Newspaper Page Text
v T OL. XXIII, No 82.1
Dawson Bank President Sent
To Chaingang
Gainesville, Ga., May 9.— (Spe¬
cial)—At the adjourned term of
Dawson superior court, at Daw
sonville, today, Hoyt Brannon,
former president and cashier of the
defunct Farmers & Citizens bank,
pleaded guilty to an indictment
charging forgery, and was sen¬
tenced to serve from seven to nine
years on the chaingang. He has
been assigned to Hall county, and
will begin serving his sentence to¬
This indictment is one of several
pending against him in connection
with the bank’s failure, over a year
ago. All officers and directors of
the bank are under indictment. All
cases connected with deposits have
been transferred to Hall superior
court, as no jury could be secured
in Dawson county; but several
more cases against Brannon and
other officers, involving forgery
and fradulent statements, remain
to be tried in that county at the
next term of court, the present
term having adjourned.
Cleveland High School News.
The teachers who attended the
institute here, which was super¬
vised by Prof. J. O. Martin, had
the privilege of visiting all the
grades in this school. It was in¬
deed astonishing, to hear them tell
of the different principales and
methods they learned in the differ¬
ent grades. Now, if they put into
action what they have learned
there will soon be betfer schools
and brighter students.
Miss Parker made a thorough ex¬
amination of the pupils in regard
to teeth and tonsils. She reported
that quite a few needs special at¬
tention. Don’t put off till to¬
morrow what should be done today.
The society program that was to
have been delivered Friday, May 6
was postponed till Monday, it be¬
ing delivered then: Recitation,
Grace Carpenter; Reading, Kate
Jackson; Essay, Katheline McAfee.
Blue Ridge Dots.
Rev. and Mrs. Marvin C. Allen
attended the commencement ex¬
ercises at Young Harris last week.
It is contemplated that Children’s
Day at Mt. Pleasant will be held
the third Sunday in this month.
Mrs. Mollie Winkler and daugli
Lona of Alabama, are on a visit
fiere at present.
Mrs. R. P. Pharris who has been
quite ill for the past week is some
Several cattle have died in this
section lately.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Dillard of
Habersham, were visiting relatives
on White Creek last week.
Mrs. V. L. Dooley is some better
at this writing.
Mj. Bryon D.illard was visiting
his mother Mrs.'W. A. Dillard of
Habersham, last week.
Mrs. A. F. Keqimer is (fl with
flp a) this wrjting.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Alexander
were visiting Mrs. N. J. Alexan¬
der last week.
Mr. Bill Presley and family were
visiting Mr. Lee Head last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Skelton was
visiting Mr. Skelton’s ^father Mr.
N. H, Skelton, one day lastjwsek.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Tampa Fla.—Warrants were is¬
sued this week by the postal
authorities for the arrest of S. T,
Owens and G. B. Owens, who for
several months have been operat¬
ing the Owens Fruit and Produce
Company here. Postoffice Inspec¬
tor H. G. Reese was looking for
the two Owens Tuesday but suc
ceded in finding only G. B. Owens
and he was placed under arrest and
is now out on bond. The United
States marshall at this writing is
still searching for S. T. Owens.
It is understood that the Owens
came here from Moultrie, Ga.
They immediately began sending
circulars to butter, egg and poultry
shipders in the Middle West and
vegetable shippers in the South,
and in almost every instance they
overquoted the market. Shippers
seem to have fallen immediately
for the flowery literature, the at¬
tractive promisies and the high
prices, because the Owens Fruit
and Produce Company has been
doing quite a business for the last
month, and has been underselling
other firms on the market.—The
Miss Lou Freeman died at her
home near Clevelan on Monday,
April 3, after a lingering illness of
of several months.
Miss Freeman was born March
29, 1853, and has always made her
home near Cleveland. She joined
the Baptist church at Cleveland
when quite young and was a con¬
sistent Christian member until her
The funeral services were con¬
ducted at her home on Tuesday
evening, April 4, at 3 o’clock.
Beautiful tributes were paid to the
Christian life of the the deceased by
the speaker, Rev. Power.
See is survived by two sister,
Mrs. Hassie Adams, of Cleveland,
Mrs. A. N. Jackson, of Cleveland,
and one brother, Mr. W. J. Free¬
man, of Okla.
During her illness her sufferings
were intense at times, but she bore
it with a spijit of patiently and
with a spirit that that said : “Thy
^riil be done,” and expressed her
willingness to die.
She was ever aeady to lend a
helping hand. She will be missed
so much in the home, especially by
her sister, Mrs. Adams, to \yhom
she was deyofed. She wtts her
constant companion and never tired
of ministering to her in her hours
of pain.
Though her place is vacant in
the home, dear sister, do not weep,
a vacancy is filled in Heaven.
In the passing of Miss Freeman
we would ask her family and
friends to not think of her as now
sleeping in the cemetery, but think
of her as now being in that “Home
of Many Mansions,” where beauti¬
ful flowers never wither nor fade,
where thare is no more sorrpyy and
parting of loved one^btU alj is joy,
song, and praise, where, sometime,
we will all understand.
