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&be Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga,
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
iSntered at the Post iffice at Cleveland
Or. , as second cla’s mail matter.
Member Ninth District Press A»soctainn
41 Georgia Pres* **
“ National EdijjDrial **
Subscription, $1.50 per year
in a 1 vance
Cleveland High School will close
its present term May 19th. That
day will be one long to be remem¬
bered by those who are to graduate
There are others who will not re¬
turn to school again. Tor them,
though they may not realize it, this
is indeed sad.
Circumstances may prevent some
from returning; but the desire to
have money of their own is the pit
fall of error into which others may
fall. This is a great mistake—a
mistake that in after years will be
found much more difficult to cor¬
rect for lack of time.
Then why should we not use our
utmost endeavors to iniluence this
class of students to return to their
courses of study and graduate be¬
fore going into the world to com¬
bat the difficulties of life? Young
man, you will make a grave mis
take if you do not continue in
school until you carry away your
“sheepshin ” Can you not see so
far—and yet so near—into the
rugged paths of life that lie out¬
stretched before you? You can if
you will consult those who have
tsaveled the path. It is a real
tragedy for boys and girls to make
a half success in life when witli just
a little more preparation you could
h tve made a whole success.
Lord Bacon said, Reading mak
eth a full innn ; conference a ready
man; and writing an exact man.”
There is much reason why you
should study history, mathematics,
natural philosophy, logic and rhet¬
oric. These studies make wise,
witty, deep, and able to command,
for as Aristotle wrote, “What we
learn to do, wo learn by doing.”
There is a tremendous task for
everyone in this world to perform,
and just how well w e perform it
depends upon our preparation for
the task.
This has been a school year filled
to the brim with the best instruc¬
tion this school has ever known,
and we hope we may be able to
keep it up.
To those young people who will
not enter school next fall, we ap¬
peal to them to enter upon the ser¬
vice of humanity in occupotions es
essential, not to the folly or frivol¬
ity of life, but in that avenue of
life wherein you may become a
factor in the production of that
which tends to, perfection in the
necessary things of life. Let your
purpose be firm and steadfast for
justice in all things, and stubborn¬
ly refuse to partake of the any¬
thing and everything that tends to
lower your moral life by permitting
yourself to become entangled in
the web of corruption so invitingly
offered you at ever turn and crook
of of life. Be a man ; that is your
first duty.
You hold within your grasp the
reins that lead to service in the
ranks of wickedness and demoral¬
ization. If you choose this road
you have but adorned your life
with a crown of adomination, tlie
fruits of which you must reap in
coming vears in bitterness, sorrow,
degradation, yea, perhaps suidide
or murder, an out cast from the
dazzling rays of light that other¬
wise would permeate your whole
being wherein you would bask in
the sunlight of righteousness.
Be not lured then, young people,
from the path of duty and the
grandeur of service byfieeing after
shadows that vanisjJJ when the sun
obscured by the cloud, or, in the
words of “Bobby” Burns:
“But pleasures we tike poppies spread
You seize the fiow'r, its bloom is shed;
Or like tile snow-falls in the river,
A momeint white—then melts forever.”
If you have or know of any news
let The Courier know it.
We stated in our last issue that
the county commissioners decided
not to turn the money over to the
Highway Department. We got
that wrong, but we wish they had
decided that for we believe the
people of White county want them
to hold it until the Highway De¬
partment fills some of their obliga¬
tion. That body did not take any
action at all on the turning of the
bond money over to the Highway
Department. It might be a good
idea for a petition from each dis¬
trict be presented to the county
commissioners asking that they
withhold the bond money.
You will notice a news article
dealing with Owens Fruit & Pro¬
duce Co. These people sent us
this ad and we published it once,
but no more because they would
not send check for full amounj of
insertions wanted.
Editor J. F. Shannon is enjoy
ing a dip at Hot Spring and at¬
tending the Methodist conference.
