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Vou Cannot Gripe, Sicken, or Salivate Yourself if You
Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead
Calomel salivates! It’s mercury.
Calomel acts like dynamite on a slug¬
gish liver. When calomel comes Into
contact with sour bile it crashes into
it, causing cramping and nausea.
If you feel bilious, headachy, con¬
stipated and all knocked out, just go
to your druggist and get a bottle of
Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents,
which is harmless vegetable substi¬
tute for dangerous calomel. Take a
spoonful and if it doesn't start your
~ V "3‘; V}. as ~l V v " ‘
_ . ..
. ,
TTHIS Isn't one of those fake free treatment
X offers you have seen so many times. We
don’t offer to give you something for nothing—
but we do guarantee that you can try this won¬
derful treatment, entirely at our risk, and this
guarantee is backed by your local druggist.
This makes the offer one which you can ab¬
solutely depend upon, because the druggist with
whom you have been trading would not stand
behind the guarantee if he did not know It to be
an honest and legitimate one.
Hunt’s Salve, formerly called Hunt'* Cure,
has been sold under absolute money back guar¬
antee for more than thirty years. It is especially
compounded for the treatment of Eczema, Itch,
Ring Worm, Tetter, and other Itching skin dis¬
Thousands of letters testify to Its curative properties. M. Timerlln, s
reputable dry goods dealer in Durant, Oklahoma, says: “I suffered witt
Eczema for ten years, and spent $1,000.00 for doctors’ treatments, without
result. One box of Hunt’s Cure entirely cured me.”
Don’t fail to give Hunt's Salve a trial—price 75 cents, from your local
druggist, or direct by mail If he does not handle it.
ft [SilllHIUn,..........,.„iiilliumllllll)llnni.......................,.11111111111111111111111111
fi Woman's Rights
Most important among which is her right
to FREEDOM from the bane of woman¬
hood inherited from Mother Eve. Stella
Vitae gives this freedom to women and girls.
Sold by your druggist on the distinct agree¬
ment that if the FIRST BOTTLE does not
benefit, money will be refunded.
Ifr*. Nellie Smith, Texas. Mr*, W. M. Oainet, Chick
“I had female trouble amauga, Oa. “It has done
with smothering spells, wonders for me ; was weak
The doctors had given me and all run down, had not
up—said I eould’nt possi- been able to do housework
bly getwell. Aftertaking for six or 1 do seven kind years; of
four bottles of 8TELLA but now any
VITAE I was up and go- work.”
ing about my work."
CUlluMni, Tna., U. S. A.
Knew Both Kinds.
Manager of Registry Office—Wbat
was (he matter with your last place?
Domestic—The couple had only
been married a month and I couldn’t
stand th’ love-makin’.
Manager—Well, here's a chance In
a house where the couple have been
married fen years.
Domestic—That’s too long. I likes
peace and quiet.
We call all the “devilment” human
nature, because the other kind of be¬
havior is nearer divine.
A young man seeking a fortune often
never gets a square meal until he
achieves the fortune.
Harmless, purely vegetable, Infants’ and Children’s Regulator,
formula on every label. Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic
For highly gratifying and most astonishing results in
checking diarrhoea, and relieving wind colic, flatulency,
constipation, and other disorders of baby and childhood use
The Infants’ and Children's Regulator
It Is the safest and beat combination of purely vegetable Ingredient*
that medical skill has ever devised and endorsed as this complete open
published formula shows. Read it.
Senna Sodium Citrate Oil of Anna Canvas Gbcerise
RhahaA Sodium Eicatbanate Fennel Coriander So«er brnrp
It costs more to make Mrs. Winslow's Syrup than similar preparations.
Yet it costs you no more than ordinary baby laxatives. At all Uratrtttt,
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO., 215-217 Felton St., New York
Genera! SellinI Agents: Harold F. Ritchie St Co.. Inc., New York. Loadoe, Toroete
liver and straighten you up better and
quicker than nasty calomel and with¬
out making you sick, you just go back
and get your money.
If you take calomel today you’ll be
sick and nauseated tomorrow; be¬
sides, it may salivate you, while If
you take Dodson’s Liver Tone you will
wake up feeling great, full of ambi¬
tion, and ready for work or play. It’s
harmless, pleasant and safe to give
to children; they like It—Adv.
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Red Ink Stains.
To remove red ink stains from table
Hnen spread freshly made mustard
over the stain and leave about one
half hour. Then sponge off anrl all
trace of ink will be gone.
The occasional use of Roman Eye Balsam
at night upon retiring will prevent and re¬
lieve tired, watery eyes, and eye strain.—Ad*.
Good Work Never Lost.
The work an unknown good man
has done is like a vein of water flow¬
ing hidden underground, secretly mak¬
ing the ground green above It.—Car¬
Benefits, like flowers, please most
when they are fresh.
