Newspaper Page Text
Buy It
A Great Medicine
Mrs. M. J. Riley, R. R, No. 1, Box 101, Cal¬
vert, Texas, write*:
•‘I have used Pe-ra-na and know tt Is good
for colds, cough9 and catarrh. It cured my
catarrh and I do not take cold when I use
Pe-ru-na. It Is a great medicine."
- • i ---
he nose and , throat, stomach, bowels or other
Sold Everywhere
does runy mpn NEED A NEW TOp
THP lur rnVFR^ ready you, to put prepaid, on will be Includ¬ sent
ing nails, gimp, express
Made of Genuine Ford Rubber
Top Touring Cars Runabouts
cover and [ Top cover and aq 7 p
back curtain, eo./O back curtain, bo.l 0
Side curtains, 9.75 I Side curtains, 7.75
If not to your entire satisfaction, return,
and amount paid will be refunded.
Send Check or Money Order
ABBOTT & GO. ihc.
P. O. Box 1301
Took a Relative’s Advice
Sykesville, Md.—"I was in bad
health for about ten months—suf¬
fered every
day with my
left side. 4 .
then began
taking Dr.
Pierce’s Fa¬
vorite Pre¬
scription and
also the Gold¬
en Medical
and was greatly benefited. After
taking six bottles I was well.
“I took Dr. Pierce’s medicines at
the advice of a relative who uses the
’Prescription’ for herself and gives it
to her daughter. I think this med¬
icine is good for all women in a run¬
down state.”—MRS. W. BLIZZARD.
Have been sold by druggists for
the past fifty years.
Removes D&narnff-fitopsHalrFallln*
Restores Color and
MIMDERCOHNS Removes Corns. Cal¬
louses. etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to th®
feet, makes walking easv 15«. by mail or at Drug
gists. Iilscox Chemical Works. F&fcchogne. gne.N. N. 1 Y.
The wonder of the musical world la ready
lor distribution. Any child, from five years
old up, can positively ositively learn learn to to play play tunes tunes on
a piano in a few minutes. Satisfaction guar¬
anteed or money refunded. Sehid P. O. money
order for $ i 75 for complete outfit, including
200 selections. For further information write
WONDER MUSIC CO., Dept. "K,” Kelly
Inserted and solid tooth, repairing a spe¬
cialty. Thu best service, best guarantee, the
best terms. Saw pays for itself as you pay
us. 200,000 bits and shanks to fit any saw.
Address our nearest factory: Columbia, S. C.;
Meridian. Miss.; Shreveport, La.
J. H. MINER SAW MFG, CO., Incorporated
BIG DEMAND. BIG PROFIT. Introduce an l
eel! meritorious health-building food product.
All good housekeepers want It. Special
agents' offer. Write Bishford, Baldwin, N. Y.
Prof. Sweigart’s Pain Absorber inhaler heals
rheumatism, all ailments. Guarant’d. 6 sizes,
il to $5.50. 3417 Front St., Philadelphia, Pa.
STOCKS AND BONDS —We trade on com¬
mission only listed, unlisted securities. Write
your wants and offers. G. L. SUMMER &
CO., P. O. Box 183, GREENVILLE, S. C.
Mrs. Hicks Relieved
By Four Eatonics
“I have taken four Eatonic tablets
and they relieved me of sour stomach.
I recommend it to everybody,” says
Mrs. G. P. Hicks.
If stomach is not digesting your
food; if you have sourness, bloating,
food repeating, indigestion or acid
stomach, Eatonic will remove the
cause by taking up and carrying out
the acidity and gases, bringing quick
relief and healthy digestion. Why suf¬
fer stomach trouble? Why not keep
your digestion normal and enjoy good
health? An Eatonic taken after each
meal will prevent discomfort and pain.
Make the test today and see how
quickly this wonderful remedy acts.
It comes in handy tablet form. Carry
It with you. A big box costs only a
trifle with your druggist's guarantee.
etr,tcby ? Then you need Malaria Cure.
Write for free sample. The Malaria Cure
On., 1303 Hill Street, Jacksonville, Florida
Brief News Items Gathered Here And
There From All Sections Of
The State
Atlanta. — Reduction iii wages of
emloves of the Atlanta, Birmingham
& Atlantic railroad, which, last week
was placed in the hands of a receiver,
were ordered by Judge Samuel H.
