Newspaper Page Text
"Diamond Dyes” Turn Faded, Shabby
Apparel Into New.
Don’t worry about perfect results.
Use “Diamond Dyes,” guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods.—dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children’s
coats, feathers—everything!
Direction Book in package tells how
to diamond dye over any color. To
match any material, have dealer show
you “Diamond Dye” Color Card.—Adv.
Needn’t Economize.
“Is your daughter going to make her
debut this season, Mrs. Comeup?”
“No, ma’am; we ain’t so hard
pushed yet that we have to have any¬
thing homemade.”
Look for name “Bayer” on tablets,
then you need never
To get genuine "Bayer Tablets of i
Aspirin” you must look for the safety
“Bayer Cross” on each package and
on each tablet.
The “Bayer Cross” means true,
world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by
physicians for over eighteen years, and
proved safe by millions for Colds,
Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neu¬
ralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain in general. Proper and safe di¬
rections are in each unbroken “Bayer”
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
but a few cents. Druggists also sell
larger “Bayer” packages. Aspirin is
the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoacetieaeidester of Salicylic
No Leisure for Animadversion.
"You never mention the high cost of
living any more.” “Too busy to talk
about it! Hustling for the price!”
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With the antiseptic, fascinating Cud
cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented convenient, economical face,
Skin, baby and dusting powder and
perfume. Renders other perfumes su¬
perfluous. One of the Cutkura Toilet
Trio (Soap. Ointment, Taieura).—Adv.
Behind the Times.
“What horsepower have you in this
establishment?” “Don’t use any
horses, mister. We’ve got motors.”
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens
Air Passages Right Up.
Instant relief—no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; the air
passages of your head clear and you
can breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuffing, blowing, headache, dryness.
No struggling for breath at night;
your cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen¬
etrates through every air passage of
the head, soothes the inflamed or swol¬
len mucous membrane and relief comes
It’s just fine. Don’t stay stuffed up
with a cold or nasty catarrh.—Adv.
Its Nature.
“What do you think of that free seed
business in congress?"
"I think it is a plant.”
||N|? fg* Nat Contents 15 Fluid Draoi CASTDRIA
For Infants and Children.
m ml Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
j ALCOHOL-3 PER GENT, j Always
/Children Bears the
I n ia nts Signature
neither Optom.Morpfeifl«J' ( ^
•fri •" ;
lip.; /hunptmSof :
***** &ntrui
| si ? In
:! z
uft- 55 > ~ (jasssffigr — Use
Sfffi I For Oyer
Sil k'rfS | Ef
mm l »gg 8 Thirty Years
But Doan’s Effected a Complete
Recovery Failed. After Other Remedies
Now in Good Health.
Mrs. J. A. Stitsworth, E. Bell Ave.,
Red Key, lnd., says: “Kidney trouble
came ized on me suddenly in critical and before 1 real¬
it I was a condition.
bloated and feet and
ankles swelled like
toy balloons. The kid¬
ney secretions burned
My terribly face in puffed passage.
and the flesh under up
my eyes and on my
cheeks hung down in
folds. I had smother¬
thought ing spells, when I
1 would die.
So much water had
collected under my
skin, I weighed 1,6
a of 45
pounds. My sight failed and little
black specks passed before my eyes. I
felt drowsy and was so nervous, I
couldn’t stand the least noise. Rheu¬
matic pains darted all through me and
it felt as if every nerve in my body
was affected. Medicine didn't help me
and I had little hope or strength left.
Finally I used Doan’s Kidney Pills
and they restored me to health. I am
now well and strong.”
Sworn to before me,
Notary Public.
Get Doen’t it Any Store, 60c * Bos
DOAN’S K PILLS „ , °,"V r
For sores, broken
blisters, bums, cuts
and all skin irri¬
tations. ,—
Also innumerable
toilet uses.
St a u Street"™ 0 ' VewYorh
Made Young
Bright eyes, a dear skin and a body
full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep your system
In order by regularly taking
The world’s standard remedy for Iddney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the
enemies of life and looks. In use eince
1696. All druggists, three sizes.
Look far the name Gold Medal on ever y box
and accept no imitation.
