Newspaper Page Text
Sfrc Cleveland Courier.
Official ' Organ i of White County. Ga
_ rufgy uwvwvvruvw
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at. the Poe" >ffiee at Cleveland
(la., as second class mail matter.
.Subscription, $1.50 per year
Wednesday of next week will
lertnine (in all probability) who
the county officers will be for the
ensuing term. Now is the time for
you to decide who you want and go
to the polls determined to carry out
your decision regardless of what
“tale” may be told you at the poll¬
ing place. In this way only can the
true sentiment of the will of the
people be made manifest in the se¬
lection of their servants. There is
much deception in politics, hence
prepare yourself by strengthening
your will to combat even the un¬
expected. When you cast your
ballot lor a man you are voting not
alone for YOUR interest, but in
the interest of every INHABIT¬
ANT of White county, if you are
right, or the very opposite if you
are wrong.
Mrs. J. H. Westmpreland died
at her home near Cleveland Mon¬
day night from heart failure. Be¬
fore retiring she appeared to be in
good health, having engaged in
singing a few songs. A short time
after retiring she arose and taken a
drink of water, again lying down.
Upon lying down she again rose,
and was assisted to a chair, and al¬
most before the members of the
family at home could be summoned
she breathed her last. A doctor
was summoned and everything pos¬
sible done to resuscitate her, but to
no ava l. Mrs. Westmoreland had
a host of friends who mourn her
death, and the whole community
sympathize with the family in the
sudden loss of this departed mother
The remains will be interred in
Cleveland cemetery upon the ar¬
rival of a son, Norman, from Cal¬
"The Phonograph With a Soul”
Gives All chat Artists
Gan Give
Suppose a troupe of great performers—stars of the Metropolitan Opera
—great vocal and instrumental soloists, leading bands and orchestras , head¬
liners in vaudeville, offered to come to your home and perform for you any
time, as frequently and as long as you wished. Of course, such an expe¬
rience is beyond possibility. But the New Edison gives all that the living
artists cau give excepting only their physical presence. When you close
your eyes they seem to stand before you in the flesh. You can actually feel
their personality, though you cannot see them.
The New Edison is not a talking machine. It is the only instrument
ever invented that re-creates the human voice and the music of human
myi a nstrvments. Bn “re-creates” we mean that there is not a shadow
a; wen 'nee between the renditions of the living artist and the New Edison
Rc-Creadon of them. If there be any doubt in gour mind on this point,
; r: : ; t us ic dispel it by informing you that thirty Edison artists (great
singers and instrumentalists ) have submitted the New Edison to the conclu¬
sive test of a side- by side comparison.
Cleveland PHONOGRAPH co. Bt Cleveland SDrug Co.
Good Health
JLifes Great
Happiness and Success Within Easy
Reach of Red - Blooded
Men and Women
Pepto-Mangan Makes Rich, Red Blood
Builds Up Pale, Thin, Anemic
Men ank Women
Good health is the most import¬
ant asset of life. Without a vigor¬
ous, strong body and a keen, clear
mind, true happiness and enjoy¬
ment are impossible.
And yet so many women, and
men, too, whose misfortune it is to
j be pale, thin and anemic, hopeless¬
ly accept this condition in the be¬
lief that robust health and real hap¬
piness are not for them.
Thousands of men and women
have been restored to vigorous
health and lasting happiness by
Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. This bene,
ficial blood tonic contains the very
properties so vitally needed to im¬
prove the blood. Pepto-Mangan
if taken fora few weeks, will en¬
rich the blood and create thousands
of the tiny red blood cells that are
so necessary to carry nourishment
and strength to every part of the
body. safe, beneficial
Pepto-Mangan is
and pleasant to the taste. For con¬
venience it is prepared in liquid
and tablet form, both possessing
exactly the same medicinal proper¬
Be sure to ask your druggist for
“Gude’s” when you order Pepto
Mangan, “Gude’s” is the genuine
Pepto-Mangan. Look for the name
“Gude’s” on the package.— Adver¬
Political Announcements,
To the voters of Whi‘e County:
I Hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Ordinary of
White County subject to the primary to
be held the 17th day of March 1920, and
if elected will continue to try to do my
duty as heretofore in behalf of the coun¬
ty affairs. Thanking the people for sup¬
port heretofore rendered me. Hoping to
he remembered on the 17th at the poles
in the same manner as before.
Respectfully yours,
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
Georgia, White county.
To the voters of said county:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
WhiteCouniy sudject to the county prim
ary to be held March 17th, 1920 . If
elected I promise the people of theeounty
faithful and efficient service. Your sup
port will be highly appreciated.
Thanking the people of my county for
past, support.
I am, very respectfully yours,
J. B. R. Barrett.
To the voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Tax Collector subject to the
county primary to de held on March 1 7th
1920. If elected I promise faithful and
efficient service to the people.
I will appreciate your support.
Thanking all the voters of the county
for their past support i-
1 am, yours respectfully,
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby annouce myself a candidate
for Tax Receiver of White County Sub
jeet, to the primary, if one Vie held. If
elected 1 shall use my best efforts to make
an accomodating and efficient officer,
solicting yonr support at polls which 1
assure you will be highly appreciated.
K. C. Hefner.
To the Voters of White County:
I take the method of announcing to you
my canidaey for the office of Ordiuary of
White County subject to the action of the
Democratic primary, and assuring you
that your support will be very greatly
Thns. F, Underwood.
To the citizens of White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector of White County sub¬
ject to the county primary, of March 17.
