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£be Cleveland) Courier.
Official Organ of White County , Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post, tffice at Cleveland
Ga., as seeond cla'is mail rattier.
Member Ninth District Press Associa inn
Subscription, $1.50 per year
in advance
We made (he run in a car from
Jefferson to Dahlonega in about
two anp a half hovvers. From
Brooktoti to Dahlonega, a splendid
mountain highway is being built,
and when Completed will be one
of the smothest and most durable
roads in the State Highway System.
By all means, this road should be
compleated to Dahlonega this fall.
Hon. Turner Quillian, one of
Georgia’s most progressive citizens,
and one of North Georia’# best
road builders, says that the time is
not far off when there will be a
model road from Gainesville to
Dahlonega, and also one to Clevc-
1 md. Mr. Qulliun has one of the
most beautiful homes found in the
rural se tion of Georgia, which is
located at the Dahlonega and
Cleveland rouds. Mr. Qullian is
till first person in Georgia to secure
Federal aid for road purposes,
which money was used in building
a part of the highway from bis
place to Dahlonega.— Jackson
We hope that the lion. Turner
Quillian knows what lie is talking
about when he says that a “model”
road will be soon built to Cleve¬
land. We hope it will be a model
road—one that can be easily truvled
every day in the year. One man
we are looking for assistance is
Chairman-elect John N. Holder
who is the most capable man in
Georgia for this responsible po
fiition. He always acts unselfishly
and for the people at large, and
nowhere can a man better prove
this than speaker of the bouse,
where Mr. Holder served so many
years, and the best one ever held
that position without question.
Some of this unharnessed water
power should be put into use, don’t
yor think ?
Hob Tombs, it is said, opposed
the erection of a hotel in Washing¬
ton, He is accredited with saying
tlirt if those who come to town are
gentlemen lhey can stop with him,
and if they were not gentlemen
they were not wanted in the town.
The county commissioners held
a spccinl meeting last Thursday
afternoon at lleien to discuss the
soute over which the highway in
White county should be built.
Engineers of the highway com¬
mission were present and urged a
decision but the county commis¬
sioners deferred.
At their regular meeting held in
their office Wednefday they enter¬
ed into a discussion of this subject
and concluded to make the high¬
way commission a proposition
which, in brief, is as follows : The
highway construction is to begin
at the Hall county line and finished
to Cleveland. Then they are to
Build a road by way of Nacoochee,
the commission having the privil¬
ege to commence work at anypoint
on the road they choose. Upon
completion of this road work will
lie commenced ou theTesuatee Gup
route, as funds become avatlable.
If the highwty connnicsion re¬
jects ibis proposition some other
proposition must be met before
work will be commenced on the
Your county agent is asking for
orders picric acid. If you need
any for blasting stumps, rocks or
tiitches see him. It is furnished at
e small cost by the government. It
Contes in 6-ounce cartridges.
Master Joe Telford has returned
from Athens whe he had been visit¬
ing relatives for a week or two.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Win. B.
Uell Mynday morning, a sob.
Mr. Robert Chambers, of Lula,
Ga-., and his friend of Clermont
came here to visit Mr. and Airs. F.
W. Skelton Sunday. In the after¬
noon they went to Nacoochee to
Dr. Hardman’s dairy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Stovall, of
Nncoochee Val'ey, took in the
Southern’s popular excursion to
Florida last week and visited many
points of interest. Mr. and Mrs.
Stovall are considering building
them a winter home in Floaida.—
Cornelia Enterprise.
Will McCarter, who some weeks
ago was arrested under authority
from the state officials of North
Carolina as being an escape from
a ebaingang in that state where he
was serving a sentence for violation
of the prohibition law, and lias
been incarcerated in White county
jail, was given a hearing before
Judge J. W. II. Underwood last
week. He was ordered released by
the court after being retained thirty
six bowers if not delivered to the
state of North Carolina by that
time, Sheriff Jackson refused to
release him under the order of the
cour.’ and was instructed by Gov¬
ernor Hardwick to bring the
prisoner before him last Monday
where he was given a hearing.
