Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
COL. XXI, No 52 . j
Mr. Elmon Xix and wife paid
Mrs, Nora Nix a pleasant cull Sat¬
urday niglit.
Miss leie Clark is spending a
few days witli her sister, Mrs.
Pearl Reid.
Ask Mr. Opp Fisher how lie en¬
joyed himself Sunday.
Miss Mary Hailie Palmer open¬
ed school at Pleasant Retreat Mon¬
Misses Nannie, Pearl and Jessie
Thomas gave Miss Corine Wofford
and Denny Nix a pleasant call
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Arnold Nix made a trip to
Gainesville Sunday.
Blue Ridge Dots.
Married ut the home of the
bride s parents Sunday afternoon.
Miss Aurora Allison to Mr. Mon¬
roe Cannup, Rev. T. X. Hanie,
officiating. The bride is the voting
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Lewis
Allison. We wish them a happy
Mrs. J, N, Allen and daughter,
Mrs. Me Jutikin, of Liudale, spent
last Saturday niglit and Sunday
here with her sister, Mrs. M. C,
Mrs. C. C, J arrant, of Mayes
vilie, spent a tew days of last week
with her father-in-law’s family,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jarrard.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Allen were
up this way last Monday. We are
always glad to see them.
Fhe boarding house and twe ad¬
joining houses at the steel camp on
the tram road were destroyed by
fire here last Saturday niglit.
] Z Nix gave us a call Saturday
Extract From Nashville
Herald's Editorial Column
Hon. Clifford Walker made another
trip to Berrien this week. He has a
host of warm friends here.—Nashville
Brennauia Como Pontiac
is a Holstein-Freisian male yearling
nearly two years old, owned by the
Cleveland Holstein-Freisian Asso¬
ciation, He is keet at the farm of
}e-se Hunt,
The mother of this calf in of a
superior strain oi cattle, and she
gave an average of forty-two
pounds of milk per day with tiei
first call. Her father is also of ex¬
cellent milking stock, he being
from a cow with a record of 27,
000.4 pounds of milk, from which
was produced 1,322 pounds of but¬
ter in one year.
This is an opportunity for im¬
provement of milk stock that peo¬
ple should anxiously accept, especi¬
ally since improvement in milk cat¬
tle is so much needed.
Box Supper To Be at Tesnatee
There will be a box supper at
Tesnatee church on Saturday night
July 24, for the purpose of raising
money to help cover t. e arbor at
Louds.viile catnp ground. AH the
young ladies are innited to come
and bring plenty of boxes and the! i
gentlemen plenty of money.
I have an up to-date shoe shop
in Cleveland, Ga. 1 am prepared
to do all kinds of shoe repairing.
Mall me your shoes. I will repair!
them and mail them back to you. I
First class work. I
Cleveland, Ga.
Coleman Aliev, of Nacoocbee
valley, was up this way one day
last week, buying produoe.
Robert Lumsden, accompanied
by his wife, passed this way one
day last week.
Revenue Officers Scott Jackson,
Ed Carpenter and Ed Powers cap¬
tured a big still in the Davis field
in lull blast. It is said they cap¬
tured another on the route back
We had quite a storm up here
last Saturday which damaged the
corp crops pretty had.
Mr, and Mis. Virgil Hunt, o(
Cleveland, made a business (rip to
B. M. Cox’s Saturday,
Mrs. O. 1 ,. Sosebee spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W, M. Goss.
Mule and Cow For Sale
One mule, 7 years old, weight
about 775 - al, ff one Jersey cow now
giving milk.
r-30 R. 2 Cleveland, (art.
Tillman Todd and Mis- Beulah
Ohrmon seemed to he enjoying
themselves Sunday evening. It was
1 uining.
Willie Dillard looked mighty
lonesome Sunday evening without
4 dell.
Miss Ethel Waldrop began her
school ut Woodlawn Monday morn
Will Ramey is up from Newport
News on a visit. We are glad to
have him with us agnin.
Big Bill says lie likes to go to tlie
orchard, where there are lots of red
apples. We all know why he
likes to go so well.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. 11 . 11 . Hunt
an the I p It, a girl.
Mis. W. E. Evans is spending
some time here. Mrs, Evans is a
kind old lady.
Mrs.George sims spent some few
days with her daughter in Cleve¬
Dr. W. E. Evans and Mr. Bark
er took the water of life freely last
week by getting out and taking a
lot of rain.
