Newspaper Page Text
Why That Bad Back!
Is backache keeping you miserable?
Are you “all played out," without
strength or vigor for your work? Then
find what is causing the trouble and
correct it. Likely, it’s your kidneys!
You have probably been working too
hard and neglecting rest and exercise.
Your kidneys have slowed up and poi¬
sons have accumulated. That, then, is
the cause of the backache, headaches,
dizziness and bladder irregularities. Use
Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have
helped thousands and should help you.
Ask your neighbor!
A Georgia Case
A. D. Simpson, farm¬
er, H i c h 1 a n <3, Ga..
says: “My kidneys
were weak and much
riding in my work,
weakened my back
and caused attacks of
backache. I was sore
and lame mornings
and it was hard for
me to get about. My
kidneys acted irregu¬
larly, too. Doan’s Kid-,
ney Pills relieved'
those attacks and put
my back and kidneys
In fine shape.” w
Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box
Keep Stomach atul Bowels Right
By giving baby the harm]ess, purely
vegetable, infants’ and children’s regulator.
im.mmtiym stmip
brings astonishing, gratifying results
ir making baby's stomach digest
food and bowels move as
they should at teething
__ R&&3 . from narcotics, opt
ates, alcohol and all
harmful ingredi
Bfea cnts satisfactory. * Safe and
Life is a burden when the body
is racked with pain. Everything
worries and the victim becomes
despondent and downhearted. To
bring back the sunshine take
The National Remedy of Holland for ovet
200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re¬
sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid
troubles. All druggists, three sizes.
Look for the name Gold Medal on every boa
and accept no imitation
Evolution of a Name.
“I thought your wife’s name was
“So it is.”
“Then why do you call her Peggy?”
“Short for Pegasa.”
"What has that got to do with it?”
“Why, I’egasa is feminine for Pega¬
"Well, Pegasus is an immortal
“What of that?”
“Sh! Not so loud. She’s in the
next room. You see, an immortal
Steed is an everlasting nag, and there
you are!”
Delicacy Seemed to Please.
Tasting ice cream for the first time
in their lives, .Toe .Table and his three
eons from the mountains near Union
town. Md., disposed of Cl dishes of
it at their first sitting. Fifteen each
for the boys and sixteen for dad.
Ox ' (</ / \i \v
‘ 1"
‘ W
-.\: \
‘ \ \\ \»\\ I"
S (r \\:~,\ -:‘~ 247
TO seal
in the
Burley I
flavor \
Once you’ve \1‘
enjoyed the ‘\ \
toasted flavor
you will al
ways Want it
@ xmw
A Condensed Record Of Happening*
Of Interest From All Points
Of The World
Sheriff’s officers in motor cars visit¬
ed the residences of the members of
the Poplar borough council, who had
refused to comply with an order of
the high court requiring them to
raise tax rates in accordance with a
ruling of the London county council.
The councillors were arrested and con¬
veyed to prison amid the sympathetic
cheers from the crowds.
More than 600 delegates from virtu¬
ally every country in the world were
gathered at Calrsbad Czechoslovakia
to attend the opening session of the
twelfth International Zionist congress.
The chief work of the congress will
be the discussion of the problems
attending the rebuilding of Palestine,
and, in view of the present situation
of the Holy Land.
The discovery of a secret organiza¬
tion plotting a revolution in Hungary.
Fifty-six arrests have been made and
papers confiscated which prove the
connection of the organization with
foreign bolshevists and the Industrial
Workers of the World who are claimed
to have furnished the funds used by
the plotters.
The Removal of the body of Pope
Leo XIIr from the Vatican to the
Church of St. John Uateran, has been
Representatives of American oil
companies, at Mexico City, recently
declined to express opinions regard¬
ing action of the supreme court recent¬
ly in unanimously granting an injunc¬
tion to the Texas company enjoining
the Mexican department of com¬
merce and industry from denouncing
rights to oil lands held by the Texas
Marcellus T. Abernathy, Ninth Coast
artillery was so severely bitten by a
shark while bathing in Manilla Ray
that he died soon afterwards. His
nearest kin is Miss Mildred Abernathy
a sister, at Forsyth, Ga.
Three more bodies were recovered
from the wreckage of dirigible ZR-2,
making a total of twenty-two recover¬
ed since the disaster.
