Newspaper Page Text
Jibe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County . Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga,
Ale*. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post ittiee at Cleveland
Ha., as second class mail m-it'.er.
.Subscription* * 1.50 per year
Jn answer to a “Questionnaire ”
recently submitted to this newspa¬
per by, the Press .Service Company
of New York City, asking for any
comment we wished to make on
the questions submitted in that
questionnaire, we replied as fol¬
lows :
The government should own and
operate all great corporations now
so unmercifully Slipping the people
of what is justly theirs,
Regulate the salaries and wages
of employes and restrict profits on
big business.
Tbe oflicrs of corworations which
pay big dividends to stockholders
of hundreds of per cent annually
should be serving sentences in tbe
peni tentfuy.
These “legal” robbers are di¬
vinely no better than the man who
meets another in the dark, throws
n gun in his face and shouts “hands
In connection with the above we
may say that we fully realize that
capital is just as essential to the
progress of a people as labor, but
capital has no moro just right, to
enslave labor than labor lias to de¬
stroy capital, and when labor, in
itafcietnands for wbrl it calls “jus¬
tice,” jeopardizes tbe safety of the
public, then it is just as deserving
of penitentiary sentences as the
capitalist when he oppresses the
people for the sake of swelling bis
bunk account.
All men should have the tight to
Work, and no man should have' the
right by force to prevent him.
] don’t kxow bow about you;
but I’d far sooner see a girl in
men’s overalls than one whose '
dress (or undress) was a standing
invitatton to the ;evil.—-Word and
After preaching a serinon'recent
ly a preacher in Arkansas said to
his congregation : “Go out this
afternoon and rest and fish ; there
is no harm in it.” Thousands of
^ •• 0 •• 0 <#• 0 0 ••• 0 •#* 0 ••• 0 0 0 0 ••• 9 ♦ J ® ® fl ® ® ® $
f Save the Dollar Now
t Has it ever occurred to you that the dollars you save
now will go Aw ice as far m purchasing a home or any other
* necessity when normal conditions return? The record h:gli
* wages and salaries of today make this the most logical time
* to save. t
* Every dollar deposited today in savings will be worth
considerable more in buying power when prices d ro P> '»
addition to drawing interest. Appreciating the import¬
* ance of this opportunity, we urge you to add as much as
possible to your savings regularly.
4 Our officers appreciate your patronage and want your
t connection with this bank to be of distinct benefit to you.
M e hope you will feel free to make full use of o»u facilities.
* OCR MOTTO: Safety, Service and Satisfaction
^,.0.0.00 0 + -m-0 0 0 0 0 *•* • ••* • • *•* ••• • 0 -*•
Meat Preserver
Absolutely does away with the old way.
Guaranteed to preseve and keep your meat.
You will find a sample bottle at the Post Oificc.
Also find it in stock at our place
or sec B. H. Middlebrooks; he has used it.
Dockery & Reece
people who think it a great sin to
on Sunday will cook big din- 1
ners, eat enough to give an ele
pliant dyspepsia, ride all over the
country in an automobile, work
like real mechanics fixing blow
outs, etc, But, sit down quietly
and put a fill book in the water!
Oh, holy smokes, they could see
the flames .f hell all around.
Strange people oft this old globe.
—Banks Co. Journal.
Commencement is uppermost in
the minds of Cleveland folk this
The warm weather may make
some of us fee) a little lazier, but il
is fine for the crops.
Mr. and Mrs. G, II. Russell, for¬
mer citizen’s of Cleveland, are here
on a visit to relatives and friends.
The Wolz Show, held here last
week, was highly attended by all
the young people, and not a few ot
the older ones,
Mr. L. II. Mariott visited the
cheese factory here last week.
Miss Mary Cornell, of Roberts- ;
town, who has been here for the
past few months, I As retu.Hed to ■
her home. She leaves many friends ,
Dr. Torn Underwood, of Gills-f
ville, spent a few days here with 1
his brother, Col. J. W. II. Under¬
wood, the fist of the week, !
Miss Lottie Phillips, of Florida,
is visitiug at,the home of Mr.F.M.
Capt. J. R. Allen, formerly a
While county boy, but pow a man |
many summers, who resides in
New Orleans, is here on a visit to 1
relatives and friends.
Cleveland and Nucoochee base;
hall teams crossed bats on the j
Cleveland diamond Monday, with |
the result that the score was 12 to o J
in favor of Cleveland. Now, that!
is a nice way for the Cleveland boys
to treat the visitors.
