Newspaper Page Text
Cbe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Y?a.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Po«i iffice at Clevelanil
Ga., 8H second cla’B mail matter.
Subscription, *1.50 per yeur
in advance
The great apostle says : This one
thing I do; forgetting the the
things of the past I press forward,
etc. That’s a good motto. It’s
not worth while to lie down and
pine over present conditions. It
matters not whether our present
condition is due to high living,
automobiles, short skirts, or silk
stockings. We might not be able
to define just how it was done, but
we know something struck us and
run over us. The thing to do is to
get up and look not backward, but
forward.—The Commerce News.
Debt is the devil’s race horse to
disaster. You may think you can
ride him, but the harder you pull
on the bit the faster goes, until he
flings you overhead into the puddle
of bankruptcy—then the sherifi
sell# the saddle! Pay as you go,
or don’t go. A man in debt has to
work hard for money that he has
no right to, for it belongs to the
creditor. Why do all foreigners
get rich here? Because they work
hard, live on macaroni, and homi¬
ny, instead of beefsteak and lamb
chops, and save every cent. See?
Habit is momentum.
Your automobile can run a mile
on the level on the same amount of
gasoline it takes to .make a hard
An express train is less expen¬
sive to operate than a local because
stopping and starting take so much
itifne and fuel.
The hard work of this world is
starting things. Once started it is
easy to keep them going.
The person who has formed no
helpful habits is wasting energy
because he is continually beginning
It is not hard to save a business,
succeed in a profession, keep peace
in the family, or be good, if you
can get habits enough backed up
behind you to push things along.
Every habit is a tremendous
labor-saving device.
Here is a list of helpful habits
©reoville Kleiser suggests. We
Have altered them a bit.
1. The habit of punctuality.
Make it a point to be at every en¬
gagement a little before the time.
Set your watch five minutes fast.
The only way to get there soon
enough. Don’t dawdle. Allow
for unavoidable delays of transpor¬
2. The habit of honesty. Just
get into the habit of telling the
.truth, no more, no less.
The habit of loyalty, ltejhct any
temptations to speak disparagingly
of anything or anybody to whom
you owe allegiance ; reject it as an
unclean thing.
4. The habit of sincerity. This
means a definite attitude of shun¬
ning pretense, affection, positig,
and making an impression, as op¬
posed to self-expression.
5. The habit of courtesy. To
courteous om;e does no good. Un¬
less you are courteous all the lime,
you’d as well not try it at all.
6. The habit of cheerfulness. For
pessimism is a pose, and gloom is
.usually a bud haabit.
7. The habit of thrift. For habit
is about all there is to thrift. But
tlie first part iu the bank, not the
S. The habit of prayer. For
prayer is not going to mean much
to life unless it is like daily bread.
Praying occasionally is about like
eating once a week.
Pin this in your bat until 't ab¬
sorbed into your head,—Atlanta
Mr. O. C. Bell is busily engaged
at present in constructing a dwell¬
ing on his property at the Hender¬
son mill, where he will move when
Dr. Adair is still here, and will
remain a few days longer for the
purpose of practising dentistry.
Mrs. G. E. Sutton was visiting
in Meldean Wednesday.
Mr. J. F. Carter, of Gainesville,
proprietor of the J. F. Carter
brancli store here, spent a shorr
time in our little city Saturday
We had a letter from Mr. J. A .
Adams, A , of r Barnard, 11^ Kans., in
winch , . , . he that . ^ they . having
says are
cold, , . wet, .it backward j weather .. f
the . time or c ti the year, but , wheat |
and all small of ,
grain give promise
a record crop; however, wages
will be much lower on account of
the price.
Col. R. C. Ramey, of Clayton,
spent Saturday in town organizing
the Cleveland National Far m Loan
Col. W. E. Candler was a visitor
in Cleveland last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McAfee
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Davidson.
Mr. John Davidson, who has
been at the National Soldiers
Home, Va., for medical treatment
during the past month, has return¬
ed home and is recovering.
The patronage of t he cheese
factory is steadily gaining.
Cols. J. W. II. and Thou. F.
Underwood were in Carnesville
Monday on professional business.
Mrs. Frank Carroll’s many
friends will be glad to hear she is
improving steadily.