I AIHKH—Dn envelope addressing at home:
$l f * to $20 weekly; typewriter or fountain
pen copy; complete instructions, 20c. Th«
S. R. A. System, Box 722. Pittsburgh, sbui Penna.
M n "’ Stlinw.rtl. SUUwart1 '
Beautiful Women
of the Southland
Columbus, Ga.:—“I which had was suffering with
Inward weakness caused me to
GOINS, 341 2S£ St.
j Suffered During Middle Life
Augusta, Ga.:--“When h I was going thru 7.
middle life my 1th begau to fail.
suffered and I would with have backaches, pains painB ij in the my back side
of my head and neck. I also had dizzy
spells and heat flashes and I was extremely
nervous. I was almost a physical • Teck
when Prescription I began and taking it brought Dr. Pierce’s thru Favorite this
critical period and restored me r to health and
strength. I think ‘Favorite Prescription’
the best medicine a woman can take when
JENNINGS. going thru the 1275H change.”—MRS. St. R. C.
Suffered for Months
Atlanta, Ga.:—“I suffored several months
from woman’s trouble. I could not do any
of my work. Had backaches and pains ii
my side, and was a miserable wreck when 1
started to take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pro*
scription, but by the time I had taken two
bottles I was completely cured of my ail¬
ments and was strong enough to do all my
own work. And since my experience with
‘Favorite Prescription’ I never hesitate to
recommend it to others whom I find ailing.
It cured mo when doctors had failed to givo
me Savannah help.”—MRS. St. CASSIE UASWELL,
Dr. Pierce’B remedy Favorite for all the Prescription ingredients is not
a secret are
printed alcohol on narcotics. the wrapper. druggists. Contains no
or All)
Putting It Over.
The servant girl hud deinauded more
“I shan’t pay it,” replied the mis¬
“Very wo) I," replied (lie servant
girl, “I shall leave, and shall tell the
next people I work for that I left you
because you couldn’t afford to keep
me any longer.”
And fearing that, the mistress de¬
rided to do without a few tilings her¬
self rather than have tier neighbors
think site couldn’t pay as much money
Asheville Lady Finds Biack
Draught An Effective Remedy in
Her Family for Common Ail¬
ments of the Digestive
Asheville, N. f’.—Mrs. A. K. Jarvis,
14 Woodrow Avenue, this city, says:
"I have used and heard of Tliedford’s
Black-Draught for years, and I cer¬
tainly have found it splendid for head¬
ache, sour stomach, Indigestion and
other ills that come from a deranged
“My husband and I keep Black
Draught in the house and think it is
splendid to keep off sickness. I have
used it in small doses as a laxative,
and there is nothing better.
“Black-Draught is a mild liver medi¬
cine . . . any child eon take it. I
have found it splendid with them for
Thedford’s Black-Draught 1ms bene¬
fited thousands in relieving liver ail¬
ments. It helps to drive bile poisons
and other unhealthful matters out of
the system.
Black-Draught is a stand-by In
thousands of family medicine chests.
It should be in yours. Its use should
help to keep the whole family well.
Prompt treatment is often half the
battle against many ailments.
Get some from your druggist today.
The Locality.
“Experts say it t»kes fully fifteen
minutes to shear a sheep by hand.”
“Not if it is done in Wall street.”
So It Is.
“What is the center of gravity?”
“The letter V.”—Boys’ Life.
Relief Sure
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
re ll-ans
World Champion Registered Holstein*. Heif¬
ers due spring and summer to son of World
Champion But) Butter " Producer, ‘ $260 ---- each ' ' f.o " b.
Cincinnati. Two heifer calves Ives and' unrelated
buii. $500, , delivered nKuvjicu prepaid, picpaiu, out of vi heavy n- » j
milkers. Guaranteed free from disease ot
blemish. Papers free; delivery guaranteed.
Clermont Holstein Co.. - Box 162, : , Cincinnati, i O
Oid Folks’ Coughs Stops
will be relieved promptly by Piso s.
throat tickle; relieves irritation. The remedy
tested by more than fifty years of use is
My extremely back nervous.
and I had sevens
pains in restless my side. and I
could not sleep
well. I was greatly
in need of help so
decided to try Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription and it
was just excellent
■in restoring me to
health. It - made
me foel like a dif¬
ferent MRS. porson."— VIVIAN
“Pape’s Diapepsin,” by neutralizing
the acidity 7 of the stomach, instantly re¬
lieves the food souring and fermenta¬
tion which causes the misery-making
gases, heartburn, flatulence, fullness
or pain in stomach and intestines.
A few tablets of "Pape’s Diapepsin”
bring relief almost as soon as they
reach the stomach. They help regulate
disordered stomachs so favorite foods
can be eaten without distress—Costs
so little at drug stores.
Cuticura Soap
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcnm 25c.
Slighting the Description.