Dr. Adair, who h$s been
for a few days practicing dentistry
was obliged to return home
nesday on account ot Ids health
Mrs. W, A. Danfortli, of Long
street, lias gone to her home in
New Hampshire, on a visit to her
*5.00 each 11. M. Edwards,*
Loudsville Ga.
Blue Ridge Dots.
The little eighteen month old
danghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Z.
Nix died June 3rd, and the
mains were laid to rest in Mt.
Pleasant cemetery June 4th. The
funeral services being conducted by
Rev. S. D. Cherry.
Mrs. J. C. Allen and daughters.
Misses Mary and Bertha gave us a
pleasant call last Sunday afterhoon.
Several from here attended
Childrens’ Day at Loudsville last
Sunday and aeport a fine time.
'fbe article in the last issue of
the Courier and signed“Beil” gave'
us no incorrect warning.
We understand that Miss Carrie
Allison will have an operation at
Uie Downey’'Hospital this week,
yy e | i0 p e fo r j ler early recovery.
- -
1 'ROG lOYVN N It, \\ S
Mr. Grady Young, who was bit¬
ten by a pilot snake last Friday, is
improving nicely under the skillful
treatment of Dr. Neal.
yl/rs. John Robinson, who has
been quite sick for the past two
weeks, is improving slowly.
Mr. Charlie Cleveland, of near
Town Creek, left Monday for
Gainesville, where lie will engage
in business position.
Mr. Levi Thomas passed through
tais section Friday,
Rev. and Mrs. J, M. Nix was
visiting over in Lumpkin county
Misses Minnie Young, Avie
Cathy and Mattie Thomas were
the guests of Miss Conn Nin last
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Stansel, May 28, a son. Mrs. Stan
sel lias just reached her fortieth
year and is the mother of fifteen
MaUie Ash antl Klly
Stansel was visiting relatives in
Gainesville last Saturday and Stm
Mr. James F. Nix spent last
Saturday night with his brother,
.VIr. John B. Nix, of Luinplyn
Mrs, John Cathy, who has been
spending the past week with her
father and mother suul other rela¬
tives of Union county, lias reterned
home. Everybody is very glad to
see her back again.
We are sorry to hear of the death
ot the death of the little child of
the little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Nix. The bereaved have our
Sympathy. _
Mr. John li. Nix, of Lumpkin
county, made a business trip
in this part Saturday.
Messrs. Boyd Cox and J. IV
Sosbee made a business trip to
Cleveland Wednesday of last week
Miss Katherine Goss was
ing Mrs. O. L. Sosbee one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Graves Daniel
made a short visit to Mrs. Daniel
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Leonard, one dav last Week.
People in this part' are prettv
well up their corn working
crops are looking fine to be planted
Remember the sentend Sunday is
regular preaching dav at Monroe.
Everybody are invited to
Rev. f. M. Sosbee is our pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Leonard and
family vvtere visiting Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Daniel, of Soque, Sunday,
Mr. O. B. Smith and brother, Jof
Clarkesville, passed this way
Mr. Ranee Allen, New
La., is visiting his nephew, Mr.
Will Aood. at present.
Mr. John IGrdue, of Helen,
down in this section Sunday.
Misses Nfadalene and Alice
Freeman, of New Holland,
visiting their grandmother. Mrs.
Emma Smith, Saturday and Sun¬
Mr. Ilarve Allison and Amo
Daniel attended Childrens' Day at
| Loudsville Sunday,
Capt. Jnstus gave Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Nix a call Saturday.
Ask Frank Thurmond how he,
enjoyed himself Sunday.
Miss Nettie Clark gave Miss
Laura Ash a call oue day last week.
Dr, and Mrs. Evans, of Meidean
were visiting thair daughter, Mrs.
* 1 1 11 Hunt day last week.
. . . one
The road handy; are doing some
improvement on the roads here. •
Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Lawson,
of Murrayville, are visiting relativ¬
es this .week.
t Singleton Kimsey* has purchased
him some ducks, but they have
strayed oft.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Kimsey, June t. a boy.
Mr. \\ . II. Bell and family at¬
tended t lie children services at
Loudsville Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Bell, of
Athens, Ga,, are visiting relatives
here this week.
Mr.John McAfee passed through
this section one dav last week.
Luther Adis pufcsed througli this
way one day last week on his way
to RobertsFown.
jKam 1 lolcomb and son Tom made
a business trip to Nacoocliee Wed¬
nesday of last week.