Famine scenes are described by the
Pravada, a Moscow soviet organ, re¬
ceived at Riga recently.
England is now at* peace with all
her enemies of the world war, only
with the exception of Turkey.
Field Marshal Count Karl von Bue
low, who was commander in-chief of
the German second army during the
world war died recently at Berlin.
At least thirteen are killed and
more than a hundred have been
wounded in the bitter factional rioting
which has raged through Belfast for
three days, and which now appears to
burned itself out through exhaustion
of the spirit of the fighters and the
-rigorous action by troops and police.
Headquarters of the Gulf division
of the Emergency Fleet corporation
wore closed recently, virtually ending
thh labors whic at one time engaged
50,000 men in sixteen southern towns.
The force retained by Manager D. T.
Williams- numbers but fifty men. The
gulf division constructed 151 vessels
of 707,400 deadweight tons in the
yards of Savannah and Brunswick,
Ga., Jacksonville, Tampa and Pensa¬
cola, Fla., Pascayoula and Moss Point,
Miss., Mobile, Ala.
Instructions for obtaining material
from the war department for the pur¬
pose of exhibition at fairs, xpositions,
and like celebrations, were announced
reently by Adjutant Gneral P. C. Har¬
ris, in a ltter to Senator Thomas E.
Watson, of Georgia.
It is authoritatively learned that the
interstate commerce commission, un¬
der tht provisions of the Esch-Cum
mings transportation act, will short!”
announce consolidation of the rail¬
roads of the United States into twen¬
ty systems.
Nathaniel Ferguson, aged 9, arrived
at the Union station here recently
Raliegh, N. C., locked in a baggage
car. Investigating lusty yells from
within the car railroad detectives
found the lad, who explained he had
entered the car on a side track at
Raliegh while at play recently. Some
of his companions had locked him in
as a lark, and before they returned
he was on his way to Washington.
His mother was notified.
Decision was reached recently by
the senate finance committee to re¬
writ the house tax hill so as to in
elude in one document every internal
revenue law on the statute books.
Agreement between Japan and
China regarding the so-called Shan¬
tung issue before the convention of
the Washington armament conference,
soon, is impossibility unless Japan
voluntarily surrenders ail privileges
granted her under the Versailles
treaty, according to well-informed au¬
thorities here.
Reports by expert engineers furnish¬
ing statistics of the operation of the
Muscle Shoal, Ala., nitrate plant dam
under the proposal submitted by
Henry Ford have been received by
Secretary Weeks
A half-billion dollar anchor to wind¬
ward has been provided by the house
of representatives against failure of
the new tax law to provide for the
government’s expeditures for the cur¬
rent year. This anchor may be a life
saver in either of two likely conting¬
encies. One—If the new schedule of
taxes provided by the law fails to
produce sufficient revenue to cover
the total of appropriations.
President Harding, speaking recent¬
ly at the opening of the fall term of
the Army War college, declared that
"no matter where the best aspirations
of the world lead us there never may
he a time without the necessity for
armed forces.’’ The. president in his
brief address, however, pledged the
two hundred officers in his audience
that, during his administration they
would never be called to perform mili¬
tary service “they could not enter
into with all their heart and soul as
Indications of a broad general busi¬
ness recovery throughout the country
are lacking still, according to a report
given out by the federal reserve hoard.
Chairman Sydney Anderson issued a
statement recently asserting that addi¬
tional credit facilities for farmers are
imperative. He indicates the commis¬
sion in its report to congress will reo
commend a concrete plan for bridging
the gap between short-time and long¬
time credits.
That the homage paid to his mother
in the movement to build a replica of
her birthplace in the national capital
through the efforts of the Georgia
Roosevelt Memorial association, would
have been most pleasing to Theodore
Roosevelt, was the daclaration of Han
nis Taylor, ex-ambassador to Spain,
in an address before the association
following the parade and pageant re¬
Assurance was given President Har¬
ding recently by Senator Watson, re¬
publican, Indiana, that the tax revi¬
sion bill would be ready for consid¬
eration soon by the senate and to be
put through without delay.
Captain Cranston Williams, secre¬
tary to Senator Harris, went, to Camp
Meade, Maryland recently to attend a
farewell dinner of the officers and
ladies of the 56th infantry.
