Newspaper Page Text
We were glad to see the snow.i
but would have liked if there had
beep more.
J. ,D. Hooper made a trip to :
Gainesville, Saturday.
^rs. OU»e T rue ' ove ^ ie :
guest qf Mrs. jHerlha Sosebee, Sun¬
day evening.
We are sorry to hear of the
death of Mrs. Bertha Thomas,who
died Monday morning, March i.
Miss Inez Trotter was the guest
of Miss jpola Thomas Sunday after¬
Ask Gus Sosebee how he likes
to get leap year letters.
Mr. Brady Rogers and Miss Effie
Myers were married Sunday morn¬
ing. February 39. We wish them
a long, happy life.
J. N. Truelove paid Add Hulsey
a visit Sunday.
Mrs. John Brown is sick at this
Charlie Sosebee will soon be
home from Colorado. His many
friends will be glad of his return.
W. S. Sosebee has purchased a
new organ.
Ask Miss Mae Griffin how she
likes to take tur.iw rides.
This takes the place of Western
News, as have come on from
the woods and got to the
front. The.e are now twentv-five
families residing within one mile
o! the Etris school
On Monday afternoon W. N.
Turner. Esq.. wa« called to Cleve¬
land to trv a criminal case in the
J P. Court and plared the defend¬
ant tinder a seven hundred dollar
bond for nis appearance at the
April lerm of the superior court.
Delbert Stipise! lots purchased a
phone, so now lie i an talk to all
the girls on the line. Success to
you. Delbert.
L W. Vleaders and sister, Mis*
Lizzie, have been quite ill for the
past week with the flu.
The Etris school has been sus.
pended for a few days on account
of the flu, but all are improving
and no new cases that we know of.
The property of Mrs. John An¬
derson, deceased, was appraised
lost Saturday at §7.7.7. Oo.
W. N, Turner visited the west¬
ern part of Shoal Creek last Satur¬
day on official business.
We learn that C. E. Wilkins is
looking for carpenters in at once to
commence work on his new tesi
Rev. W. G. Burns has been to
Atlanta on business recently.
We were sorry to hear of the
death of Mrs, Ash, widow of the.
late Rev. R. M. Ash. The entire
family have our sympathy and
prayers. Dear children, weep not
for the mother, for she has gone!
home to the Father in the beyond
where there is no trouble, sorrow,!
or death, where I hope we will all;
- eet one day on the other shore.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. R. Hogan
spent Saturday night with their
son, Balus Aogan and wife.
Friday evening about 1 o’clock 1
the death angels visited the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boggs and
called their infant away. Our
sympathies go out to the bereaved
Early Mote and sister, Miss
Easthor. spent last Monday night
with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Mote.
Charlie Gilstrap and wife speut
Sunday with Lee Rogers and wife.
Smith Hix and wife spent Sun¬
day evening wi-h Frank White
and wife.
Miss Mae White spent Sunday
evening with Miss Neiiie Presley.
Edgar West was visiting in this
part Sunday evening.
The little child of Mr, and Mrs
Jiin Sexton is no belter at present.
Bradv Rogers was visiting hi*
sister, Mr*. Vassis White, last
Claude Hix and wife were visit¬
ing Mrs J E White, Sunday.
C. W. Skelton ao.t wile, who
were soon to leava tor Colorado,
are ill with ilu.
Will Dyer Rib-. ml A cil
Coggins left fo, v....... .do, Sunday.
Dr. W-E Eva t» was aiding iw
sick in tl|is part li t >.e ,
Mr*. Newt HuUev is very s -k
with the flu.
Why man—
we made this
cigarette for you!
/^AMELS fit your cigarette de
. \_y sires so completely you’ll agree
they were made to meet your taste!
Unique flavor, fragrance and mel
low-mild-body due to Camels qual¬
ity and expert blend of choice Turk¬
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation! You will prefer the
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight!
With Camels you can gothelimit
without tiring your taste. They
leave no unpleasant cigaretty after¬
taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odor!
To get a line on why Camels win
you so completely compare them
^5S$o*** . c.-rr/, puff-for-puff with any cigarette in
the world at any price. You’ll pre
» 4 M( 3 #Oc;*Mwf«wy al fer ^ ^
in* • trOr.ffy paper-covered reco m carton. m end t h* IVr » quality to coupons or premiums! .
carton for the homo or office
_ R. J _ REYNOLDS _ TOBACCO CO.. Winston-Salem. N. C
***P.*c? ° T yoo travel.
Pine Ridge News.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumley
are upon a visit to their daughter,
Mrs. IdaTench.
Mr. Emory Freeman gave Mr.
and Mrs. S. K. Cox a call Sunday
Mr. Claude Sims made a busi¬
ness trip to Gainesville last week.
Mr. Claude Allen, the fam¬
ous cook at the grade camp of
the Blood Mountain tram
road, passed this way Sunday
taking some of the fair sex for
a ride in his new Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Hol¬
brooks, who have been visiting
friends and relative* in and around
Asbrstos returned home Sunday.
Mr. Babe Jackson gave Mr and
Mrs. Corner Jackson a call Sunday.
Mr. (ess Hunt, of Cleveland,
was up in this this part Sunday.
Come again Mr. Hunt we are glad
to have von in our midst.
VIr | .tne- Bimmm, of Helen,
passed this way Saturday, Pearl an t Etnel Jackson
are get ting better a -wire case o<
'I. B '1 Cox killed nice
porke. -i vM-ek
LOST--Tue*dnv night between
Clevelund and Nacooehee
a stnull white and black spot
ted dog. Finder will return to
\fr*. Frank Kenimer, Cleve
land, (ia.
F r -ale by
Cleveland. Ga.
On the sir-ets of Cleveland, Ga,
March 3 . tqzo a gold hilled case
watch. *• Locust ” on the dial.
Finder yvi|l leave at The C-urier
Frost Proof Cabbage P’ants
F r i n-nediate shipment, extra
A - E 11 • lersey,
Chin v • U icefield, ‘'ucc-esion,
l‘la Du ch. B express iooo$j.oo;
2 (XV) *3 fx>; 1)00 #7 ;o Ihepaid
n a 30^1 o; 500 50: 1000
$2 -O ''ll .r price lisl. Sweet
Fota’ii. • o 1 o in 1 other phmts.
F | ’ us. \1 a It r u* Ga. 1