Newspaper Page Text
Cannot Praise this
Remedy too Highly
Judging and wretchedness from her letter, endured the mis¬ by
ery Mrs. Charlie R. F. D. No.
144, Dillon, Taylor, S. C., have 1,
Box must
been terrible. No one, after read¬
ing her the letter, can healing continue to
doubt great power
oi PE-RU-NA for troubles due
to catarrh or catarrhal conditions
in any is part inspiration of the body. Her
letter an to every
aick and suffering man or woman
anywhere. Here it is: “I suffered
two years with catarrh of the head,
stomach and bowels. Tried two of
the best took doctors, PE-RU-NA who gave and me up.
I then can
truthfully began say PE-RU-NA, I am well. I weighed When I
to w use use A JL ncigutu
one hundred hundred pounds. and My fifty. weight I
now is one
cannot praise PE-RU-NA too
highly, for it was a Godsend to me.
I got relief from the first half
bottle and twelve bottles cured me.
I advise all sufferers to take
As an there emergency remedy in the the
borne, of is reliable, nothing quite time-tried
equal this
medicine, PE-RU-NA. Thousands
place their sole dependence on it
for coughs, trouble, colds, constipation, stomach rheu- and
matism, and pains in the back, side and
loins nd i to prevent the grip and
Spanish Flu. lu.‘ To To keep keep the blood
pure and maintain bodily strength
and robustness, take PE-RU-NA PE-RU-NA.
You can buy any¬
where in either tablet or liquid
"'Here is another letter that makes me
happy,” that says Peterson, of Buffalo. “One
I would rather have than a thousand
There "Money iRn’t everything in this world.
is many a hlg hearted, rich man
who would give all he has on earth to be
able to produce a remedy with such
mighty healing power as Peterson's Oint¬
ment, to sell at all druggists for 60 cents
a large box.”
Dear Sirs:—
"I was an untold sufferer from old run¬
ning sore and ulcers. I had tried most
. everything without any relief from pain.
A friend told me of your wonderful oint¬
ment and the first box took away the
pain that had not left me before In years,
and after using just nine dollars’ worth
of the salve I am cured. The ulcer was
9 Inches by 6H Inches, Is all healed and I
can walk. Never, never will I be without
Peterson’s again. ,
"You may use this to recommend your
ointment, if you wish. I cannot sqy enough
to praise it.” Yours truly, Mrs, Albert
Southcott, Medina, N. Y. Mall orders
filled by Peterson Ointment Co„ Inc., Buf¬
falo, N, Y.
,o*eHl»Andruff~Stop8HairPtUling Restores Color end
HINDERCORNS Removes Cornu, Cal¬
louses. rto., walk stops ait pain, ensures comfort to the
feet, makes in* easy. 15c. by mall or at Dru*.
Klsfea, H»bcox Chemical Works, J^atchogue, M. V.
After you eat—always use
—one or two tablets—eat like candy.
Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloated
Gassy Feeling. Stops indigestion,
food souring, repeating, headache
and the many miseries caused by
EATONIC is the best remedy, it takes
the harmful acids and gases right out
of the body and, of course, you get
well. Tens of thousands wonderfully
benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or
money refunded by your own drug
gist. Cost n trifle. Please try it!
No Objection to That. ,
“Jims wns held up the other night —”
“By a bandit?”
“No; as a shining example.”
“California Syrup of Figs*
Child’s Best Laxative
Accept “California” Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most harm¬
less physic for the little stomach, liver
and bowels. Children love its fruity
taste. Full directions on each bottle.
You must say ’‘California."—Adv.
He who goes on an occasional spree
Is belter off.
Self-control does more for a man
than government control.
Kr a # Norn iOfnin^ Ni^ht N1 in
m r' » p_ i ■”* tgrp&BM i
eepYour Clear Healthy Eyes
Clean - •-«*
Hlfrite For free Care Book Murti>o Co.. Oi cafe. US.
Name “Bayer” on Genuine
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” Is genu¬
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only an unbroken
"Bayer package” which contains proper
directions to relieve Headache, Tooth¬
ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger “Bayer packages.” Aspirin
is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon
oaceticacidester of Salicylicaeld.— Adv,
We All May Do It.
"New suit, eh?”
"New suit nothing. This is a suit
years because I told her I thought 1
might need it to go fishing in.”
Doctors’ Favorite Medicine Now
Purified and Refined from All
Objectionable Effects. “Calo
„tabs”—the New Name.
What will human ingenuity do next?