The Famous-Players Lasky corpora¬
tion and affiliated concerns, which
the federal trade commission was
formally charged with unfair coni
petition and monopolistic policies,
combined and conspired to suppress
competition in interstate commerce iu
motion picture films, according to
official complaints.
The federal government is now mov¬
ing rapidly to protect the state of West
Virginia against violence. The presi¬
dent has issued a proclamation giv¬
ing those engaged in unlawful pro¬
ceedings until noon, September 1, to
return peaceably to their homes.
Decision to ask Henry Ford to come
to Washington for a conference with
respect to his offer for the Muscle
Shoals nitrate plant, was announced
recently by Secretary Weeks.
Gen. II. H. Bandkolt announces that
he has dispatched a telegram to the
war department at Washington to send
federal troops into West Virginia at
once. He says: “I am satisfied tho
West Virginia miners will not obey the
president's proclamation."
Conflicting reports of happening
along Spruce Creek ridge, West Vir¬
ginia, on one side of which armed
bands are gathered, while on the other,
Logan county deputy sheriffs, volun¬
teers and state troops are doing patrol
duty are circulated in Logan, W. Va.
Reports from Camp Bix are that
troops of the Twenty-sixth and Six¬
teenth infantries are awaiting orders
for possible duty in the West Vir¬
ginia coal fields.
The Ford Motor company has in the
neighborhood of $54,000.00i> in cash in
the bank, according to a report tender¬
ed the department of state at Lansing,
Midi. The report has not been offi¬
cially accepted because of minor er¬
rors and may be returned to the
company for correction.
Bodies of eleven miners were re¬
covered recently from the Harco
mine, after an explosion recently, at
Harrisburg, Illinois.
Creditors of Lewis Burke, Chatta¬
nooga broker, now in jail in default of
bond on the charge of fraudulent
breach of trusts, filed on involuntary
petition in bankruptcy against him.
A man in whose coat were found
papers indicating that he was Oscar
Norlin, of Baltimore, committed
suicide recently by jumping off tho
Brooklyn bridge.
Unless a tax bill amounting to
is paid, the sheriff of Tangipahoa par
ish, will at an early date sell at auc¬
tion the Louisiana estate of General
John J. Pershing, according to a story
published by The Pelicanaire, a for¬
mer service men’s weekly publication.
A train of three loaded trolley ex¬
press cars recently crashed into a
five-story building at Springfield,
Mass., when motorman lost control
of the cars. Only one person was in¬
Director C. R. Forbes, of the veter¬
ans’ bureau, Washington, will make a
personal inspection of the government
property at Camp McClellan soon, ac¬
cording to information made recently
to Congressman Lamar Jeffries.
The soviet authorities stili have re¬
sources at their disposal and should
be urged to use them to provide food
for adult relief, declared Secretary of
Commerce Hoover, chairman of the
American relief administration, in n
telegram recently to Colonel William
N. Haskell, director of the relief’ad
ministration’s mission to Russia
Better Retire.
“I’m discouraged and tired of life,”
declared the head of the family.
“Why so despondent?” asked his
“Statistics? What’s that got to do
with it?”
“Yes: they say that due hours of
work a day is enough to supply each
member of the community with a liv¬
ing, provided the work be equally
shared by all.
“Well, I’m the only one in five in
my family that labors. So, if statis¬
tics are true, to support file crowd I’ve
got to work 25 hours a day.”
If a man is a success he knows it;
if he is a failure all his neighbors
know it.
tiHanila 1
Contents 15¥luiA Dracl
similati!vj,thcFoodbyRedula- Avoidable PreparationfarAs ■
, ! machs and
tin$ the Sto
H i H\ercbySomoUfi£Diiicstfolt and RestContams
Cheerfulness Opium.Morphlnenor
Rdllier Narc otic,
Mineral. Not
■SedpeafOmisi^Ml’i^ &&£
^Pumpkin Senna
Jiochplie Salt*
'Anise Seed
Warm Seed ■>
Clarified Sugar Fla
'Jtfhttrgfwn Ytif
Ahdpfulltemcdj’for and Diarrhoea, ^
Constipation Feverishness and
Loss n$lhereftom-inW OF ancy
[j resulti
Fac simile Si'S nat erect
She's Suffering.
