Newspaper Page Text
aids to good looks* sound
teeth* eager appetite and
digestion are only 5 C a
package sealed
lasts After meal
every A . 152
How to Learn.
"Say, old man,” said a friend to a golf
player, “what Is the best way to learn
to play golf?”
“Well," replied the other man, “take
a couple of dozen balls, a wheelbar¬
row load of mud, and forget that you
aver went to church.”—The Globe.
are unsightly and mar the appearance
of many a woman whose face would
be otherwise attractive. There is no
need for this. Just get a box of Tet
terlne and use It regularly and you will
be surprised how quickly pimples,
blotches, Itchy patches, etc., disappear
and how soft and clear the skin be¬
comes. Nothing better for eczema and
other skin troubles than Tetterlne.
Sold by druggists or matled for 50c. by
Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga.—Adv.
Evasion Is unworthy of us, and Is
always the Intimate of equivocation.—
Kill That Cold With
for AND
Colds, Coughs La Grippe'
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneaea.
Breaks up a cold In 24 hours — Relieves
Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache
Qnlnine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is beat Tonic
Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s.
“Hurry, Baby Ha* the Colic”
Don’t take dangerous chances by letting baby
fret, cry and suffer—use the safest proven remedy
for colicky or teething babies.
TK» Infanta* and ChUdran'a Regulator
It quickly aids baby's itomach to digest food aa It should and
keeps tha bowels open, bring# aurprisinjly quick relief from
colic, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulency and other aimiiar
Made of purely vegetable i nyradient*. guaranteed to contain
no narcotics, opiate*, alcohol nor anything harmful. label: This
complete, open published formula appears cn every
Seantf So-cbuta Citrate Oil ol Asia* Caraway Gycennt Syrup
Rhubarb Sodium Bicarbonate Fennel Conandes Sugar
At All Druggists
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO.. 21S-Z17 FaK m Street, New Yark
General Selim* AfeaU; Harold F. Ritchie & Ca.« lac.
New leak London Toronto
Curb on Profanity.
The following sign was noted In
the pool room of a combined soft drink
parlor and pool room in Orawfords
“Gentlemen—Please ao not swear
loud enough to be heard In the front
part of the room."—Indianapolis
“Pape's Dlapepsln" Corrects Stomach
"Pape’s Dlapepsln” is the quickest, sur¬
est relief for Indigestion, Oases, Flatu¬
lence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fermentation
or Stomach Distress caused by acidity.
A few tablets give almost immediate
stomach relief and shortly the stomach
is corrected so you Large can eat favorite foods
without fear. case costs only 60
cents at drug store Absolutely harmless
and pleasant. Millions helped annually.
Best stomach corrective known—Adv.
Unconsciously True.
“Mollle met a skin doctor who says
he can take away wrinkles and make
old faces as good as new.”
“I guess he does It with one of
them new-fangled things they call
wrinkle prevaricators."
A Condensed Record Of Happening*
Of Interest From All Point*
Of The World
Twenty-five persons were killed In
rioting at Gensan, Korea, when Kor¬
ean students attacked and destroyed
or damaged branch of the Korean In¬
dustrial bank and the Oriental Devel¬
opment company and several Japanese
Roland Rohlfs, one of the American
entrants for the Jamee Gordon Ben¬
nett International aviation cup to be
raced for at Etamps, France, crushed
the ground while flying his Texas
Wildcat airplane In practice this even¬
ing and was seriously inured.
Fierce rioting broke out in North
Belfast, and first reports from the
hospitals were that five gunshot cases
and many other injuries were being
treated. The rioting followed a reign
of terror In the Fals road district of
Belfast as a result of the murder of
a policeman, the wounded of two oth¬
ers and the killing of three civilians.
Premier Lloyd George’s proposal
that a basic line be fixed for coal out¬
put at a sufficient low level to insure
a wage increase if any reasonable rate
of production is maintained, will prob¬
ably be the solution of the British
coal question, and a strike will be pre¬
Toklo advices say that the United
States government will be asked to
appoint a committee to effect a solu¬
tion of the Japanese-American prob¬
lems growing out of the alleged anti
Japanese legislation proposed in Cali¬
Dispatches from Turin say that pitch¬
ed battles in which troops have used
machine guns and armored cars
against strikers armed with rifles
and bombs have marked the dally oc
currences there recently, The first |
outbreak came when the funeral of
two strikers, who had been killed, was
In process.