Smokeless powder, wireless telegraphy,
horseless carriages, colorless iodine, taste¬
less quinine,—now The comes nausealess calo¬
mel. new improvement called “Calo
tabs” is now on sale at drugstores.
For biliousness, constipation and indi¬
gestion tically perfect the new calomel tablet evidenced is a prac¬
fact remedy, manufacturers as by
the that the have au¬
thorized ail druggists to refund the priee
If the customer is not "perfectly delighted”
with Calolabs. One tablet at bedtime with
a swallow of water—that’s all. No taste,
no ing nausea, liver no griping, no salts. By morn¬
your is thoroughly eleansed and
you tite. are Fat feeling fine, with a hearty appe¬
what you please—no danger—go
about your business.
Calotabs are not sold in bulk. Get an
original package, sealed. Price, thirty
five cents.—(adv.)
"What’s the fuss In the yard?"
"Our dog has just bitten a candi¬
“I wish our dog would keep out of
politics. I didn’t intend to vote for
that feller, but now 1 s’pose I’ll hafter.”
Don’t streak or ruin your material in a
poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dye,.”
Easy directions in package.
Lift Right Off Without Pain
Doesn’t hurt * bit! Drop a little
"Freezone” on an aching corn, Instantly
that corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift It right off with fingers. Truly 1
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
“Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to
remove every hard com, soft corn, or
corn between the toes, and the calluses,
without soreness or irritation. f
Oh, Fudge!
"Got anything in the shape of a
house?” “Got a full line of tents.
Exact shape of a house.”
Dont Forget Cutlcura Talcum
When adding to your toilet requisites,
An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby
and dusting powder and perfume, ren¬
dering other 1 perfumes superfluous.
You may rely on it because one of the
Cutlcura Trio (Soap. Ointment and
Talcum). 25c each everywhere.—Adv,
Probable Reason.
Boreleigh — I wonder why Miss
Bright never asks me around on Sun¬
Bangs—She probably looks upon
Sunday- as a day of rest.
They iMy Your Your will last twice as long „ if if you you Shake
Into ito Shoes ALLEN'S FOOT FOOT t EASE, the
Antiseptic, ntiseptic, away'"the paling ^ powder r for for the the feet
takes - sting 'ing of Corns, Bunions.
Callouses, sore, aching, swollen, tender feet.
Allen’s Foot-Ease Foot = stops the friction which
causes the the wear wear on on shoes snoes and an. stockings.
saves expense and makes walking a delight.
Shake it into your shoes. Sprinkle it in the
foot-bath. Sold everywhere.—Adv.
The Idea.
He—Madem. I intend to be boss in
my own house.
She—Well, you know where good in¬
tentions lead to, don’t you?
Dr. Peery’s “Dead Shot” is powerful but
safe. One dose is enough to expel Worms
or Tapeworm. No castor oil necessary —
if there Is work enough “to go
around” there is likely to be money
- - Jr "***"•
After Ail-Night Fight Is Nominated—
Nominee Reached 702 Votes In
The Final Balloting
San Francisco.—Tuesday morning.
Governor James M. Cox, of Ohio, was
nominated by acclamation by the Dem¬
ocratic national convention after 44
ballots had been taken.
Cox had reached 702 votes in the
balloting, McAdoo leaders then made
the motion be unanimous by aelama
tion. There was a scene of uproar
and for several minutes Chairman
Robinson could not act on the motion.
As soon as Amidon made his motion
at 1:40 the floor became a mass of
excited delegates and the hall was
in an uproar. Half a dozen parades
were going around at the same time.
Then began a vociferous demonstra¬
tion with delegations marching
through the aisles led by bands.
McAdoo’s last vote on the 44th bal¬
lot was 270.
"It’s wonderful! It’s marvelous! I
am overcome with joy,” said Mrs. Dan
J. Mahoney, daughter of the nominee,
who was sitting with the International
News Service reporters. “Of course,
be will be elected. It was a glorious
fight and a brave one. The loyalty of
his friends was superb. T shall never
forget it.”
Mrs. Mahoney was overcome with
congratulations. She held reception
with other delegates as they streamed
by the International News Service
seats. , )
Tears were in her eyes. Not many
hours before she had talked with her
father over the international News
Service wire in his newspaper at Day
ton, Ohio.
"We are doing all we can for you,”
she wired him.
Chairman Robinson, himself, pro¬
posed adjournment at 1:50 until noon
Tuesday, *md it was carried unani¬
“I am Itappy over the happy termi¬
nation of a great convention," declar¬
ed Homer S. Cummings, chairman
of the Democratic national committee,
one of the defeated candidates.