Mr. JttKtvved—Here’s my discharge
from the army. Nice, isn’t it?
His Bride—Let’s see. “Had gray
eyes, brown hair, light complexion—”
Why, Edwin, that’s horrid. It doesn’t
say a word about those dear amber
glints in your eyes, nor that soft,
tempting wave of your hair, nor your
simply adorable complexion.
Keep Your Liver Active, Youi
System Purified and Free From
Colds by Taking Calotabs,
the Nausealess Calomel
Tablets, that are De¬
lightful, Safe and
Physicians and Druggists keep aTO advis¬
ing purified their friends their to their systems perfect
and organs in
working order as influenza. a protection against,
the return of They know
that a clogged up system and a lazy
liver favor cold3, influenza and serious
To cut short a cold overnight and to
prevent serious complications tako ono
Calotab at bedtimo with a swallow of
water—that‘s all. No salts, no nausea,
no griping, no sickening after effects.
Next morning your cold has vanished,
your liver is active, your system is puri¬
fied and with refreshed and you are for feeling
fino a hearty appetite break¬
fast. Eat what you please—no danger.
Calotabs are sold only in original
sealed packages, druggist price thirty-five cents.
Every is authorized to refund
your money if you are not perfectly
delighted with Calotabs.—(Adv.)
One Solution of the Servant Problem.
Mrs. Brogan—The people next door
are very fortunate with their cook.
Mrs. Grogan—Have they hud her a
long time?
Mrs. Brogan No; but she’s a golf
fiend and the master goes out every
morning and plays golf with her, thus
getting an early breakfast.—Houston
Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial
Bottle of Old “St.
Jacobs Oil.”
Stop “dosing” Rheumatism.
It’s pain only; not one case In fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub
soothing, penetrating “St. Jacobs OH”
right on the “tender spot,” and by the
time you say Jack Robinson—out
comes the rheumatic pain and distress.
“St. Jacobs Oil” is a harmless rheu¬
matism liniment which never disap¬
points and doesn’t burn the skin. It
takes pain, soreness and stiffness from
aching joints, muscles and bones;
stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and
Limber up! Get a small trial bottle
of old-time, honest “St. Jacobs Oil”
from any drug store, and in a mo¬
ment, you'll be free from pains, aches
and stiffness. Don’t: suffer! Rub
rheumatism away.—Adv.
Whippets Beat Mules.
The whippet tank, which roared and
banked and clanked Its way to vic¬
tory in the war against Germany, is
putting horses and mules out of busi¬
ness in the great pine forests of north¬
ern Arizona. Ono big lumber concern
at Flagstaff has just put two tanks to
work, having bought them from the
war department. Each tank has dis¬
placed thirty horses and fourteen
men, according to company officials.
Using horses it was impossible for the
company to haul during the winter
months. The tanks, however, take no
account of weather conditions.
Harm Lett, purely vegetable. Infants* an4
Children's Regulator. foranJa an every label.
Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic.
Tit Ufub’ ..d CkiliW. Retiltfar
Children arrow healthy and free j f**—
from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency, trouble
constipation given teething: and other time. if
it at
Safe, pleasant—alwaysbrings re¬
markable and gratifying results.
Drag till* >
You Never Wake Up Weak, Gripy or Sickened After
Taking “Dodson’s Liver Tone”—Listen!
Ugh ! Calomel makes you sick. It’s
horrible 1 Take a dose of the danger¬
ous drug tonight and tomorrow you
lose a day.
Calomel is mercury! When it comes
into contact with sour bile, it crashes
into it, breaking it up. Then Is when
you feel that awful nausea and cramp¬
ing. If you are sluggish, if liver is
torpid and bowels constipated or you
have headache, dizziness, coated
tongue, if breath is bad or stomach
Wonderful Collection of China.
A famous English firm of china
manufacturers possesses samples of
all the various kinds of china they
have manufactured for nearly 150
years past, including samples of din¬
ner services made for Lord Nelson
and other celebrities of bygone days.
