Newspaper Page Text
Sfoe CDlcvelanb Courier.
Official Organ of Whitt County. Ga
Published Weekly At Cleveland fits..
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post iftiee at Cleveland
(la., as second class mail maUer.
Subscription, *1.50 per year
The tradegy which took place at
the home of John Farmer last Sun¬
day was blow to the good name of
White county. It was one which
could have been averted. The
man who was killed was but an
officer of tl»e law. If any man dis¬
likes the law that is no excuse for
the taking of a man’s life because
he holds a position of law enforce
trient. If a man wishes to violate
law he should not do so to the ex¬
tent of endangering his own life or
the life of another. Make the game
a clean-cut proposition and evade
the officers if eh can. The man in
whose hands lies the enforcement
of law is not the law itself, and is
nowise responsible for the law. He
is merely a servant of the govern¬
ment and the governmen is behind
him in (ne performance of his
duties. No man would think of
shooting down the officer whose
duty it is to collect the state and
county tax just because he didn’t
like to pay the tax, yet the princi¬
ple in both are one and the same.
Our people who are engaged in
the whiskey traffic should be more
considerate in their actions, for
defiance of law means but the
arousing of a sleeping dog, so to
speak, and but builds more dan¬
gerous barriers in the path of their
performance, for the quieter people
are in the manufacture and sale of
whiskey, the less opposition they
have to contend with from the
public, and the less danger they are
in when accosted by officers.
This very unfortunate shooting
last Sunday morning has done
much to create a sentiment against
whiskey in White county, and, if
you are engaged in the liquor traf¬
fic, let me drop a whisper in your
ear : If you do engage in it, do it
quietly, soberly, shrewdly and get
away when the officers come, if you
So long as people want whiskey
bad enough to pay the price whis¬
key will be made. Even a still on
wheels was captured in Atlanta
last week.
# *•••«•#*•*• t #
* *
Save the Dollar Now
lias it ever occurred to you that the dollars you save
now will go twice as far in purchasing a home or any other
necessity when normal conditions return? The record high
wages and salaries of today make this the most logical time
to save.
Every dollar deposited today in savings will be wortli
considerable more in buying power when prices drop, in
addition to drawing interest. Appreciating the import¬
ance of this opportunity, we urge you to add as much as
Our officers appreciate your patronage and want your
connection with this bank to be of distinct benefit to you.
We hope you wiil feel free to make full use of our facilities.
Ot R MOTTO: Safety, Service and Satisfaction
The visitors in the homes of
Cleveland during commencement
made the occasion brighter than it
would have been otherwise, and
especially was it so at the home of
the editor whose wife and family
had for guests Mrs. A. G.
well, Misses Arispah Allison, Min¬
nie Young, Mary Allen,
Cathy and Alex, Allen.
We are requested to announce
that there will be services at Bap
tist church in Cleveland the fourth
.Sunday in June at n o’clock when
Rev. W. I). Mobley will preach to
the congregation. We all know
the division existing within the
membership of }his church fos the
past year, and in the interest of
morality, to say nothing of divin¬
ity, we would be awfully glad they
would get their minds and hearts
together, select a preacher, and
get busy in the highest and noblest
work thatChristains can engage in.
There never—it seems so to us at
least—was a time when the love of
God or the love of mammon, with
mammon in the lead, with the
shadowy idea that the thing to do
is to get money anyway, everyway,
or whatever way you can get it,
until the religion we possess is of
earth instead of heaven. Attend
services the fourth Sunday and
hear Rev. Mobley, who is from
Buford. It will do us all good.
Do you do an auto business for
hire? There is a liceuce necessary
for that business, and if you areen
gaged in it you might save your
self future trouble by seeing the
ordinary before July t,
Mr, and Mrs. Wenthersby are
visiting at the home of Mrs. G. S.