“I have known ’Jimmy’ Cox for
thirty years. He is a country editor,
a fine man, a splendid candidate,”
Said Mrs. Antoinette Funk, as she
left the hall following the nomination,
’The nomination of Cox was done in
the convention assembled and not in
i hotel in the wee hours of the morn
ing. .Governor Cox will sweep New’
York and the country.
"Will the women work as hard for
Governor Cox as they would have for
some other candidate?" Mrs. Funk
was asked/
"No, 1 do not believe so.” she an
swerad, “but it will be difficult to get
them enthusiastic.”
"Will you do your part?” she was
isked. '
"I certainly will,, she said.
Mrs, Funks had worked night and
iay in the interest of Mr.'McAdoo, up
*o the very last moment.
"I am more than satisfied.” said
Charley Murphy, Tammany leader of
New York. ,
Eight Persons Killed In R. R. Wreck
McAlester, Okla. — Eight persons
were killed, twelve seriously, injured
and ten others suffered minor injur¬
ies when a Missouri. Kansas and Tex
as freight train smashed into the rear
end of a. carnival company’s special
in the Atoka yards, about thirty miles
south of here.
Miners Attacked Holding Meeting
Williamson. W. Va.—One man was
k lied and three are known to have
been wounded in a battle at Roder
field. According to the stories told
to the authorities, the miners at Rod
erfield formed a union organization
on Friday, and Sunday afternoon were
holding a meeting in the open air
when they were fifed upon from the
brush on the mountain side. Many of
the miners wh# were armed sought
cover, it was asserted, and returned
the fire, the shooting lasting for some
6 Bell-ans
—WzZK Hot water
r Sure Relief
Be Sore Baby is Healthy
at Teething Time
els Keep digestion natural, the bow.
open, give sufficient food and
The Inflate’ tad Children’! Kefalater
Then the milk teeth never cause
trouble for you, or discomfort
brings forbaby. Mrs. Winslow’s Syrup
most remarkable results
in good health and comfort for
the baby. It’s pleasant to give
and pleasant to take.
fanto* Harmlem, and purely vegetable, in- 't m
children’s regulator,
formula on every label. Guaran¬
teed non narcotic, non-aicohoLta
At All Druggist*
Clear Your
with This
Old Reliable
Remedy —
For pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches,
and tan, as well as for more serious face, scalp
and body eruptions, hives, edema, etc., use
this scientific compound of sulphur. As a lo¬
tion, tt soothes and heals: taken Internally -
a tew drops in a glass of water—It getsat the
root of the trouble and parties the blood.
Physicians agree that aulphur is one of the
most effective blood purifiers known. Re
member, a good complexion isn't skin deep
—It's health deep
Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR
COMPOUND. It has been used with satis¬
factory results for over 25 years.
60c and $1-20 the bottle
at your druggist’s. If he can’t supply you,
send his name and the price In stamps and
we will send you a bottle direct.
Baltimore, Md.
UamtU Sulthur Oinr
mmt— 2Sr S0c~f* “» vstrt <*•
liquid Camfmnd
Kill All Flies! THBY SPREAD
Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attract, and
kUla all fiiea. Neat, dean, ornamental, convenient Lasts and
-I F '- — ■ cheap. siiaes
fp*iiiBnrT^i i Hi■ Tcaa't son. spill Made of tip metal,
or over:
will not soil or injure
anything. Guaranteed.
i.ims iii. _ fe t your dealer or
• S by EXPRESS, Be Kalb prepaid, *1.25. Brooklyn, N. Y.
HAROLD SOMERS. 150 Are.. . Broo
Don't wait until you are
down on your back with
chills and fever. Malceyour
system immune from Ma¬
larial disorder.
15T0P5 Kills the CHIUS & FEVER
germs of the dis¬
ease before they get a foot¬
hold in your blood, and
tones up the system making
you well aud
|TU Waco, Sebreai Tax Drug C*.
Many are making 115.00 and op per day. c*n
aini Fruit and Vegetable* for market, neigh
kora and borne use with a
Made better. last loafer, no waste, fire* best
results, uses lest fuel easy to operate.
Prices. $2,30 and up. We furnish can*
and label*. Write for FREE BOOKLET.