Sibley of the Upited States court for
the northern district of Georgia, in an
order handed down. The order was
issued in response to a petition filed
by Colonel B. L. Bugg, receiver for
the road, and concurred In by the Bir¬
mingham Trust and Savings company,
of Birmingham, Ala., the creditor on
whose petition the receivership was
Wages and salaries are .reduced ap¬
proximately 25 per cent, although the
court order fixes the basis at the scale
in effect on December 31, 1917, plus
! on-half the increases granted since
that date. Thus half the increases
; received by all the employes since
; December 31, 1917, are cut off under
the terms of Judge Sibley's order. The
wage cut is made effective on Tues
| day, March 1.
j In granting the order, Judge Sibley
I indicated his willingness to grant a
hearing to the employes should they
desire to make a showing in court and
j to their contentions in the matter.
Such a hearing will be set if a peti
| tion is filed by the employes or their
| representatives. The
wage reduction granted by the
| I court is exactly that sought before by the
A. B. & A. in its showing the
! federal railroad labor board and an
| nounced by the officials of the system
| | tive in December, February 1920, to become This original effec-
1, 1921.
| wage cut order was held up by the
railroad labor board, however, and at
j the recent hearing in Chicago the
boad declared that it had no jurisdic
| tion in the case in its present status.
Bible Leaders Will Speak
Atlanta.—Details are being com¬
pleted for tlxe twentieth annual Bible
| I conference to be held at tho through Baptist
tabernacle from March 20
j March 30 with five sessions a day.
! The speakers at the conference will
be Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, the Eng
j lish divine, who will preach each
i morning at 9;30 o’clock and each
i j evening at 7:30 o'clock; Dr. Len G.
Broughton, who will speak each morn¬
ing at 11 o’clock; Dr. Jasper C. Mas
i see, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who will
! preach in the afternoon at 2 o’clock,
; and Dr. A. C. Dixon, who will preach
! at 3 o’clock. Indications are that the
j attendance from out-of-town will be
: | larger than at any preceeding con
ference in the history .of the taber
I nacle.
February Good Convention Month
Atlanta.—During the month of
February the Atlanta Convention Bu¬
reau assisted in bringing 25 meetings
to Atlanta. Of this number 17 were
conventions and eight events, it was
reported. These meetings brought
3,745 registered delegates or an aver¬
age of 139 people for each convention.
| | With the January total of 29 meetings, has al¬
a grand total of 54 conventions
ready been held in the “Convention
| January City of Dixie’’ and February, during 1920, 1921. there During
! was
I a total of 5,280 registered delegates,
| I while for January and February, 1921, here
7,275 visitors were brought
| through the convention bureau’s ef
I forts.
No Indictments For Lynching Mob
Athens.—That “the forcing of tlte
I ! jail was done members by unknown the idly parties curious who [
were not of
crowd who surrounded the crowd court of j j
house,” but was done by a
men who came to the courthouse in j
automobiles about 8 o’clock and that ■
the sheriff acted in good faith and ;
was warranted in his feeling the pris- j
I oner's security, up to that time, the grand was j i
assured, was the finding of
j | jury reconvened Fortson, here of the Friday western by Judge cir- j j
| cuii superior courts, after two days of j
searching investigation into the attack .
| upon the Clarke county jail and the j
j taking therefrom of a negro, an i
I Oconee county prisoner, who was j
j taken to Oconee county and lynched.
Farmers To Meet With Fertilizer Men
Quitman.—Farmers of Brooks coun
! ty recently voted unanimously to ap
I ! point a committee of five to meet with
fertilixer dealers in Quitman, secure
| the lowest price quotations possible,
and to report these prices to a mass
meeting which has been called for at
the courthouse. The farmers who at
| tended the meeting reiterated their de
j termination to buy no fertilizers in
Brooks county this year unless the
price is satisfactory.
Bowden Promoted To Atlanta Office
Atlanta.—G. C. Bowden, former dis¬
trict manager of the Southern Bell
Telephone company at Mobile, has
been appointed district manager of
the Atlanta office, succeeding J. D.
Andrews, who was recently appointed
commercial superintendent for the
states of Georgia and Alabama. Mr.