Declaring it a violation of the treaty
between Great Britain and the United
States, the Kingston, Ont., branch of
the army and navy veterans has in¬
structed Its secretary to protest to
the Ottawa state department against
the United States armed cruiser Chil
licothe being used In the St. Law¬
rence river with its base at Ogden
Dr. J. H. Clapham of Kings College,
Cambridge, at a meeting at Cardiff,
Wales, predicted that an Industrial and
commercial slump was coming. It
would begin in the field of finance,
spreading to Industry and would give
us a bad spell of unemployment com¬
parable with the unemployment of the
post-war period of a century ago, but
more dangerous owing to the high
standard of living to which the peo¬
ple had become accustomed. He pre¬
dicted that the slump would begin in
Premier Alexandre Millerand wa3
chosen as a candidate for the presi¬
dency to succeed former President
Deschanel, who resigned as chief ex¬
ecutive of the French republic because
of ill health, by the joint caucus of
the members of the senate and cham¬
ber of deputies iu the senate chamber
America’s great prohibition experi¬
ment has been put under the magnify¬
ing glass by temperance workers and
scientists' of almost every country In
the world assembled at Washington
for the fifteenth international congress
against alcoholism.
If any political propaganda has been
sent out at government expense to aid
either party, the Kenyon committee
investigating campaign expenditures
wants to know all about it. Senator
Kenyon has summoned heads of vari¬
ous bureaus, among them P. P. (Tax¬ i
ton, chief of the bureau of education.
to appear before himself and his col¬
leagues. at Washington, to testify as
to tlie extent government literature and
letters bearing on political matters
has been employed.
To forestall the possibility of a bi¬
tuminous coal shortage anywhere in
the country this winter, coal operators
ate reported to be bending every ef¬
fort to attain a weekly output of over
twelve million tons of soft coal from
now to December L
The National Community Board,
Inc., is to "act as attorney for the
| public," has opened headquarters in
Washington. Its immediate aims are
"development of local communities
into little democracies with school
houses as capitols. and to put into op¬
eration the nation's original and ex¬
panding ideals of justce and democ¬
After having kept the gulf coast
from Brownsville to Pensacola at
high tension for forty-eight hours, the
tropical storm passed inland west of
; the Mississippi river and the weath
j er bureau at Washington announced
! that it was expanding its force over
I northern Louisiana.
j | A violation entered by into Russia of an j !
agreement with Armenia
! within tweety-four Hours alter its
j i
.inclusion was reported to the state
..itiuenx recently ia unofficis 1 ad-
D. C. Wills of Cleveland. Ohio, wiJs
a member of the federal re¬
board by President Wilson re¬
Mr. Wills formerly was chair¬
of the board of directors of tttfi
reserve bank at Cleveland,
It is anonunced that in future fell*
reserve bank appointments will
be confined to bankers, but that
men, fanners and tradesmen
be given a showing.
Some of the warships of the Atlan¬
fleet shortly will visit Bermuda at
request of the British government,
to tentative plans announc¬
at Washington.
Belief is expressed in authoritative
that President Wilson will de¬
to delay carrying out the direc¬
of Article 34 of the new mer¬
marine act, relative to termi¬
of certain commercial treaties,
congress reconvenes.
One thousand and ninety-three
cars have been built for the
railway system and placed
service since March I, when the
were returned to their own¬
at the termination of federal con¬
and new cars are being complet¬
and pl» ' in service at the aver¬
rate - f e.ght per day, according
a statement given out at Southern
system headquarters in Wash¬
This additional equipment
of 555 entirely new steel un¬
box cars and 538 steel frame
cars rebuilt from bad order cars
were totally unfit for economical
The international council of women
meeting in Christiania, cabled
Wilson that it had endors¬
the principle of the league of na¬
The cable was signed by Ida
Clarke, American representative
the council. It reads: “Represen¬
of twenty-two countries here
the international council of women
indorsed the principle of
league of cations.”
