Newspaper Page Text
A CtnWMMd Record Of Happonlnf*
Of Interoot From All Point*
Of Th# World
The eighth congress of the Inter¬
national Woman Suffrage Alilance
came to an end June 12. The alli¬
ance has established the office o£
general secretary and this official will
act as the connecting link between the
women’s organiaztions and the League
of Nations.
After three days of fruitless effort
Herr Mueller has abandoned his ef¬
forts to form a new German cabinet.
President Ebert has requested Herr
Helnze to undertake the formation of
a new ministry,
A general understanding relative to
the continuation of the Anglo-Japan
dse alliance has already been reached
between the Japanese and British gov¬
ernments, it is announced in Tokio.
It is reported that the Russian Bol¬
shevik! army has driven the Polish
army out of Kiev.
One sailor was killed and another
probably fatally injured when a man¬
hole blew out in the boiler room of the
United States destroyer Flusser in the
harbor at Vera Cruz.
The Italian newspapers announce
that former Premier Glolitti has been
requested to form a cabinet to suc¬
ceed that of Frandesco Nitti, which
resigned June 9.
Former Italian Premier Nitti has
been given passports and will prob¬
ably spend a while in the United
States to rest and recuperate.
The reported returns in the county
council elections in Ireland show a
Sinn Fein victory greater than was
expected. The Sinn Feiners formed a
compact with the Nationalists and La
borites, and won fifty-two out of
.sixty-nine seats.
The Austrian cabinet, headed by
Dr. Karl Renner as chancellor, which
has held o|fice most of the time since
the armistice, has resigned. Failure
to agree with the Christian Socialists
is given as the cause.
Constable Carroll was shot dead
on the streets by a party of armed
men in Limerick, Ireland. He 1 b the
fiftieth police victim since January
21 .
A mail train was recently held up
near Kitlarney Ireland, and the mail
bags seized. •
Anti-Bolshevik forces in the Crimea
have begun an offensive movement,
with varying success. The Bolshevik!
retrieved part of the loss.
An American, notorious as a smug¬
gler, has been arrested by the Mexi¬
can authorities at Juarez, in connec¬
tion with the alleged smuggling of
ammunition to Villa. He has been
A pitched battle resulting in numer¬
ous casualties was fought in the vil¬
lage of Listseliaw, near Enniskillen,
Ireland, when a patrol of Ulster volun¬
teers esurprised fifty raiders who evi¬
dently were about to burn the court
Violent demonstrations occurred at
Vienna, Austria, over the high cost of
Jiving. Police intervened and several
fights occurred, seven persons being
killed and twenty-three wounded.
Seven persons were killed and thirty
wounded when gendarmes at Gratz,
Austria, fired into crowds which were
demonstrating against profiteering in
The German government tendered
its resignation to President
recently, who requested it to remain
in office provisslonaly.
Unofficial returns from the recent
German election show that results are
Shout equally divided between the pres
ent coalition government and the right
and left opposition. ,
Two proposals dealing with the right
of employees of public service corpo
rations to strike have been submit
ted by the United States chamber of
comemrce to a vote of the commercial
organizations comprising its member¬
The United States government has
bought 14,000 tons of Argentine sugar.
This means that thirty-fou rmillion
pounds of sugar will be available for
commercial canners and preservers
during the months from June 1 to Oc¬
tober 31.
The department of justice at Wash
ogton announces that non-essential
industries must curtail the use of su¬
gar so that housewives may have all
they want to do their preserving and
Chicago, the census for which city
has been announced by the census
bureau as 2.701,212, had during the
last decade the second largest growth
numerically in its history’, with an
increase of 515,929. It is the third
time Chicago has shown an increase
of more than half a million.
Reports have reached the state de¬
partment th rough unofficial channels
that i. c*new Mexican government is
about to send to the United States
a mission to discuss the relations be¬
tween the two countries in an entirely
informal way.
Terms of the sal" of the former
German passenger liner Leviathan,
bids on which will be opened June 30,
have been announced by the shipping
hoard. Each bid must be accompanied
by a check for one hundred thousand
dollars and the purchaser will be
reqquired to pay 20 per cent of the
bid in cash.
An additional credit of $45,000,000
has been extended to the German gov¬
ernment for the purchase of meats
and other foodstuffs by large Amer¬
ican packing firms, says a report from
The attorney general hasissued in¬
structions to United States district at¬
torneys to take court action against
all remaining draft delinquents. The
immediate purpose seeme to be to
prevent the three-year statute of limi¬
tations operating so as to permit the
escape of willful draft delinquents.
