Newspaper Page Text
Che Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Jas. I*. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post office at Cleveland
fin., as second class msjl matter.
Subscription, 11.50 per year
Many persons think it is no vio¬
lation of the law to kill “bullbats”
but if they will take the time to
read Section 954 M. of Parks Code
of Georgia, I think they will be
convinced that they are guilty of a
misdemeanor when they do so and
are subject to prosecution.
A revival has been in progress at
llood’s Chapel this week, services
being conducted’ by Rev. J. G.
Young. The attendance is good
and much good is being accom¬
Mr. W. S. Sparks, of Arlington
Ga., is visiting his sister, Mrs.J.M.
Robinson, at the old Logan place
on Town Creek. Mr. Sparks was
born in Lumpkin county, but has
not been in this part of the state in
many years, not having seen bis
sister in fifty-one years, lie has
been a prosperous farmer in Cal¬
houn county for many years, but is
now retired and is living in town,
with his farm reuted.
Miss Eliza Kenimer is visiting in
Atlanta'this week.
Mr. A. M. Hennett, of Plant
City, Fla., has been here with his
family at the home of Mr. A. M.
Cooley for the past week, all leav¬
ing here after a most pleasant stay
in our little town, Thursday morn¬
H. A. Jarrard and E. L.
were in Atlanta last week attend¬
ing a meeting of the Merchants’
While in White county last week
Col. J. 1 . Kelley spent Friday
with Mr. W. F. Brandt,
Misses Blanche and Eula
derson are at home on a visit
home folks in Cleveland.
This is a forced sale, as we have sold the building and
have to move out; have decided to leave the town; must close
out the stock for cash. We give the price of a few items and
will make special prices on anything we have.
We ask all that are due us to come in and settle with us
at once, as we have got to wind up our business here by Sept.
1st and will sell anything we have at a bargain as long as it
lasts. Don’t wait until we are sold out. Come early and
get what you want, as this is a closing out sale and special
bargains for August or until we sell out.
Soap...................6 for 2 4 c Bruton’s Snuff, 10c size. 2 for 15c
Soda...................6 for 24c Rooster Snuff, 10c size. . .2 for 15c
Table Salt..............6 for 24c Butter Cup, 10c size.....2 for 15c
3 Sphols Coats Cotton........24c Blue Ribbon, 10c size. ... 2 for 15c
C. M. C. Extra Fresh, 10c size .... 2 for 15c
3 Cakes Toilet Soap..........21c $4.00 Hats for.............$3.00
3 Cakes Toilet Soap..........10c $3.50 Hats for.............$2 50
Pink Salmon................20c 25c Cloth for................ 2 oc
Good Green Coffee...........25c Ginghams worth 40c for......30c
Good Roasted Coffee........ 30c Checks worth 40c for.........30c
Good Package Coffee.........35c Shoes and Slippers ror cost and
Washing Powders.......6 for 24c less.
Salt Brick...................20c Ladies’ Stockings, 50c ones . . .40c
50 lb Ring Leader Flour ... $3.50 Ladies’ Stockings, 35c ones . . .25c
50 lb Capitola Flour........$3.30 Ladies’ Stockings, 35 c ones . . . 20 c
C. S. Meal, 7 per cent......13.65 A few cheap Men’s and Boys Suits
Men’s Shirts.......#1,00 to $a. 5 o at cost.
Overalls...................$-2.50 Ladies’ Skirls Cheap.
$5.00 Hats for.............$4.00 jc Shoe Sprigs.........3 for 10c
#4.00 Hats for.............$ 3 - 5 ° ioc Shoe Sprigs.........2 for 15c
John I. Kelley will speak at Cleveland
Wednesday morning", August 25, at 10
o’clock; at Naooochee Institute Wednes¬
day afternoon, August 25, at 3 o’clock;at
Helen Wednesday night, August 25, at
at 8 o’clock.
The crops are badly damaged in
this part on account of the heavy
rains and overflows.
Miss Ruth Stovall will start to
the A. & M. School next Monday.
Mr. A. B. Freeman died Sun¬
day night, August 15th. We are
sorry to hear the sad news. He
will be missed in the home, church
and community. He leaves a wife
and five children. The family has
our sympathy.
