Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXI, No 50
John Farmer, who killed Little
Bill Dorsey in White ceunty two
weeks ago and was in turn shot in
the stomach by Ed Carpenter, and
later removed to a hospital here,
has about recovered from his wound
and was Tuesday removed to the
coanty jail.
It is said that Farmer's wound
was not as serious as was at first
supposed, and that the bullet did
not go through the stomach, but
took a glancing direction.
It seems that Farmer had some
lively experience while in the hos
dital. For several days he appear¬
ed to be crazy and would tear the
bandages off his wound. .Sheriff'
Crow, knowing Farmer had been a
strong aud constant dVinker, sug
gssted that the patient, being de¬
prived of his favorite beverage,
might have a teu,ch of delirium tre¬
mens, Accordingly, a good stiff
libation of mountain dew was given
him—and the effect was magical—
no more trouble.
Farmer is 6 feet 5 inches tall and
equally as long while lying on his
cot in the hospital. lie would lie
there stretched out witu about two
feet of feet and legs sticking out at
the foot of the cot like the tail of a
wagon.—Gainesville Aerald.
Fishing Party Enjoyed Outing
Last Saturday was a joyful day
celebrated for the Fourth of July
by a fishing party composed of the
tne following : Mr. and Mrs. Ran¬
som Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Satterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pal¬
mer, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha London,
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Edwards,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Palmer, Mr. and
Mrs. Arvel Allen, Uarve Hefner,
Walter McClure, Arvel London;
and several young folk which ran
the number up to thirty. While
the men were catching the fish the
good ladies prepared the bread and
the rest of the dinner, and when
tliiy returned something over three
hundred fish were fried. All had
plenty to eat and report a good
■■■■trouble; Jlare subject mothers to bowel must II
■ ■■•be careful about this.
For half a century mothers
have been using
Dr. Thacher’«
Diarrhoea Mixture
I to safeguard the health of
their teething babies. A sim¬
ple and harmless remedy; for
children and adults. A11 drug
stores, 35c, MONET BACK
if no relief.
ban 51 Chattanooga, Term., U. S. A.
___________________ lie
For sale by’
Cleveland, Ga.
4 *
4 4 The Difference
4 —between the ♦vho has learned
4 and bank his and the
to save money
4 who has not learned,is the differ¬
« Form the habit man
« ten hence, between the
4 saving ence, years
of flourishing in business and the
» ana Bank with looking for job.
man a
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
T. W. Kimsey, W. B. Robinson,
R. W. Allisod, R. B. Miller, J. J.
Kimsey, S. A. Hamilton, J. H.
Stovall, S. R. Vandiver, W. B.
Lumsden, V. L, York, W. A.
White, Fratus Abernathy, B. H,
Middlebrooks, F. M. Glover, H.
A. Satterfield, J. H. White, C. R.
Crumley, W. H. Courtney, Joe
Stover, B, F. Trotter, C. A. Skel¬
ton, J. B. King, J. F. Cantrell, C.
F. Saine, A. J. Jarrard, J. P, Dav¬
The above named men will please
meet me Saturday, July to, at 3 p.
m,, at the County Agent’s office,
in the court house, for the purpose
of making plans for the County
Fair to be held sometime this Fall.
Every man 0$ the list is expected
to be present or send a man from a
T. B. HOOPER. Pses.,
White County Fair Association.
Chattahoochee News
A. 12 . Alexander and family and
his mother visited W.ll. Alexander
and family, Sunday.
W. 1 . Warwick and children vis
bed Mrs, Lee Head, Sunday.
Casher Dillard and Joo Ailison
filledjtheir regular appointments
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Sarah Woliard, of Jackson
county, was visiting relatives of
White counjy last week.
Parks Brownlow and Willie Mc
Intire gave Mr. Vaughan and John
Head a pleasant call Sunday after
Ask Miss Mae Barrett’ if she
learned how to run a Ford car
Sunday afternoon.
Misses Clara Alexander, Anna
and Rebecca Dillard were guests of
Miss Lola Head Sunday afternoon.
A.F. Kenimer is wearing a Broad
smile over a new boarder at his
house. It is a boy.
Misser Ethel, Annabell and
Blanche Waldrop gave Misses Viola
and Rilla Kenimer a call, Sunday.
There was a very large crowd at¬
tended Sunday school at Chatta¬
hoochee Sunday.
One good cook and one person
to do general housework. Will
pay cook $30 per month and board
with room, and housekeeper $20
per month and board. Will accepi
either man or woman cook.
A. H. Aenderson.
Henderson Hotel. 7-9
Sixteen cent newsprint paper,
thirty cent sugar, thirty-four cent
gasoline and forty cent meat make
a “thirty cent editor” scratch his
head and wonder where we are
drifting,—Richland News.
Mr. Leonard P. Williams, of
Sautee, and Miss Mary J. Harrison
of Meridian, Miss., were married
in Nacoochee Valley on June 29.
at “Starlight,” the home of Miss
Ellene Star. The ceremony was
performed by Rev.R. P. Ethridge,
assisted by Rev. S. D. Cherry.
Mis. Williams is a most beauti¬
ful and attractive young lady, be¬
loved by all who know her. The
groom is a son of Mr. R. A. Wil¬
liams. He is a graduate of Tech
and is engaged in electrical work at
Jesup. He is very popular and is
a sterling yoUng man. The happy
couple spent their honeymoon by
camping on Tray mountain.