Tht Carolina Matal Product* Co.,
Post Office Box 19 Wilminrton, N. C
j j Comfort Your Skin
With Cuticur a Soap
' and Fragrant Talcum
I Soap 2 Sc, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
CENT A SHARE. LOOO saares 110.00,
10.000 shares 1100.00, all cash or cash,
balance paid 5 non-assessabie. equal monthly payments, fully how
and No matter
much or little you buy you will get a divi
j dend macasrement on Jan. 1st, that 1921. caters Honest, to production competent and
, dividends. Greatest opportunity ta the
j history legitimate of business the oil ana business, fair returns for honorable, on invest¬
ment This stock will be worth more.
I 114*4 a*lR Fart w<*rtk, Texa»
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 28-1920.
Newsy Paragraphs
Of State Interest
Macon.—Six persons were injured
when an automobile tire blew out and
caused a machine driven by E. S. Wal¬
ton to crash into a telephone pole.
Walton, Jiis wife and four children,
were in jhe car and all sustained in¬
juries, none of which are expected
to result seriously. Mr. Walton sus¬
tained a broken nose, while Mrs. Wal¬
ton and the children were cut and
bruised. All were taken to the hos¬
pital, but were later removed to their
Athens.—Wallace Parnell, Jr., aged
12 years, was the victim of a most un¬
usual accident here. The youth wae
playing in front of a store, where a
truck was being unloaded of part of
its cargo of miscellaneous merchan¬
dise. A bag containing a pistol was
thrown upon the sidewalk, the impact
with the pavement causing the fire¬
arm to be discharged. The ballet
died a few hours later
pierced the little fellow’s skull. He
was rushed to the hospital, where he
Americus.—Mrs. C. L. Grady, a white
woman held in jail here under a one
year sentence on the state farm, at¬
tempted to end her life by taking poi¬
son. The attempt was discovered
quickly and Dr. Frank L. Cato, who
was summoned, gave the woman sev¬
eral antidotes which prevented any
serious consequences. Mrs. Grady
was convicted of furnishing her hus
band tools with which to escape from
Jail, and being unable to pay a fine
of $200, she must serve a year at
Macon.—At a meeting of the direc¬
tors of the Georgia association held :
here plans were made for securing erne
million dollars for Georgia’s develop¬
ment and for the enrollment of a large
number of members in the association.
Other plans discussed were co-opera¬
tion of the government in land settle¬
ment, and the reclamation of certain
tracts of Georgia lands. The support
of the association was pledged to se¬
curing a large attendance at the na¬
tional drainage congress to be held
in Atlanta in November
Atlanta. — The lynebings during
the first six months of 1920 showed a
marked decrease under the number for
that period during the last two years,
according to a statement prepared by
R. R. Moton, principal of Tuskegee
institute. The number this year is
given as twelve, which was seventeen
less than during the first six months
of 1919 and thirty-three less than for
the same period of 1918. All were ne¬
groes, eight having been charged with
criminal assault. Lynehings by states
were given as follows: Minnesota 2,
Alabama 2, Georgia 2, Kentucky 1,
Flojrida 1, Kansas 1, South Carolina 1
and Texas 1.
Dalton:—Lucius Manning, a prosper¬
ous farmer residing in the western
section of Whitfield county, recently
exhumed the body of Ms wife, who
died* several months ago, claiming he
had been given the pawer to resur¬
rect her from the grave. He was
interrupted by his indignant neigh¬
bors, who caused him to desist. Man¬
ning has very positive religious con¬
victions, which he attempted to vin¬
dicate during the draft period by de¬
clining to register and for which he
was sentenced to serve a term in the
jail. He is a close student of the
Bible and claims to be endowed with
supernatural powers.
Decatur.—-Without a single dissent¬
ing vote cast in the entire election,
Decatur voters authorized the issuing
of bonds to the extent of one hun¬
dred and fifty thousand dollars, one
hundred thousand dollars of this sum
being for a new high school building
and fifty thousand dollars for improve¬
ment and extension of the .city wa¬
terworks system. The polls were
open all day as in a regular election
and while it was always certain that
bonds would carry it was not known
that the opposition that had develop¬
ed to the bond project would be so
overwhelmingly crushed. Only 249
votes were necessary to ratify the
project and 365 votes were cast in
favor of school bonds without a sin¬
gle vote being cast against either.
Registered voters numbered 497.
Elberton.—Night Policeman Loften
Jones, in tryitag to arrest a negro. Will
Peloat, on the northbound Seaboard
Air Line midnight train here recent¬
ly, was shot in the arrty by the negro.