Bill. Chastain aecompunid by
Ailer VV iliiitms and Seace (ones,
pass<|l down tliis way Friday.
Mr. and Mr*. 1 ). i). York visited
Mr. and Mrs. S. A Chastain Sat¬
urday afternoon^
Luther Adams passed down this
way Saturday afternoon.
Marvin Clia-taio was up this
way Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, E. M , Wright vis
ited relatives in this section S:tn
UousT’or Safe.
1 Have two good fresh cows far
quick sale. Anyone interested jjke
Win. Palmer, ,
2 1 Cleveland, Ga., R i,
Studebaker roadster in good
running condition, $600.00. A
good bargain.
\\ . F. Rtitherford,
Cleveland, Ga. County Agent.
: Ulf
liver your
'alt works
' right, the
S r rest o t ye\.r
Inside works are
’ apt to be all right
—otherwise not so.
liver, They look after your
1 r see that it runs
j . "smooth and steady";
that it doesn’t ps-t clog¬
j ged up or skip a coy and
throw the whole machinery
„'out of rear.
I l&r. Thaches’s
Liver and Blood
1“ is a Liver Regulator, a Blood
luriyer, Tonic a Laxative and a
of 67 years standing;
t;i %.Prescription of an old
iarally doctor of large prac¬
tice; a standard remedy for
the whole family from the
cii iUiren to the ^g rand
i ‘‘About thre? years ago, I was
all run down j n health, weighed
only lo4« lbs., and getting worse
j *very day. | began the use of
BLOOD g«- THACIIRR-s bliiVP, ami liver today AM> I
anu thankful to say that I’m in
j P lbs., *«ect and health, attribute and weigh my good 155
j 1th the use of that
S 'XTHACHKirs mrT?5? €rful LIVER medicine- AND '
BLOOD SYIIUP. My husband
joins me in recommending;
this great tonic.—Mrs.
C. E. Chadwick, Ala.
Chafianeega. Tenn.,
For sale by
Cleveland, Ga,
The infant grandchild of George
Edwards, ’aged eighteen months)
who died in Atlanta the first of
the week, was laid to rest-in Cleve¬
land cemetery, Tuesday,
There were present at this burial
the father, mother, grandfather,
grandmother,great grandfather and
great grand’motiier.
We have not learned the cause
of the death of tins infant, which
was sick only a few i^iys.
The revenue officers have reported
three stills eaptureil.eince Sunday .
The visitors since our Inst issue to
Cleveland are: Mr. and Mrs. C. C,Parks,
Bob O. J. Li%sy, R. D. Pruitt, .Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Stone, Barney Freeman ami
Wallace Bell.,
Porto Rica Potato Plants.
From selected government seed* stork as
tine as ever.grown. Express 1000 $2.50,
3000 $1.75. 5000 $11.25. 10,000 $-20.00.
Prepaid parcel post 500 $1.75, 1000 $3.0').
Send far price list tomato and all other
plants. Parker Farms, Moultrie, Ga,
I have purchased the milfkmnvn
as the Henderson Mill and have
done quite a lot of repairs and
have it irt good shape. Also have
a good ‘Crusher and Corn SbeHer,
Will have tiie rye mill in good
shape soon. \Y: 11,appreciate your
patronage. O. C. BELL.
Cleveland Pressing Club
and Shoe Shop.
Cleveland. Ga.
Suits Cleaned and Dressed.
Ladies Woolen Suits Cleaned and
Pressed. All work neatly and
promptly done. Prices
reasonable. Satisfac.
tion guaranteed.
Have Vow Any . .........Milk ‘1
There is located at Cleveland one
of the three cheese factories in the
state. For the location and climate
here, cheese litakfitg it one ot I he
most economical ways of disposing
of milk.
There is a milk route being e*
tabi'sited winch practically follows
R. I. D. No. 1 and embraces the
Mossy Creek settlement. If there
is any surplus milk in this district
, .
or any oilier, please * communicate
witli the County aVgeut.
VV r F. Rutherford.
................... .. ■ -.......- -.....
. N O r I Gi E
There vvill be an all day* singing
at t1.e Baptist Church in Cleveland
the , third .... Sunday , in . this , . month, ,
June 2 t>. This promises to be the
best singing of the seaten. All
who'enjoy good singing ehould re
member the date and come with
well filled baskets, so none may go
away hungry for the lack of food.
“I had pain •'in the pit of my
stomach, no appetite, sour stomach
and very much gas. Dbctsrs could
: not help tner The FITST dose of
Adler-i-ka helped me. (Signed)
Henry Welp. Lake \ lew, Iowa.
