Newspaper Page Text
Gbe Cleveland JEourter.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland fin.
Jas. F. Davidson, Editor.
Kntered at the Post itfice at Cleveland
Ga., *e second clang mail mntier.
Subscription, 111. 50 per year
Sugar is selling for ten cents a
pound '.! \Vindsor, Canada, just
across the . ver from Detroit, but
in Detroit it is 32 cents. There
must be something rotten some¬
where when thtre ts a difference of
22 cents a pound between cities in
sight of each other.—Leavenworth
(Kuna.) Times.
The White County Singing Con¬
vention convenes at the Baptist
Church in Cleveland next Satur¬
day and Sunday, Oct. 2, 3. Every¬
body is invited to come out and
help make these day a success.
Don’t forget the date and your
'"I c ■ font girl of Mr. and Mrs.
•\. Cooley died Sept. 19 and
, < d at Mossy Creek cemetery
. Frank Kenimer returned
■vmday alter a most pleasant
> friends in Atlanta.
rt will convene the second
ay in October, unless the
; see fit to pospond it again.
imber has decided to take a
1 downward with other commo¬
des, as it is off 28% already this
Clifford Walker and Tom Hard¬
wick are now engaged in the run
over primary to decide which shall
occupy the governor’s seat the next
two years. As a citizen of Georgia
you will go to the polls and vote
what you believe to be the best in¬
terest for the state, whether your
choice l>e for Walker or Hardwick.
But don’t fail to go and vote your
The firm of Miller Brothers have
sold to the Dixon their entire stock
of groceries.
Mr. J. A. Highsmith, of Gaines¬
ville, Fla., spent the week end
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Skelton.
Mrs. C. C. Parks, of Dewey
Rose, after spending a few days
wi,th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B, Skelton,-has returnen home.
Mr, A. G. Quinn, our black¬
smith on “Little Niagra”, leftSun
day morning for the West on busi
Mis. J. E. Norton returned home
Wednesday from the hospital and
as doing nicely after an operation.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Saxon is dangerously ill at this
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davidson,
of Atlanta, spent last week at Na
coochee and Cleveland with rela¬
As groceries and cloth lake a
step downward newsprint goev up
♦ >5. on the ton.
Rev. D. F. Morris will preach at
Shoal Creek the first Sunday night
in October.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P, Header) were
visiting in Cornelia Saturday.
L. H. Martin, field secretary for
the Georgia School of Technology,
was passing through the county in
he interest of Tech last Wedues
y. He says tfiat the school is
to overflowing at this term, but
fifteen free scholarships are
■d to each county in the State
uld like for some of our
•om White eouaty to attend
lipox has broken out in
.md at ttie home of Mrs. I.mi
rand, colored. A son and a
iter, who had been at Helen
jine time, returned home last
k and they nave developed
„es of smallpox. The house in
hicb they J*ve has been quaran¬
tined, and although locajtd along¬
side the public road, it is believed
hte disease will be .confined to this
Miss Liela Skelton has accepted
a position with the Habersham
bank at Clarkesville. Miss Skelton
will be missed by the patrons
White County bank, to whom she
is so well known, and it is hoped
she will do well in her new posi¬
Mr. G. A. Phillips, executor of
of the estate of Mrs. M. A. G.
Blake, who has been here since last
March, returned to California last
week in the interest of his personal
affairs. He will return here as
soon as he can arrange business
matters in California.
Born Sunday morning to Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Campbell, a daugh
Mr. Taxpayer, get your pocket
book ready, for it has been decided
by those who are in position to say
that you must pay on your proper¬
ty twenty-five per cent in excess of
what you paid fast year. That is,
of course, if your property is in
While county. No need to grum¬
ble or complain ; the State needs
the money and she is going to get
it. You will have to swallow the
medicine whether you like it or
not because the rate was as high as
as they could hoist it under the
and the only way out
was to hoist the value of taxable
Judge M. L. Dean, of Mossy
dted at his home last Fri¬
after an illness of several
The Judge was one of
most highly respected citizens
the county and has a host of
who will miss his council
his company.
The Haag Bros. Show which ex¬
in Cleveland one day last
was splendidly attended
made the performances a
for the show people. At
close of the evening perfor¬
arose between a Barrett boy
a negro. Whether the negro
the worse of the game is yet to
learned, but one thing sure he
a clear get-away with the
boys and quite a number
that joined, chasing close at
heels as he dashed out of the
before the audience in his
to find darkness. There has
cases in the town court made
all who were eagaged, but
have not been fined because
the illness of Mayor Craven.
The land sales of Tuesday and
proven quite a success¬
to all concerned. Good crowds
the sales and prices all
way Lorn jiji to 1103 per acre
Miss Flossie Palmer has accept*
the position in Cleveland High
for the 6th and 7th grade.
