Newspaper Page Text
It is said that 70% of all our illness is preventable. Old age oan be deferred
but will sooner or later over-take you.
The following are preventable:
Eye ' Pink Eye
Secretions i Trachoma
Bad colds
Spray borne Whooping cough
Mouth Pneumonia
and Tuberculosis
Secretions Scarlet fever
2 Non-Spray borne Dlptherla
il | $ Meninglties
Typhoid fever
Bowel Summer complaint
Dischargee Infantile paralysis
Hook worm and other
If Intestinal parasites
Skin Ring worm 4i
Small pox
1 Chicken pox
J f Syphilis About 10%
immorality Gonorrhea accidental.
i f Malaria
Suctorial Yellow Fever
Insects i Typhus
( Plague
I Rabies
Animals j Tape worm
[ Trichinosis Vo
Violence '■ic:
Non-Communicable Accidents
but preventable Occupational diseases
Dietetic diseases
Write the Georgia State Board of Health on any question pertaining to the
health of the community, especially Sanitation, Water Supplies, Venereal Dis¬
eases, or any infectious or contagious diseases.
131 Capitol Square,
j DOG”
This is the season of the year wher !
people become restleeB uiul long foi
the open, either at the seashore or In
the mountains.
It is the open season for malaria, ty I
phold, dysentery, chiggers and wood
ticks. If you are contemplating a va
cation you may certainly expect tc
come in direct contact with disease
germs, and knowing this you should
fortify youreelf against them. There
are minor inconveniences like snake
bites aud poison oak, sunburn and
leore feet that you will also have the
ipportunity to acquire.
The beBt remedy we know to sug
Igest to you la to live right, avoid
lover exertion, play fair with yourself,
fce sure of your water supply and
sanitary surroundings; <lo not stay
where disease is prevalent; home is
generally the safe place.
Now is the time to use typhoid vac¬
cine; have you taken your shot? Make
your premises sanitary aud have your
physician give you the three doses of
typhoid vaccine prepared by the Geor¬
gia State Board of Health.
It is not too late to do what you
can to eradicate the flics around your
home; they are, perhaps, the greatest
cause of disease; swat them and elim¬
inate their breediug places.
Write for the following pamphlets
according to your need. They explain
the government's campaign against ve¬
nereal diseases and present the true
facts of sex;
Set A. For young men.
Set B. For the general public.
Set C. For boys.
Set D. For parents of children.
Set E. For girls and young women.
Set F. For educators.
Issued by the
"Division Venereal Diseases Con
Atlanta, Georgia.
the suspected was kill
quickly The laboratory tx
;ion cannot be depeuded upon
early stages of the disease, lu
words, after the dog is dead
is absolutely no way of proving ;
tely that be was not mad. Wber- :
there is any doubt, we always
le treatment, as a precautionary
.sure. j
In submitting a dog bead to the.
juratory for examination, it is sl¬
ays advisable to report all the facts
/•carding the case. This includes a
history of the animal for several days
previous, aud a description of its ac¬
tions at the time it was killed. !
* if the animal cauuot be captured
Within two days, the patient should ap¬
ply for treatment If the patient Is
bitten about the face or head, he
should apply for treatment without de¬
lay, unless a consideration of the
Xacts at hand eliminates all suspicion
pf rabies Many gentle and mild tem¬
pered animals may become vicious if
ill treated or provoked too far. Bites
from such animals are not dangerous |
from the standpoint of rabies. Ob¬
servation for a few days, however.
Will clear up suck cases.
Hydrophobia among lower animals
Georgiu is quite prevalent and will
to be so long as worthless,
dogs are permitted to run
at large over the county, it has been
beyond a queetfon of
that this disease is spread by
in England hydrophobia was
prevalent at one time. Laws
were passed requiring all dogs to be
while on the streets or in
public places. Within two years the
disease was completely exterminated.
was necessary, of course, to estab¬
lish rigid quarantine regulations for
dogs imported from the continent.
a few cases of rabies have
in England in spite of the
rigid enforcement of quarantine laws.
Investigation revealed the fact
that aviators, witli whom dogs were
quite popular as mascots, in flying
back am! forth across the Channel
brought a few infected animals with
them from time to time, with a result
that the disease bus agaiu re appeared.
The most common symptom of the
rabid dog is ttie tendency to attack
bite every moving object. But it
does not necessarily follow that every
bitlug dog 1s rabid. A wound from a
non-rubid dog is not more dangerous
than a wound from some other acci¬
dental source. There is more or less
from every wound, regai dies#
of source, and precautions should al¬
ways be taken to prevent pyogenic in¬
fection, or blood poisoning. The ques
of hydrophobia should always be
considered, however.