Governor Hardwick ruled that the
prisner be held until the officials of
North Carolina could arrange to
procure requisition papers and
come and take charge of the
prisoner. He is now being held in
Fulton county jail.
A petition lias been circulated in
Cleveland asking Governor Hard¬
wick to use his influence wit!) the
Governor of North Carolina to
give McCarter ,n pardon since his
wife and family are in White
county and need the proceeds of his
labor to keep thirn from want.
Dr. W. R. Bulgin made a hur¬
ried trip first of the week to Frank¬
lin, N. C., where his step-mother
is suffesing from rheumatism. The
Or. says lie wants to bring her to
his pome here where the climate is
much more favorable for her than
in North Carolina.
Miss Mary E. Jones left Tues¬
day morning to enter the State
Normal School.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Craven,
of Birmingham, Ala., are spending
a few days with Mt. Craven’s
cousin, Mrs. |. W. II. Underwood
Dr. W. A. McGee, of McRae,
Ga,, is spending a few days with
relatives in Cleveland and White
county at present.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 1 ). Wiley spent
the week-end in Atlanta.
Mrs. S. M. Whitehall!, of Fitz¬
gerald, is spending a few days with
her brother, J. T. R. McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Adams,
of Athens, were in Clevelahd one
day this week.
Miss Capitola Johnson, of Ports¬
mouth, Va., spent a few days in
Cleveland first of the week with
Mrs. Florence Henderson.
Big shipment of Tanlack just
resieved. Cleveland Drug Co.,
local agents.
Tunlace, that wonderful medi¬
cine, sold in Cleveland by Cleve¬
land Drug Co.,
Just received a large shipment
of the wonderful remedy, Tanlac.
This is the great medicin you have
been hearing so much about. The
remedy that’s made such wonderful
reputation and which ha? accom¬
plished such remarkable results all
over the United States aud Canada.
Get your bottle now at Cleveland
Drug Co.
Lost Or Stolen
At Loudsville. or between there
and Nacoochee one demountable
I rim with casing and innertube for
J late model Ford. Finder will please
T. B. Henderson,
Nacoochee, Ga.
Mr Claude E. Fitts of Jasper,
Pickens county, has just been ad¬
mitted to West Point Military
Academy as Congressman Bell’s
After enterage West Point Air.
Fitts wrote Mr. Bell the follwing
letter which is worth passing along,
as it is full of expressions of appre¬
ciations and determination to prove
worthy of the appointment—to
worthy should be everyone’s ambi¬
tion and it is the uinbitson of
Claude E. Fitts:
July 24, 1921.
Hon. Thos, M, Bell,
Washington, D. C.,
Dear Mr. Bell :
I have recently been admitted to
the Academy. This was the ap¬
pointment I preferred, as you re¬
member I first ask for an appoint¬
ment to West Point,
It lias always been one of my
highest ambitions to enter the
United States Military Academy.
Now since I have been admitted, I
am here for no other purpose but
to make good.
Air. Bell, I feel that I owe you a
debt so large that it can never be
paid. Although, I know you will
be pleased with me if I give the
best there is in me to the service of
my country. This, I promise you I
will do. You are giving your life
in serving we people of Georgia,
therefore I know you will feel
proud of one that would do like¬
Words cannot express rny appre¬
ciation. 1 am,
Your friend,
Claude E. Fitts.
—Gainesville Hearld.
London, Aug, 8.— British phy¬
sicians are interested in an authen¬
ticated report from Budapest giving
the details of the birth of quintn
The London Lancet buotes Pro¬
feasor Baisony, who watched the
case, as saying that such an event
occurs once in 700,000 times. In
the Budapest case the mother was
qr years of age. and at the time
was the mother of ten children, in¬
cluding one pair of twins.
The mother was taken id after
alighting from a street car. She
was removed to a hospital where the
five births occurred over a period of
two weeks. The mother and the
five babies left the hospital a month
ater in healthy condition.