It is learned that Col. E. M. House,
former confidential adviser to Presi¬
dent Wilson, has applied for passports
Trepor, o„ ,b. of . Bp,.,.*
flag by Irish women in front of the
treasury building was made by the
police to the District of Columbia com¬
missioners, who will forward it to Sec¬
retary Colby at the state department.
It is understood the report will 3tate
there is no law by which the women
may be punished.
Breckenridge Long, third asistant
secretary of state, has resigned, his
resignation has been accepted and he
will run for the senate from Missouri.
John F. Scanlon, 80 years old. a spe¬
cial agent of the treasury department
at Chicago, died at his home in Chi¬
cago of pneumonia. He was one of
the founders of the Catholic Order of
Foresters and was head of that or¬
ganization for many years.
Prof. David Todd will make On ef¬
fort in an areoplane to catch signals
from Mars during August when that
planet will be only thirty million miles
from the earth. It will not be so
near again for five hundred years.
Neither state nor defense being
ready for a hearing, the case of Mrs.
Mahle Kenyon, charged with killing
Dr. Herbert Tetlowfi a retired physi¬
cian. by shooting was continued in
Stoneington, Conn., town court until
June 26. Mrs. Kenyon was eer* back
to jail.
The Southern Student Y. W. C. A.
conference, with 3X5 girls in attend¬
ance from sixty-four Southern col¬
leges, which has been in session at
Blue Ridge, N. C., has adjourned, and
great good was accomplished. The
young ladies left ‘‘feeling fine."
The break in theRepublican nomina¬
tion tangle tenth
Senator Harding did the “Babe” Ruth
act and “clipped the bases” in that
inning. Governor Coolidge got sec¬
ond place in the first round by “a clean
knockout,” thereby eliminating Jack
Dempsey from the limelight.
A special dispatch sent Into the
South from Chicago says that as an
aftermath of the Republican convention
there is a strong indication of a third
party movement taking definite shape
early In July. It is alleged that it will
be sponsored by William Randolph
Hearst, Senator Borah, William Jen
nings Bryan and the "reds’ of all
political parties.
Folowlng the death in Pensacola,
Fla., of George Gardina, a clerk In
a general merchandise store, of what
the state laboratory officials declare
to have been a case, of bubonic plague,
a clean-up campaign will be inaugurat¬
ed in that city and warfare on the
rats wil be begun.
William G. McAdoo, former secre¬
tary of the treasury, and Mrs. Me -\doo
have returned from a trip through the
west. Mr. McAdoo told reporters of
New York papers that he would not
j attend the convention at San Fran
■ cisco.
j j Flans to turn Enrico Caruso’s Long
island villa into a temporary court
j house for an of $500,000 inquiry into worth the of mysteri- ieweis
ous theft
front Mrs. Caruso’s boudoir have been
heiu up as the result of a discovery of
a possible solution of the mystery.
It is believed to have been an "inside
I Jose Siaba, Raymond Muino and
Juan Ortega. Spaniards, charged with
. attempting t0 smuggle ammunition, es
pecialy bullets, from Savannah, Ga.,
into Mexico by way of Cuban ports,
are held in Savannah by the depart¬
ment of justice. More than 15,000
rounds of ammunition were seized by
the officers, and taken from the Bing
hampton, which plies between Savan¬
nah and Cuban ports.
Officers of the Brotherhood of Rail¬
way Clerks, in conference in Macon.
Ga., have issued a statement charg¬
ing that a “slush” fund has been cre¬
ated and is being distributed out of
Atlanta, Ga., with the purpose of dis
rupting labor organizations in the
South. The statement charges tha’
$11,211.20 of this fund of $102,250
had been appropriated and proportion
to Macon
■ Lieut. Rudolph Winter, stationed at
1 Great Lakes, who, in November. 1913,
married by proxy the daughter of an
Italian count in Cairo, Egypt, is the
; {ather of a son. Lieutenant Wiuzer
! met his wife while he was making a
world tour. The story of their proxy
marriage attracted wide attention.
Mrs. Wittier came to the United
States a year ago and the couple were
remarried at th«* Great Lake station.
The Republican party nominated for
president a linotype operator, Senator
Warren G. Harding of Ohio, and for
vice president a farmer. Governor
Coolidge of Massachusetts.
