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Cbe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of Whitt County. Gm
Published Weekly at Cleveland dm.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Poet office at Cleveland
Ga., as second cUsg mail matter.
Subscription, $1.50 per year
There has teen no new cases of
flit in town this week. Those who
have been sick with it are now im¬
proving, and those who are not al¬
ready out are expected to be able to
be out in a short time.
School at Shoal Creek has been
suspended on account of flu, and
will not be opened again until
some time during the summer. Flu
has been raging there for the past
two weeks.’
W. B. Smith, of Mossy Creek,
died last week, after a few days’
illness with the flu. Mr. Smith
was well known in the county and
has been doing carpenter work in
Cleveland during the winter.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McEfee Monday night, a daughter.
Clinton Faulkner, who under¬
went an operation at Downey’s
hospital, Gainesville, has sufficient¬
ly recovered to be again at home.
Those selected to prepare a list
of voters for the coming primary
met in the court house this week
and have completed their work.
Those selected to do this work were
L. G. Ash, W. J. Presley and W.
G. Allen. We have not learned
the exact number of voters there
are in the county, but we are told
it is near 1,200.
The busiest men we know of for
the past few weeks are our worthy
physicians, who have been .ushing
day and night in their endeavors
to keep up with their calls.
Telford & Ken inter are prepar¬
ing to build a warehouse on, the
lot adjoining their store.
Mrs. Sarah L, Jackson, one of
Shoal Creek’s most highly respec¬
ted ladies, died at her hhme lakt
week from flu-pneumonia. She
had many friends who will miss
her much.
It is pleasing to note thut many
farmers have profitted by holding
their cotton untill it has reached a
better price, and we frequently
note that mention is made of the
crease the farmer lias derived from
his sales, Why is it nothing is
said about how much the specula¬
tor has made from holding the flee¬
cy staple? All the fanners would
like to know how much they have
made, but there is nobody to tell
them. Mr. Farmer, the capitalist
is taking care of you, all right, and
and keeping you just where he
wants you, despite all the laws
framed to the contrary.
We give herewith the result of
Habersham county primary:
For Ordinary
J. W. Hill 677
J. A. Robertson 1073
Clerk Superior Court
Idus E. Brewer 94S
Geo. T. Daniel 8ia
W, H. Dockins 389
J. C. Grant 740
J. L. Lrudermilk 689
Tax Collector
S. F. Wood 890
Tax Receiver
W. S. Carpenter 378
County Superintendent of Schools
C. W. Grant u6f
The fellow that inveneed that
saying about the “flowing bowl”
evidently wasn’t referring to the
sugar bowl.
That Missouri hen said to have
been insured by her owner for
$5,000 certainly is entitled to
As peaceful as Cleveland boasts
of being, there are times wbeu a
wild man is to be found in her
midst. And that is when he finds
his wife has used his rnieor to
aharpen a lead pencil.
Millions Meed
In Many Homes Better Health
Is Simply a Matter of
• Better Blood
Pepto-Mangan Improves Blood
Composed of Approved
Blood-Making Elements—
Put Up in Liquid and
Tablet Form
Are you tired and weak and
“blue?” Do you say to yourself,
“What’s the use of living? What
do I get out of life, dragging thru
this drab existence in this unhappy
You don’t feel well, and you
don’t know why you have so little
energy to do anything, and you
get all tired out before it is done.
There are millions in busy America
that have sudh feelings now and
then, and they are to be pitied. But
there is helP. Unless some serious
malady is at the bottom of their
trouble, a few weeks of Pepto
Mungun will work a wonderful
change. Pepto-Mangau puts new
vigor into the blood, and the blood
is the life fluid. With plenty of
rich, red blood coursing through
one’s body one is pretty likely
to feel good and vigorous and be
strong and look hearty.
Go to your druggist and ask for
“Gude’s Pepto-Mangan.” Be sure
to say “Gude^a,” If “Gude’s” is
not on the packade it is not Pepto
Mangan, It is put up in both
liquid and tdblet form. Tell the
druggist which you prefer. There
is no difference in medicinal value.
The flu ha^beCn raging this sec
tiou for the past month, and has
visited every .home. It it needless
to say it is bad company.
Mrs, R. 31 . Ash, who had suffer¬
ed from pneumonia for the past
week, died Ian Friday night, Feb.