A Friend.
Porto rioo potato plants $1.50
per thousand, postpaid. L. M.
Head, Blackshear Ga., Route 1.
If you feel tired, worn ' out,
nervous and all unstrung, take
Tanlac. It will straighten you
out, Cleveland Djcug Co.
We are requested to announce
that there will be a children’s day
at Monroe Church next Sunday
May 14th. Everybody is cordially
invited to come and bring well fill
ed baskets.
News is rather scarce up here
this week as the people are making
good use of the few’ pretty days.
Porter Sosebee of Nacoochee
Valley spent Friday night with
Mr. J. R. Sosebee and family.
You correspondent is on the sick
list at this writing,
Mr. Ben Ledford made a busi¬
ness trip down on Blue Creek Sat¬
Miss Lara Ash spent one night
last week with Miss Lizze Thomas.
Mr. Andrew Nix was over this
way one day last week.
Mr. J. C. Ledford paid Cleve¬
land a visit Saturday.
Misses Bonnie Bell Hunt and
Nettie Clark spent Saturday anti
Sunday down on Tesnatee visiting
Mrs. F. B. Ried.
Mr. O. S. Skelton is wearing a
smile at the present its a boy.
Mr. N. C. Roper paid Blue
Ridge a visit last week.
Mr. Cage Tow of Lumpkin
county wits down this way last
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Anderson
visited relatives in Blue Ridge dis¬
trict Saturday and Sunday.
We were sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. B. M. Cox.
Mr, Addington has moved back
to Clermont.
Mr. H. I(. Hunt has been sick
but is now getting better.
The farmers are getting blue on
the accounf of so much rain.
Tne singing at Center Grove
was rained out Sunday morning
but they had some good singing
that afternoon.
Rev. L. M. Davidson is spend¬
ing the week with his father Mr,
E. F. Davidson who is at
Mr. F. M. MvMillian is at Cor
n el|ia week taking a treatment
undpr Dr. Crawford.
Miss Belle Trueiove whq lias
been very sick is improving.
Mr, and Mrs, J. I). Hooper
made a business trip to Cornelia
Arrangements are being made to
cause the 19th of this month t,a be
the biggest day Dahlonega, has had
in a long time. A tearbecue will
be hud and. everybody is invited to
condom and eat and drink ( ice
cold lemonade and pure well and
spring water), hear the speakers
talk and the fine college band play,
and enjoy a real happy day in
Dahlonega, This will be Dahlon
ega’a treat and the people of the
county and everybody else are in¬
vited to come and spend the day
on the date mentioned above, and
bear the speakers talk about good
roads.—Dahlonega Nugget.
=== - =—--
We have just received a car load
of fresh, Telford & Keni
Mr. W. C. Marion, manager
Cleveland Motor Co., is in South
Georgia this week selling a car of
Lost one female hound dog
lemon and white color with collar
around neck, my name and address
on collar. Also one lemon and
white male hound name of F. C
Castle, Dundee, N. Y., on collar.
Aiso one male hound, white witli
black and brown spots and bob
tall. Also one small black and tan
female. I will pay $5.00 for in¬
formation leading to recovery of
either of these dogs.
Frmk Turner Cleveland Ga.
One of the most enjoyabje oc¬
casions of last Sunday, 7 th., was
a birthday dinner giuen to Mr. L,
A. Jackion, by his children, on his
sixty ninth birthday. Those pres¬
ent vvera; Claud Jabkson and
family, James Jackson and family,
Rustin Jackson and family, Cleve¬
land Clayton and family, Oscar
Jackson and wife, Wm, Palmer
and family, A. L. Dorsey and
family, Martha Jackson Vera Potts,
P. S. Dorsey, Enoch Potts and
Mrs. M. E. Cantrell. There were
in all forty seven present.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are in
good health considering their age
and bid fair to pass many more
pleasant birthdays witli their
Tanlac overcomes rheumatism
by toning up and invigorating the
vital organs, thereby enabling them
to eliminate poisons f/0111 the
system, Cleveland Drug Co.
ar Advertisement
iE :/
If you intend to buy a Ford this Spring or Summer, please let us
have your order at once.
In order to get Ford cars of the type we want, it is necessary for us
to order them from thirty to sixty days in advance of the expected date
of delivery. It is practically impossible for us to order just exactly
what people want unless they give us their demands before we place
order for these cars to be built.
Ford Motor Company is determined that their dealers will never
again be overstocked on Fords. They are only going to build what
we can sell, and no more, so please give us your order. If the pres¬
ent demand for Fords continues new ones will be selling at a premium
in less than thirty days.
Authorized (JU/ and Fordson Sales and Service
Cleveland, Georgia
I; 8
2 ' :~ ~
Permanently located
North Side Public Square, Near Farmers # Merchants Bank
Cleveland, Ga.
In a new package that fits the pocket—
At a price that fits the pocket-book—
The same unmatched blend of
Turkish, Virginia and Burley Tobaccos