Newspaper Page Text
YOL. XXII, No 10 .1
Northeast Georgia Fair At
Gainesville Next Week
The Northeast Georgia Fair will
be held at Gainesville next week,
beginning on Tuesday, October 5
and|runuing through Saturday.
As has been stated heretofore in
news items and advertisements in
this paper, this will probably sur¬
pass any other undertaking of its
kind in this territory. The North¬
east Georgia Fair is becoming to be
known as one of the premier fairs
in the state, and every effort is be¬
ing made to make it better and bet¬
ter in every department. This year
ten thousand dollars is being spent
to muke it a success.
The manager, Mr. Eugene Bak¬
er, writes us that more exhibit
space has been reserved than ever
before. Four buildings and several
large tents will be required to house
the displays. Every department
will be chock full and running
over. Over ten thousand feet of
space will be used for the Auto,
Truck and Tractor Department
The amusements will be high
class in every respect. A solid
train load of aftractions will be on
hand to entertain the thousands
wtio visit the fair daily. Included
in this sale will be the Zeideman
and Pollie Exposition Shows with
twentp paid attractions, six free
acts in front of grand stand twice
daily, fireworks each night and the
most daring bunch of aviators in
the world. The most startling feat
performed by an air man, that of
changing frein one plane to anoth¬
er while high in the air, will be seen
daily. Also parachute jumping
from the plane and other of the lat¬
est $tunts.
It is interesting to note that Hon
Thos. I£. Watson will open the fair
on Tuesday at 11 o’clock with a
speech. Since he lias been elected
U. S. Senator his friends as well
as his enemies will be anxious to
hear what he has to say.
We believe iu agricultural faijs
and think they are a great stimulus
to the territory in which they are
Geld. We hope that many of our
people will attend this one some
time during the week.
Collins Nominated By Good Majority.
Mr. James M. Collins in a wire
to Col. Joe G. Collins, his brother,
stated : “I have the nomination
by a good majority.” The State
Democratic primary of Colorado
was held Sept. 14, and James M.
Collins was nominated for Gover¬
nor of Colorado by a good major¬
ity. He was previously nominated
without opposition by a non-parti¬
san league and also in preliminary
Demosratic convention he received
over 300 votes to other man about
600 and these two ran it out be¬
fore the people and Collin6 was
successful, and now has the honor
of beating the Democratic stand¬
ard in the general election this fall
against the Republican candidate.
He has a good chance of election
as the Democratic party and also
the non-partisan league are both
back of him. Republicans and
Democrats are about equally divid¬
ed usually in Colorado.
Will bo sold at private
sale any time you can
come and look, cows,
hogs, chickens and farm
tools, buggies, wagon,
mower and rake, disc
and drag harrows. Also
household goods. Reason
going back to Middle
On Mount Laurel t
B. H. Middlebrook, Sr#
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
The League Will Not Die.
• By Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The League of Nations is a prac¬
tical solution of a practical situa¬
tion. It is no more perfect than
our original Constitution, which
has been amended eighteen times,
and will soon, we hope, be amend¬
ed the nineteenth, was perfect. It
is not anti-national ; it is anti-war.
No super-nation, binding us to the
decisions of its tribunals, is sug¬
gested,but the method and machin¬
ery by which the opinion of civil¬
ization may become effective again¬
st those who seek war is at least
within the reacli of humanity.
Through it we may with nearly
every other duly constituted
government in the whole world
throw our moral force and our
potential power into the scale of
peace. That such an object should
be contrary to American policy is
unthinkable; but if there be any
citizen who has honest fears that it
may be perverted from its plain in¬
tent so as to conflict with our es¬
tablished form of government, it
will be simple to declare to him
and to the other nations that the
Constitution of the United States
is in every way supreme. There
must be no equivocation, no vague¬
ness, no double dealing with the
people on this issue. The League
will not die. An idea does not die
which meets the call of tli^ hearts
of our mothers.
Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailiey Great
Double Shows Art Impatiently
The world’s two most famous
circuses, now merged into one and
headed this way, and will exhibit
at Atlanta Monday, October 18,
and at Gainesville, Tuesday, Octo¬
ber 19.