How many couples are expecting
to “drop off” in June? If you
will bring us the bride-to-be pic
ture we will have it put in a metro¬
politan Sunday paper and make
her feel just as important as any
society Jane and with no cost to
you at all. Now if you have not
tysked her you had better do so at
once because we must have this by
May 18. You know it will make
your “toosie woosie” feel good to
see her picture and announcement
alongside of some millionaire's
daughter. Come on boys.
II. II. Elmer, ofSyracuse, N.Y.,
has invented an engine that is a
marvel. It only has sixty-four
parts, including screws. The cost
of fuel for this engine by the gal¬
lon is five and one-half cents and
he says if you put it in your auto
tank you can travel 300 miles.
Think of it! No spark plugs, car
burator or other kind of ignition.
Who likes the squint-eyed slan¬
derer? Slander is the fonlest wliep
of sin.
“A lip of lies, a face formed to conceal;
And, without feeling, mock
At all who fed."— Byron.
^Slander, meanest spawn of Hell—
And woman’s slander is the worst.”—
The Ninth District Press Associ¬
ation will meet in Cleveland Fri¬
day June and, and we want the
wholehearted support of everybody
in our county, most especially
Cleveland, Nacoochee Valley and
Helen, in giving these scribes a
royal good time.
We know we are exceedingly
fortunate in securing Cleveland for
this meeting. Only a very few
have been in our county and we
want to show these pen pushers
what is up here in these mountains
of White County. Won’t you
help us? They wsll go home and
tell their readers what a real coun¬
try we have here.
It is our desire to have everyone
of the Atlanta Dailies represnted.
The President of the Georgia Press
Association, W. G. Sutlive, Mg.
Editor of Savanah Press, wili be
here if possible.
We want a delegation from
Helen and Nacoochee to meet them
in Cleveland, and we expect Helen
and Nacoochee to assist Cleveland
in entertaining them.
Plans have not been worked out
yet, but within the next few days
we hope they will be, and then we
will give the full program.
You will find in this issue of
The Courier the announcement of
G. A. Vandiver for Representative
Mr. Vandiver is well known in
our county as chairman of the
county commissioners.
In this issue appears the an¬
nouncement of F. G. Jones for
State Senate, Mr. Jones has never
held any public office, but is well
known and needs no introduction
from us. He is thoroughly capable
of filling a seat in that august body
A new survey was started out
of Cleveland Monday morning
running down “Little Niagra.”
We suppose this route will run into
the one that runs through the Hen¬
ley propeyty. We also understand
that Mr. Wilson has moved his
crew to near Mrs. Stansel’s, near
Chetatee river, Lumpkin County.
Chattahoochee High School
commencement begun Wednesday
night and concludes Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Can¬
trell April 30th, a girl.
Mr. M. A. Cooley spent a few
days with home folks.
Misses Martha and Mazie Oakes
are spending this week at the home
of Mrs. Frank Kenimer.
Miss Loucile Jones is in Atlanta
visiting Miss Elizabeth Jarrard.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Allison of
Atlanta, were visitors in Cleveland
and White County the first of the
Commencing on May 20tli we
will begin to buy county produce
at the highest Atlanta market.
This market will he a wonder¬
ful benefit to this section and we
earnestly solicit your patronage.
Cleveland Grocery Company
Feed, Groceries and Produce
at the
They are built for hard work
Pump your water, saw your wood, run
your grinder or cut your ensilage with
a Hercules.
Perfect Construction Means Low Cost for Operating
Tremendous Output Because of Wide Demand
Means Lowest Prices
The 8 Million Dollar Hereules Corporation
Its 5 Year Guarantee
Mr. W. F. Brandt, according to
a news repoet, will make the race
for Prison Commission.
Mr. Tollie Allen, who has been
at Braselton for some time, re¬
turned ro Cleveland last week.
There is under consideration to
change the “Morning Star” motor
mail route on its south trip to leave
Cleveland at 1 154 so as to make
connection with No. 37 on the
Southern. The morning schedule
will remain as it is now.
Messrs. Louis II. Jarrard, Jas. P.
