thotrands of women have kidney and
bladder trouble and never suspect it.
Womens’ complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other or¬
gans to become diseased.
1’aiu in the back, headache, loss of am¬
bition, nervousness, are often times symp¬
toms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a physician’s pre¬
scription, obtained at any drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle im¬
mediately from any drug store. this
However, if you wish lirst to test
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, X. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Ac’v.
.Make flits resolution every morning:
1 utn going to make this day count
as never day counted before.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
The total stand of timber on the
national forests is estimated at 600,
000,000,000 board feet.
There is nothing that makes a big¬
ger hole in a busy day than a bore.
jit 7* M. Morn ins*
** *<m
Keep Clean Teep\bur Clear Health) Eyes
Writ. tor F/.. t>< Car. book Kurin. Co. Chicago. UX.
Brief News Of Importance Gathered
From AH Parts Of
The State
Atlanta.—That - %
more than half
the country’s production of baryte;
mineral used in making paint, a
mobile tires and chemicals— ooj
from the mines of Georgia is one
the interesting facta brought out
the meat recent publication of
state sued geological survey, wh|cb was
recently. Not only does
state produce more barytes than all tip
other states combined, but it uses
most efficient and elaborate methods
of mining and milling the ore. Anoth¬
er Important fact shown in this report
that should be emphasized in ccnndb
ti?r> with Georgia's great but little ad¬
vertised mineral wealth is the fact
that the Barytes production of life
state rose from insignificance to projni
nonce in a few months. The ore was
hero; it needed only exploitation and
development work to meet the de¬
mand resulting from the loss of Im¬
portations from Germany. The ba¬
rytes mines are a; Gartersville, Bar¬
tow county, and there are deposits of
the ore in five counties. Parentheti¬
cally it may be said that Cartersville
is one of the few largest producers of
yellow ocher in the United States ;
also it claims enormous deposits of
potash slate, advantageously situated
for mining. The only barytes grinding
plant in’ Georgia is at Carte/sviHe.
Plans are being carried out to make
this mill one of the largest producers
In the United States. The nature and
occurrence of the barytes ore, its ge¬
ologic associate n, geographic and de¬
tained property descriptions are given
in the report of 146 pages, including
19 sketches, maps. 421 halftone illus¬
trations and an index. The book is
Bulletin 30 of the state geological sur¬
vey, entitled “A Report on the Ba¬
rytes Deposits of Georgia,” by J. P.
D. Hull, assistant state geo!rgist. A
copy will be sent to any citizen of
the state ftpon receipt of ten cents for
postage by S, W. McCallle, state ge¬
ologist., Atlanta, Ga.
Barnesville Child Killed Under Auto
Barnesville.—William, the 10-year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Venus Means,
of Cull den, was run over and instant¬
ly killed on; the street here by aft
owned by James Davis and driven
J. A. Avera, well known citizens.
boy’s skull was crushed. Chief of
lice Reviore saw the accident and
states that it was practically unavoid
able. The Means family is prominent
in the Culloden community. While the
mother and a sister wore looking over
town for the boy he lay dead in Dr.
C. E. Suggs’ office, it being s r me
into before they knew of his death.
Meigs Licenses Fixed
Meigs. ---At a recent meeting of city
council il was decided to make the
lcenso for carnivals $o0 to $10 per day
in the discretion of the mayor
is, beyond a doubt, a prohibitive II
cense on the class of shows that come
under the classification of carnivals,
A number of business licenses wore
they have ever been.
Many Applicants For Motor Licenses
Atlanta.—With a long line of
torists seeking 1920 licenses, S. G. Me
London, secretary of state, called the
attention of the motoring public to the
fact that March 1 is the last day pro
videtl by law for the acquisition of
1920 licenses, and said that the mat¬
ter of law enforcement would be up
to the sheriffs and various counties.
II will be a misdemeanor for anyone
to drive a car after March 1 without
a new tag. tip to thi$ time last
sixty thousand licenses had been
sued. It is estimated that
seventy and eighty thousand will
tho figure this year. Last year the
toctal number amounted to one
died and twenty-five thousand in all,
a great many, of course, being taken
out by persons who had purchased
cars after March 1.
To Organize Labor Party
Savannah.- Indications point to def¬
inite efforts to organize the Labor par¬
ty in Georgia. The Savanah cham¬
ber of industry has sent out a call
to all unions in Hie state affiliated with
the federation looking to the
tion of a state chamber of
It is proposed to organie this
just prior to the annual convention of
the Georgia Federation of Labor in
Savannah, April 20. The local
ber’s aims and purposes were
edly the advancement of the interests
”f organied labor. ft*.