Mr. R. M. Reece left for Texas
last week, where he has gone to i
assist in the harvest, waicli is now
in full swing there. Should he de
sire to do so, he may continue in
the harvest for a few months,going
a little farther north as the grain
Mr. E. P. Colley has beeu ap¬
pointed rural carrier from Leaf to
fill the vacancy caused by the resig¬
nation of Claude Smith. Mr.
Colley has not fully decided that
he will like the position well
enough to hold it for any length of
time, but he will decide within a
few months.
June the 15th the government
paid out on interest on bonds the
sum $143,240,000.
Rev. S. D. Cherry has been
spending the past week at the
I home of his wife’s parents, at Cov¬
Miss Lucinda Adams, daughter
of the late Mrs. Jim Adams, who
lived on the old home place all °f
her life, died Tuesday morning at
8 o’clock, after a long illness. She
leaves seven brother and sisters and
relatives and friends to mourn her
death. She lived to the ripe old
of >j2 years. Her remains were
j a jd to rest in Cleveland cemetery
Wednesday in the presence of re
nuives and friends, Rev. W. R.
Power conducting the funeral ser
vices. The bereaved have our
We have an article for publica
tioh in regard to the Children’s
Day at Mossy Creek, received too
late for publication. It will appedr
in next week's issue.
sympathy as well as their many
Telford & Kenimer are putting
in a gasoline tank to supply the
needs of their patrons.
LOST—One Ajax tire and inner
tube, 34x4, last Saturday after¬
noon, Finder will notify
W. M. Hooper.
Mrs. T. B. Hooper spent last
week with her sister, Mrs. Ed.
Mr. Lee Head and family was
the guest of ins mother, Mrs V.E.
Head, Sunday,
Mr. T. B. Hooper accompanied
by his sons, Joe and Fred, made a
business trip to Gainesville Satur
Misses Willie Alexander and
Mayoma Headen spent Sunday
with Misses Rosie and M a u de
Mr. and Mrs, J. E.Hooper spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. R. D.Suviile spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
E. P. Headen.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmour
was visiting Mr. and Mrs. JimSex
ton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hogan spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. j.
R. Hogan,
Sev<;ra , from this part part attended
i Children’: Day Sunday at Mossy
! Creek.
Messrs. Henry and Fred Pittman
spent Saturday night with Messrs.
Fred and Haze Hooper.
We are very sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. Hill Dorsey. 'Our
sympathizes go out to t'lie bereaved
Rev. Garner delivered an excel¬
lent sermon at New Bridge Sunday
Mr. Buford Autry has returned
home to the delight of his friends.
Mr. Starling Cooley and
Eva West and Maude Aogan
tended Sunday School at
Creek Sunday.
The farmers are making
use of this pretty weather. Most
of them have their crops
Mr. Ben Hurke and family
visiting relatives in Gainesville
this time.
Mr. George Anderson f’ 0
the , boys when , it to ,
comes *
cotron. Go .. and , the . best
in the county.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs.
Dixon, a boy. Also a boy lo
and Mrs. Wiley Freeman,
out for more war.
Mr. Eugene Coiley is new
pointed rural letter carrier on
Ga., and is giving the best of ser
Mr. Tommie Edwards and
Jessie Palmer were united in
hold bonds of matrimony
June 13. Mr. Edwards is one
our finest young men and
specimen of
Last Saturday night in Auraria
at about one o’clock Mr. Luther
Brackett was accidentally shot
I (supposedly) by his brother Grady.
There was some tsouble between
Grady and one of the Byrds, so the
report goes, and in the trouble by
some means the pistol was dis¬
charged, taking effect in Luther’s
side. The wound is a very serious
one; however, we hope it is not
bad as at first thought.—Dahlonega
Col.J.M.Merritt Dies atAVinder
Col. J. M. Merritt, after an ill¬
ness of several weeks duratson,
died at the home of his brother-in
law; J. W. Moore, on Broad street,
last Saturday night.