On July the i6th. 1921, Uncle
James L. Wright departed this life.
He was a good old man who had
reached his 79th yenr. He was a
soldier in the Civil war, and re¬
ceived a wound there that disabled
him in a way for life. He profess¬
ed religion some 41 years ago, and
immediately joined the church. He
was a devoted Christian, living up
to his duties, and obligations in the
church until the day of his death.
lie leaves to mourn his loss three
sons, one daughter and a host of
friends and relatives.
May the Holy Comfortet abide
with each of them.
Y. S. Nicholson.
Didn’t Need The Rest.
A young man living over in
(nearby' town) hired out to work
in the fields. The boss went out
in the afternoon of the first day to
see how the boy was making it.
He found him lying in the shade of
a tree, smoking a cigarette,
“Tired?” asked the boss. “Nope!”
answered the young man, “Hain’t
done nothin' to make me tired
Just layin’ here waitin’ for quittin’
time sose I c’n come to supper.”
For the past two years young and
old men have tried to earn a living
that same way.—Banks County
We want a lady nr gentleman agent to
liadle city trade in Cleveland and
other vacant cities. This a wonder¬
ful opportunity as you will he retal
ing the genuine J. R. Watkins
Product including Watkins Coconut Oil
Shampoo, Garda Face Powder, Fruit
Prinks and over 137 other products.
Write today for free sample and particu¬
The J. R. Watkins Co.. 08 Memphis,
Everybody in this part nre
ing fodder this week.
Mr. Carlton Wade, of Atlanta,
was the companp of Miss
Dorsey Saturday and Sunday.
Air. Willie Campbell filled his
regular appointment Sunday night
at Air. Glosses.
We sure are sorry to know that
Mrs. T. B. Hooper died Sunday
morning ebout 5 A. M. and was
laid to rest here at Mossy Creek
Monday morning.
Revs. J. G. Young an S. B.
Aliller filled their regular appoint¬
ment Saturday and Sunday.
Several from this part attended
Mrs. Jane B. Allen, of Union
county', spent a few days of last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. West.
What young gentleman was
that about three miles from here
who went to see his girl an she
wouldn’t eat no dinner on that ac¬
count. He had better not go too
often are she will starve to death.
Mr. and Mrr. Joint Winkler
visited their sister, Air. and Mrs.
L. A. Cain, Thursday and Friday
of last week.
There was a large crowd of peo¬
ple attended the baptizing at Blue
Creek Sunday, where 24 were bap¬
tized by Rev. F, W. Fowler.
Mr. Sam Freeman returned home
Sunday from North Carolina,where
lie has been in the rna.tress busi¬
Mr. Allen Bless and wife and
Mr. W. R. Patum were up this
way Sunday.
Air. R. D. AlcCoilum and family
visited their sister, Airs. Emma
Tatum Sunday.
Some from this part went to
campmeeting Sunday.
Blue Creek church elected Rev.
F. W. Fowler for their pastor for
another year.
Mr. Joe Porter, of Lake City.
Fla., is visiting friends and rela¬
tives in White county at present.
Mrs. Cinda AleAfee, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end at the hospital
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Glover.
Born to Mr. rnd Mrs. H. II.
Hunt Friday, Aug. 26, a 7.) pound
Miss Marion O’Neal, of Atlanta,
has been spending the last two
weeks with her aunt, Mrs. L. G.
Aliss Jcie Clark has returned to
Alabama after spending some time
with relatives here.
Miss Belle Truelove was visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Catherine Adams
After spending a week or so
with hntnefolks Mr. John Pardue
has returned to Atlanta.
Miss Irene Brewer, of Winder,
spent Sunday and Monday with
Miss Ola Belle Recce.
Air. and Mrs, W. T. Edwards,
of Jackson county have moved on
the Ingram place owned by Mr.
W. C. Mauldin.
Alisses Ola and Essie Morris
spent the week-end at the home of
Mrs. Sarah Ash.