Plane Crashes At Washington
Washington. — Washington’s first
airplane accident occurred recently.
resulting in the complete wreck of
plane and slight personal injuries to
Pilot Atkey and his passenger, John
Norris, of this city, who were
ing from Augusta. When the
was just ready to alight at the
Georgia fair grounds a sudden gust
wlnd threw it out of its landing
into an electric light pole. The
pcller was splintered and the
of the plane w-ere badly damaged
Dates Announced For Georgia Fairs
Macon.—The Asociation of Georgia
Fairs in annual meeting here announc¬
ed the dates of fairs in this state
and appointed a committee to take
such steps as are necessary to secure
financial aid from the state and coun¬
ty fairs in Georgia. The committee
is composed of R. M. Striplin, Atlanta,
chairman; Dr. W. Glee, J. W. Flem¬
ing, C. D. Shellnut, W. W. Webb, C.
W. Rawson, J. Luke Barnett and Eu¬
gene Baker. Dates for thirteen Geor¬
gia fairs were announced as follows:
Washington county fair, Sandersville,
October 4-11; Bulloch county fair,
Statesboro, October 5-9; Gwinnett
agricultural and industrial fair,
LawrenceviUe, October 4-10; John
! son county, fair, Wrightsville, Octo
J I her tersville, 13-16; October Bartow county 12-16; fair, Southern Car
j Georgia exposition, Eastman, Octo
i ta, ber 16-23; Southeastern fair, Atlan¬
October 16-26; Colquitt county
fair, Moultrie, October 26-30; Geor¬
gia state fair, Macon, October 28-No
vember 6; Tri-State exposition, Sa¬
vannah, November 8-13.
Airplane Forced To Land In Swamp
Waycrces.—Out of gasoline and
over the middle of the Okeefenokeo
swamp was the predicament in which
V. Price Holingsworth and ‘ Wild” Ed¬
die Burbach found themselves on their
return trip by air from Jacksonville
to Waycross. They selected the best
looking spot in sight and volplaned to
it, which proved to bo a small field
at Fargo. It took some time to clear
away fences, trees and obstructions to
give sufficient space to bop off in, but
they succeeded and are now in Way
cross to join the tleet which arrives
here later. They will give an exhibi¬
tion over the city, showing aerial
combats and flying in battle forma¬
Tried For Smuggling Diamonds
Savannah.—E. /fucker, steward’ on
the Western Pride, fell into the ent of
the law here, being arraigned ou the
charges of smuggling diamonds into
the country, bringing aion also a small
quantity of almost as precious liquor,
and in addition attemptin to smuggle
more booe in. He was allowed to pay
$150 duty on the diamonds, cleared of
the attempt to smuggle whisky and
put under bond for having a small
amount in his possession.
Children To Get $300,000 Estate
Atlanta.—The will of the late F. E.
Block, prominent Atlanta candy and
cracker manufacturer, who died re¬
cently, was probated in common form
in the office of Judge Thomas H.
i Jeffries, ordinary. Under the terms
of the will, the estate, which is valued
at three hundred thousand dollars, is
divided equally among the four chil¬
j dren.
j Monster Increase In Bank Clearings
Atlanta.—That Atlanta bank clear¬
ings for the month of February will
total approximately two hundred and
fifty-one million dollars, and will ex¬
ceed the 1919 February total by well
over the fifty-five million mark, is
indicated by a compilation of figures
| [ jqj. past twenty-six days and an
estimate of clearings for the two re
i gaining days of the month during
wb j c h clearings will be anouuced.
Seaboard Sued For Burned Goods
Savannah.—Suita ranging from $125
j j aggregating valued at eighty thousand than three dollars hundred and
and fifty thousand doltars were filed
in the city court here by various firms
[ against the Seaboard Air Line for
j losses in the terminal fire of Febru*
j ary from 14 the last flames year, when amounted the money to loss
, more
[than a million dollars.
Ports Body Holds Meeting
j gavanah.—At the. meeting of the
five porta association at the board of
trade r0 oms, officers for the new year
were elec ted and several matters rel
ting to the ports discussing. The fol
towinK were e i ec ted officers: Pre.-i
dent , R . L Phillips, president Bruns
i wick board o{ trade; secretary, A. M.
g mdbi manager and secretary Bruns
wick board ot trade . The next meet
; of the association will be held in
Jefferson To Hold Fair
Louisville.—Stockholders of the
Jefferson County Fair Association re¬
cently met and declaring a 10 per
cent dividend and laying a good fund
aside for surplus, promulgated plans
for a bigger and better fair and live
stock show for 1920. They are co¬
operating with the federal government
and the state agricultural college in
the employing of a home demonstra¬
tion agent and have procured the ser¬
t vices of Mrs. Powell, who is already
on the field.
Warrant For Half Of Pensions Signed
Atlanta. — Governor Dorsey has
VlrTaU o7 the 'Sederaie
penP i 0 n tor this year, amounting to
; a mill j on and a quarter dollars. The
balaDCs? will be paid as soon as the
i money j s available in the treasury,
- proba biy late in April or early in May.
ln pavin g half of the counties in full,
j | p en<jon commissioner usual John custom W. of Lind- al-
3ey if . following his
ternating in years, paying those coun
lies first this year which received
their money last in 1919.