—Brooklyn Eagle.
j Take a Glass of Salts if Your Back
Hurts or Bladder
If you must have your meat every
day, eat ir, but flush your kidneys with
salts occasionally, says a noted au¬
thority who tells us that meat forms
uric acid which almost paralyzes the
kidneys in their efforts to expel it
from the blood. They become slug¬
gish and weaken, then you suffer with
a dull misery in the kidney region,
sharp pains In the back or sick head¬
ache, dizziness, your stomach sours,
tongue is coated and when the weather
is bad you have rheumatic twinges,
Tlie urine gets cloudy, full of sedi¬
ment, the channels often get: sore and
irritated, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids,
to cleanse (he kidneys and flush off
tiie body’s urinous waste get four
ounces of Jad Salts from any phar¬
macy here; take a tablespoonful in a
glass of water before breakfast for a
few days and your kidneys will then
act fine. Tills famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with iitliia, and has
been used for generations to flush
and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also
to neutralize the aciris in urine, so it
no longer irritates, thus ending bladder
wen kiiess.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in¬
jure, and makes a delightful efferves¬
cent llthia-water drink,—Adv.
Fly's Frugality.
"The philosopher who told us to ‘go
to the ant’ for our lesson in frugality,
should have said, ‘Go to the fly.’”
“But the fly is not a frugal insect.”
“Yes, it is. Why, they simply swarm
into the cheap eating houses.”—
Wichita Eagle.
Hurry! Let “Danderine" cave your
hair and double its
To stop fulling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of delightful “Dan
derine” at any drug or tdiiet counter
for a few cents, pour a little >n your
hand and rub it into the scalp. After
several applications tiie hair usually
stops coming-out and you can't find any
dandruff. Help your hair grow long,
thick and strong and become soft,
glossy and abundant.—Adv.
Much Appreciated.
"They say an hour early in the
morning is worth two in the after¬
noon.” “So it is, if you can have it
In bed.’*
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are sim¬
ply a good old-fashioned medicine for reg
ulating the stomach, the liver and bowels.
Get a box and try them.—Adv.
Most women are generous to a fault
if it isn’t one of their husband's.
sour, just try a spoonful of harmless
Dodson's Liver Tone tonight.
Here's my guarantee—Go to any
drug store and get a bottle of Dod¬
son’s Liver Tone for a few cents.
Take a spoonful and if It doesn’t
straighten you right tip and make you
feel fine and vigorous, go back to the
store and get your money. Dodson’s
Liver Tone is destroying the. sale of
Calomel because It can not salivate or
make you sick.—Adv.
, The Deed Was Done.
With our baskets full of goodies, a
crowd of us enjoy going from house to
house and bavin “picnic” dinners.
At otir last meeting place our hostess
was noted for making weak coffee.
This worried my husband, who likes
his strong. To please him l promised
to go early and offer to make the cof¬
fee. Luck was against me, for when
I arrived, she laid already made it.
My husband, thinking of course, that
I had done the deed, looked across
the table at me, and bellowed before
them all: 'This coffee is simply rot*
ten.” - Exchange.
A man is apt to take affront if re¬
quested to take a back sent.
starts with a Cold
Kill the Cold. At the
Standard cold remedy for 20 years
* __; r , tablet form—safe, eure. in no
opiates—breaks up a cold 24
hours—relieves ^rip^ 3 clays.
Money back If _
genuine box has a Red
top with Mr. Hill’a
At All Drag Slam
Have you
Lumbago or Gout?
Take RHKUJVfACIDE to remove the cause
and drWe the poison Irom the system
At AU Druggist*
Ja». Bail? & Son, Wholesale Distributor*
Baltimore, MdL
rfujrfcttvJUtyCAA PIN
Known as
"that good kind”
c 7 ry it—and you
will know why
Caused by
If people vrho are bilious are treated ac¬
cording to local symptoms they seldom get
^ery much better. Whatever relief Is ob¬
tained is usually temporary. Trace bilious¬
ness to Its source and remove the cause and
the chances are that the patient will re
naln strong and healthy.
Doctors say that more than 70 non
rganic diseases can be traced to an Acld
lomach. Biliousness Is one of them. Indi*
estion, heartburn, belching, sour stomach.
>loat and gas are other signs of acid
tomach. EATONIC, the marvelous modern lodei
tomach remedy, brings quick relief from
hese stomach miseries which lead to a long
rain of ailments that make life miserable
f not corrected.
EATONIC literally absorbs and carries
away the excess acid. Makes the stomach
strong, >, cool i.uui and aim comfortable. vviiuui taui£. Helps diges
tion; Improves the appetite and you the
full strength from your food. Thousands
say that EATONIC is the most effective
stomach remedy in the world. It la the help
YOU need. Try it on our money back-if
not-satisfied guarantee. At all druggists.
Only 50 cents for a big box.
The most wonderful soil builder ever
known. Write for our illustrated catalog,
giving full description. All kinds of gar¬
den, field, flower and grass seeds.