Conference Was Devoted Chiefly To
The Discussion of The League
Of Nations
Washington.—Complete agreement
on the league of nations question and
unity in their party’s cause was de¬
clared by President Wilson and Gov¬
ernor Cox of Ohio, Democratic presi¬
dential candidate, after a conference
at the white house.
Meeting for the first time since the
San Francisco convention, the presi¬
dent and the governor, together with
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the vice presi¬
dential nominee, spent an hour on the
south portico of the executive man¬
sion discussing the league and other
campaign issues. All three afterward
issued formal statements voicing sol¬
idarity of purpose. None made any
reference to recently published report
that the chief executive and the pres¬
idential candidate were “far apart” on
the league issue.
The president declared that he and
Governor Cox “were absolutely at one
with regard to the one great issue of
the league of nations,” and that the
nominee is ready to be the champion
of the honor of the nation and to se
sure the peace of the world.” The
party’s choice, the president added,
will have the vigorous support of an
absolutely united party and, I am con¬
fident. also of an absolutely united
Governor Cox declared in his state¬
ment that ho and Mr. Wilson were
“agreed as to the meaning and suf¬
ficiency of the party platform and the
duty of the party in the face of the
threatened bad faith to the world in
the name of America.” He declared
that he would give all his strength to
the promises made by President Wilson
to those who sacrificed in the great
Mr. Roosevelt's statement spoke of
the “splendid accord” of the president
and Governor Cox and expressed the
wish that every American could have
witnessed their conference.
The conference on the white house
portico was said by Governor Cox to
have been devoted principally to the
discussion of the league of nations.
Recently Divorced By His Wife And
In Financial Straits Caused
Mental Breakdown
Berlin.—Prince Joachim, former
Kaiser Wiliam’s youngest son, com¬
mitted suicide by shooting at his res¬
idence at Liegnitz. He died later in
a hospital at Potsdain.
Joachim is believed to have been
in financial straits. He recently was
The authorities are endeavoring to
hush up the tragedy.
Details were successfully held
from the public for many hours, but
it finally became known that he died
several hours after he had fired the
shot, in the afrms of his personal phy¬
To all inquirers, even those connect¬
ed either by royal ties or bloor, or by
friendship to the former reigning fam¬
ily of Germany, thosewho were present
at the time denied the truth, declar¬
ing that the prince had met with an
automobile accident.
There is no doubt, however, that
Joachim’s wound was self-inflicted. His
life of twenty-eight years has been
full of misfortune. Family troubles,
which did not culminate with the
flight of his father to Holland, but
which have pursued him ever since, are
believed to have unsettled his mind.
Recently his wife, Princess Marie
Augustine, of Anhalt, whom he mar¬
ried on March 11, 1916, left him, and
a divorce suit was instituted. Their
married life was far from happy.
It is believed that his wife’s deser¬
tion led to his possible mental break¬
down, and was at any rate responsi¬
ble for his suicide.
Oil Trains Stopped By Mexicans
Mexico City.—The management of
the Mexican railway has appealed to
Gen. P. Elias Calles, minister of war,
to prevent strikers at Vera Cruz and
Mexico City from interfering with the
movement of petroleum trains between
the two cities and has been advised
that the general can not send forces
against the strikers. The reply of
the minister of war stated that he
could refer the situation to a commit¬
tee of strikers appealing that they not
interfere with traffic so vital to the
country’s transportation
Major General Chamberlain At Geneva
Geneva.—Maj. Gen. John L. Cham¬
berlain, U. S. A., inspector general,
is due to arrive here soon. He will
be officially received by the local au¬
thorities and later will inspect the Red
Cross and other international institu¬
tions. During his stay in Geneva,
General Chamberlain probably will
meet Marshal Joffre, who is visiting
here. The inspector general will be
the guest of Major Schilling, U. S., at
his home in the suburbs, where he will
rest before going to Paris.
Children Cry For
| , similatin^theFood AVe^efablc PrcparatioaferAs byRegut*- ■
i tinglhcStomachs and Bowels a
Special Care of Baby.
! } Thereby Promoting Digestion That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it
I Cheerfulness and RestCoriaiHS is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
1 1 neither Opium, Morphine Narcotic nor that a man's same medicine infant. in Either an attempt practice to is regulate to be shunned. the delicate Neither organism would of
Mineral. Not be tolerated by specialists in children’s diseases.
Your Physician will tell you that Baby’s medicine must be
/hmpJcav Senna prepared with even greater care than Baby’s food.
AocAiUt S*tt* A Baby’s stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
Anise Seed-' by improper food. Could for
ailing child • you a moment, then, think of giving
it'orm to your anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don’t be deceived.
if A helpful Remedy for Make a mental note of this:—It is important, Mothers, that
Constipation and Diarrhoea, you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
and Feverishness and your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that
■■ Loss OF SLEEP the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
resultin $ therefr ommliw n<?- prepared for grown-ups.