Keep Your Liver Active, Your
System Purified and Free From
Colds by Taking Calotabs,
the Nausealess Calomel
Tablets, that are De¬
lightful, Safe and
Physicians and Druggists are advis¬
ing their friends to keep their systems perfect
purified and their organs in aglinst
working order as a protection
the return of influenza. They know
liver that a clogged up system and a lazy
favor colds, influenza and serious
To cut short a cold overnight and to
irevent serious complications take one
: SfS," ^“oXf
yea* - liver is active, your system is puri
fine ®f d ^^refreshed with a hearty and appetite you are for feeling break¬
fast. Eat what you please—no danger.
Calotabs are sold only in original
sealed packages, price thirty-five cents.
Every druggist is authorized to perfectly refund
your money if you are not
delighted with Calotabs.—(Adv.)
Sometimes a preacher’s popularity
can be measured by the shortness of
his sermons.
That Black-Draught Is Excellent
for Stomach and Liver Disor¬
ders, Hence Its Great Pop¬
ularity—Mississippi Plant¬
er’s Indorsement.
Houston, Miss.—Mr. J. A. Treaor, a
well-known planter of this place, re¬
cently related his experience in using
Thedford’s Black-Draught. I don’t
believe there Is a better liver medicine
made,” said Mr, Trenor. “I use it
for headache, stomach disorders and
torpid liver.
“It Is not bad to take, does not leave
a constipated condition, as so many
of the liver pills and medicines do.
It does its work and leaves you feeling
like a new person.”
Thousands of others have found
Black-Draught as helpful as Mr.
Trenor describes, and a valuable rem¬
edy for derangements of the liver,
stomach and bowels. It Is. purely
lure-teg an active effdet upon
the bowels, gently stimulating the liv¬
er, and helping to Increase the flow
of bile.
Black-Draught has been found to
assist in the digestion of food, and
relieves constipation In a prompt and
normal way.
On account of Black-Draught’s long
proved merit and Immense popularity,
many imitations are being offered for
sale. For your own satisfaction It
will pay you to Insist upon the genuine,
and be sure the package bears the
name “Thedford’s Black-Draught.”
At your druggist’s—ready for In¬
stant use-full directions in package.
A widow who marries a bachelor be¬
comes a teacher in the school of ex¬
A Feeling of Security
You naturally fee! secure when yon
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
teasgoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature’s great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad¬
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale at,all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
Instead of marrying a man to re¬
form him. the average woman marries
a man to iuform him.
j j Important to Mothers
j Examine carefully every bottle of
j CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and mu cuiiureu, children, and auu see see mat that it it
j j Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
■ Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Matching the Case.
“That is such a loud engagement
ring Will gave Bessie.” “Yes, but then
she is such a big belle.”
Night and Morning.
Hoorn Strong, Hualihy
Eyet. If they Tire, Itch,
c*" jt” Smart or Burn, if
Vw„~ TOUR K/rC lYLj Irritated. Inflamed
often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for
Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Book. Hirta* Era k**»-T Ce., Oku
It’s Mercury! Attacks the Bones,
Salivates and Makes
You Sick.
There’s no reason why a person
should take sickening, salivating ealo
mel when a few cents buys a large bot¬
tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a perfect
substitute for calomel.
It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid
which will start your liver just as sure¬
ly as calomel, but it doesn’t make you
sick and can not salivate.
Children and grown folks can take
Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it is per¬
fectly harmless.
Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is
**“ <« —** -............
morrow. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take
a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone in¬
stead and you will wake up feeling
great. No more biliousness, constipa¬
tion, sluggishness, headache, coated
tongue or sour stomach. Your drug¬
gist says if you don’t find Dodson’s
Liver Tone acts better than horrible
calomel your money is waiting for you.
The Next Step.
“I see that hotel landlords are con¬
templating renting their rooms by the
“Yes. Landlords will be renting
their flats to us by the day next.”
Lift off Corns!
Doesn’t hurt a bit and Frewono
costs only a few cents.
lVilh your fingers! You can lift off
any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be¬
tween the toes, and the hard skin cal¬
luses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of “Freezone" costs
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callous. In¬
stantly it stops hurting, then shortly
yon lift that bothersome corn or cal¬
lous right off, root and all, without
one hit of pain or soreness. Truly 1
No humbug!—Adv.
Too many advanced ideas are nd
-nnoed in the wrong direction.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
i Keep the vital healthy
regularly taking organs by
the world’s stand¬
ard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles—
Th« National Remedy of Holland for
centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel
mina. At all druggists, three sizes.
