Newspaper Page Text
To abort a cold
and prevent com¬
plications, take
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are
nausealess, safe and sure.
Medicinal virtues retain¬
ed and improved. Sold
only Price in seated packages.
Baby's Health
is wonderfully protected and
colic, diarrhoea, constipation, bowei
and other stomach and
troubles are quickly banished
or avoided by using
Tlii (allot.’ tod Childrm'i Rsgslstor
This remedy quickly aids
the stomach to digest food
and produces mo3t remark¬
able and satisfying results in
regulating the bowels and
preventing sickness.
to give-—pleasant to taka.
Harm leas, purely vegetable, infanta’
and children a regulator, formula on
•very label. Guaranteed non-narcotic,
At All Druggittu
"Btere i* another letter that make* art*
that happy." would says Peterson, of Buffalo, thousand "One
I rather have than a
"Money Isn't everything In this world.
There is many a big hearted, rich man
who would give all he has on earth to be
able to produce a remedy with such
mighty healing power all druggists as Peterson's 60 Oint¬
ment. to sell at for cents
a large box.”
Dear Sirs;—
"l was an untold sufferer from old run¬
ning sore and ulcers. I had tried most
everything without any relief from pain.
A friend told me of your wonderful oint¬
ment and the first box took away the
pain that had not left me before In years, worth
and after using just nine dollars'
of the salve I am cured. The ulcer was
f Inches by 644 Inches. Is all healed and I
can walk. Never, never will I he without
Peterson’s again.
"You may use this to recommend your
ointment. If you wish. I cannot say enough
to praise It.” Yours truly, Mrs. Albert
Soutbcott, Medina. N. Y. Mall orders
tilled by Peterson Ointment Co., Ino., Buf¬
falo, IN. Y
JACK mCMI'sKY. Champions TV CUtttl AMI It.VHK
III I'll lire World for the pres¬
TONIC" is !« a World Champion not tor an
Wt 0 but for all time. We We guarantee it to
positively Ively cure cure the the most nr stubborn ease s of
Dandruff in the wort Id. or refund your money PV.
For local akin trouble U is a sure remedy.
Cures Shingles, Shingles, Insect Poisoning. Pimples. Hands.
Tetter, Eczema, Chapped Trips and
Once a user always a user. $1.25 per bottle.
Dandruff 1 Hammer Hair Tonic Co., Desk B,
p O TLi\ <11 n , i' , ^d**n 'in \i-mts wanted
If You Will Invest in u Copper Mine of great
promise near Copper Queen in Joseph Ariz., write
OeotUlo Copper M’n’g Co. St. Mo.
Ladies Keep Your Skin
Clear, Sweet, Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Talcum
RemovesOandraff Restore* Color stopsH»irP*mag| and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
jj We- and $ 1.00 at druggists.
. - - HtscoZ 1 Chew. M ks. I’ateh ogue. N.T.j
HlNDERCORNS Remove* Corns, 'orns, Cal
etc., walking stops ail pain, isurea comfort to the
Cists. .............ting takes easy easy 16c. 1 by mail or at Drug**.
lUscox Chemical Wotlu, f atchogue, N. X. "5
Many are makmf Si 5.00 and up per day. can¬
ning Fruit and V rfctable* lor market, neigh¬
bor* and home u#c with a
Made better, last longer, n<> waste, gives best
result*, use* lesa fuel, easy to operate.
Prices. $2.30 and up- We furnish cans
and labels. Write for FREE BOOKLET.
Th* Carolina Metal Products Co.,
l*otI office Boa 1* Wilmington, N. C.
Are You Interested
in Good, Dividend
Paying Oil Securities?
If You are Interested—and will take about
<rn« hour of your time to compile a list of
100 names of people in your vicinity whom
you belle ns would also be interested In good,
•ound, cash dividend paying oil seeuritiea.
YOU will receive from us five shares of
$1.00 Par Dividend Participating stock for
your work Mail your list of names to us
Sp« t jVlivt’iy.
4 Main Street Fort Worth. Tern*
Suffered So Much and So Long,
Indiana Lady Became Dis¬
couraged, and at Times
Cared Little to Live.