Discovery of the body of Jacob
Los Angeles capitalist, who,
say, had been dead three
who disappeared four months
buried under several tons of
in a hermetically sealed box in
cellar, brought to light what the po¬
characterize as the most weird
mystery in the history of that
The Chicago city council is sum¬
the managers of hotels and
to appear and show cause
charging such excessively high
for prepared food.
The Franklin car has been reduced
17 1/2 to 21 1/2 per cent, ex¬
through all models of that
Wages will not be affected.
A negro woman and her husband
In the toils at Greenville, Ala.,
with haying poisoned the
with arsenic that caused the
of twenty-six guests of a hotel
that city.
The need for export trade in the
industry of this country is
by the National Association of
Manufacturers. “A tariff wall
protect our domestic markets, but
not secure foreign trade.”
A reduction of 33 1/3% in the price
manufactured cotton goods is an¬
by the Amoskeag Manufactur¬
company of Manchester, N. H.,
the excessive advertised prices for
will correspondingly tumble
the next few days if the “youngs¬
can be prevented from “bulling"
prices ip their hurry to purchase
clothes. Hats will probably drop
in thirty days.
Henry Ford announces return to
prices on ail Ford products.
remain at the war level.
State military forces under com¬
of Gen. R. E. Steiner, prevented
holding of numerous mass meet
scheduled throughout the coal min
districts of the state by leaders
the striking miners. At some
the soldiers were armed with
A pension of 1% average of the
during the past ten years, mul¬
by the nlumber of years they
been in the service, will be the
for life of ail employees of the
and Ohio Railroad com
who have a quarter of ot a
or more with the company.
Statements by two men, one ol
claims to have seen the “death
which carted the explosives
near the assay office, New
at 10:30 a. m., one a one-half
before the explosion occurred,
the other who claims to have
three men running away from the
just before the blaze, furnish the
important development in the
investigations of the disaster
under way.
Alexander Brailovsky, a Sew York
journalist, who was arrested
the technical charge of being an
alien, has been released.
admitted having been seen in the
of Broad and Wall streets a
time after the recent explosion,
it is shown that he had no guilty
of the crime.
Three negroes were besieged for
than an hour in St_ Gabriel's
on the south side of Chicago,
by a mob of a thousand persons after
the negroes had killed r, white man,
Barrett, who is said to have
to the rescue of a white grri in¬
sulted by the negroes. They were
and placed in jail when squads
policemen were sent to avert a
possible race riot. The so»tb side
cl fcei. the scene ot disastrous
, . r o.s a year ago. Las been placed
-r »v... v quart!
After Thorough Trial a Detroit,
Mich., Man Endorses Pe-ru-na
The following letter written “PE-RU-NA has done wonders
from Detroit, Michigan is no snap and to me is worth its weight in
judgment expressed on the merits gold. I shall PE-RU-NA continue to use
ot Pe-ru-na, the well- as long as
known catarrh remedy, I live and recommend
but rather a mature, to my friends who are
sober opinion formed troubled with catarrh.”
after a full year’s trial. Nothing can be more
This is the way Mr. convincing dorsement than an en¬
Michael Fako of 906 of this na¬
East Palmer Avenue, ture from an actual
in the Michigan Metro¬ user. There are many
polis, writest “After people munity in whose every experi¬ com¬
using PE-RU-NA for
about one year will say ence ,in using Pe-ru-na,
I have found it a vary has been identical with
good medicine for ca¬ Mr. Fako’s. It is the
tarrh. It has helped standby for stomach coughs,
me a great deal and I colds, catarrh,
am very well satisfied I have and bowel disorders and ail ca¬
gained in weight, eat and sleep tarrhal conditions.
well, my bowels are regular and Put up in both tableland liquid
better color in my face. form. Sold eyehywhjeke.
Too Much for Him.