Col. Merritt graduated Irom the
University of Georgia and had
been practicing his profession as a
lawyer for thirty-five years.
He was a man of brilliant mind
and a fine judge of law. He wns
located for a number of years at
Jefferson and of late years at Mad¬
ison, Ga.
Col. Merritt was born and reared
at Cleveland, White county, was a
brother of Mrs. Moore,of Winder,
and had reached the age of sixty
The funeral was conducted at
the home of Mr, Moore, Rev. J.M.
Mashburn, of this city, and Rev.
Massey, of Jefferson, officiating,—
Barrow County Times.
John Cathy and Ozzie Satterfield
made a trip to Linton county the
first of the week.
The singidg at Albert
Sunday night was enjoyed by all
Tesnatee Sunday school will give
a children’s day the first Sunday
in July, which will lie the "glor¬
ious Fourth.”
Miss Mary Elder, of Clermont,
was the guest of Miss
Campbell, last week.
Misses Madeline Castleberry and
and Mary Hood are home after at¬
tending the full term of the
laud high school.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mill¬
er a daughter.
Thanks to John Satterfield for a
fine messs of cabbage.
Brannon Nix and children.
Misses Addie Thomas, Hallie and
Mary and Guy Allen attended Sun¬
day school at Tesnatee Sunday af¬
On the fth of May a son arrived
to brighten the future prospects of
Mr, and Mrs. I). F. White.
Quite a lot of our people
ed the Children’s day at Mo»sy
Creek Sunday.
Henry Sargent, of
some few days here hist week.
J, R. Allen gave us a call
day last week,
Mr. L. G. Ash and family spent
Sunday with Mrs. Ledford.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. White
Sunday with bis mother at
I land.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Sosebee vis
J ited her father and mother, Mr.
and ,,, Mrs. W ... M. ,, Goss, last .0
; .
Luther holcomb was down this
way one day last week.
Mr. and Mr. M, 3 . Cox
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Cason, last Sunday.
Boyd Cox made a business
i to Cleveland one day last week
| purchased a new wagon.
Henry Hood, son of
; was badly hurt when the car in
| which he was riding turned
j last Sunday. Lee Loyon,
J driver, was also slightly hurt,
j $5 00 each H. M. Edwards,
Loudsville Ga.
Porto Rica Potato Plants.
From selected government seed stock as
tine as ever grown. Express 1000 $2.50,
2000 $4.75. 5000 $11.25, 10,000 $20.00.
Prepaid parcel post .700 $1.75, 1000 $3.00.
Send for price list tomato and all other
plants. Parker Farms, Moultrie, Ga.
1 have purchased the mill known
as the Henderson Mill and have
done quite a lot of repairs and
have it in good shape. Also have
a good Crusher and Corn Sheller.
Will have the rye mill in good
shape soon. Will appreciate your
patronage. O. C. BELL.
i Cleveland Dressing Club
and Shoe Shop.
Cleveland, Ga.
Suits Cleaned and Pressed.
j Ladies' Woolen Suits Cleaned and
Pressed. All work neatly and
promptly done. Prices
reasonable. Satisfac.
tion guaranteed.
Have You Any Surplus Milk ?
There is located at Cleveland one
of the three cheese factories in the
state. For the location and climate
here, cheese making i« one of the
most economical ways of disposing
j of milk.
There is a milk route being es¬
tablished which practically follows
j R. F. D. No. 1 and embraces the
Mossy Creek settlement. If there
is any surplus milk in this district
or any other, please communicate
with the County Agent.
W. F. Rutherford.
There wiil be an all day singing
at the Baptist Church in Cleveland
on the third Sunday in this month,
June 20. This promises to be the
best singing of the seasen. All
who enjoy good singing ebould re¬
member the date and come with
well filled baskets, so none may go
away hungry for the lack of food.
Covva For Sale.