Rev. S. 1 ). Cherry preached at
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Gordon McAfee spent Sat¬
and Sunday here with rela¬
Married at the home of the
parents Sunday Sept. 26.
S. K. Cox and Miss Emma
L. G. Ash, J. 1 *., offici¬
Jlf. Cox is a well known
of White county and the
is a well known young lady
Loudsville flection. Both have
host of friends who wish the suc¬
through life.
Mrs. Sarah aMiss Laura Ash
spent Saturday night with Mrs.
Dr. W.R. Bulgin was up this
was this way la*£ week.
Mr. Vandiver Nikeltojt Mossy
Creek was up this w ay last wg#k.
Mrs. T. B. Ledford is oa the
sick list at this writing.
Dr. and Mrs. \V. E. Evans was
visiting up here Sunday.
We are having fine weather for
•saving fodder and hay and we are
“majkiug hav while the sun shines.”
J. Lamb Johnston and Archie
■spent the week-end with home
Our school i* progressing n(c*ty.
More than two hundred pupils are
enrolled, and with a splendid staff
of teachers we look for a very suc¬
cessful session.
It is to be hoped that our effici¬
ent ordinary will succeed in defeat¬
ing that unjust raise iii the tax
rate. The people will sustain him.
There is too much unproductive
land in White county to make it
equal in value to other counties. It
would be a heavy burden for us to
have to bear, and a very unjust
A little social at the school house
Saturday evening to raise money
to buy hymn books for the church
brought in over thirty doilorsi
Many autos pass through the
valley, every Sunday. Some of the
drivers are very reckless and care¬
less of the rights of others on the
road and serious accidents are free¬
ly predicted.' We need some dras¬
tic laws to chech them.
Col. I. L. Oakes, of Lawrence
ville, wa» in the valley last week.
The case of Torn Watson for his
Buford escapade will be tried be¬
fore him in October.
We owe a board bill, a paper
bill, a job stock bill, a clothing bill
and we need winter clothes, top
and under,also a new patr of socks.
How we are to get even with the
world and spend a comfortable
winter if you fail to pay your sub¬
scriptions? Court week will find
us in The Journal Office waitiugfor
you. Many of our old friends
always settle with us court Week,
and we will not disappoint them
by being away. We will be here.
We know you huva been to the big
meetings and your heart is right.—
Ba^s Co. Journal.
Some months ago a man came
here from Chattanooga, Tennessee,
handing us a card with the name
of J. F, J^ewis printed on it, claim¬
ing to represent the SetnitmlfiMed
icine Company, as sales manager,
said to be doing business; In that
city, selling a medicine culled “In¬
dian Kidney and Liver Medicine.”
This stranger made arrangements
with us to insert an ad. in theNug
get four times, giving a description
of this wonderful medicine which
would be sold at Dr. Head’s Drug
store in Dahlotiega. telljng us to
make out our bill and send it in to
the company for four insertions.
We carried out our part of the con¬
tract and sent in our bill. Dr.
Mead received the medicine, but
our money [failed to come. We
have since written tire company
twice but cannot even get an an
swer, This ceases us to think thut
this company is unreliable and if it
is we wouldn't want to spend any
money sor any of its medicine.-—
The Courier is in the same boat,
Uncle Bill.
s as —r^7~Trrassr a gws qjgsjB^
We regret to hear of the severe
sickness of Mr. Bomie Sutton, who
has typhoid fever.
Misses Fay and Annie May
Stansel took dinner with Miss
Cona Nix Sunday.
Miss Minnie Young has entered
jfileyeland High School. Minnie is
one of White county’s intelligent
young ladies and we wish her
Revs. J. G. Young and J. M.
Nix have been culled as pastor of
Tesnf^ae chjj.reh.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Nix, a girl.
MfS. Zoqq Nix of Gujnpsville is
visiting her WPtfuer a* this writing.
Mr- and Mrs. joe Ash were
visiting tb.e home of Rev. J. G
Young Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Nix, of
Lumpkin county were visiting re¬
latives in this section Saturday and
Rev. Steve Miller preached his
farewell sermon at old Tesnutee
Sunday. Brother Miller has been
the pastor of this church for five
year* “nd it I* with regret we see
hits gp,
To all my customers and
Ford owners, I have opened a
garage at the warehouse be¬
low Hooper’s Store.
A full line of Ford parts,
casings, tubes, oils, etc.