After the wedding a beautiful#
reception was held on the lawn
and was fully enjoyed by the one
hundred and twenty-five guests.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davidson!
of Toccoa, are visiting Mrs. Davidy
son’s mother, Mrs. McClure at thii
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Sosebee
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wf
N. Goss.
Mr. G. W. Chastain and Soif
Harley, of Habersham, were ii^
this community one day last weel^
on business.
Mr. M. B. Cox arid family spent
the 4th of July at lha big Burton
dam and report a good time.
Mr. Jeff Sutton accompanied by
his brother and Richard Barron
were in this community Saturday;
of last week.
One of Mr. D. D. York’s little
girl’s got pilot-snake bit last Sat¬
urday aud is suffering vejy much at
this writing.
There will be preaching atMon
roe next Sunday. Everybody come
and bring somebody with you,Rev.
J. M. Sosebee will preach.
Miss Li/.zte Dooley dined with
Mrs. J. C. Truelove, Tuesday.
Ask Mr. James Smith how he
enjoyed himself Sunday afternoon.
Luther Smith spent one night
last week with his aunt,Miss Lizzie
Cilia Saxon and Fred Pitman
were seen hitching at J. D. R.
Smith’s Sunday afternoon. Won¬
der who they are looking after
there ?
j. L. Dooley gave (. I>. R.
Smith a pleasant call Sunday. He
seems to be enjoying life fine. He
is helping his niece whrk her erop.
Miss Jessie Smith, of Hall coun¬
ty, gave relatives of White county
a visit the first of last week.
Misses Annie and Lula Smith
gave Miss Belle Truelove a call last
Mrs. Martha Bowen is v#ry low.
We hope she w 11 soon recover.
Elbert Kanady, wife and child¬
ren visited Alex Stringer and fam
ilo Saturday night and Sunday.
Clarence and Clifford Morris has
returned home, to the delight of
their many friends.
Miss Della Davis, of Helen, was
visiting her aunt and cousins, Mrs.
J. F. Davis, the first of the week.
Sunday school at Shoal Creek is
progressing nicely under the man¬
agement of Elbert Kanady.
Mrs. Ben Smith and children vis¬
ited her mother, Mrs. Martha
Bowen, last week.
Hon. Clifford Walker In
Behalf of A Better
Reprint of Article front the
Carrollton Free Cress Re¬
porting Speech of II 011 -
Clifford Walker Made in
The address of lion. Clifford
Walker, Attorney General of Geor¬
gia. was one of the most powerful
and convincing ever delivered in
Carrollton on Memorial Day, His
main line of thought is “The im¬
provement oi Educational Condi¬
tions in Georgia,’’ and in a most
incisive manner he dealt with the
questions of Visiting Nurses, Good
Roads, Living Salaries, Medical
Examinations for Our Sahool Chil¬
dren, Immigration Tests, and not
least ot all, Bolshevism, that foul
vulture whose sable shadows are
upon every land. Surely every¬
body will walit Clifford Walker,
princely and patriotic as he is, a
devout churchman, an active, lay¬
man, a constructive statesman, an
educational reformer, for our next
governor. A very prominent man
man of our town who went to
school with him when they were
boys said to the writer : “J have
never heard one word against Clif¬
ford Walker.”—Advertisement.
We wish to express lo our many
friends our sincere appreciation for
the kindness shown to us in the
deal It of our baby.
Mr, and Mis. \V*H. Thomason.
I will sell on the 15th day of July
at my home all my household and
kitchen furniture, t milk cow, 2
shoals, also corn. Sale begins at
10 o’clock.
Mrs. John A. Ledford.
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Notice of the Protracted Meet¬
ings For the Cleveland Mission
Oakes Chapel begins fourth Sun¬
day in July iia.m,; Smith's Chap¬
el first Sunday in August, 11 a.m. ;
Pleasant Retreat, second Sunday
in August, 11 a.m,; Mount Pleas¬
ant, third Sunday in August, 11 a.
m. ; Blue Ridge, fifth Sunday in
August, 7 130 p. tn.
T. J. Harris, P. C.
Had Not Walked in Five Years”
Says Fannie Thomas, of 407 South Washington St., Albany, Ga*
Had suffered with rheumatism. Had taken every kind of med¬
icine nearly and did not do any good at all. A friend gave me
a little pamphlet good for iSO cents on a dollar bottle of Old Indian
Kidney and Liver Tonic. I sent to the drug store and got a bot¬
tle. 1 took it according to direction,s and in less than a week I
was able to go down town for the first time in five years. Old
Indian Kidney and Liver Tonic will relieveRheuftiatism, Kidney
and Liver complaints. Good for Malaria. Will relieve pain in
the neck, side, back anil shoulders in two hours. Relieves fe¬
male diseases and women’s troubles. Five or six doses will fix
you where your work will not tire you and you can do your work
with ease. It is many times better and many times safer than
calomel. Cut this coupon out and take it to Cleveland Drug Co.,
and get the dollar bottle for seventy cents. Our guarantee is we
sell you the first bottle at cost and give you your money back if
it does not give satisfaction.
To all my customers and Ford owners, I will
open up a garage at the old Vas Hefner shop at
wagon yard, on July 5, 1920.
A full line of Ford parts, casings, tubes, oils,
Calls answered both day and night. Work
Teachers’ Examination.
The next regular state teachers’
examination will occur on July 30
and 31, The examination for re¬
newal of license of first grado will
be held July 30. White county ap¬
plicants should be at the Cleveland
school building by 8 130 a. m.each
7-16 T. V. Cantrell, C.S. S.