Leavenworth, Ind.—Mrs. Hannah
Peru, of this town, writes: “About
six years ago I began the use of Cardul
for female weakness. I suffered such
fearful bearing-down pains at , . It
seemed like something was Just press¬
ing on the top of my head and It
burned like fire. I was, Indeed, a
nervous wreck.
“For four years I couldn’t do my
housework. I was Jn bed most of
the time. ... I got so discouraged,
and at times I wanted to die, I was In
so much pafri. At times I hurt all
over. ... At night I was restless and
couldn’t sleep. I had no appetite, In
fact was a misery to myself and every
one else.
"I continued In this condition until
flnully I began Cardul . . . Took
Cardul regularly until I took a number
of bottles. It cured me. I cannot say
too much for this treatment, and high¬
ly recommend It to others.”
For more than forty years Cardul
has proven beneficial to suffering
Your druggist sells It. Try It!—Adv.
The Wild Cat Eighty-first division,
from Florida and North and South
Carolina, was moving up to the front
line trenches. An engineer from an¬
other division stood by the roadside
trying to figure out the insignia on
their left shoulder. Unable to stand
the suspense any longer, he called,
"Hey, buddy, wlmt’s that tiling on
your arm?”
“That’s a wild cat,” shouted back
a mountain buck, “and we’re prowlin’
for Jerries tonight.”
A few days. Inter the same prowling
buck was on Ills way hack and was
again asked about his zoo Insignia.
"That’s n wild cat." he murmured,
“but, personally. I’m a d—— tame
pussy."—The Home Sector.
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Bust
Have you ever stopped to reason why
tt is that so many products that are ex¬
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of. sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain—the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to ,a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says “Take for
example Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every ease it shows excellent re¬
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
verified According to sworn statements and
testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is due to the fact,
bo many people claim, thr it fulfills al¬
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri¬
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
.Swamp-Root Dr. i Kilmer & by Co., Parcels Binghamton. Post. Address N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents: also mention this
paper. sale Large all and drug medium size bottles
tor at stores.—Adv.
A Terrifier.
An artist was sketching from tlip
river bank n#ar two friends who were
fishing. The artist was at one time
surrounded by cows which interfered
with his view, and he tried to drive
them away by throwing things at
them, hut they would not budge. At
length one of the anglers cried : "Show
them your sketch, old man 1” He did
so, and the offenders tied.
“California Syrup of Figs*
ChUd’s Best Laxative
Accept ‘'California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
-hild is having the best and most harm¬
less physic for the little stomach, llvet
and bowels. Children love its fruity
taste. Full directions on each bottla
You must say "California."—Adv.
Most mistakes are not reparable.
A Condensed Record Of Happenings
Of Interest From All Points
Of The World
Polish cavalry entered the city of
Kiev May 8 on the heels of the re¬
treating Boisheviki. The city has been
evacuated by the Boisheviki.
The report that President Carranza,
fleeing from the capital of Mexico, was
captured at Apisaco, is officially con¬
firmed. General Obregon is heading
the revolutionary troops and has en¬
tered Mexico City. He has guaran¬
teed that Carranza’s life shall be
Francisco Villa, noting the success
of the revolution in Mexico, has agreed
to quit fighting, and has offered to lay
down hie arms.
According to reports from London,
a considerable number of Russian
Bourgeoisie, who fled from South
Russia, perished in a storm in Black
Sea, according to a wireless dispatch
from Moscow. Fourteen ships with
refugees were lost.
The remnants of the Russian vol¬
unteers army in Stotchy region of the
Black Sea coast, numbering several
thousand, have surrendered to the Boi¬
sheviki, according to a wireless from
Moscow to London. All were granted
life and liberty with the exception of
the leaders of the rising.
Herman Berstein, New York author
and journalist, has been informed that
Boisheviki Russia will not allow him
to enter Russia. He went gjpviet to Russia
in 1018 and excoriated the gov¬
ernment, and wanted to seejwhat the
Soviet had done in two yeaifi.
Due to a demonstration aiainst the
go United island States for canal acquiring defenseppurposes, pi|ft of Ta
General Pershing was ordered not to
enter the city of Panama by Major
General Kennedy, cotnmantfer in the
Panama canal zone.