The policeman then pulled his pistol
and fired two shots, killing Peloat,
and also another negro sitting in the
same seat with him by the name of
Will Harris. When the train arrived
in Elberton. it appears, the negro
Peloat was swearing and raising a
disturbance. The conductor of the
train asked the policeman to take
him off. as he said he was drinking
and had been very disorderly all the
way from Atlanta. He said that he
tried to get a policeman in Athens to
take him off the train. The police¬
man here entered the train and as he
approached the negro drew his pistol
and fired. Jones did not intend to
shoot Harris, but it is understood that
Harris had been drinking with Peloat
and was unruly.
Savannah.—J. B, and E. A. Oliveres
of Savannah were rescued by heroic
work on the part of William Lovell,
a son of the town clerk of Tybee. when
their boat in which they had been fish¬
ing was capsized near Lovell station,
• Tybee Island, in a stiff nor easter. The
sea was rough, though the skies ware
! clear, and their light boat was over
i; turned. Young Lovell put to sea in
: a skiff and fighting every foot of
! the way to the strugling men saved
both. The lifeguards, who had been
| on Tybee duty and beach are on duty do at all hours
at proper, not serve
as far up the coast as Lovell,
May Pas* the Critical Period Safely
and Comfortably by Taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
E, Summit, N. J.—“I have taken Lydia
Pinkham’s Vegetable dur-
Compound right and so I work tried better. it. Now You I feel all
can have
my -Victoria permission Koppl, to publish 21 Oak this letter.”
Summit, N. J. Ridge Ave.,
If you have warning symptoms such
as a sense of suffocation, hot flashes,
headaches, evil, backache, dread of im¬
pending palpitation timidity of the sounds in the
ears, before the irregularities, heart, spark 3
eyes, con
inquietude, stipation, variable appetite, weakness,
and dizziness,- get a bottle
of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬
pound and begin taking will the medicine at
once. We know it help you as it
did Mrs. Koppl.
I . I - . i P . ....... i—1,1.1 ii iii j i
_ __
Lax Laws.
Governor Smith, advocating stricter
divorce laws, said in Albany the other
"They told me at Atlantic City on
Easter Sunday a story about a beau
tiful young woman at one of the lead
ing hotels. It seems that she was
heard to sigh bitterly and exclaim:
“What annoys me isn’t George's ffe
sertion hut the fact that my next hus¬
band will tie tiie thirteenth,"
99 OUT OF 100
Of the little ills such as Nasal Ca
turrh. Sunburn. Itching, or Soreness
anywhere, may be quickly relieved by
applying Vaeher-Balm which is harm¬
less. and cooling. Keep it handy,
and avoid imitations.
If you cannot buy Vaeher-Balm lo¬
cally. send 30c in stamps for a tube,
to E. W. Vaeber, Inc., New Orleans,
La.—Agents wanted.—Adv.
A woman would rather talk to a
disagreeable man than listen to an
agreeable one.
Tired and Worn ?
Does summer find you tired, weak
all worn out? Do you have constant
backache; feel lame and stiff, and
without life or ambition? There’s a
reason why you have feel so badly. and Likely
your kidneys weakened are
causing you to feel so miserable. Get
back your health and keep it! Help
the weakened kidneys Doan’s with Doan's
Kidney Pills. have helped Ask
thousands and should help you.
your neighbor!
A Georgia Case
T. C. Cook, re¬ 'firryPieturr
tired salesman, 17 maStery'
Carmichael St.,
Newnan, Ga., says:
“I suffered from a
constmt pain in
the small of my
back. When I got
up after stooping
over I thought brea^ my
back would
in two. My sight
was blurred and ob¬
jects seemed to friend
float before my eyes. A rec¬
ommended Doan's Kidney Pills to me
and T bought some. Doan's cured me
of all signs of kidney trouble.”
Get Doan'a «t An? Store, 60c a So*
Death only a matter of short time.
Don't wait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
rh* world’s standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric arid troubles—the
National Ramedy of Holland since 1696.
Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists.
Loek far the ns me Gold Medal ra every bet
end accept do britatzoa
Sell f.r 50 T-«r, FW ffAUXU, CHILLS AND FEYEt
lint nsi (LwnlSUHglaiitTtilc. At ii! Dru Stmt.
Has that good
licorice taste
looking youVebeen
ing Change of Life
and I think it is a
good remedy ih such
a condition. I could
and not digest had my food
much pain
and burning in my
stomach after
meals. I could not
and sleep, had backache,
worst of all
werethe hot flashes.
I saw in the papers