Only a few from this part
tended camp meeting.
The Mexican situation can reach
a “crisis” oftener and develop
nothing more frequently than any¬
thing we know of at this time.
eighteen ami thirty years ol
a lie, with fair high school edu
Downey Hospital and Training
School for Nurses offers you a good
home and moderate salary and at
the same time gives you a profes¬
sion second to none. It will be of
use to you every day of your life,
regardless of your position, and the
heights to which you can attain are
limited only by your ability and as¬
The scarcity of nurses makes for
those who enter now a rich har¬
vest three years later.
9-3 Gainesville, Ga.
WANTED—Lady or gentleman agent in
the city of Cleveland for Watkins Fam¬
ous Products. Known everywhere. Big
profits. Write J. K. Watkins Co., 55,
Memphis, Tenn. 9-3
Miss Moselle Miller is at home
on a visit to home folks in Cleve¬
land and White county.
Mr. Lewis Warwick, of Athens,
is here for a short time visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. War¬
Mrs. H. S. Nix,who is a daught¬
er of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stansel
of Town Creek, has been danger¬
ously ill with fever for some time,
is said to be almost a hopeless case.
Loudsville campmeeting com¬
mences next Wednesday night.
Workmen are busy (between
showers) repairing and putting a
new cover on the arbor, and it will
be all ready in ample time for the
opening of the campmeeting. It is
hoped the new roof will only be
needed during the campmeeting to
exclude the rays of the sun.
Col. C. H. Edwards who was
nominated in the county primaryto
the office of county school superin¬
tendent has passed the examination
and is now eligible to election as
shown by the following certificate.
State of Georgia, Dept, of Education.
M. fj. Brittain, Superintendent
This is to certify that Charles H. Ed¬
wards has passed the examination re¬
quired tiy law and is qualified to serve as
County Superintendent of Schools.
Aug. 17, 1920. M. L.Brittain, S. S. H.
1 will be in Cleveland andWhite
county for two weeks, and while
here 1 will take orders for fruit
trees from a good reliable company
of Middle Tennessee, known as Mt.
Sterling Nursery Co.
If I should fail to see you, and
you are interested, you will find me
at Frank Carroll’s residence.
FELIX F. HAM 1 LL, Agent.
Hon. Clifford Walfcar
Htmaaif to tho Roberta Nawa
CUff Walker, after candidate for heart— gover¬
nor. !■ a man tkst our la ewn stand? for
ht» declaration Damocraey-f-is
selSfe: *afe •aft Irtmocraey-r-lejfigger bigger than than a|y 1
rta New*.
\_» 6 £Sl! MM6rti86R\01\t6
State of Georgia, White County.
In Re
Probate of the will of George Washing
ton McCollum,deceased, in solemn form.
To Vester C. Merritt: You are hereby
notified that the above stated case will be
heard and determined at my office in ;
Cleveland, Georgia on the first Monday j
in October, 1920, and you are hereby no
tified to be aod appear at the October
term. 1920, by 10 o’clock a. in. and show
cause if my you can why said will of
George Washington McCollum, deceased,
should net be probated in solemn form.
Given under my hand and seal by vir
tue of proper order of court, as required
by law. This 26th day of July, 1920.
Thos. F. Underwood, Ordinary.
Georgia, White County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that W. L. Ash,
administrator of R. M. Ash. deceased,
having applied to me by petition for
leave to sell the real estate of satd R. M.
Ash, deceased; and that an order was
made thereon at the August term, 1920,
for citation, and that citation issued; all
tqe heirs at law and creditors of the said
R. M. Ash, deceased, will take notice
that I will pass upon said application at
the September term, 1120, of the court of j
ordinary of Whita county, and that un¬
less caase is shown to the oonirary, at.
said time, said leave will be granted.
This the 2nd day of August, 1920.
Ordinary White County, Ga.
To the White People of the Ninth Con¬
gressional District of Georgia:
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the Democratic nomination for represen¬
tative from this district in the 47th Con¬
gress and ask your support.