It would seein as though every¬
body in this locality were planning
to attend. The very name of the
great new circus—Ringling Bros,
and ilarnurn & Bailey Combined—
has been sufficient to arouse fur
more interest than has ever been
shown in the coming of any amuse¬
ment enterprise. And word from
the Ringling Brothers, who are
the directors of this gigantic circus
is to the effect that those who at¬
tend the performances will witness
the greatest program ever present¬
ed in America. This is likewise
true of the mammoth street parade
which will positively take place
show day morning, the mammoth
menagery and all else connected
with this biggest of all amusement
institutions. The famous showmen
have made a complete survey of
both the great circuses and merged
the finest and best into one. Hun¬
dreds upon hundreds of performers
will appear in the main tent and
there will be scores upon scores of
dumb actors. A gorgeously cos¬
tumed pageant of stupendous size
will open the program. Great com¬
panies of characters, representing
the well loved stories of fable and
nursery lore will appear. There
will be splendid and many groups
of beautiful horses in jeweled trap¬
pings. The arnriy of clowns ex¬
ceed all past records for fun and
numbers. All contribute to the
biggest circus in history.
acres of land 6 room house,
well on porch, good barn, chicken
house, pasture with running water.
If you want a mule, cow or a
cook stove.
iff J, W. Houif, Cif veiand. Ga,'
List of Members of Grand Jury,
Drawn For October Term, 1920
The lists of jurors drawn for the
April term and also for the, August
term of court are not to serve at
the October term, according to an
order issued by Judge [ones.
1 Kytle, R L
2 Westmoreland, G \V
3 Jarrard, A J
4 Hamilton, S A
5 Smith, R D
6 Robinson, W 1 !
7 Bell, W II
>S Jarrard, J IT
9 Brownlovv, E W
jo Thurmond, J 1’
11 Thurmond, F O
12 Turner, J J
13 Wright, |esse
14 Nelms, James
15 Sutton, J E
16 Brewer, X E
17 Ash, LG
18 Howard, Samuel
19 York, V L
20 House, J W
21 Kanaday, J II
22 Sosebee, J R
23 Truelove, J C
24 Smith, J. 1’
23 Miller, W C
26 Allison, W W
27 Henderson, T B
28 Hunt, Jesse
29 Freeman, C II
30 Sosebee, J M
List of Special Jury Drawn for
The October Term, 1920
1 Power, W R }
2 Stovall, j II
3 Aulry, C H
4 Williams, R A Sr
5 Crise, C II
6 Thomas, J R
7 Westmoreland, D C
8 Sims, Claud
9 Allison, J M Sr
10 Glaze, J II
11 Brewer, C D
12 Thurmond, E D
13 Vandiver, Geo M
14 Hunt, Henry
15 Dalton, F M
16 Brock, J S
17 Reece, J M
18 Nix, MG
18 Ilarris, II II
20 Caudell, W W
2 r Humphries, L M
22 Black, S N
23 Robinson, W II
24 McGee, B L
25 Davidson, E F
26 Cooley, J I)
27 Sosebee, J 15
28 Cantrell, S C
29 Whitlock, W [
30 Palmer, J F
31 Underwood, II B
32 Russell, J C
33 Allen, J C
34 Blalock J X
35 Allen, M C
36 Robertson, J B
37 West, E P
38 Dorsey, W A
39 Curtis, J T
40 Bent'ey, D E
41 Oakes. C W
42 Nix, J Wesley
43 Telford, J H
44 Sutton, A C
43 Moore, U G
46 Robinson, W li
47 Skelton, J B
48 Ilix. R II
49 Allison, Silas
30 Meaders, J M
51 Kanaday, E L
52 Kimsey, O E
53 Logan, S B
54 Dean, W K
55 Abernathy, Henry
56 Nix, N A
57 Westmoreland, Bascomb
58 Winkler, J A
69 Miller, J N
60 Evans, J B
Advertise Georgia.