Official Laboratoty Model
(Chippendale Design)
If elected I pledge myself in making my
rounds to make Cleveland my last ap¬
pointment and to be thereon Saturday's,
and to otherwise render the best possible
service in the interest of the tax payers.
Thanking you in adaance for your sup¬
G. E. Allen.
To the voters of White County :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sheriff for White County subject to
the County primary to be held March 17,
Solictiting your support and if elected
I promise faithfully to preform theduties
t<> toe best of my ability.
John Ash.
To the voters of White County:
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for tax receiver of White County
subject to the county primary to be held
March 17, 1920. Your vote solicited and
J. C. Carter.
To the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for tax collector, subject to the primary
to be held March 17, 1920. It I am elect¬
ed I will serve the people to the best of
my ability.
Yours truly,
To the Voters or White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sheriff of White county, subject to
the primary to be held March 17th. I
fee! I am fully competent and will do all
if m >’ power to discharge all of the duties
devolving upon me, and 1 will
appreciate it if the people will elect me
to this office.
To the Voters of White County :
J hereby announce myself for re-elec¬
tion to the offie of tax receiver of White
county, subject to the democratic prim¬
ary of March 17, >920. If elected I will
continue to perform the duties of the
office to the very best of tny ability and
skill as heretofore. Thanking therpeople
for all past favors and in advance for fu¬
ture Suppbrt. Yours truly,
To the Voters of White County:
After being solicited by many friends,
I hereby announce myself ns a candi¬
date for sheriff, subject to the primary
to be held March 17, IpzO.
Cannot Be Distinguished from
Living Voices
These tests have been made before more than a million music lovers
and the music critics of more than a thousand of America's leading news¬
papers, who were mystified by hearing the New Edison match living voices
so truly that their ears failed to distinguish the living voice from the New
Edison’s Ee-Creation of it.
Incidentally, you might be interested to know that no needles are
required with the New Edison. The reproducer stylus is a GENUINE
DIAMOND, which never wears out. Furthermore, Edison Re-Creations
unbreakable. !
are almost unwearable and
You Are Welcome
Perhaps you haven’t the slightest idea that you will ever purchase a
New Edison. Regardless of that, you are as welcome to come and hear the
New Edison, and you will enjoy the same freedom from obligation or em- I
qarassment that you would listening to year own instrument in your own
To the voters of Mhite Couuty.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County School Snpt.,sub
jec.t to the primary election to be held on
the 17 th day of March, 1920. j respect¬
fully solicit the support of the people
and, if elected. I will endeavor to give
you a faithful administration; looking at
sll times to the education of tho children
and the building up of the schools of the
C. H. Edwards.
To the voters of White County.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Ordinary. Thanking yon
in advance for your support on the i7th
day of March, 1920,
J. C. Russell,
To the Voters of White County :
I will certainly appreciate your vote on
Mareli 17, 1920, for the office of Superin¬
tendent of Schools of White county, and
promise you in return, if elected, faithful
and efficient attention to every duty fall
ing upon that, official—-attention that shall
ever lie looking to the best interest of the
schools, and to the uplift of our county
through the inspiration, higher education
and better training of our boys and girls.
Yours respectfully,
To the voters of White County:
1 am a candidate for Tax Receiver of
White County, subject to the decision of
of the voters rendered in the primary to
ba help March 17, 1920. Should I re¬
ceive the nomination and Vie elected to
this office l promise the tax payees the
very best service possible.
W. W. Lothridge.
To the Voters of Said County:
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Clerk of the Superior Court of
White county, subject to the primary to
be held March 17, i920. If elected I
promise the people of the County faithful
and efficient service. Your support will
be highly appreciated. The time being
short, it will be impossible for me to see
all the voters of the county. Please take
this as a face-to-face talk and give me
tlie office for four years, and 1 assure you
I will not be in the race for the next term.
I am very respectfully yours,
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself as a eandi-
j date for sheriff of ’White county, March 17,1920, subject
to the primary to he held
I respectfully solicit the support of the
citizens of my county, and if elected I
promise that I will discharge the duties
of the offie in Btrict accordance with the
oath taken by me as such to the best of
my ability.
Thanking the people of the county for
past support, I am very respectfully,
!---——— —..........— ■
To the voters of White County:
After boing solicited by several in the
; various districts of the county to make
the race for ordinary I have decided to
put my name before the public, for them
to pass upon. If my service will help
the couuty in any way I um willing to
serve. Anything in my behalf by any¬
body wil 1 be highly appreciated by me.
W. K. Dean.
To the voters of White Cornty:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Cornty Surveyor. I make this race
i unsolicited, believing that I am capable
of giving the people the tiest possible ser¬
vice. Your vote is earnestly solicited
and it elected I promise to discharge the
j duties of this office to the heat of my abit-
1 ity.
Jess Abernathy.
To the Voters of White Connty:
Owing to the limited time in which I
have to canvass the county, I take this
method of announcing myself as a candi¬
date for Ordinary of White County, sub¬
ject to the Democratic Primary of March
the 17tli. My motto is the general uplift,
of the county. Earnestly soliciting your
support, and thanking you for your past
support, 1 am yours truly,
Legal Advertisement.
Georgia, White County.
To All Whom It May Concern:
John Parker, having in proper form
applied to me for Permanent Letters of
Administration on the estate of John
Anderson, late of said county, this is to
cite that all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of Mrs. John Anderson
to be and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show cause, if
any they an, why permanent admi nis
tration should not he granted to John
Parker on Mrs. John Anderson estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 1 st day ofM ar h, 1920
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.