I pledge adherence to our constitution¬
al liberties, and to the principles and
policies of Washington, Jefferson, Madi¬
son and Monroe;and my unalterable and
uncompromising opposition to any at¬
tempt to surrender our independence
through a foreign League of Nations; to
burden the American people with the
support of foreign nations and peoples;
or to force compulsory military training
upon the country,
I.awrenceville, Ga., April 24, 1920.
To the People of the Ninth District:
In making my formal announcement :
for re-election to Congress in the Sep¬
tember primary, I desire to thank the i
good people for the confidence placed in
me in the past, and to pledge to them
anew my best efforts for all the people. ;
I will continue to devote my entire time |
and attention in serving them, and will;
in the future, as in the past, answer
every demand made upon me by letter or
in person, suywhere and at all times.
1 shall come before the people during
the campaign and give a correct account
of my stewardship and discuss the issues ‘
now before the people. I believe that
my work will show my personal interest
in my constituents and my loyalty and
devotion to iny country both in peace
and war.
T am an American, full-Hedged, and
believe in ’American institutions, and 1
stand for the honor of my own people of
the Southland, and the freedom and
glory of a re-united Republic; whose flag
s as a morning star of liberty to every
citizen of this great nation.
Sincerely yours,
July 24, 1910. THOS. M. BELL.
Fellow Citizens:
This is notice that I am a candidate for
Representative and your vote is srlicit
ed. My candidacy shall he bared on the
following principles, viz:
1 st. 1 favor a better road system for
White county.
2 nd. I favor keeping the state capitol
in Atlanta, Ga.
3rd. I favor greater compensation for
the school teachers, as they are at pres¬
ent underpaid.
If you favor these principles, I have
reason to believe yon will vote forme;
if you do not, I will gladly accord you
the right to vote against me and cas
your vote for someone who occupies the
reverse opinion, in the event someone,
wishes to run on the reverse platform.
If elected, I shall ever keep an eye on
the best interest for White county, State
and Nation. I also pledge you to be
present at every roll cal!, unless Provi¬
dence intervenes.
Investigate my record and character j
before yon decide to vote for or against
me. Yours for the best interest.
Leaf, Ga., July SI, 5920.
To the voters of White County :
I hereby announce myself a 'candidate
for representative in the general as¬
sembly for 192i and 1 922, subject the
primary to be held Sept. 8 , 1930. If
elected to this position of responsibility
I assure the people that I shall give them
my faithful and efficient service, ever
looking to their best interest, and co¬
operating with them in the best interest
of all the people.
Assuring you that your support at the
polls shall be duly appreciated.
Save the Dollar Now
♦ Has it ever occurred to you that the dollars you save
1 now will go twice as far in purchasing a home or any other
necessity when normal conditions return? The record high
wages and salaries of today make tbis the most logical time
to save
Every dollar deposited today in savings will be worth
considerable more in buying power when price’s drop, in
addition to drawing interest. Appreciating the import¬
ance of this opportunity, we urge you to add as much as
possible to your savings regularly.
Our officers appreciate your patronage and want your
connection with this bank to be of distinct benefit to you.
We hope you will feel free to make full use of our facilities.
OUR MOTTO : Safety, Service and Satisfaction
Fig-lit good farms on the
Longstreet property, 75,
lOO and 125 aeres. Each
well watered and timber¬
ed. Sonie of the best cot¬
ton land in White County.
Both are here!
The Guide Booh,
-and the Cabinet M
Stop la tor a copy of “Edison and Music. ” Pick your Period phon¬
ograph out of its pages. See it in our store,
TEat’s the surest, quickest war to obtain a “furniture aristocrat.”
“The Phonograph with a Soul”
** Edison and Music” is the book of Edison Period Phonograph*.
It i* as rich in furniture treasures as all the Golden Age of Furni¬
ture. You ean choose from the historic masterpieces of England,
Franco and Italy —from 17 different designs, each exquisite in its
own distinctive way. Every New Edison is adapted from a pure
Period source.
You ean pay for your New Edison on our Budget Plan, That i nrana,
you Morrow's ean buy today help the cabinet your heart desires. and make te~
income pey for tomorrow’s pleasure.
Cleveland, Ga.
Fist your farms with me
for quick sale, as I have
cash buyers waiting for
i>;ood farms.
R. 1