>Tth, was laid to rest Sunday after
nooD in Mt, Piegah cemetery amid
a large concourse of friends. The
bereaved have our sympathy.
Mrs. Zona Nix has been spend¬
ing the past week with her mother
Mrs. W. M. Satterfield.
E. L. Shuler passed through this
section Tueaday en route to Union
county to visit relatives.
Joe and Lon Miller have return¬
ed from their trip out west.
Most of the sick in this section j
are recoveridg.
From my house on the night of
February 35 a big black Poland
China sovr: weight about 135
pounds. Finder will notify
Cleveland, Ga.
What It Coat Him
The law requires candidates for
office to file a report of expendi¬
tures. A patriot of Missouri ran
for office and turned in the follow¬
ing absolutely truthful report
what it cost him to get elected.
“Lost, 1,349 hours’ sleep think¬
ing about the election. Lost two
front teeth ^nd a lot of hair in a
personal encounter with an oppon¬
ent. Donated one beef, four shouts
and five sheep to country barbe¬
cues. Gave away two pairB of
suspenders, four calico dresses and
I5.00 iu cash. Kissed 1 s6 babies.
Put up four stoves. Kindled four
: teen firas. Walked 4.976
i Shook hands with 9,50s people.
: Told 10,101 lies and talked enough
; to make in print 1,000 volumes.
Attended sixteen revivals and
contributed $50.00 to foreign mis¬
sions. Made love to nine widows,
five grass, fonr sod. Hugged 49
old maids. Got dog-bit thirty
nine times and was elected by 353
White County, Ga., is ideal as to
climate, beutiful landscape and fer¬
tility of soil, but she is in the rear
regnrding roads and schools. How¬
ever, there are a few exceptions.
Cleveland and Nacoochee schools
reflect credit to the county, and the
citizens of these two communities
deserve credit for the manner in
which they pnllecf together to make
these schools a success, They are
a success. *
White Creek militia district has
two public schools, with approxi
j mately 150 children of school age.
whicli could have consolidated at
6ome central point and had an ideal
long-term school, similar to the two
above mentioned.
We did our very best to make
this proposed consolidated school a
reality at the polls on February 2i
for which 1 have no apology to
make! to any one, but they voted us
down, and the school is doomed
forever so far as I can see now.
As to the public roads, there is a
lot of room for imyrovement. We
have muddy roads during the win¬
ter months, and perhaps always
will have, but we can put the roads
on a better grade, thereby cutting
out the bad hills. Put the roads
around the hills and make the horse
Let’s install the convict system.
We have the convicts, and why
not work them on the roads? If
the convict system was not good
for Habersham county roads and
citizens, surely they would abolish
the system,
J, A. Robejtson. present ordin¬
ary of Hubershom county, was re¬
nominated February 25 last bv a
nice majority, whtch signified that
the people are as well pleased with
the system, as that official has j
charge of the roads, of which they j
are well aware.
Inasmuch as the ordinary of
White county is vitally connected
with the road problem, being one
of the commissioners, we should
inquire of him, as well as all the
aspirants to that office, how they
stand on this important question.
Let’s demand of each of them thefi
plalform and then vote our con vie
Yours for progress, regardless of
your opinion of me.
Lenf, Ga.
It was pretty cold Sunday, but
Dewberry No. 1 is progressing
nicely in the II, Y. P. U.
John Welchel’s family i« ill with
^ q u
W. N. Granitt is going out of
slow business into last. He He has
four head of horses and a fine bull
dog, and he sings when the train
don’t run, as he has a horse to ride.
Water ground meal and flour.
Extra fine pigs, also one mule
Glenn Falls Milling Co.
Now, More Than Ever
It behooves everyone to choose with
care their
Spring Glothes and Summer
i Here you will find a big assortment of the latest
styles and newest fabrics.
COME IN! us take your measure for a truly
Tailored Suit.
Our Big Spring Line Now on Display at our Office
over Reeces Store.
I had serious bowel and liver
trouble, Lost 50 pounds and could
eat only liquid food. Began tak¬
ing Adler-i-ka and now weigh more
than ever. Eat and sleep splendid¬
ly,” (Signed) George LaFond, Lit¬
tle Falls, iVfinn.