The murder of two more Americans
in Mexico, reported to the state de¬
partment at Washington, lias accen¬
tuated concern with which tie country
is watching developments fey'ond the
border. There is nothing however,
to indicate to what extent the atti¬
tude of the Washington government
will be toward the Sonora revolution¬
ary movement. a t
The crown princess of Sweden, who
was about to become a mother, and
who was able to eit up May 1, suffer¬
ed a sudden relapse and died within
a few hours. Weakness of the heart
is given as the cause of death.
President Ebert, who, before he be
came president of Germany, was a
harnessmaker, has been expelled from
the Saddlers’ union of Berlin by a vote
of 1,200 to 6. The ground taken by
his opponents was that he signed the
death warrant of a man named Kopp,
who had been convicted of murder.
In Londonderry, Ireland, Constable
Peter Henley was shot through the
leg while on his beat, A party of po¬
lice. which hastened to the scene of
the shooting, also was fired on. One
of the policemen was struck by a
spent bullet, but was not hurt. The
police returned the fire, ail the mem¬
bers of the attacking party being re¬
ported to have fled and none injured.
ibe murder of Eben Francis Green¬
law and bis young son by Mexicans
neai Ei Oro, only 125 miles from the
of Mexico, has brought from the Unit¬
ed States embassy in that city a vig¬
orous demand that the Mexican gov¬
ernment arrest and punish the mur¬
Secretary of Labor Wilson has ruled
that membership in the Communist
party does not of itself constitute suf
ficient ground for deportation of aliens
or undesirable citizens. The depart-!
ment ol justice frankly deplores the!
labor secretary's decision. Since Sec-j
rotary Wilson already has held that I
an alien could not be deported because 1
of membership in the i. W. W„ only,;
membership in the Communist 1
now brings an-alien within the pur¬
view of the law providing deportation
for those affiliated with existing or-|
ganizations that beleve in or advocate
the overthrow bv force or violence
of the government.
Operation of the telegraph and tele
phone conmpanies during the war
cost the government $14,005,565, Post¬
master General Burieson informed
congress in asking immediate appro¬
priation of that amount to liquidate
the affairs of the federal wire admin¬
The "patch 'em” and wear 'em”
plan inaugurated in Birmingham, Ala.,
to fight the high cost of clothing
has been endorsed by Howard Figg.
special assistant to the attorney gen¬
eral in charge of the government's!
cost of living campaign.
The date of the sail of the fleet'
of destroyers to Mexican waters has'
not been made public. It is believed!
destroyers will be stationed at Tam-'
pico, Tuxpan. Vera Cruz and FronteraJ
and will of the be ready United to take off any citi- j
zens States who may'
be in danger either from the Mexican i
federal authorities or the rebels.
Investigation of the navy’s conduct
of the war, begun by a senate com¬
mittee more than four months ago. en¬
tered its concluding chase when Sec¬
retary Daniels began his reply to the
charges made by Rear Admiral Sims
which precipitated the inquiry. Mr.
Daniels has prepared an extended
statement which he will begin to read
to the committee. It is expected that
it will take two or three days to fin¬
Coinage of a Roosevelt 2-cent piece
is authorized by a bill passed by the
senate. The bill goes to the house,
and will likely pass.
The nation’s railroads will need an
additional $1,017,000,000 to bring their
income to the 6 per cent basis provid¬
ed in the transportation act, and
through the association of railway
executives, the roads proposed to the
interstate commerce commission at
Washington that this sum be realized
through increased freight charges,
leaving the passenger rates at the
present level.
A study of profiteering in American
industry, made under the auspices of
the railway brotherhoods, has been
presented to the railroad labor board
in support of the railway workers' de
mands for higher pay and to refute
the charge that increased labor costs
are responsible for the high cost of
living. Calling attention to the many
war-made millionaires, the study con
tends that a three fold relationship ex
ists between high prices, profiteering
and the addition to the quota of mil¬
With the legalizing of beer and light
wines ae his main plank, Gov. Edward
I Edwards of New Jersey is definite¬
ly in the race for the Democratic pres¬
idential nomination. The announce¬
ment of his candidacy came from the
friends of the governor in New York,
with the assurance that he will active¬
ly participate in the campaign for the
nomination. An organization ot back
nomnation. An rganization to back
in process of formation during the last
Nation-wide measures in opposition
to the passage of a federal soldiers’
bonus bill were urged at a mass meet¬
ing under the quspices of the City
Post Club, American Legion, New
York, and the committee for aid to
disabled veterans, at which Senator
King of Utah and Representative Pell
of New York spoke. It was voted to
take steps to defeat the bonus plan
and to demand that adequate provision
be made for the care of disabled ex
service men and the dependents of the
Wilson Brokaw, 60, was found guil¬
ty of murder in the second degree in
connection with the killing of bis wife
at Camp Eustis several months ago.