Look for th* baib* Gold Modal on ovary L»t
aad accopt no icnitatioa
Hiralra, portly vefataHe, lafaate* aad ,
Children’* Re**iator, fan*ala on every label, j
Gearaataad aoa-aarcetie, aoa-elcaLolk,
He y>M' »4 CUUrWi Rntalttar
Children grew healthy and free
from colic, dierrhoee, flatulency,
constipation and other trouble If
given it at teething time.
Safe, pleasant—always brings re
markable andjgrntifying results.
At Alt
; i Cuticura Soap
I Complexions
j Are Healthy
‘ Soap 25c Ointment 25 aod 50c, Talcum 25c.
W. N. U., ATLANTA. NO. 25-192C
Over Half Of This Sum Was A “Hang
Over From The War, Chair¬
man Good Says
Washington.—Approximately five
billion dollars was appropriated by
the Sixty-sixth congress at its ses¬
sion ending June 5, according to a
statement prepared by Chairman Good
of the house appropriations commit¬
tee for the final issue of the Congres¬
sional Record.
The exact total, as given by Mr.
Good, was $4,859,890,327. Of this
amount expenses in the fiscal year be¬
ginning July 1, and $486,495,048 is to
meet deficiencies for the fiscal year
ending with this month.
Chairman Good said congress had
reduced estimates of government de¬
partments for next year by $1,474,422,-
602, the total appropriations in only
two measures exceeding the estimates.
Congress added $64,120,000 to the pen¬
sion bill and $70,8G1„000 to the postal
bill. The latter increase is to meet
advances in pay to postal employees,
while the pension increase was absorb¬
ed in part by increased pensions.
The total carried by the thirteen
great annual supply bills, as given by
Mr. Good, was $2,212,126,298, as fol¬
Postoffice, $462,575,190; sundry civil,
$437,106,806; naval, $433,279,574; army,
$392,558,365; pensions, $279,150,000;
executive, judicial and legislative,
$104,735,726; agriculture, $31,712,784;
fortifications, $18,833,442; District of
Columbia, $18,373,004; rivers and har¬
bors, $12,400,000; Indian, $10,040,655;
diplomatic and consular, $9,218,537;
military academy, $2,142,212.
In addition to these bils, permanent
appropriations, annual expenditures
authorized by congress for stated pe¬
riods, amounted to $1,363,768,980, of
which $ 980 , 000,000 is for interest on
the public debt and $ 260 , 800,000 for the
sinking fund. Miscellaneous appropri¬
ations included $725,000,000 by the
transportation act, of which $300,000,
000 is to be used as loans to the rail¬
roads for a period of 15 years. Minor
miscellaneous appropriations, with the
deficiencies brought the total appro¬
priations to $4,859,890,327.
Mr. Good charged off $2,558.96S,400
of the appropriations as a direct war
“hang over," the sum including the
funds provided for the railroads, for the
interest on the public debt, the pay¬
ment to the sinking fund and $293,168,-
400 appropriated for re-education, hos¬
pital treatment and insurance pay¬
ments for veterans of the world war.
The army and navy got $855,956,962 for
the next fiscal year.
Sugar Exports This Year Are Reported
To Have Been Greater Than
All Of Last Year
Washington.—An embargo on the
export of sugar is included in the
plans of the department of justice for
relieving the nation-wide sugar short¬
age, it is announced by A. W. Riley,
special assistant to the attorney gen¬
Sugar exports so far this year
have been greater than the whole of
last year. Mr. Rley says. Exports for
1919 were 658,660 tons, of which 447,-
660 tons were British owned, leaving
211,000 tons of American owned su¬
gar exported, while from January 1
to May 27 exports of American su
gar amounted to 220,000 tons.
Exports of sugar would be curtailed,
Mr. Riley says, if the country is to
have a sufficient supply to take care
of domestic needs.
Bolsheviki Drives Poles Out Of Kiev
London. — The Polish army, The
Sunday Observer says it understands,
evacuated Kiev owing to the contin
! ued menacing advance of the Bolshe
| v'k army which threatened to cut off
| the Polish line cf retreat. The source
| of this information is not given by the
i newspaper.
Eugenie Undergoes Difficult Operation
Madrid. Spain.—Former Empress
Eugenie of France is able to see much
better than for years, thanks to an
j Operation for cataract performed since
i her arrival in Madrid, where she is
\ the guest of her nephew. The frailty
of Eugenie permitted the use of only
a local anaesthetic. The surgeon made
a slight incision in the cataract, ap¬
plied cocaine and then the delicate in¬
strument, which acts on the suction
principle, was used. After six days
the obstruction was drawn aside with¬
out pain.