One dose Adler-i-ka relieves sour
stomach, gas and constipation IN¬
STANTLY. Empties BOTH up¬
per and lower bowel, flushing EN¬
TIRE alimentary canal. Removes
ALL foul matter which poisons
system. Often CURES constipa¬
tion. Prevents appendicitis. We
have sold Adler-i-ka many years.
It is a mixture of buckthorn, cas
ca-ia, glycerine and nins other
simple drugs. Cleveland Drug
We trust Cleveland, citizens
will not allow themselves to be¬
lieve reports being printed in so¬
me daily papers to the effect th¬
at anarchy is on the increase in
this country as a result of this
nation,s deportation of a few of
them to Russia for there is noth¬
ing to fear in fact if history is co¬
rrect this plan will have a good
eftect all one need to do is to
remember the ha,ymarket riot in
Chicago and the hanging of »eve
ral anarchists mixed up in the cr¬
'Plie anarchist* of Chicago had
a strong organization and even
printed thire own newspaper.
Then came the throwing of a bo¬
mb that killed several policeman'
and the (arrestand conviction of
the criminals the governor was
urged to reprivo those sentenced
to death on the ground that th«
rc hanging would invoke still <rr
eater outbreaks hut he refused
and the hangings took place ther
e were no further outbreaks and
anarchy made no headway after
Threats did not materialize and
»*™neUuier instead of
wilder deporting anarchists to li
ussia is going to serve as a lastiug
lesson the notice t«. the world
that we can and will send out of
this country those who try to ov¬
erthrow the goverment will be
heeded by many there will lie no
reaction against the carrying ont
of the plans to deport all who seek
to bring about a revolution in
this country let the good work
go »iirht and give it your sanction
I have a good Jersey bull for ser¬
vice. Fee $1.00. Also a Duroc
Jersey boar, fee $2.00. All fees to
be paid at the gate.
2 milk cows, calves only a faw
days old ; one extra good. Will
sell reasonable.
1 ?. H. Middlebrooks, Sr.
It Route 3.
Political Announcements.
To the voters of Wlii'r County:
I hereby announce myself a. candidate
for re-election to the office of Ordinary of
White County suliject to the primary to
he held the 17th day of March 1920, and
if elected will continue to try to do my
duty as heretofore in behalf of the coul
ty affairs. Thanking the people for sup¬
port heretofore rendered me. Hoping to
he remembered on the 17th at the poles
in the same manner as before.
Respectfully yours,
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
Georgia, White county.
To the voters of said county:
I hereby announce myself as a candb
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
VihiteCounty sudject to the county prim¬
ary to be held March 17th, I92O. If
elected I promise the people of the county
faithful and efficient service. Your sup¬
port will be highly appreciated.
Thanking the people of my county for
past support. •
I am, very respectfully yours,
J. B. R. Barrett.
To the voters of White County:
I hereby announce, myself as a candi¬
date for Tax Collector subject to the
county primary to de held on March i7tb
1920. If elected I promise faithful and
efficient service to the people.
I will appreciate your support.
Thanking all the voters of the county
for their past supportr
1 am, yours respectfully,
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby annouce myself a candidate
for Tax Receiver of White County sub¬
ject to the primary, if one be held. If
elected I shall use my best efforts to make
an accomodating and efficient officer,
solicting yonr support at polls which 1
assure 3011 will be highly appreciated.
E. C. Hefner.
To the Voters of White County.
I take the method of announcing to you
my canidaey for the office of Ordinary of
White County subject to the action of the
Democratic primary, and assuring you
that your support will be very greatly
Thos. F, Underwood.
To the citizens of White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector of White County sub¬
ject to the county primary, of March 17.
If elected I pledge myself in making my
rounds to make Cleveland my last ap¬
pointment and to be thereon Saturday's,
and to otherwise render the best possible
service in the interest, of the tax payers.
Thanking you in adaance for your sup¬
G. E. Alien.
To the voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sheriff for White County subject to
the County primary to be held March 17,
Solictiting your support and if elected
I promise faithfully to preform thedutier
to me best of my ability.
John Ash.
To the voters of White County:
I respectfully announce myself a can¬
didate for tax receiver of Wiiite County
subject to the county primary to be held
March 17, 1920. Yonr vote solicited and
J. C. Carter.
To the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for lax collector, subject to the primary
to be held March 17. 1920. It 1 am elect¬
ed I will serve the people to the best of
my ability.