Federal Judge Waddill, presiding, de¬
ferred pronouncing sentence until the
close of the Norfolk, Va., court term.
The federal court had jurisdiction in
the case, as the crime was committed
on government property.
Hollis Landers, convicted of the
murder of Sheriff Cliff Barber, was
hanger at the Jackson county jail at
Jefferson, Ga. At the time of the
murder Landers was under charges of
stealing an automobile and of being a
Mike Vukovich. an employee of the
Chicago Curled Hair company, was in
a hospital in Chicago, believed to he
the sixth victim of anthrax. Five per¬
sons have died in Chicago recently
from anthrax. It is declared that the
disease was imported from Russia and
labor Advocating unions a law that would require j
to become incorporated
and thereby made responsible for dam¬
ages that might result to industrial
enterprises through strikes and other ;
labor disturbances, Charles F. Waltz,
a prominent attorney of Cincinnati, de-1
livered an interesting address at the !
annual banquet held by the Atlanta
Builders’ Exchange.
Joseph F. Rutherford, head of the
“Russelite' 'faith, and eight of his
church officers, were freed in the fed¬
eral court in Brooklyn when indict¬
ments against eight of them charging
violation of the espionage act and an
indictment charging perjury against
the ninth were dismissed on motion ol
Federal District Attorney Ross.
The body of Nina Lee Delony has i
been found by the searching party
in a gulch five miles north of Coyote
Wells, Texas. They were directed by
Waiter Andrew Watson, her alleged
slayer, who collapsed when the body
was uncovered.
An attack has been made on the
validity of the Lever act, in a suit
filed in the federal court at Jackson, '
Miss., by R. E. Kennington, owner of!
several department stores in that city.
Accusation that Andrew Walker and ■
his wife were guilty of murdering their !
daughter. Dorothy Walker, who died !
May 4, one year ago. is the charge
against the parents of the little girl j
who died of diphtheria in Newark. N.
J.. without medical attendance other j
than Christian Science pmetitit uers.
The case has aroused the attent on not I
only of jurists and medical but '
of the Christian Science church heads ;
themselves, who have raised a large
defense fund, aided by a contribution
from the mother church in Boston.
One hundred horses were burned to j
death in Chicago threatened in a spectacular blaze j
that for hours to sweep
through the entire stockyards district. ]
fire started from a cigarette tossed :
into a stock-pen by a workman.
Fannie Hurst, the author, has made
public announcement of her secret :
marriage five years ago to acques S. I
Danielson, a pianist. She said that
since tneir marriage they made 'ueir ;
appointments for dinner and other
engagements in a purely formal man- j
net. “meeting as per inclination and i
not as duty.” They will continue this I
J'Dodson’s Liver Tone” is Taking Place of Dangerous,
Sickening Chemical, Say Druggists
Every druggist in town has noticed
e great failing off in the sale of
calomel. They all give the same rea¬
son. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking
Its place.
"Calomel is dangerous and people
know it.” Dodson's Liver Tone Is per¬
sonally guaranteed by every druggist
who sells it. A large bottle doesn't
cost very much but if it fuils to give
easy relief in every case of liver slug¬
gishness and constipation, just ask
for your money back.
The Right Way
In all cases of
of all horses, brood mares, colta
and stallions Is to
on the tongue or in the feed with
Give the remedy to all of them. It acts
on the blood and glands. It routs the
disease wards off by the expelling the germs. It
trouble, no matter how
they are "exposed." A few drops a day
prevent those exposed from contract¬
ing disease Contains nothing injuri¬
ous. Sold by druggists, harness deal¬
ers or by the manufacturers. 60 cents
and 01.15 per bottle. AGENTS WANT¬
tJERE is an offer backed by one of your personal friends
J. X —a man whom you have known for a long time, and
in whose honesty you have implicit confidence. This man
is your local druggist. He will tell you that he has been
since selling he Hunt's has Salve, formerly called Hunt’s Cure ever
been in business, under the strict guarantee
to promptly refund the purchase price to any dissatisfied
He will say to you “Take home a box of Hunt’s Salve
and if it is not successful in the treatment of itching skin
diseases, I will promptly refund to you your 75 cents.