"Bayer Cross” on Aspirin like “Sterling” on silver.
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,’’ marked
with the safety “Bayer Cross,” can be
taken without fear because you are
getting the true, world-famous Aspirin,
prescribed by physicians for over 18
Always buy an unbroken package of
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” which con¬
Its Class.
“The English baronet wiio is visit¬
ing here lias a horse which is a
“I see. A regular knight mare.”
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Re¬
lieves Head-Colds at Once.
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head is stuffed and you can't
breathe freely because of a cold or
catarrh, just get a small bottle of
Ely’s Cream Balm at any drug store.
Apply a little of this fragrant, anti¬
septic cream into your nostrils and let
It penetrate through every air passage
of your head, soothing and healing
the inflamed, swollen mucous mem¬
brane and you get. instant relief.
Ah ’ IIow good it feels. Your nos¬
trils are open, your head is clear, no
more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headache, dryness or struggling
for breath. Ely’s Cream Balm is just
what sufferers from head colds and
catarrh need. It’s a delight.—Adv.
“Pa. what is a skeptic?”
"Anybody who doesn’t beiievt the
way you think he ought to.”
[ Is always admired, and it is the lauda
i bit* ambition of every woman to do all
j she can to make herself attractive.
Many of our southern women have
[ found that Tetterine is invaluable for
1 clearing up blotches, itchy patches,
, etc., ami making the skin soft and
! velvety. The worst cases of eczema
and other torturing skin diseases yield
; to Tetterine. Bold by druggists or sent
| j by Savannah. mail for Ga.—Adv. 50c. by Shuptrine Co„
More young men have achieved sue
[ cess in life with grit as capita! than
with money capital to start with.
» «-».•
Harmless, purely vegetable, Infants’ and Children’s Regulator, h
formula on every label. Guaranteed son-narcotic, non-alcoholic
For highly gratifying and most astonishing results in *****
checking diarrhoea, and relieving wind colic, flatulency,
constipation, and other disorders of babv and childhood use 1
The Infants’ anti Children’s Regulator
It Is the safest and best combination of purely vegetable Ingredients W
that meoic at snk.ii Has ever devised and endorsed as this complete open
published formula shows. Read it.
Senna Sodium Citrate Oil of Anise Canway Glycerine * vO i
Rhubarb Sodium Bicarbonate Fennel Coriander Sugar Syrup 'S> :
It costs n*ore to make Mrs. Winslow a Syrup than similar preparations.
Yet it costa you no more than ordinary baby laxatives. At all Drugsiate.
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO., 215-217 Fniton St., New York — a
General SeRbg Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co.. Lac., New York. London, Toronto
The Right Way
in all cases of
of all horses, brood mare3, colts
and stallions is to
on the tongue or la the feed with
! Give the the blood remedy to all of them. It acts
j on and glands. It routs the
! disease by expelling the germs. It
i wards they off “exposed." the trouble, few no matter how
I are A drops a day
: prevent those exposed from contract
; tng disease. Contains nothing injurt
j OUS. Sold by druggists, harness deal
; ers or by the manufacturers. 60 cents
! and *1.15 per bottle. AGENTS WANT
j ED.
Lookout Biscuit ”* K ' NG O* THESE BISCUITS MAKE
ft’Y *“* c? if not he should,
.flsk him or write us giving his name
tains proper directions to safely relieve
C-olds, Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu¬
ritis. Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets
cost but a few cents. Druggists also
sell larger “Bayer” packages. Aspirin
is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylic-acid.
The Cynic.
A cynic is in many instances a su¬
per-idealist. who believes the world
could he perfect by rectifying a few
slight errors which he takes the trou¬
ble to point out.
A few tablets of “Pape’s Diapepsin"
bring relief airnost as soon as they
reach the stomach.
‘Tape’s Diapepsin,” by neutralizing
the acidity of the stomach, instantly re¬
lieves the food souring and fermenta¬
tion which causes the misery-making
gases, heartburn, flatulence, fullness
or pain in stomach and intestines.
“Pape’s Diapepsin” helps regulate
disordered stomachs so favorite foods
can .be eaten without causing distress.
Costs so little at drug stores.
Also tJfivo feae-s!Strtajtleaicj Toils. At AU Eras Stsru,
Have you
Lumbago or Gout?
TalceRHEijVTACITSEtoreic'wethecause amt Uliyc the poison
trout tlio
‘BBznunnR os Tits iststn*
t’tis klllil/ariisx OS THE OCT8IOE '
At All Druggists
lit. BuJy fk S-n, Wholesale Distribotcrs
, Baltimore. Mil.