Bowden, who has already assumed his
duties in Atlanta has made rapid
progress in the telephone industry and
is one of the best known managers
m the Southern Bell company.
Two Stills Found And Men Jailed
Atlanta.—After waiving preliminary
trial before United States Commis¬
sioner W. Colquitt Carter and admit¬
ting ownership of a 35-gallon still
found in his residence, W. H. War¬
ren, who was arrested in" a raid by
city detectives and federal agents,
was held to the federal grand jury
under $200 bond. Warren was al¬
ready under a $300 bond, assessed by
the city officials, and his attorney
sought to have the federal bond re¬
duced, but Commissioner Carter stat¬
ed that it had been his policy to fix
no bonds at less than $200 in such
cases. E. Edlestein, was also held
under a $200 bond, following the dis¬
covery of a 35-gallon tank of whiskey
in his residence. A large quantity of
empty bottles and 1,000 empty cans
were found on bis premises, according
to officers. Ida Parr and Amy Mer¬
ritt, two negro women were bound
over for possessing whiskey. Pete
Mayo, colored, was also held for vio¬
lation of the prohibition act. It is
charged that lie sold two bottles of
alcohol. Charlie D. Smith, another
negro, was discharged.
Religious Census Begins In Atlanta,
Atlanta.—The city-wide census, to
be conducted under the auspices of
every evangical denomination in At¬
lanta, which is a preliminary feature
of the big evangical campaign to be
waged simultaneously by the Protes¬
tant churches March 30-April 17, will
begin Feb. 27. Dr. John F. Purser,
chairman of the central committee in
charge of the census, announced that
all plans at a meeting of his commit¬
tee. The census is being taken for
the purpose of securing statistics for
the various' churches. A house-to
house canvass will be made. Each
word has been assigned to workers,
and the captain has at his command
a lieutenant representing every
church in his ward. The lieutenants
have appointed block-workers, whose
work it is to make the personal
visitations. After the records are
complete, the record cards will be
sorted in four classes, specific church
preference, denominutonal preference
and no preference. Although the cen¬
sus will practically be completed soon,
the census takers will have until next
Sunday to turn in their cards.
Plan To Centralize Schools Discussed
Quitman.—The consolidation of the
schools is being given much promin¬
ence in the county, and the teachers,
trustees and patrons aro discussing
the matter witli enthusiasm. Last
year tiie people in the Grooverville
community raised $2,500 for a new
school building, and now the patrons
and trustees are very anxious to have
a larger school and a longer term.
Miss Rubve King is the teacher and
has had a very successful term.
Atlanta To Have Junior Chamber
Atlanta.—A Junior Chamber of
Commerce, to operate along lines har¬
monious with the work of the Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce, but devoted to
civic activity for Atlantians between
the ages of 18 and 30, is planned for
tho city, and a committee has been
appointed by Lee Ashcraft, president
of the plan for its consummation.
According to the tentative plans al¬
ready worked out by President Ash¬
craft and o[.her officials of the senior
chamber, the junior chamber, while
closely connected with the senior
body, will be self-governing, and will
elect its own officers and directors.
Close Co-operation Of Veterans Urged
Atlanta.—Close co-operation be¬
tween the Spanish war veterans and
the American Legion was urged by
John W. Witherspoon, of Seattle,
Wash., national commander of tl\o
Spanish War Veterans, in and address
to General Fitzhugh-Lee camp, No. 0.
“Both are working for the same na¬
tional ideals,” he said, “and they
should combine their strength, in or¬
der to give better opportunity of serv¬
ing the nation.” National Comman¬
der Witherspoon was entertained at a
reception at the governor’s mansion, Mayor j
at which Governor Dorsey,
Key, Major General John F. Morrison, |
Brigadier General Johnson Haygood |
and J. K. Orr, National commander j
of the Knights Tempiars, were pres- j
Watch Found After Lost Nine Years
Washington.—A lost watch, after be- ;
ing missing nearly nine years, is found
in the stock of one of the local jew¬
elers, This is the Washington end
of a rather remarkable story of a j
lost watch. In- 1912, H. D. Moore
of Sharon, eleven miles south of this
city, lost a valuable watch, which had
been an heirloom in his family. On
May 3, 1912, he inserted an advertise¬
ment in the Crawfordville paper of¬
fering a reward of $20 for its return.