Cotton Consumption 541,080 In May
Washington. — Cotton consumed
during May amounted to 541.0S0 bales
of lint and 31,032 of linters, the cen¬
sus bureau announced. During May
last year 487,934 bales of lint and
715 of linters were consumed. Cotton
on hand May 31 in consuming estab¬
lishments was 1.695.501 bales of Fu*.
and 282.187 of linters, compared vith
1,391.321 of lint and 272.614 Of linters
a year ago: on hand in public storage
and at compresses, 2,584,784 bales of
lint and 392,568 of linters.
Mr*. J. Christman Proved
That Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable for Compound is a
Remedy this Trouble.
Binghamton, N. Y.—was in a very
condition for
ed nervous prostration.’’—Mrs. J.
Christman, 193 Oak Street, Bingham¬
ton, New York.
herbs, with perfect is unparalleled. It may be
used confidence by women
who suffer from nervous prostration,
displacements, tion, irregularities, inflammation, periodic pains, ulcera¬ back¬
ache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency,
indigestion and dizziness. Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the
standard remedy for female ills.
If there are any complications about
which you need advice write in con¬
fidence to Lydia E. P inkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass,
Dressing Up.
The Groom—Your horse'll have to
have new shoes all round, miss.
Miss Newgilt—Very well. Order
some stylish suede pumps for him and
see that they match my riding togs.
Name “Bayer” on Genuine
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” is genu¬
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only an unbroken
“Bayer package” which contains proper
directions to relieve Headache, Tooth¬
ache, Earache, Neuralgia. Rheumatism,
Colds and Fain. Handy tin boxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger “Bayer packages.” Aspirin
Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon
oacetleaeldester of Salicylicacid.—Adv.
Wise is the husband who, instead of
trying to be all things to all men, tries
to be all things to one woman.
Dr Pftery’s "Dead Shot" not only expel.
Worms or Tapeworm but cleans out the mu¬
cus in which they breed and tones up the
digestion. One dose sufficient.—Adv.
Women remind us of angels because
they are always flying around.
Frantic With Pain
Doan’t However Brought Complete
Recovery and Trouble Ha»
Never Returned
“My kidney* were weakened by ex¬
posure Schrader, in Alaska," sayg Hermann
328 Park Ave., Hoboken,
N. J., “and my misery at times be¬
came mind. so great I had 1 thought I would lose
my terrible pains in my
back, and a con¬
stant desire to
urinate. felt My back
as if it were
in sections with
each crushing
against the other.
ken Finally desperately 1 was ta¬
ill. It seemed as
if something were
crushing life. out my
Before long
I passed a gravel
stone the size ol
a pea. If the pain
had been anv
Hr. M Schrader ., , more intense I
think I would
have died. I was having practically no
flushing of the kidneys and my weight
had reduced from 178 pounds to 125
The doctor told me I hac gravel and
small stones filling up the passages of
the bladder. After all of this I began
to uae Doan’s Kidney Pills and soon
and improved. In a short time I was well
my cure has lasted fifteen year*.
Today I am in perfect health.”
Sworn to before me,
W. P. WEISS. Notary Public.
Get Doen’e at Any Store, 60c ■ Box
DOAN'S ■y l ”1V
-•tbotit question if Hunt’s Salv#
fail* in the treatment of Besets*,
Tetter, Ringworm, discocraxed Itch, etc. Don’t
become because other
treatments failed. Boat's Salve
has relieved hundreds of such cases,
Yoti can’t lose an our Mon**
BaeJc Chutrantu. Try it at our risx
TODAY Price Tfic, at drag stores.
A. B. Richards Co., Sherman, Texas
* ALL FLIES. Neat,
eiean,ornamental, venient, cheap. Lasts con¬
all season. Mace of
mmm metal, tip can't will spill soil or
over; not
or Guaranteed injure anything.
Sold effective.
6 by by EXPRESS, dea'ers, cr
SABOLB SOMSBS, urepa-d, 11.25.
154 P» Kalb Avt.. Brookiyu, K. Y.
pind could see was gloomy, light
no on
work anything, could not
and could not
have anyone to see
me. Doctor’s med¬
icine did not help me
L y dia E - Knk
p Compound am ’ 8 Vegetable
was re
I took
^? d am now
11. I . recom
it to all afflict¬