I have two good fresh cows for
quick sale. Anyone interested see
Win. Palmer,
it Cleveland, Ga., Rt,
Poland-China Duroc, 10
old. Prices reasonable.
1 . W, Rader, Cleveland, Ga,
Studebaker 4 roadster in
running condition. $600.00.
good burgain.
W. F. Rutherford,
Cleveland, Ga. County Agent.
ID ’iff’ ' X*
Blare 1 subject to bowel
■ trouble; mothers must
■■be careful about tbis.
For half a century mothers
have been using
Dr. Thacher’x
Diarrhoea Mixture
to safeguard the health of
thetr teething babies. A sim¬
ple and harmless remedy; for
children and adults. All drug
stores, 35c. MONEY BACK
if no relief.
■s Chattanooga, lean., V. 8. A.
For sale by
Cleveland, Ga.
ft ft ft ft ft-* ft
The Difference
—between the man who has learned
to save and bank his money and the
Form the habit man who has not learned,is the differ¬
ot saving ence, ten years hence, between the
and Bank with man flourishing in business and the
man looking for a job.
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia, White County.
Wiil be sohi at the court bouse door in
said county, on the first Tuesday in July,
1920, within the legal hours of Bale, the
following property and interest therein,
All the mineral interest and mining
privileges with rights of way for roads
for mining purposes, water and right of
wood, iu and to lot of land No. 125 in the
third land district of White County, Ga,
Said lot containing two hundred and fifty
acres of land, more or less, and lying and
being in Tesnatee Militia district, said
county, and lying near Yonah school
house. Said land levied on as the prop¬
erty of ,J. R. Lumsden, to satisfy an exe¬
cution issued on the 18th day of October,
1894 from the Superior Court, White
County, in favor of the State Bankidg
Company, of Gainesville, Ga., and trans¬
ferred to J. H. Westmoreland for vaiue
and against J. R. Lumsden.
This the first day of June, 1920.
A. L. DORSEY, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the town of Cleveland, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues¬
day in July, 1920, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following property to-wit:
One bay mare about six years old weigh¬
ing about six hundred pounds; also one
light brindle cow about six years old;
also one cream colored heifer about two
years old (said heifer now giving milk).
Levied on as the pruperty of W. N. Bar¬
ker to satisfy a mortgage 6 fa issued
from the Superior Court of said county
against said W. N. Barker and in favor
of Ritchie & Wells.
Tiiis June 3 , 1920 .
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff.
A fine heifer to freshen in next
ten days; also five year old cow;
Cross Berkshire-Duroc sows and
pure registered Duroc-Jersey boars
at bargain prices; also pigs.
Write Mt. Laurel Farm,
Route 3. Cleveland, Ga.
WANTED— A man to sell Singer Sewing
machines in White and adjoining coun¬
ties, $100 a week proposition to right
man. Must, have conveyance. Capitol
unnecessary. Write or call on Singer
Sewing Machine Co., Gainesville, Ga.
To the White People of the Ninth Con¬
gressional District of Georgia :
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the Democratic nomination for represen¬
tative from this district in the 17th Con¬
gress and ask your support.
I pledge adherence to our constitution¬
al liberties, and to the principles and
policies of Washington, Jefferson, Madi¬
son and Monroe; and my unalterable and
uncompromtsing opposition to any at¬
tempt to surrender our independence
through a foreign League of Nations; to
burden the American people with the
support of foreign nations and peoples;
or to force compulsory military training
upon the country.
Lawrenceville, Ga., April 24, 1920.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion ot the ear. There I*
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is t» a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness la caused by an In¬
flamed condition ot the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im¬
perfect hearing, and when H is entirely
closed. Deafness 1* the result. Unless ths
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, htaring
will be destroyed forever. Manr esses of
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur¬
faces Halt's Catarrh Medicine acts thru
we win give One Hundred Dollars for
M rt V PfllS nf Cat a rrhst TVa a ass that