Newspaper Page Text
Ebe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post tffice at Cleveland
Ga.. as second cla^g mail matter.
Subscription, $1.50 per .year
Col. (Jaillard of Gainesville spent !
Friday night nere on legal busi¬
Mitchell Mountain Ranch, at
Helen, opened July 15th, This'
hotel has recently been purchased]
by W. A. and C. YV. White.
Mr, Torn Turner, who has been
Confined to Iris home for some time
with fever, is not improving very
Mrs. Nelson Allen and daughter
from Lindale, have been visiting
relutivee in White county for the
past week or two, spending a por¬
tion of tlieir time at the borne of
Mrs. Win. Densmore.
Mr. J. B. It. Barrett has iurtall
ed electric lights in bis home in
town. This adds much to the ap¬
pearance of his home and is truly aj
great convenience to the household.
Mr. j. I). Ash has purchased the
residence of Mr. Ed Dixon on
“Little Niagara.”
l ire sympathy of their many
friends ffo out to the bereaved fam¬
ily of Mrs. S. Is. Cox. Mrs. Cox
had been suffering lor some time,
fhe end coining Monday morning.
Her remains were laid to rest in
Cleveland cemetery Tuesday, Rev.
John Merritt conducting the fun¬
eral services.
Mr. J. L. Cathy, of Kimsey, lias
taken charge of the Henderson
hotel, having moved in Monday.
Mr. J. P. Davidson, of The
Courier, is atending the meeting
of the Press association, being held
at Carrollton, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. YV. F. Brandt, of
Atlanta, are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenimer.
Matty visitors from the lowlands
are here in the uplands to enjoy our
pleasant climate. 11 n I ultimately r
they have met with a rainy season
that is not adding to their pleasure
one bit,
Mrs, A. G, Quinn has been very
sick for the past week.
Mr. R. 1\ Kenimer is preparing
to install an electric, light plant in
his home. Phis system makes it
possible for rural homes to enjoy
the privileges of the city home in a
lighting system.
Mr. Ora Nix, son of Mrs. Nora
Nix, ol Comer, lias been visiting
his relatives here the past few day
"Whatsoever thy hands find to
do, do it with all thy might” is the
divine command to all. Cod’s call
to all men is to work. The slothful
man cun find no commendation or
even ot palliation of his sin of idle¬
ness In all God’s Book and in all
His teachings to mankind.
Work out your salvation is an
admonition as applicable in indi¬
vidual life and in materia! things
us in spiritual.
It fits a nation’s case as fully as
it does an individual’s. The dili¬
gent man shall stand erect in body
and roul before kiugs and the great
ones of earth, while the slothful
man, the slacker and (Ire shirker ot
work shall be poor, and deservedly
God never blesses t lie’idleness of
the idler. It would bo contrary to
his nature to do so.
The mail who does not work
wholeheartedly, who does not work
from a sense ol duty to the world
as well as to his individual family.
* s making of himselt a drudge. He
cannot know the joy of living until
lie throws his very life into his
work. An old sawtnakar in telling
" bh gieat joy of a prize-winning
saw which he had made, described
the method of pressing In, body
against the material that made pos¬
sible the fashioning of the saw and
said: "I pressed against it until I
could feel my very life going into
it.” That is the spirit which every
man, rich or poor, must work, and
without’that spirit no man can do
his best and stand approved of his
own conscience, of his fellow-man
and of the great judge before
whom we shall eventually stand
and be "judged every man accord¬
ing to his works.”—Manufacturers
Excerpt From Article in the
Sylvania Telephone
The Telephone has been supporting do
Mr. Walker, and shall continue to
bo. He is a clean and capable man,
end well worthy in every way of the
high office to which he aspires. We
do not think Georgia has Clifford: a purer Walker. pub¬
lic man today than
Let us elect a governor on hi3
merits—a man whom we know to be
true—who has been faithful to every
private and public trust that has been
reposed in him - a man of ch an life
and lofty principles, who will be a
worthy successor to our present gov¬
ernor and will keep Georgia’s fair
bfnner aloft. And such a man we
believe our people will find in the
Honorable Clifford Walker.—Sylvania
I have for sale uj'ood four-room
house in Cleveland on the north
east side near the high school.