The County Commissioners dis¬
approved calling an election of
bonds for the construction of a
permanent highway through
White county as well as improving
all of the other roads. We did not
learn their reasons for doing so,
but sure'y they must have some
very strong reasons or it appears to
us they would have called the elec¬
tion after that long list of petition¬
ers asked them to do so. It is now
time to find out why they didn’t
call an election, because you (the
people) are entitled to know. The
people say they want a bond elec¬
tion, and if they want it, how can
the county commission say they do
think they (the people) need it?
Slat#' Diary,
Friday—pa has started to raze a
mustash. I don’t think tna will a
loyv him to com-
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cum down & we pla d in the house
like was bandits & finely ma re
kwesttd us to stop, she se Seize
it yunguns or I will be a nervus
retch if you dont. so we did. 1
was lucky ma forgot to make me
take my Bath.
Sunday—They was a man hear
in town whitcli had the ilevv & he
sed if he cud only get sum wiskey
he woodent only be sick 1 day. so
his kin fokes got him sum. lie
was rite, his funerl is tomorro
Monday—I wanted pa to give me
permission also the price to send
off to a cumpny A. get Educated
munky. He sed Nu not as long as
I am a round hear. & when I be
gun to laff he swang at me. A got
me to.
Tuesday—mil is started a study
French whitch will be 3 tungs she
has mastered english & French
Wednesday—a Lady called on
. house today ,
are A pa got to argue
ing with she »N: ma about relighus
things & the Bible and etc. The
lady ast pa did he beleave in Infant
damnashun. Ma interuted & sed
pa practised , it . when 1 was a In
fant A lie had to Carrie me wile
pleat it. She lias
sent noticed it as
yet ns it only looks
like a littel streak
of dirt on his top
lif & she is a cus
tgmed to seeing it
Ink thutawny.
Saturday — had
to rane as like us¬
ual on a Saturday
& cuddent go a
fishing. Bqjt did
dent hafta wirk in
the garden. Jake
walking the flore with the
or sumthing.
Thursday—I seen a poor
; dog get hit with a ottomobeel
day in front of are house & he
fatally J killed in the acksident.
- ........ 1 1 —...........
The protracted services being
conducted at he Methodist Ctiurch
j is being well attended at both
| the morning and evening services
Rev. Geo. P. Gary 1 is giving our
j clear
I | people 1 r some very 7 cut sermons
We are unable to say 7 whether the
. will . longer
services continue any J s
than Fridny . night,
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County:
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to give notice that there will
be introduced in the next General As¬
sembly of the State of Georgia a bill en¬
titled: An Act repeal an Act incorporat¬
ing the town of Robertstown in said
county and for other purposes. Said
act to be repealed was approved August
16, 1913.
J. II. Jarrard, Mark Matheson,
W. H. Cornell and many other
citizens of said town. 5 27
I will stand my celebrated Stal¬
lion, Jim Reape, at my home in
Cleveland this season. I will be at
home every day, except from n
o’ clock A. M. until 3 130 P. M.
Fee will be *15 for a living colt.
The owner must take all responsibil¬
ity of his mare. I will use all care
possible to protect both mare and
Frank Carroll.
Chairs Repaired.
After May 1st I will bottom
chairs with white oak splits for
twenty-five cents each, pul in
rounds for five cents each. Will
have baskets for sale from fifty
cents to one and half dollar.
Satisfaction guaranteed,
5 6 Cleveland, Ga
Misses Comillu and Lizzie Mend¬
ers gave the young folks a singing
last Sunday night.
Therp wag a ball game in Mr.
Dave Cow’s pasture last Saturday
Mr. Joy Autry was the company
of Miss Julia Dorsey last Saturday
There was a mistake in announc¬
ing the day fqr childrens’ day at
Mossy Creek, it will be announced
There will be a ball game in Mr.
Dave Crow's pasture Saturday
evening at ?’,30 P. A,. We want
everybody to come ogt,
Mr. II. A, Autry and family
spent Sunday evening with his
brother near Hali county,
Messrs. Dewey Autry and Paul
Crow spent Saturday night with
Elbert Ileaden.