Yours truly,
To the Voters or White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sheriff of White county, subject to
the primary to be held March 17th. I
feel 1 am fully competent and will do all
in my power to discharge all oftbednties
devolving upon me, and I will greatly
appreciate it if the people will elect me
to this office.
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself for re-elec¬
tion to the otfie of tax receiver of White
county, subject to the democratic prim¬
ary of March 17, 1920. If elected 1 will
continue to perform the duties of the
office to the very best of my ability and
skill as heretofore. Thanking the people
for all past favors and in advance for fu¬
ture support. Yoty-s truly,
To the Voters of White County:
ADer being solicited by many friends,
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for sheriff, subject to the primary
to be held March 17,192O.
To the voters of Mhite County.
I hereby announce myself a Candida
for the office of County School Snpt.,soh
ject to the primary election to be held on
the 17th day of March, 1*20. j respect¬
fully solicit the support of the people,
and, if elected. I will endeavor to give
you a faithful administration; looking at
sll times to the education of tho children
and I he building np of the schools of the
C. H. Edwards.
To the voters of White County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Ordinary. Thanking yon
in advance for your support on 1he i7th
day of March, 1920,
J. C. Russell.
To the Voters of White County -.
I will certainly appreciate your vote on
March 17, 1920, for the office of Superin¬
tendent of Schools of White county, and
promise you in return, if elected, faithful
and efficient attention to every fluty fall¬
ing upon that official—attention that shall
ever be looking to the best interest of the
schools, and to the uplift of our county
through the inspiration, higher education
and better training of our boys and girls.
Yours respectfully,
To the voters of White County:
I am a candidate for Tax Receiver of
White County, subject to the decision of
of the voters rendered in the primary to
ba help March 17, 1920. Should 1 re¬
ceive the nomination and be elected to
this office I promise the tax payers the
very best service possible.
W.W. Lothridge.
To the Voters of Said County:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
White county, subject to the primary to
be held March 17, i920. If elected I
promise the people of the county faithful
and efficient service. Your support will
be highly appreciated. The time being
short, it will be impossible for me to see
all the voters of the county. Please take
this as a face-to-face talk and give me
the office for four years, and I assure yon
1 will not be in the race for the next term.
I am very respectfully yours,
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for sheriff of White county, subject
to the primary to be held March 17, i920.
I respectfully solicit the support of the
citizens of my county, and if elected 1
promise that I will discharge the duties
of the offie in strict accordance with the
oath taken by me as such to the best of
my ability.
Thanking the people of the county for
past support, I am very respectfully,
To the voters of While County:
After boing solicited by several in the
various districts of the county to make
the race for ordinary l have decided to
put my name before the public for them
to pass upon. If my service will help
the county in any way I urn willing to
serve. Anything in my behalf by any¬
body wil' he highly appreciated by me.
W. K. Dean.
To the voters of White Cornty:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Cornty Surveyor. 1 make this race
unsolicited, believing that I am capable
of giving the people the best possible ser¬
vice. Y'our vote is earnestly solicited
and it elected I promise to discharge the
duties of t his office to the best of mv abil¬
# Jess Abernathy.
To the Voters of White County:
Owing to tlie limited time in which I
have to canvass the county, 1 take this
method of announcing myself as a candi¬
date for Ordinary of White County, sub¬
ject to the Democratic Primary of March
the 17th. My motto is the general uplift
of the county. Earnestly soliciting yonr
support, and thanking you for your past
support, lam yours truly.
Legal Advertisement.
Georgia, White County.
To All Whom It May Concern:
John Parker, having in proper form
applied to me for Permanent Letters o
Administration on the estate of Joh:
Anderson, late of said county, this is t
cite that all and singular the creditor
and next of kin of Mrs. John Andersoi
to be and appear at my office within th
time allowed by law, and show cause, i
any they can, why permanent admiuie
tratiou should not be granted to Johi
Parker on Mrs. John Anderson estate.
Witness my hand and official signatur
this 1st day of Mareh. 1920.
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
Pure bred Silver Laced Wyandottes, *
per 15, delivered.
Mrs, J. C, Miller, Cleveland. Ga.R.No.