There is t| acres of land with this
house and running water. W ill
sell for cash or good note. Brice
Cleveland. Ga.
Come into our store
and ask for Mr. Edison’s
TT reveals to you the Supreme Realism of the
I New Edison, the phonograph with which Mr.
Edison has challenged the talking-machine
manufacturers of the world.
It shows you the charm of music's imagery. It
transports you to the far-away. It makes you
lose consciousness of your surroundings.
This Fascinating Test
enables you to determine, in an interesting and
scientific way, whether the Realism of the New
Edison gives you the same emotions as the living
singer’s voice—as the sound of the actual instru¬
ment— or as the performance of great bands
and orchestras.
Noted Psychologists
endorse this entertaining experiment as the cor¬
rect way to ascertain the New Edison’s Realism.
You, too, may enjoy this experiment. We invite
you to try it.
It will answer, once and for all, your questions,
“Can I have the voices of living singers at my
beck and call, in my own home? Can I have
the great orchestras and bands of the world
exactly as they sound?’’
Our Budget Plan
Pays for your New Edison by systematizing your
cn»*-’ * mi ment expenditures. Ask about it
Cleveland, Ga.
Teachers’ Examination.
The next regular state teachers’
examination will occur on July 30
and 31. The examination for re¬
newal of license of first grado will
be held July 30. White county ap¬
plicants should be at the Cleveland
school building by 8 :3c) a. rn.eac h
7-16 T. V. Cantrell, C.S. S.
Effective Sunday July 25th, 1920.
Change In Schedule
Gainesville & Northwestern RRCo
Train No 5 leave Robertstown
:oo A. M., arrive Gainesville
9 :10 A. M.
Train No 7 leave Robertstown
3505PM, arrive Gainesville 5:15
1 J . M.
Train No 6 leave Gainesville
9:20 AM, arrive Robertstown
11 :34 AM
Daily, except Sunday (no change)
Train No 1 leave Robertstown
8 :3c) AM, arrive Gainesville to 140
Train No 2 leave Gaitieville
4 :oo I’M, arrive Robertstown 6:15
| PM.
This affords our patrons three (3)
tour (.)) hours to spend in Nu
coochee Valley and Helen, Ga.
J. H. Lambert, G. 1 *. A.
B. S. Barker, V. P. A G. M.
( own For Sale.
1 have eight good milk cows for
quick sale.
F, Cantrell.
To the White People of the Ninth Con¬
gressional District of Georgia:
I hereby announce my candidacy
the Democratic nomination for represen¬
tative from this district in the eTtii Con¬
gress and ask your support.
I pledge adherence to our constitution¬
al liberties, and to the principles arid
policies of Washington, Jefferson, Madi¬
son and Monroe; and my unalterable and
uncompromising opposition to any at¬
tempt to surrender our independence
through a foreign League of Nations; to
burden tiie American people with the
support of foreign nations and peoples;
or to force compulsor y military training
upon the country.
Lawrenceville, Ga., April 24, 1020.
It’s a cinch
to figure why A
You should know why Camels
are so unusual, so refreshing, so
satisfying. First, qualit y—second,
Camels expert blend of choice Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos which
you’ll certainly prefer to either kind
smoked straight!
Camels blqnd makes possible that
wonderful mellow mildness—yet all the
desirable body is there ! And, Camels
never tire your taste!
You'll appreciate Camels freedom
from any unpleasant cigaretty after¬
taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor!
For your own satisfaction compare
Camels,puff by puff with any ciga¬
rette in the world at any price !
Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically sealed packages of 20 ciga¬
rettes; or ten packages ( 200 cigarettes) in a gla seine-,paper- covered
carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or office
supply or when you travel.
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Whuton-Salem. N. C '
—the hit that saves the day.
Demand the genuine by full name
nicknames encourage substitution.
The Coca-Cola Company
•■•■A 4•••#■••#•• # |0
The Difference
—between the tnnn who luts learned
to save and bank his money and the
Form the habit man who Inn. not learned,’is the differ¬ *
of ence, ten years hence, between the *
saving man flourishing in business and tlie
and Bank with man looking for a job.