Hunt's Salve is especially compounded for the treatment
of Itch, Eczema, Ringworm, Tetter, and other itching
skin diseases.
The General Manager of the Lida Valley Railway Co.,
Goldfield, Nevada, A. D. Goodenough, writes: “At one
time I had a very bad case of Eczema, which troubled me
for seven or eight years, and although I tried all kinds of
medicine and several doctors, 1 got no relief until I used
Hunt's Salve. It finally cured me.
Thousands of such letters have been received, testifying
as to the curative merits of this wonderful remedy.
„. Enow him (»•! this to ad, ask and your ask druggist him if the about statements Hunt’s herein Salve, made formerly called Hunt’s Cure.
are not correct.
Sold by all reputable druggists everywhere at 75 cents per box, or sent direct on
receipt of stamps or money order.
Sea Otters.
Prohibition oC the killing of sen
otters in Alaskan waters has been ex¬
tended by the secretary of commerce
to November 1, 1925. It is hoped that
In the meantime this valuable fur-!
bearing species, which was pursued
almost to extermination, will gain
somewhat in numbers.
The fur of the sen otter is the
beautiful and most costly of all pelt-j
rles. Long before the discovery of!
America the mighty tycoons of Japan
clothed themselves with its shimmer-1
ing velvet. Early explorers found the I
natives of the Aleutian islands and
the Puget sound region commonly'
wearing sea otter cloaks, which they!
sorted with for a trifle.
99 OUT OF 100
Of the little tils and hurts, such as
Toothache, nervous Headache, or sore¬
ness anywhere may he quickly relieved
by applying Vaeher-Batm. which is
harmless. Keep i! handy, and avoid
It' you cannot buy Vacher-Balm lo¬
cally. send 30c in stamps for a tube,
to E. W. Vacher, Inc.. New Orleans,
Biirritig birthdays, the society won.- !
to he up to date. I
Introduced by “Bayer” to Physicians in 1900
You want genuine Aspirin—the
Aspinn prescribed by physician.
for nineteen years. The name
“Bayer" mean* the true, aerld
famous Aspirin, proved safe by
millions of people >
Each unhrokea package of;
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” eon
tains proper directions for Colds,,
Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Aspiria is trsdc mark of Bsyer Msaafscture Monoaceticacidester of Sslieylioacid
Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant
tasting, purely vegetable remedy,
harmless to both children and adults,
Take a spoonful at night and wake up
feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head¬
ache, acid stomach or constipated
bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause In¬
convenience all the next day like vio¬
lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel
today and tomorrow you will feel
weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t lose
a day.—Adv.
Quite Likely.
Angler (describing a catch)—The
trout was so long—I tell you I never
saw such a fish!
Rustic—Noa, Ol don’t suppose ye
ever did.-—The Queenslander (Bris¬
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
through of the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
the System. Catarrhal Deafness is
caused by an Inflamed condition of the
mucous When this lining of the Eustachian Tube.
tube Is inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It is entirely closed. Deafness is the
result. Unless the inflammation can be re¬
duced and this tube restored to its nor¬
mal condition, hearing may be destroyed
forever. Many cases of Deafness are
caused by Catarrh, w’hich is an inflamed
condition of the Mucous Surfaces.
case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by HALL’S CATARRH
All Druggists 75c. Circulars free.
P. J. Cheney & Cc Toledo. Ohio.
Accounted For.
I wonder why the poet asked his
love to drink to him only with her
eyes T
‘*1 suppose he saw them brimming
a pretty girl can teach a man any
thing hut common sense.
Neuralgia, Lumbago. Rheumatism,
NeuritU and for Pain generally
Always say "Bayer" when buy
ing g Aipirin. pmD ' Then Then look look for !or the “*
** fety Cro **" the pack
»g« and on the tablets,
Handy tin boxes of tweirs tab
* et * cost hot a few cents. Drug
gi*t# also sell larger packages.