A Detroit, mother one child
stated in court that she Is not able to
gel along on $31,000 a year. How
much happier we all could he were It.
for not being compelled to read at
times of the suffering of others.—De
trolt. News.
Thousands of women have kidney and
bladder trouble and never suspect it.
Women’s complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other or¬
gans to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of am¬
bition, nervousness, are often times symp¬
toms of kidney trouble.
Don’t delay starting .treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician’s pre¬
scription, obtained at any drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle im¬
mediately However, from any drug store.
if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Advertisement.
Interrupted Profit.
"I understand there is oil in the
neighborhood of Crimson Gulch.”
“There is,” replied Cactus Joe. “But
it was mismanaged. They insisted/on
fryin’ to get it out In paying quanti¬
ties instead of goin’ on forever seisin’
Name “Bayer” on Genuine
Warning! Unless you see the name
“Bayer” on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin pre¬
scribed by physicians for twenty-one
years and proved safe by millions,
Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural¬
gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As¬
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of SallcyeacicL—
Long Distance Investment.
"What was he arrested for?” “Sell¬
ing canal stock.” That isn’t a crimi¬
nal offAse, is it?” “The canal is on
Many diseases may be described as a catarrhal condition. Coughs, colds, nasal
catarrh, stomach ana bowel disorders are just a few of the very common ills due to
Fight It! Fight catarrh with a remedy of assured merit, a remedy which has 9
reputation for usefulness extending over half a century—
Tablets or Liquid Bold Everywhere
Children Cry For
Special Care of Baby.
That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it
is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
a man’s medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
be tolerated by specialists in children’s diseases.
Your Physician will .tell you that Baby’s medicine must bo
prepared with even greater care than Baby’s food.
A Baby’s stomach when in. good health is too often disarranged
by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving
to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don’t be deceived.
Make a mental note of this:—It is important, Mothers, that
you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that
the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
prepared for grown-ups.
“So you have made up with Clip¬
1 ping?”
“Yes,” said Mr. Twobble. “I couldn’t
resist the spirit in which tiis apology
was offered. When a man conies to
me and says lie’s sorry and unwraps
a package done up to look like a pair
of shoes and says, ‘Wliat we need now
is a corkscrew,’ I’m not adamant,
sir, and in such circumstances I hope I
never will be.” — Birmingham Age
Relief Sure
felsCre'S Bell-ans !
Giiticura Soap | ;
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 37-1921.
Stop Suffering! Take This Seven-Day
Guaranteed Money Back if It Fails to Cure
A Positive Specific for Adults and Children
Antiplasma contains no alcohol, narcotics, mercury
quinine or arsenic. Made from balsams and gums.
Our records show that every physician who hat one*
tried Antiplasma orders in bulk
Remarkable tests and public dem¬
onstrations made in Southern
States last summer show no
malaria cases we could not
If your druggist doesn’t sell it. mail $2.00 to the Vino Medical Co.*
200 West Houston St.. New York. N.Y., and one bottle containing com*
plete seven-day cure will be immediately sent you postpaid.
Antiplasma is Malaria Insurance at a cost of $2 per year
Known as
“that good kind”
c Iry will it—and know why yon
Short breathing: re¬
lieved in a few Iiouraj
few . days; regrulateo swelling reduced in fl
the liver, kidneys, stomach
and heart; purifies the blood, strengthens the
e °tire system. Write for Free Trial Treatment .
SELF. Handle your own money, Big prof
its. Particulars for 2c stamp. NATIONAL
FOOL YOUR FRIENDS—Make believe you’re
in New York City. Send dime for five col¬
ored cards. L mail twice with Instructions.
Dwyer, 813 Westside Ave., Jersey City, N. J.
oping rolls, 7 cents each. MacFarllne Photo
Studio, 1712 Blue Rock, Cincinnati, Ohio.
unato, Lettuce.
Celery, Beet. Bermuda Onion Plants. Parcel
Post, prepaid. Satisfaction or money back.
100, 30c; 300, 75c; 500, $1; 1,000, $1.76, Exp.,
f.o.b. 1,000. $1.30; 5,000 at $1.20; 10,000 at
$1.10. Cauliflower plants double the above
prices. D. F. Jamison, Summerville, S. C.