Quitman Rotarians Receive Charter
Quitman.—The Rotary culb of Juit
main will receive its charter at a
banquet given at tho Country club.
About twenty-five guests from other
clubs have been invited for the occa¬
sion. The club is making a number
of plans for the different progressive
movements in the town and county.
Cut In Costs Seen For Light Plant
Quitman.—The reports of Superin
tendant W. L. Walker for the opera¬
tion of the municipal water and light
plant for the past month reveals the ]
fact that costs have been cut down
considerably. Heretofore the opera¬
tion of the plant has been at a con¬
siderable loss to the city. Under the
new administration the cost sheets
show a material cut at the beginning
and Mr. Walker believes that „ in a
short time the plant will bring satis¬
factory results.
TU H. JOHNSON, of Portland,
• Ore., who says no one could
have done him any greater kind¬
ness than the friend who advised
him to try Tanlao. — Gains fifteen
“Not in a long time have I enjoyed
such good health or felt so well gen¬
erally as 1 do since taking Tanlac,”
said W. H. Johnson, 31!) East 43rd
St., Portland, Ore., who holds a re¬
sponsible position with the Northwest
Transfer Company.
“About a year ago I began suffer¬
ing from lack of appetite and stomach
trouble and since that time—that is,
until Tanlac set me right—1 have felt
so poorly that 1 could hardly do my
work. My food seemed to do me little
good, if any, as my digestion was bad,
and I lost both weight and strength
“After every monl there was a dull,
nagging pain in the pit of my stomach
that kept me feeling miserable for
“The gas from my sour, undigested
food would bloat me up terribly and
my nerves were so upset that X would
lie awake half the night unable to
sleep. 1 was constantly having blind¬
ing dizzy spells and could not bend
over and straighten up quickly but
what everything seemed as dark ns
night to me.
“I was telling a friend one day how
bad I felt and he advised me to try
Tanlac and I just want to say he
couldn’t have done me a greater kind¬
“I have picked up all of fifteen
pounds in weight, my appetite is fine,
and although I am eating just any
. thing I want my stomach never gives
me a particle of trouble. My sleep
Is sound and restful and my strength
and energy have been so renewed that
my work Is no longer a burden to me.”
Tanlac Is sold by lending druggists
Clowns to Jail in Petrograd.
According to the energetic Aftonbla
del of Stockholm, the circus still ex¬
ists even if it: does not flourish in Pe¬
trograd. At a recent exhibition two
downs engaged in the following pat¬
“Where have you been for the last
“Looking for firewood.”
“Did you find any?”
“Sure thing.”
“Let me see it.”
“I will if you promise not to touch
It.” With that lie took a match from
behind his ear.
Both clowns were locked up by the
soviet police.
Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists,
Coats, Stockings, Draperies—
Each package of “Diamond Dyes”
contains easy directions for dyeing any
article of wool, silk, cotton, liDen, or
mixed goods. Beware! Poor dye
streaks, spots, fades, and ruins mate¬
rial by giving it a “dyed-look.” Buy
“Diamond Dyes” only. Druggist has
Color Card.—Adv.
All Right With Mother.
One day Jimmy, who was a favorite
In the neighborhood and who loved my
mother dearly, came In lo see what
sweets he could get, and mother no¬
ticed a button off bis overalls.
“Why, James, there’s a button off
your overalls; I wonder if your moth¬
er would care if I put one on?” .she
To which James replied: “Sure, put
one on. Her won’t care. Her’ll like
ya bedder.”—Chicago Tribune.
99 OUT OF 100
of the winter ailments such as Coughs,
Colds, spasmodic Croup, or soreness
anywhere, may be quickly relieved by
Vacher-Balm. Ask your druggist.
Avoid imitations.—Adv.
Rough and Ready.
“My husband can't see you. He’s
writing upstairs under inspiration.”
“Urn. Ask him if he's inspired
enough to pay ids bill.”
Dr. Peery’a ''Dead Shot" has enjoyed pop¬
ular approval for 75 years. Manufactured
only by Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill Co..
172 Pearl St.. New York City..—Adv.
Those Dear Girls.