In case of dog bite proceed as fol¬
1. Disinfect the wound with Iodine
or carbolic acid. A small drop of
uitiric acid is preferable, but core
should be taken not to apply beyond
the edges of the wound. A physician
should be consulted.
2. Don't get excited. There is very
little danger, if proper precautions
carried out.
3. Capture the dog. if possible. If
the symptoms of the disease are well
so that there is no question
of the diagnosis, it may be killed at
once, care being taken not to injure
the brain, aud the head shipped to the
stale board of health laboratory care¬
fully packed in ice. The express
regulations require that such material
be sealed water tight in tin eontain
ers. The sealed container should be
enclosed in au outside container also
4. If the diagnosis is not certain
the animal should under no circum
stances be killed, but should be con¬
fined for observation for ten days.
During observation he should be treat¬
ed kindly, fed well and boused com¬
fortably. The active s age of labies.
known as the ' mad" stage, rarely
lasts longer than four or I've days,
during which time the symptoms be
come rapidly more pronounced, I* the
majority of cases, if the animal is
rabid, a diagnosis can be established
within twenty-four hours. A veteri¬
narian should be summoned it possi¬
ble. If the animal continues normal
during the period of observation—
seeuis to eat. drink and sleep well—
then the idea of rabies may safely be
dismissed. It is not necessary to con¬
fine him longer than ten days. Hun¬
dreds of people are treated in Georgia
aver}' year lumecessarity simply be-
This farm includes the home of the late Mrs. Eliza Hunt.
About 35 acres in cultivation; the balance in woodland. Good
apple orchard. All cleared land lies well, and also much of
the ti nber land. Fine spring near house and plenty running
water, Apply to
Cleveland - - - Georgia.
Auto Tire and Tube Sale
Until October I we will allow 10 (ter cent discount
on our stock of tires and tubes.
30x3 - 32x3 j
30x34 32x4 34x4
Fi rst §§ Then sum
Miss Shepherd sang, She sudden.y
“In the Gloaming." stopped singing.
The New Edison The New Edison
stood on tlie stage took up her song,
by her side. and continued it
JSS times ~ no difference t
Miss Betsy Lane Shepherd, famous concert Edison — except by watching her lips.
soprano, has made this test 18.5 times. 4,000 similar tests of direct comparison,
185 public audiences, in 185 cities, have made by over fifty other celebrated vocal¬
heard her compare her voice with its Re- ists and instrumentalists, bate given this
Creation by the New Edison. No one, same result.
out of a total of more than 100,000 lis¬
teners. has been able to tell when Miss The New Edison is perfect realism
Shepherd was singing, and when the New achieved!
‘What gets" kind you of music ?
h Ti
ft Tell us—and we ’ll show you how all its emotional
power is Re-Created by the New Edison
Is it the soulful violin?—a mellow con¬ Created music in the same wav that you
tralto?—the scintillating flute?- a sweet, are touched by the living music.
soothing tenor?—that draws the quickest We want to show you that the New
emotional response from you. Edison Re-Creates all the vital power in
l>et us play your favorite voice or instru¬ all music.
ment in a new kind of Realism Test. See Remember what to ask for—“personal
whether you are touched by the Re- favorites” Realism Test!
‘ The Phonograph with a Soul”
Perfect realism is your one vehicle to the inner ism in Miss Shepherd’s 185 tests were all exact J i
joys of music which you crave. duplicates of the original Official Laboratory
Mr. Edison spent three million dollars in the re¬ Model on which Mr. Edison spent his three million
search work which gave the New Edison perfect dollars. You can also have an exact duplicate of
realism. He did this in order that the phono¬ this three million dollar original. We have it iu
graph might transcend its former limitations our store, and guarantee it to be capable of sus¬
and (here ive quote Mr. Edison’s own words), taining the same test of direct comparison.
“bring into every American home, music so real¬ Important Practical Detail
istic and so perfect of benefit in its and rendition as to be an Our Budget Plan brings your New Edison for immediate
unending source pleasure.” about enjoyment, when without asking iu for bear immediate ''Pcraouai payment. Ask
The instruments which proved this perfect read- it you corns to tbe F>u,c
itea" Realism Teat.
Save the Dollar Now *
Has it ever occurred to you that the dollars von save *
now will go twice as far in purchasing a home or any other *
necessity when normal conditions return* The record high *
wages and salaries of today make this the most logical time *
to save
Every dollar deposited today in saving- will be worth m
considerable more in buying power when prices drop, in i
addition to drawing interest. Appreciating the import¬ m ♦
ance of tliis opportunity, we urge you to add is much as t
possible to your savings regularly. *
Our officers appreciate your patronage and wan! your *
connection m
with this bank to be of distinct benefit to you. 9
We hope will feel free 9
you to make full use of our facilities, •
Ol R MOTTO: Safety, Service and Satisfaction *