One dose Adler-i-ka relieves sour,
stomach, gas and constipation IN¬
STANTLY. Empties BOTH up¬
per and lower bowel. Hushing EN¬
TIRE alimentary canal. Removes
ALL foul matter which poisons
system. Often Cl RES«-constipa¬
tion. Prevents appendicitis. We
have sold Adler-i-ka many years.
It is u mixture of buckthorn, cas
cara. glycerine and nine other sim¬
ple drugs.—Cleveland Drug Co.
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••• 0 -•- 0 0 •( • e#-*• #
The Difference
Form the habit
of saving
and Bank with
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia, White County.
Will be solo at the court house door in
said county, on the first Tuesday in July,
‘ i',120, within the legal hours of sale, the
i following property and interest therein.
i to-wit:
All the mineral interest and mining
j privileg-es with rights of way (or roasle
1 for mining purposes, waler and right of
wood, in audio lot of land No. 125 in the
third land district of White County, Ga.
I Said lot containing two hundred anil tifiy
acres of (and, more or less, and lying and
being in Tesnatee Militia district, said
r county, and lying near Yonah school
; house. Said land levied on as the prop
; erly of.]. R. Lumaden. to satisfy an exe¬
cution issued on the Dth ! ^ay of October,
j lsn-1 from the Superior Court, White
County, in favor of the Slate Bankidg
Company, of Gainesville, Ga., and trans¬
ferred to J. H. \V< stmoreland for value
anti against j. R. Luuisden. y
’J'ld.s the first day of June, 1920.
A. L. DORSEY, Sheriff.
i Georgia. White County.
Will he sold before the court house
1 door in the town of Cleveland, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in July, 1920, to the highest bidder
for ( ash, the following property to-wit.:
One bay mare about six years old weigh¬
ing about six hundred pounds; also one
: light briudle cow about six years old;
also one cream colored heifer about two
1 years old (said heifer now giving limk).
Levied on as the property of VV. N. Bar¬
ker to satisfy a mortgage ti fa ironed
from the Bujierior Court of said county
against said VV. N. Barker and in favor
| of Ritchie & Wells.
Tills June J, F.tgO.
A. J, Dorsey, Sheriff.
A fine heifer lo freshen in next
ten days: also five year old cow;
Cross Berkshire-Duroc sows and
pure registered Duroe-[eisey boars
at bargain prices; also pigs.
Write Mt. Laurel Farm,
Route 3. Cleveland, Ga.
I XV A V t ' KI ' A ™ l " linger Si-win*
iiiat , luni in \V hup and adjoiningemtn
dies, .■ loo a week proposition to right
! ,na, ‘ M,,at ^ve Writ** eouveyanee. call Capital Singer
. unm t*f‘Ksaj y or on
; Sowing Mkahin^ C<>.> GaitienviDe, ( fa.
T „ Ul „ wlti „. People „f the Nimh^Crnb
j geessiomd District. .rf Georgia :
J 1 hereby announce my candidacy for
! the Democratic nomination for represen
U,ive from tbI * ,n * ,lu ' * 7U ‘ Con -
UrreMH and awk \ om* Ruriport.
, I pleug’e , . to e<m»titution- ..
aiinerenee our
tl , \ libortie^, and to the principles nnd
policies of Washington, Jefferson, Madi*
son and Monroe;and rny unalterable and
j urmompromising opposition to any at
tempt to surrender our independence
j ! thwu^h a foreign League of Nations; to
Uimh " lh '- ‘ ,e,, P le wUh the
I Mipiioit ot fomign nations and peoples;
orto force compulsory military training , . .
upon the coiiiiti v.
j l.*wre«e«vllle. <■>»., April 24, 1920.
*"• 1 111 1,1 ' ............
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application*, aa they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure catarrhal Aeafneas.
and that is b> a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an In¬
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im¬
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which is
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur¬
faces Hall s Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir¬
culars free. AH Druggists. 75c.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Hunt’s Salve, formyly called
Hunt’s. Cure is especially <*m
pounded for the treatment of
Itch, Eczema, Eing worm, and
Tetter, and is sold by the drug¬
gist on the strict guarantee that
the purchase price, 75c, will be
promptly refunded to any disaat
isSed customer. Try Hunt’sSalre
at our risk. For sale ioeaily by
— between the man who has learned ;
to save and bank his money and the i
man who has not tile differ¬
ence, ten years hence, between'the i
man flourishing in business and the
man looking for a job. !