“She says her face is her fortune."
“Indeed! I thought it was the com¬
plexion specialist’s."
Personal magnetism accounts for
more friendships than similar tastes.
Tells How to Get Quick Relief from
Head-Colds. It’s Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nostrils
Will open, the air passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug¬
gling for breath at night; your cold
or catarrh will be gone.
Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen¬
etrates through every air passage of
the head, soothes the Inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes instantly.
It’s just fine. Don’t stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh.—Relief
comes so quickly.—Adv.
Geometrical Mind.
“Charley, dear,” saicl young Mrs.
Torkins, “I see that they are talking
about a whisky ring.”
“What of it?”
“I was just wondering-—”
“Go on. Let's hear the worst.”
“I was wondering whether they use
the word ‘ring’ because of the way
liquor sometimes makes a man walk
In circles.”
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feel secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
teaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature’s great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad¬
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
“What Is the problem you are
studying now?”
“Just at tliis moment,” replied Sena¬
tor Sorghum, “you find me engaged In
a somewhat personal calculation. I
am trying to figure out how 1 can eon
tinue to serve the public at my present
compensation and pay my rent and
other inevitable expenses.”
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
A few cents buys “Danderine.” Af¬
ter a few applications you cannot find
a fallen hair or any) dandruff, besides
every hair shows new life, vigor, bright¬
ness, more color and abundance.—Adv.
Why Agents Go Mad.
Tall Man (to ticket agent)—Don’t
you ever get tii’ed answering a lot of
fool questions?
Agent—No, sir ; that’s my business.
What did you want to know?
Tali Man—That’s it!—New York
Centra! Magazine.
Cuticura Soap for the Complexion.
Nothing better than Cuticura Soap
daily and Ointment now and then as
needed to make the complexion clear,
scalp clean and hands soft and white.
Add to this the fascinating, fragrant
Cuticura Talcum and you have the
Cuticura Toilet Trio.—Adv.
Why isn't Satan the laboring man’s
friend if he finds work for idle hands
to do?
Kill That Cold With
Colds, Coughs La Grippe
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Taka no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneesa.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves
Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache
Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic
Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s.
Washington, D. C.—"1
was a sufferer of consti¬
pation for about eighteen months.
I took a good many things for It
but nothing did me much good.
I decided to try Dr. Pierce’s Pleas¬
ant Pellets. If all Dr. Pierce’s med¬
icines are as good as his ‘Pleasant
Pellets’ are for constipation, I think
the world should know it.”—JAMES
A. NELSON, 1631 Sixth St., N. E.
At all druggists, 25c a vial.
Motbera abould keep a jar of Blame's Vapomentba
Salve convenient. When Croup, Influenza or Pneu¬
monia threaten* thi* delightful »alve rubbed well into
the throat. cbc*t and under the arms, will relieve the
choking, break congestion and promote restful sleep.
{gar Hi
will hoi siAirt me clothes
30c, 60c, and $1.20 at all drag stores or sent prepaid 67
Brame Drug Co. N. Wilkesboro, N. C.
Vestal Roses
Excel in form, vitality and
loveliness. A yard of these
exquisite roses makes a
fairyland about the home.
For years we have made a
specialty of roses—Vestal’s
have a national reputation.
Plant anytime. Safe de¬
livery guaranteed.
Send for Our Spring Guide!
Gives valuable information
and lists hundreds of roses,
plants, fruits and berries.
It's free—write for il today.
Jos. W. Vestal & Son
Box 856 little Rock, Ark,
i iWiMIiii ii. uil — n i n-—— - . ... v -- .Jt
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by taking
The world’s standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous Bince 1696. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes, all
druggists. Guaranteed a3 represented.
Look for the name Gold Medal oa every keel
end accept no imitation
Reg. U.S. Pat.Off.
For bums, cuts,
sprains and all
skin irritations.
Relieves of scalp. dryness '
Ulartrat erf boohjet
free on request
Stottf Struct - Wow York City
--—-— ......
Then Watch Out.
Jimmy—Gee, a Jane must be inter¬
ested in a guy when she begins to pick
threads off’n bis coat.
Tommy Nothin’ to when she begin*
to pick hair ofTn it!—Cartoons Maga¬