Newspaper Page Text
Hbc Glevelanfc Courier, j
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post iffles at Cleveland
(la., as second clh'*s mail matter.
Subscription, $1.50 per .year
The two great parties have nom¬
inated their candidates for the pres¬
idency. The republicans have for
leeir ticket Senator Harding, of
Ohio, for president, and Governor
Coolidge, of Massachusetts, vice.
The democrats have Governor Cox
of Ohio for president, and Frank¬
lin D. Roosevelt, assistant secre¬
tary of the navy, vice. The two
leading candidates being from the
same state we naturally look to
Ohio getting on the map in No¬
After an absence of two or three
years, Jim Hester arrived at. home
last Week. Jim has seen service
in France and Germany, where he
was assigned a position as guard on
the Rhine for many months. He
has a host of friends in Cleveland
who are glad to see him safe at
home again. Jim says he will re¬
turn to the' army within a short
time and re-enlist, for he likes army
life better than anything else.
Don’t forget the all day singing
at the Cleveland Baptist church on
July 11 tli.
We are requested to announce
that the Bible Institute will open
at the Baptist church the first Mon¬
day in Augest, There will be sev¬
eral preachers present.
Mr. S. S. Crumley, of Roberts
lown. was in town last week and
stated that he would leave for Col¬
orado Sunday. He has relatives
there whom he will visit,and while
there will endeavor to locate a gold
mine he found while in that state
many years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernett Kenimer,
who have been in Albany, N. Y.,
for the past year, spent a few days
with home folks in town last week.
Mr. Kenimer will be located In At¬
lanta for some time.
Mr. and Mrs, Sparkman, wiio
have been in Cleveland from Flori¬
da for the past few weeks, left
Monday morning for Ohio. They
travel in a Ford, and find traveling
in this way very enjoyable, since
»• • • ••• 9 9 ••• 9 9 -• 9 9 •» ••• • 9 9 9 ••• • 9 9 9 9 • ••* 9 •«
Save the Dollar Now
lias it ever occurred to you that the dollars you save
now will go twice as far in purchasing a home or any other
necessity when normal conditions return? The record high
wages and salaries of today make this the most logical time
to save.
Every dollar deposited today in savings will he worth
considerable more in buying power when prices drop, in
addition to drawing interest. Appreciating the import¬
ance of this opportunity, we urge you to add as much as
possible to your savings regularly.
Our officers appreciate your patronage and want your
connection with this bank to be of distinct benefit to you.
We hope you will feel free to make full use of our facilities.
OUR MOTTO: Safety, Service and Satisfaction
9-».|»»-9 "9 -* 9 9’*>9’**9 •- 9 • ••■#••• #••• 9 9 ••• 9-«' 9 9-w 9 9 9 .1
Meat Preserver
Absolutely does away with the old way.
5 . Guaranteed to preseve and keep your meat,
S You will find a sample bottle at the Post Office.
Also find it in stock at our place
£ cr see B. H. Middlebrooks; he has used ft.
Dockery fit Reece
the y can st °p whenever they please
along the route, set up their tent 1
and stay as long as they want.
Miss Mary Cornell,who has been
at the Henderson Hotel,has accept- j
ed a position as nurse at Downey’s
hospital in Gainesville.
Miss Caliie Hall, who has been
visiting at the home of Mr. H. B.
Underwood, is now spending a few
days at the home of Mr. J. H. Sto
vail at Leaf.
Miss Katie Jackson left Monday I
morning for Clarkesville,where she |
will attend Teachers’ Institute this
1<. G. Jones and A. M. Cooley,
have teceived a car load of Fords,
and have already sold three or
four. Fords are always good sell¬
Mr. Fred McDowell, cashier of
White county bank, spent a few
days with home folks at j^adison
since our last issue.
Miss Nellie Kyte, from Orlando,
Fla., is the guest of Miss'Leila
Skelton this week.
Married at the home of Mr. and
and Mrs. J. T. McDonald, Sunday
morning, Mr. Buford Ledford and
Miss Hettie Howard. Mr. Ledford
is one of our best young men, while
the bride is one among the best
girls in this section. We extend
to them our best wishes for a long
and prosperous life.
Luther Glover hits bought a new ;
buggy. Look out, girls.
W. E. Ev.,.......
Miss Lucy, of Meldean,spent
day here with relatives. j
Mr. Oscar Allison, of Duke’s i
Creek, was down this way Mon
Mrs. Martha Merritt spent last
week here with relatives.
Mrs. R. W. Ash spent one day
here last week.
Mr. J. T. R. McDonald visited
Cleveland, Sunday.
Q-uite a number of our people
atteuded the Childten’s Day at
Testintee, Sunday.
Mr. B. M. Cox is going to make
a lot of chairs.
Mr. Nelson Miller passed thru
this part one day last week.
Miss Icie Clark, of West Point,
is home on a visit.
County Sunday School Convention
The White County Sunday
School Convention will be held the
first Sunday in August. All Sun
day schools are requested to elect
delegates to the convention The
P r °g ram will be published later,
Dr. E, F. Adair has just opened
U P a dental office in the J ackson
BuBd * n f?< Gainesville, Ga. Dr.
Adair specializes in the treatment
of Riggs disease and in saving the
natural teeth alive, thereby elimin
a ti n g the prospects of future ab
I have for sale a good four-room
house in Cleveland on the north
eas t side near the high school.
There is if acres of laud with this
house and running water. Will
sell for cash or good note. Price
Cleveland, Ga.