Airs. C. T. \\ aite and children,
after epeuding a delightful vaca¬
tion in the breezes of the mountains
returned to their home Atlanta
We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors for their kindness
and sympathy shown us during the
illness and death of our beloved
wife and mother, also for the
beautiful flowers.
T. B. HOOPER and Family.
west to the public, road leading from
Cleveland to Dahlonega, thence with the
road to the road leading to Tesnatee Gap,
thence with said last named road to the
east and west line of said lot and lot No.
31, thence east with said line to the north
and South line of said lot near Grace
Church school house, thence souih with
said line of said lot to the begininng
corner. That part of lot No. 31 de¬
scribed as follow: Commencing at the
northeast corner of lot No. 30, thence
running north the original line sixty
four rods, thence in a southwesterly
direction along an old road leading from
Pli-asent Retreat to Gainesville, thence
south with said road to the east and west
line of said lot, thence east with said line
to the beginning corner, the last two de¬
scribed tracts conlaning 115 acres more
or less, and when taken together known
as the Pilgrim & Stover tracts, and on
which there is a fairly good dwelling
house and outbuildings and about 25
acres in cultivation.
Each of the above tracts will be sold
separately- that is to say, the first tract
of 250 acres will be gold first, and last the
115 acres of lots Nos. 30 and 3i, The
above described tracts of land when taken
together are known as the .Julia A
Bramlett land and the last tract known
as the Stover and Pilgrim tract in Shoal
Creek district of said county, and will be
sold for the purpose of making partition
among the co-owners. Prospective pur¬
chasers arc requested to go and look over
said land ami see Aaron Palmer, who
now lives on the property.
This September ti, 1821,
Commissioners in Partition
Georgia White County.
Pursuant to an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said County we will sell at
the court house in said county on the
first Tuesday in October r92i (October
4 th. 1021 ) to the highest bidder foreash
between the legal hours of sale the fol¬
lowing property to wit:
Parts of lots of land Nos. 133. 134 and
15l> on the second district of said county
contaning one hundred and fourteen (114)
acres of land more or less and known as
the .1. It Freeman home place in Blue
Creek district of said county and bounded
as follows: On the north by the lands of
J. H. Stovall and Mrs. H. A. Tatum, on
the east by the lands of J. Hamp Freeman
and the Sarah Anderson place, on the
south by J. Hamp Freeman and on the
west by the lands of 1). J. Freemen.
Keuimer <fc Freeman and Mrs. Sarah
Powers, together with all improvements
thereon consisting of dwelling barns
and etc. Said land being a portion of the
J. B. Freeman estate and to be sold for
the purpose dietruhution among the
the heirs at law of J. B. Freeman, late of
said county.
This September Nth. 1821,
D. .1 Freeman
J. Hamp Freeman
Administrators of J. B. Freeman - 1
“Possum and ‘taler” time will
soon be here, and White county bus
from all reports pjetrty of both. So
you know what will be coming off
pretto soon.
1 have on registered Duroc boar
and Sow about one year old that 1
am not prepared to keep. Will
give the right person good chance
to raise pigs on shares. Let me
know at once.
A. L. Dorsey.
T7IRE reaps a harvest of ruin
X and loss. Carelessness
sows the seed — carelessness
about removing fire hazards
and in failing to protect against
every loss by fire.
The Hartford Fire Insurance
Company provides the sure in¬
demnity which a careful man
will choose; expert Fire Pre¬
vention Sendee, also, if you
need it.
The Hartford’s insurance is
sound. Get it through this
Cleveland. Ga,
Legal ^advertisements
Georgia. White County.
October Term for said county.
April 18 th, 1921
H. M. Dorsey, Governor, vs. John
Lawson and Ed Lee, forfesture of recog¬
nizances to John Lawson and Ed Lee,
non-residents of said county, Greeting:
You are hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally or by an attorney at the
next term of the Superior Court to be
held in and for said county on the 2 nd
Monday in October 1921, to show cause if
any they have why judgment should not
be rendered against them for the amount
of recognizance forfeited as aforesaid
as in default thereof the court will pro¬
ceed as to justice shall appertain,
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, judge of
said count, this 18 th day of April i921.