The YORfft
Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE
““ngnsm W @HISLJLLT©NH@ mi 8 1
For MALARIA, CHlllS and FEVER. #323“??? “gggfiésfgmfiggss; l
Sleuth Had to Admit That He Had
Slipped Up a Little on His
“I don’t often make a mistake In my
official calkerlations,” admitted Con¬
stable Slackputter, the redoubtable
sleuth, “but I'll have to own up that
yesterday evening I pretty nigh done
so. A stranger, that looked like lie
represented a fair-sized fine and a
nice little fee, came along in his mo¬
torcar, sorter wabbling in ills prog¬
ress and singin’ ‘My Irene Is the Vil¬
lage Queen. Run-tum-tiddy! Er-rum
tiddy-tuni!’ and so forth.
‘“Halt, there!’ says I. ‘Consider
yourself under arrest!’
“And b’goshed If he didn’t stop and
cuss me for everything he could lay
his tongue to!
“‘What are you trying to arrest me
for, you hlnnkety-busted, lop-eared,
red-necked luck?’ says lie.
“ ‘For being so bone-dry drunk,’ says
I, ‘that, you don’t know what you're
” ‘Like torment, I don’t!’- says he.
‘I'm cussing'out a blankety-blanked,
mutton-headed-tin-starred boob!’ says
he. ‘That’s what I'm doing!’
“Well, of course, I seen he did know.
So all the action I could take was to
haul In my horns and wave 1dm on¬
ward with as much dignity as I could
manage to assume on ilie spur of the
moment.”—Kansas City Star.
If a man lias talent he can make
use of another’s genius.
Boil It Thoroughly
— fifteen minutes or more
after boiling begins—
Long boiling brings out
the full, rich flavor of
Postum Cereal
And while you enjoy your cup
of this attractive table drink,
remember that it contains
no caffeine or other harmful
“There’s a Reason”
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan
Congressman Evidently Was Not Sat¬
isfied With Knowing Himself to
Be a Fool.
A wealthy western congressman,
says the Argonaut, much against his
will, erected a magnificent mansion in
Washington to please Ills? wife and
daughter. The congressman was of
plain tastes and had no liking for the
social activities of the national cap¬
ital. One day an old friend visited
him. Wearing a face of the deepest
gloom, the owner of the stately home
escorted his caller throughout the
place. The visitor was admiring and
enthusiastic, but the host said little
or nothing. When the inspection was
finished and the two had returned to
the library on the first floor, the vis¬
itor said:
“Well, Jim, you certainly can’t say
that you haven’t everything that you
“Yes, I can,” replied the millionaire
soberly; “I want a parrot.”
“Why a parrot?”
“i should like to hang him over the
front door, so that every time r enter
this place lie can yell out, ‘There
comes that old fool again !’ ”—Youth n
Merry Little Sunshine.
Visitor—I just looked in to cheer
you up a bit and I'm very glad I did,
for I met the doctor going out and
he says you are worse than you think
and may not recover.—Boston Tran¬
Spiritual Spanking.
“Willie,” exclaimed the young widow
her recalcitrant offspring, “if you
behave yourself and come in the
right away I’ll get out the ouija
and have your poor, dear papa
you a good scolding.”—American
Not Always.
“Worth,” in proper names, as In
Kenilworth, Edgeworth, etc., signifies
that tlie town stands on a tongue of
A big town wouldn’t be so very
wicked if It didn't gather in the sin¬
ners from the little ones.
Take Sulphur Baths
Gout, Eczema, Hives, etc. Right in
your own home and at trifling cost,
you can enjoy the benefit of healing
sulphur baths.
Sulphur Compound
nature’s own blood purifying and skin healing
remedy—SULPHUR—prepared efficacious. Use in a way to
make its use most it in the
bath; use it as a lotion applying to affected
parts: and take It internally.
60c and $1.20 the bottle
at your druggist’s. If he can’t supply you,
send his name and the price in stamps and
we will send you a bottle direct.
■ancock liquid sulphur
r Baltimore. Md.
Hancock Sulphur Compound Oinfi- I
nunt~- 25 c and SDc—for uu with th *
Liquid Compound
Acid Stomach
Makes the Body Sour
Nine Out of Ten People
Suffer From It
It sends its harmful acids and gases all
over the body, instead of health and
strength. Day and night this ceaseless dam¬
age goes on. No matter how strong, it*
victim cannot long withstand the health
destroying effects of an acid stomach.
Good news for millions of sufferer*.
Chemists have found a sure remedy—one
that takes the acid up and carries it out
of the body; of course, when the cause ii
removed, the sufferer gets well.
Bloating, indigestion, sour, acid, gassy
stomach miseries all removed. This is
proven by over half a million ailing folk*
who have taken EATONIC with wonder*
ful benefits. It can be obtained from any
druggist, who will cheerfully refund it*
trifling cost if not entirely satisfactory.
Everyone should enjoy its benefits. Fr*
fluently the first t&blet gives relief.
The tastiest
tobacco you
ever tasted.