“I attended u case tried in a west¬
ern city,” says a member of the bar,
“where the defendant was charged
with burglary. While the judge was
delivering his charge to the jury one
of the jurymen fainted, just as the
judge had impressively said:
“ ‘Gentlemen of the jury: In arriv¬
ing at a decision you must take Into
consideration the testimony of the
witness for the defense and give It
full weight.’
“At the words 'full weight’ t he Jury¬
man swooned away. He was a coal
Buy only “Diamond Dyes”
Each package of “Diamond Dyes”
contains directions so simple that any
woman can diamond-dye worn, shabby
skirts, waists, dresses, coats, gloves,
stockings sweaters, draperies, every¬
thing. whether wool, silk, linen, cotton
or mixed goods, new 7 , rich fadeless col¬
ors. Have druggist show you "Dia¬
mond Dyes Color Card.”—Adv.
“The gentlemen who came to see
papa while you were away said I was
the smartest child they had ever
known, and each gave me a quarter.”
“Oh, that pleases mother very much.
You recited for them all the nice
pieces you know?”
“No. I said I knew a lot of pieces,
and then I didn’t recite any.”
Indlgestton produces disagreeable and
sometimes alarming symptoms Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills stimulate the diges¬
tive processes to function naturally. —Adv,
More Work, Less Talk.
Some foolish person says that what
we need in this country is more ac¬
tive brains. A little more activity in
the muscles would be infinitely bet¬
ter.-—Toledo Blade.
ITS And from sex. women the STELLA ills NEED peculiar VITAE not to suffer is the an
WRONG eminent doctor’s prescription
that for three generations has
been RELIEY INQ- • suffering
women and keeping young
FOR fering Sold girls by from women. your BECOMING druggist; upon suf¬
WOMEN the distinct agreement that
if the FIRST BOTTLE gives
no benefit, he will refund the
TO Mr*. it can does —instead Siuie do no no good. Stiff HARM, of suffering! Why even not TRY if it
SUFFER on. of Dunmore, Ky.
says: “I couldn't stand on my
feet an hour without lying down, I
used one bottle of STELLA VITAE
and no w I c an be on my feet all day.' ’
Chattanooga. Tenn., U. 3. A.
Doctors’ Favorite Medicine How
Purified and Refined from All
Objectionable Effects. “Calo
tabs”—the New Name.
What will human ingenuity wireless do licit?
Smokeless powder, telegraphy,
horseless carriages, colorless iodine, taste¬
less quinine,—now comes nausea less calo¬
mel. The new improvement called “Calo
t&bs” is now on sale at drugstores.
For biliousness, constipation and indi¬
gestion the new calomel tablet ia a prac¬
tically the perfect the remedy, manufacturers as evidenced have by
fact that au¬
thorized all druggists to refund the price
if the customer is not “perfectly delighted”
with Calotabs. One tablet at bedtime with
a swallow of water—that’s all. No taste,
no ing nausea, no griping, no salts. By morn¬
your liver is thoroughly cleansed and
you tite. are Eat feeling fine, with a hearty appe¬
wbat you please—no danger—go
about your business.
Calotabs are not sold in bulk. Get aa
original package, sealed. Price, thirty
fire cents.—(adv.)
AND FEVER, iif* a Fine General Streagtbesint Tenia
At All Dm* Stare*. Artkmr Peter A Cn., UnlaeUle, If.
A $5 BOOK FOR $2
To Men and Women wtahing to improve
their condition in life: Our great book, 600
Ways to Get Rich (300 pages cloth) will
Mart you on the right path. This book tells
YOU how to (lo It- There are 600 paths to
take. You cannot go astray. Take which
one you will, they ail converge to one point
and that is WEALTH. DON’T DELAY
Price 12.00. Eureka Novelty Co.. Warren, O.
«sDajjdmfl-s topsHairFalling
Restore* Color and
ntyto Gray and Faded Hair
fiOc. and #1.00 at druggists.
MINDERCORNS Remo-reg Corns, Cal
rouses, etc., stops ail ptun, ensures comfort to the
C^ta. *££, “t*!** Utscoa Chemical ea *& worbs, ««- patchogue, by mail or 2 at i. Y. Drug. *
with wonderful new t egetable compound
easily made at home. Recipe 25c. D.