J. B. R. Barrett, C. S. C.
Georgia. White County.
April term Superior Court for said
Aprrl 13, r»21
Hugh M. Dorsey, Governor, vs. Jasper
Nix prin. and R. W. Allison, J. Will
Thurmond and Frank Blank securities
forfeiture of two recognizances to Jasper
ihe only non-residents of said county
You are hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally, or by attorney, at the
next term of the superior court, to be held
in an for said county, on the secondMon
day in Oct. next, to show cause, if any
they have, why judgment should not lie
rendered against them for the amount of
their recognizances, forfeited as afore¬
said, as in default thereof the court will
proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the H 011 . J. B. Jones, judge
of said court, this 18 day of April 1921,
J. B. R. Barrett, (J. 8 C.
Georgia, White County.
October Term for said county.
April 18, 1921.
H. M. Dorsey, Governor vs. Reuben
Harrison C. W. Grier, non-residents of
said county Greeting:
You are hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally or by an attorney at the
next term of the Superior Court to lie
held in and for said county on the 2 nd
Monday 1921, to show cause if any they
have w hy judgment should not be rend¬
ered against them for the amount of re¬
cognizance forfeited as aforesaid as in de¬
fault thereof the court will proceed as U»
justice shall appertain.
Witness the lion. J. B. Jones, judge of
said court, this l.Nth day of April 1921
J. 15. R. Barrett, C. 8 . C.
Georgia, White Comity.
October Term for said county
April 18, 1921
H. M. Dorsey, Governor, vs. Garland
Castleberry and J. H. Anderson, forfeit¬
ure of recognizances to Garland Castle¬
berry and J. H. Anderson, non-residents
of said county Greeting:
You are hereby rjjquirep to be and ap¬
pear personally or by an attorney at the
next term of the Superior Court to be
held in and for said county on the 2 nd
Monday in October 1921, to show cause
if any they have why judgment should
not be rendered against them for the
amoupt of recognizance forfeited as
aforesaid as in default thereof the court
will proceod as to justice shall appertain
Witness the Hon. J. 15. Jones, judge of
said court, this 18th day of April, 1921,
J. B. R. Barrett, C. S. 8 ,
Georgia, White County.
To all It May concern:
Mrs. Nellie Dorsey of said state, have
ing, in proper form, applied for twelve
months support out of the estate of W,
D. Dorsey, late of said county, deceased,
this is to cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of W. D. Dorsey, de¬
ceased, to be and appear at the court of
ordinary of said county, at the October
term, 1921., and show cause if any they
have or can, why said twelve months
supp< i t should not be granted to said
Mrs. Nellie Dorsey, out of said estate.
Witness my nfHcial signature this 2nd.
day' <>f September, 1921.
A. L Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia White County:
Pursuant to an. order of bis Hon. J. B
Jones, Judge of the Superior Court, of
said county, granted on the application
of Julia Sanders, by her guardian, A.
H Henderson Jr. for partition of lands,
w ill e sold on tTie first Tuesday in Octo¬
ber next, before the court house door in
said county within the legal horn's of sale
1 > the highest bidder for cash, the follow¬
ing real estate to wit:
All •> ; f lot of land, except the mineral
interest with the l ight to work the same,
No. 42 in the First District of said county
containing 2.70 acres agreeable to original
survey. 1 ii is is one of the finest timbered
tract of land in that entire section.
And is no improvments on the same. All
said lot in original forest, enougli saw
timber and ties on this tract to pay for
same at anything like a fair price.
Also at the same time will be sold on
the same terms the following tract of land
parts of lots of land Nos. 30 and 31 in
said District and county described as
follows: That part of lot No. 30 com¬
mencing on the North and south line on
the east side of said lot at a small branch
near where Asbnry Smith formerly lived,
running with said branch a westerly
direction to near the spring, thence due