I have purchased the mill known
as the Henderson Mill and have
done quite a lot of repairs
have it in good shape. Also have
a good Crusher and Corn Shelter,
Will have the rye mill in good
shape soon. Will appreciate your
patronage. (). C. BELL,
■ - ~....... •
Cleveland Ga p‘
Sujts Ueftned ;md ressed .
Ladies’ Woolen Suits Cleaned and
Pressed. All work neatly and
promptly done. Prices
reasonable. Satistac.
tion guaranteed,
WANTED Man with team or ante who
can give bond to sell 137 Watkins home
and farm products. Biggest concern of
kind in world, $1,500 to #6,000 yearly
income. Territory in this county open.
Wrile today. J. R. WATKINS CO.,Dept,
H2, Winona, Minn 1-25
J’.** * '* ** ........"" " "*
A fine heifer to freshen in next
I ten days; also five year old cow ;
Cross Berkshire-Duroc sows and
pure registered Duroc-Jersey boars
at bargain prices; also'pigs.
Write Mt. Laurel Farm,
Route 3. Cleveland, Ga.
Du roc Rigs For Sale
Defender and Orion Cherry
Ling breeding, subject to registra¬
tion, 8 weeks old. Also four half
Berkshire and half Poland China.
Write for prices.
C. E. Wright, Santee, Ga.
To the White People of the Ninth Con¬
gressional District of Georgia:
1 hereby announce tny candidacy for
Hie Democratic nomination for represen¬
tative from this district in the 87th Con¬
gress and ask your support.
I pledge adherence to our constitution
a! liberties, and to the principles amt
policies of Washington, Jefferson, Madi¬
son and Monroe;and my unalterable and
uncornpromtsing opposition to auy at¬
tempt to surrender our
through a foreign League of Nations;
burden the American people with
support of foreign nations and
or to force compulsory military
upon the country.
i awrencevillc, Ga., April24. 1020.
For sale by
Cleveland, Ga,
Born 10 Mx - and Mrs - J- B - R -
Barrett, Saturday night of last
WANTED-A man to sell Singer Sewing
machines in White and ail joining conn
ties, $100 a week proposition to rig-lit
man. Must have conveyance. Capital
unnecessary. Write or call on Singer
Sewing Machine Co., Gainesville, Ga.
Bray It’s dollars
11: ™ - %
r i to doughnuts—
no man ever smoked a better
cigarette at any price!
/^AMELS quality, and their expert blend
Vx of choice Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat¬
; a ; isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed.
"O You will prefer this Camel blend to either
kind smoked straight!
'^t Camels mellow-mildness will certainly
appeal to you. The “body” is all there, and
that smoothness! It’s a delight!
Go the limit with Camels! They will not
tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas¬
TURKISH & DOMESTIC § ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga
__c 1 c BLEND a a e t r c 5 retty odor!
Wfmim: Just in compare the world Camels with price! any ciga¬
, rette at any
j Read this
by the Edison Laboratories, and come in to hear
the phonograph which stands behind it
We have it in our store—the Official Laboratory ,
Model specified in the challenge. ^
Read the “Invitation to Talking- Machine Manu-1
facturers." It’s printed here, just as the Edison J
An Invitation Laboratories sent it out. ’ * ' %, v%
to Talking-Machine Manufacturers NEW EDISON:
"We informed that the "The Fktn*{rtph with • St»l“ 9
arc rep¬ ** *■
resentatives of one or more talk¬ The Official Laboratory Model has proved its
ing-machine manufacturers have It Realism in 4000 Comparison Tests, made before
stated, on several occasiana, that §
they are able to distinguish be¬ 3,500,000 people all over the United States and
tween a singer’s voice, or instru¬ Canada. For instance, in Los Angeles recently, i
mentalist's performance, and the audience of 1,500 people unable to tell •
New Edison's RE-CREATION of an was
such voice or performance.’* the difference between the living voice of Miss
"We hereby invite responsible Marie Morrisey, world-famous contralto, and its
talking-machine representatives of any reputable Re-Creation by the New Edison.
manufacturer to There’s the wonderful
permit themselves to be blind¬ a way for you to test
folded, and to listen the to such a Realism claimed for the Official Laboratory
comparison, in presence of Model in this sweeping challenge. We give Mr.
judges of their own choosing, in¬ and let give
dicating to the judges when Edison’s Realism I est. Come in us
they think they are listening to it to you.
the artist, and when to the New
Edison. 1 here is only one con¬ The price of the new Edison has advanced lea*
dition attached, and that is—that than 15% since August 1, 1914. Mr. Edison
the representatives of the talk¬ has absorbed the bulk of the increased cost
ing-machine company, and the of material, skilled labor, and taxes. He is de¬
judges selected by them, shall termined to keep the New Edison within the
sign a written statement, setting reach of everyone. But conditions may force
forth, in full detail, the results of price-advance. Buy New Edison now!
the test." a your
Our Budget Plan makes it easy. It is system
“The test will be made with an applied to spending. Ask about it.
Official Laboratory Model, taken
from stock, such as can be bought
in any Edison dealer’s store.” CLEVELAND PHONOGRAPH CO.
(signed) X Cleveland, Ga.
jut ■ iya— i
j ,*■» rugs
week, a nice, big, bouncing boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jarrard,of
Atlanta are spending a short time
at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Idrs. H. A. Jarrard.
Mr. Robert Lumsden is spending
a short time at the home of his pa¬
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lumsden
in the beautiful Nacoochee valley,
lie is an ex-soldier and saw service
in the great war in France, where
he v as slightly wounded while
fighting with the Rainbow division
at Chateau Theiry.