Messrs. Joy Autry and Van
Crow left Sunday morning to work
on the Union county highway.
Several from this part visited
Antioch Church and listened to
Rev. Miller preach a wonderful
Messrs, Joe Young and Oscar
Turner was seen down here Sun
d *‘y afternoon,
Mr. Charlie Coow is helping his
father.-in-law, Mr. f. N. Seabolt,
plant corn.
Get busy 5 keep busy. Is your job un
safe? Is it permanent? You want a
lifl “ lonp bu8in8W - Vou * et into
each a business, selling more than 137
w *,kins products di.-ecA to farmers if you
own auto or team or can get one, if you
can give bond or personal securities. We
back > ou wilh bi F selling helps; 52 years
io business; 20,000.000 users of our prod
ucts. Write for information where you
can get territory. J. R. WATKINS CO.,
Dept. Ill, Winona, Minn.
Frost Proof Cabbage Plants
One hundred acres, thirty million good
stocky plants, ready now. Early Jersey,
Charleston Wakefields, Succession, Flat
Dutch. Parcel post paid, 300, $1.00; 500
$1.50; 1000, $2.50; express, 2000, $3.50;
5000, $7.60; 10,000, $12.50. Count and
delivery guaranteed.
Parker Farms, Moultrie, Ga.
WE START YOU in the candy business
at home, small room or anywhere; ev¬
erything furnished; earn $30.00 weekly
up; men—women; experience unneces¬
sary; advertise candy. Send self-ad¬
dressed stamjied envelope for free par¬
ticulars. Bon-Ton Candy makers Co.,
Desk A, Broad 81., Philadelphia. Pa,
The Latest Model Hats
Come and see an intensely
interesting stoek of Millin¬
ery. You are cordially in¬
vited to see niv hats before
$30,00weekly up; homework; experience
unnecessary; everything furnished;
send self-addressed stamped envelope for
free particulars. Bon-Ton Candymakers
Co., Desk B, Broad St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Sell the genuine Watkins Products!
Medicines, Etracts, Spices, Soaps, Sham¬
poo. etc. Live lady or gentleman agent
wanted in Cleveland and other vacant
cities. All or spare time. Particulars
anil sample free, Write to day.
J. R. Watkins Co., 63 Memphis, Tenn
One Way To Hurt Your Town.
A good way to throttle your
town is to squeeze all the spirit and
ginger out of your home paper.The
squeezing process comes through a
skimpy, indifferent patronage,—
Walton Tribune.
No newspaper in the South is better equipped than the Atlanta Journal for
getting news to you the day it happens. For years The Journal has been
served by the Associated Press, the world’s greatest news-gathering agency,
with its full leased wire service. Recently the Journal has taken on the full
twenty-four hour service of the Associated Press. All through the night, all
during the day, and even in the wee small hours of the morning, these leased
wires pour the news of the world into the Journal office, and it goes to you
on the first train leaving Atlanta. Besides the Associated Press, the Journal
is served by the United Press’ full leased wire service. If it happens, you
can’t miss it, if you subscribe to The Journal.
Subscription Price
By mail, payable in advance—Daily and Sunday
m One year $9,50 Six months $5.00 One month .90
The Daily Journal
One year $7,50 Six months $4.00 One month .70
The Sunday Journal
One year $5.00 Six months $2.50 fix
Atlanta, Ga.
All Street Cars Stop and Pass in Front of the
P. A. MAXKER, Proprietor
ninth and market streets
6o Rooms li.oo to $2.50 $5.00 to $10.00 Per Week
Hot Water at Ail Honrs
We try to make this hotel the cleanest and safest, morally, of all the
hotels in Chattanooga. Questionable characters need not apply
On May 2nd I will offer my entire stosk of goods at a great
reduction from cost, and sell Tor thirty minutes, morning and
evening, to the highest bideer for cash or produce.
Sale will continue through the week.
Remember (he date, May 2nd, and he ready for your share
of the many bargains.
Come one, come all and make this sale of great interest to
Leaf, Georgia
If you have laud to sell
see us at once.
Give us your options If
want to sell.
Cleveland, Ga.
J. B. R. BARRETT, Pres. JAS. P. DAVIDSON, Sec’y-Treas.