Dr, J, E. Norton was up this
way last week. lie is oneof White
county’s bast cit Dens,
J. M. Glover and your corres¬
pondent spent some time in Cleve¬
land Friday.
J. li. Reid was up this way one
day last week.
Sharlto Dixon is some better
this time, we are glad to state.
A. If. Freeman is no better, He
is in a very bad condition.
Misses Mary and Ruth Tatum
visited Misses Bertha and Ola May
McCallum Saturday night and
Mrs. Pen Burke is very sick at
this time,
Floyd Shelnut had a fine hog
killed by lightning last Thursday.
It would have weighed 250 pounds.
LOST—Somewhere between Na
cooehee and Clarkesville, by way
of Cleveland, on July 13. one small
leather suitcase containing baby
clothes. Finder will receive re
ward by returning same to W. Y.
Hunt, Clarkesville, Ga.
I have purchased the mill known
as the Henderson Mill and have
done quite a lot of repairs and
have it in good shape. Also have
a good Crusher and Corn Shelter.
Will have the rye mill in good
shape soon. Will appreciate your
patronage. O. C. BELL.
Cleveland Pressing Club
and Shoe Shop.
Cleveland, Ga.
Suits Cleaned and Pressed,
Ladies’ Woolen Suits Cleaned and!
Pressed. All work neatly and ;| .1
promptly done. Prices
reasonable. Sutisfac,
lion guaranteed,
i I o all mvruK customers and Ford I will l
my owners,
open up a garage at the ‘old Vas Hefner shop at £ ^
wagon yard, on July 5, 1920.
A full line oi Ford- parts, casings, tubes, oils, 5
etc. A.. | >
Calls answered both day and night. Work ^
). L. PEPPER i
ALONE in the tire field
-the Firestone 3 V !2 takes
its place beside the half
dozen products of universal
L.~ V use which manufacturing
S genius lias made standard.
It jr* Built in a specialized fac¬
J. ’ tory —by expe r ts — w ith a 11
ki the econorny of amce 1 * tnited
kr-f production. 30*3M
w: % What the bulk of the
ple accept as the standard (non skid)
of value is right. $2230
K -I
( % % : You owners of small cars
F forget tire details— Gray Tube 33.75
% can you Red Tube $4.50
need not bother with meth¬
C ’< ods, features,
or guarantees.
Call (or the Firestone V/2.
To all who are indebted to
will come and settle. We
just a short time here and
every one due us to settle by
gust 1st. We will sell cheap for
cash or produce. We have closed
our books and will not sell any
more on time. We hop# everyone
due ns will come in and settle and
not cause us to have to collect in a
way we don’t want to. We will
have speuiul bargains for every
body, Phis is a forced sale, as we
don’t want to move (lie goods. We
would rather sell them for cash than
to meve tnem.
Cleveland, Ga.
Save the Dollar Now
Has it ever occurred to you that the dollars you save
now will go twice as iar in purchasing a home or any other
necessity when normal conditions return? The record high
wages and salaries of today make this the most logical time
to save
Every dollar deposited today in savings will be worth
considerable more in buying power when prices drop, in
addition to drawing interest. Appreciating the import¬
| ance of this opportunity, we urge you to add as much as
I possible to your savings regularly.
i Our officers appreciate your patronage and want your
connection with this batik to be of distinct benefit to you.
j We hope you will feel free to make full use of our facilities.
Ol R MO] TO : Safety, Service and Satisfaction
► J T
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WAXTE1) Man with team or auto who f
ran {five bond to sell HIT Watkins home
and farm products, Bijj^cst concern of
kind hi world, $1,500 to #0,000 yearly
income. Territory in this county open.
Write today, J. H. WATKINS CO M Dept.
112, Winona, Minn. 6*25
A fine heifer to freshen in next
ten days I also five year old cow;
Cross Berkshire-Duroc sows and
pure registered Duron-Jersey boars
at bargain prices; also pigs.
Write Mt. I/itirel Farm,
Route 3, Cleveland, Ga.
Du rot* Pigs For Sale
Detender and Orion Cherry
King breeding, subject to registra¬
tion, S weeks oh!. Also four half
Berkshire and half Poland Chiuu.
Write for prices.
C. E. Wright, Santee, Ga.
W ANTED - A man to sell Singer Sewing
machines in White ami adjoining Coun¬
ties, $100 a week pr(i|iOSition to right
man. Must have conveyance. Capitnl
unnecessary- Write or call on Singer
Sewing Machine Co., Gainesville, Ga.