October lias been proclaimed
“Advertise Georgia Enterprise
Month” bp Governor Dorsey, and
it is during this month that the
tive work of raising the $5°.000
fund is to be carried on. How¬
ever, so great lias been the inter¬
est indicated that it is expected the
entire sum will be subscribed with¬
in the first week. Many counties,
through their commissioners will
subscribe the county quota from
the treasury.
I11 the meantime, the Advertise
Georgia Enterprise is carrying on
a campaign to show “hotnefolks”
what a really wonderful state they
have to advertise. Or.e of the
methods being used is the “Know
Georgia” series of motion pictures,
will be exhibited in September and
October in every town in Georgia
which boasts a motion picture the¬
atre. This series of films, totalling
20,000 feet, shows scenes in every
section 6f the state, will) historical
places, the use of modern agricul¬
tural methods, natural resources,
stale institutions, and thousands of
matters of interest found in a com¬
plete tour of the state.
Came to my place September t i
a red heifer witli white tail, bell
011, marked half under crop in right
ear. Owner can get the same by
paying the damage.
Leaf. Ga.
One more beautiful Sabbath
morning has come. The farmers
will soon be done with their fodder
Mr, Trotter has left the grade
and has gone to the Smith camp.
He will have most of his old hands
with him and we hoye lie will have
success in his new field of work.
It’s dollars
to doughnuts
no man ever smoked a better
cigarette at any price!
/~' , AMELS quality, and their expert blend
V-/ of choice Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat¬
isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed.
You will prefer this Camel blend to either
kind smoked straight!
Camels mellow-mildness will certainly
appeal to you. The “body” is all there, and
that smoothness! It’s a delight!
Go the limit with Camels! They will not
tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas¬
TURKISH b DOMESTIC' ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga
__< 1 BLEND c a n c t t g s re tty odor!
Just compare Camels with any ciga
rette in the world at any price! .
Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically sealed
packages of 20 cigarettes; or ten packages (200
c iga reties) in a glaasine paper-covered darton. I 1
We strongly recommend this carton for the home
or office supply or when you travel.
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winston-Salem. N. C.
Three good farms for rent.
See W. A. Danforth at once.
Sen Bargains W|eie Land is Cheap
Come to White county, where the sun is shining, the
llowers blooming, the birds singing and drink the best
water in the world, and see what Waite County Realty
Company has to offer you at a BARGAIN in timber, fer¬
tile farms that will produce a bale per acre of cotton 011
the improved lands, or a small tract w ill dwelling and
outbuildings, near Cleveland High School.
J. B. R. Barrett Jag. P. Davidson S. E. Reece
Demand Loans_______________$ 2,664.40 Capital Stork paid in_________$15,000.00
Time, loans_____________________162,199.01 Surplus Fund .. 3,000,00
Overdrafts 28,80 Undivided profits, less current
... interest and
Bonds and stocks owned by expenses, taxes
the Bank 200.50 paid.............. 3,798.70
.........__ ______ Due unpaid dividends........ 8.00
Banking House______________ 2,004.92 Individual Deposits subject to
Furniture, and Fixtures_______ 2,407.04 check_____________________ 54,614.53
Other real estate _____________ Savings Deposits_____________
Cash in vault and amount, de¬ 8U 00
posited in Banks_____ 17,362.49 Time certificates_____________ 63,926.51
. . . Cashier's checks_____________ 1,318.23
Cash Items and Notes and Bills Rediscounted. 11,700.74
Clearing House__________ 1,349.55 Bills payable, including time
Other Assets not included in the certificates representing
above_________________________ borrowed money. 85,000.00
Total............$1.88,446,77 Total.............. $188,446.77
State of Georgia. White County.
Before me came F. G. Manney, Cashier, of Farmers Hi Merchants Bank, who
being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition
of said Bank as shown by the books of tile in said Bank.
Sworn t.o and subscribed before me, this 29th of day September, 1920.
ELLA QUINN, Notary Public State at Large.
. _ — ------------------
[PRICE 81.50 A YEaK
The best made. You do not
have to come after them. Just
send me a mail order and it will
come to you.
Mrs. C. C. Jarrard.