J. L. Pepper.
Georgia, White County:
By viitue of an order from the Court
of Ordinary of White County, will he sold
at public outcry , on the first Tuesday in
November, 1920, at the court house door
in said County, between the legal hours
of sale, the following described lands to
wit: Part* of lots of land Number .il
and 70 in the Fourth District of original¬
ly Habersham, now White County, lying
on the east side of Town creek and
bounded as follows: Beginning at Town
creek at a conditional corner at the east
and west line on the north of lot. number
70, thence east the original line on the
north side of lot number 70 to the origin¬
al corner between lots number 71 and 51,
thence east the original line on north
sine of lot number 51 to a conditional
rock corner, thence a southeasterly
course a distance of 18 rods to a condi¬
tional corner It a red oak tree, thence a
fi die south of east a distance of i32 rods
to a conditional corner at a post oak tree
ou the conditional line of the properties
of R. M. Ash, deceased, and William Sat¬
terfield, deceased, thence south said con¬
ditional line to the original line on south
side of lot. number 51 to a conditional
rock corner about 30 feet west of a red
oak tree originally the cohditional cor¬
ner, thence west the original line on south
of lot number 51 to the original corner
between 51 end 70, thence west the orig¬
inal line on south side of lot number 70
to Town creek, thence up the ineander
ings of said creek to the startiug point.
Containing 190 acres, mare or less.
It is hereby expressly understood that
a right of way conveyed to Blood Moun¬
tain Lumber Company by the heirs of R.
M. Ash, deceased, is reserved for a period
of ten years from date of conveyance; at
the expiration of said time, said rights or
easements held by the heirs of R. M. Ash
deceased, in said right-of-way to be con¬
veyed to purchaser or purchasers of said
above described tract.
Terms of sale cash.
Administrator of R. M. Ash, deceased.
Georgia, White County.
Pursuant to the fourth item of the last
will and testament of L. H. Jackson, late
of White county, deceased, which will is
duly probit ted and now of record in the
court of Ordinary of said county, and by
virtue of the authority therein granted to
me. as executor of said will, I will sett at
public outcry to the highest bidder for
'■ash on the premises, beginning at 11
o’clock, a. til., on the first Tuesday in
November, 1930 next, in Shoal Creek
distiiet of said county the following
property, as the property of said de¬
ceased, toiwits
Part of lot of land No. 4 in the second
land district of said county containing
eighty-live (85) acres of land more or less
and bounded as follows: On the north j
by the lands of P. Brown | on the east
by Jthe lands of J. \V. Drown, J. M.
Blackwell and M. P. Smith, and on Hie j
south by the lands of Gilreath, the last
mentioned land formerly known as the
F. M. Hulsey place: and on the west by
the lands of J. L. Jackson, now deceased. •
Said lands known as the L. H. Jackson
old home place in Shoal Creek district
of said county, and being all the lands
that said deceased owned in said district
at the time of his death and the place
wnereon lie died.
There is on this tract 28 acres of the
very finest creek bottom land, about 12
acres of good upland now in cultivation,
15 acres in tine berruuda grass pasture
and the balance in good timber.
There is on this place a splendid six
room d (veiling anil a good four room
tenant house with the necessary out¬
buildings with each house. To be sold
for distribution among the heirs in pur¬
suance with the terms and powers of said
last will and testament.
Thja September 30, 1920.
JSxr. of L- H. Jackson, deceased.
Jf you want ppre Dupoc-Jersey
pigs, priced right, see
Route j, Cleveland Ga.
WANTED - Man with team or auto who
can give bond to sell 137 Watkins home
and farm products. Biggest concern of
kiod in world, jit,500 to 35,000 yearly
income. Territory in this county open.
Write today. J. R. WATKINS C0i. Dept,
lli, Wincoa, Mina- lo-l
There is no one business more essential ip
to the progress of the County than its
There is no one business of more import¬
ance to the agricultural and business
interests of the county than its News¬
There is no one business in which every
citizen of the County should take more
interest than in the local Newspaper,
for it deals with the public affairs of the
farm and business life.
There is no one business which more
vividly reflects the religious, social,
moral, agricultural and business condi¬
tions of the County than the local News¬
What are you doing to back it up?
Do you subscribe for it?
Do you advertise in it’s columns?
Do you patronize it’s job office?
If not, why not do it NOW?
^ Zhc Cleveland Courier
Real Bargains In Residences In Cleveland. .
If you want a house in Cleveland at once see
Cleveland, Ga.
1. B. R. Barrett las. P. Davidson S. E. Reece
The Difference 4 4
—between the who *
man has learned I
to save and bank bis money and tlie ♦
Form the habit man who lias not learned, is the differ¬ *
of saving ence, ten years hence, between the *
man flourishing in business and the »
and Bank with man looking lor a job,
Book anb 3ob
©one with neatness anb ©iopatcb
Send Us Your Orders
Cleveland Courier 3ob Office
For Sals
AT HALF TRICE OR LETS, from day i. day until
dosed out, will sell for cash on the premises
a lot of household furniture, rugs, window shades, tools,
implements, ojie mowing machine and rake, one surrey,
one 1-horse wagon, two telephone instruments, one eider
mill, two cooking ranges, one mctrcla with about fifty
records, a lot of wire fencing with stretcher.
Also one good horse about seven years old, seven
cows (three fresh and one to freshen soon), scion year¬
First to come will get the best bargains and pick of
the property.