Davidson, Thos. F. Underwood,
J. A. Cook, O. A. O’Kelley,Robt.
Johnson, Dr. and Mrs.Pennallegon
were visitor# in Atlanta Saturday
and Sunday.
Dr. Neal took Mrs. G. W.
Swindle to Downey’s Hospital
Tuesday for an operation for ap¬
pendicitis. '
Mr. II. A. Jarrard is moving hss
barn further from the road.
Mr. Charlie Warwick is able to
be out again. Charlei says he
don’t want any more measles.
Mr. Guy Thurmod, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Thurmond, of
Statham was shot through the ab¬
domen while assisting the sheriff
raid a bunch of negroes gumblng.
Mr. Burnett, of Louis E. Wis
dorij’s Gainesville headquarters, is
looking after Cleveland Motor Co.,
in the absence of Mr. Marion.
The North Georgia News tells
us that the delegation that inspect¬
ed Young Harris College reported
for it not to be consolidated with
Rheinhardt College.
Messrs Joe Ed. and Thos. F.
Underwood has purchased Mr. M.
A. Cooley’s part in Cleveland
Hdwe. Co.
Rev. Wm.Greeuway will preach
the commencement sermon at
Cleveland High School Sunday
May 14 at 11 o’clock.
To the Voters of the Northeastern
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the Judgeship of the Northeastern Circuit
subject to the Democratic Primary.
Four years ago I aspired for this worthy
position and was defeated by Judge J, B.
Jones, who now bolds this office. I am
thankful to those who supported me in
tiiat election and at the same time bear
no ill feelings toward those who support¬
ed my opponent.
In offering for the Judgeship I can do
so with a record of more than thirty years
as a practicing lawyer of this Circuit and
should I be elected I will endevor at ail
times to pefonn the duties of the office in
a fair and impartical manner.
Your support will be greatly appreci¬
Yours very truly
To Thk Votbrs Of The North- Eastern
Circuit: I hereby announce my candi¬
dacy for the offiice of Solictor Genera,
subject to the primary to be held in Sep¬
tember, and will appreciate your support.
Very truly,
Robert McMillian,
Ciarke8viile, Ga
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the Legislature, subject to the demo¬
cratic primary to be held Sept. 13th and
also subject to the rules and regulations
of said primary. I earnestly solicit the
support and consideration of each and
every voter in White County. I promise
if elected to serve my people to the best
of my ability and the best interest for
the state of Georgia and the county of
White. I have never lived in any other
county and most of her citizen* know me.
I have never naked for an office until
this and I beleive if I am elected that I
can he of some real benefit to the county.
Yours Respectful!,
G. A. Vandiver.
Being convinced of the desire of the
people of White County that I become
a candidate for State Senator. I respect¬
fully announce myself a candidate tor
that office, subject to the democratic
primary to tie held Sept. i3th. 1982.
If elected, I shall devote myself in all
matters comingdiefore that body, to the
best interest of my constituency of the
32nd senatorial district, as well as state
at large. Assuring you of my apprecia¬
tion of your support.
Respt. Yours. F, G. Jones.
We will pay io, ten cents per
pound for good nice clean cotton
rags delivered to us. Cleveland
Motor Co.
Georgia White County
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in June 1328 within the legal hours of
sale for cash the following property to
wit: One certain bay mare mule, 5 years
old, 14,<4 hands high weighing about 900
pounds. Levied on as the property of
Sanford Gearrin to satisfy a morgage Fi
Fa issued from the Superior court of said
county against Sanford Gearrin in favor
of J. C. Quillain & Bros. This the 11th.
day of May 1922. W. A. Jackson Sheriff.
State of Georgia County of White.
\\ hereas G. \V . McCollum and
R. D. McCollum executors of
George Washington McCollum de¬
ceased, represents to the court in
their petition, which has been duly
filed and entered, on record, that
they have fully administered the
said George W. McCollum deceas¬
ed estate.
This is therefore, to cite all per¬
sons concerned, kindred or credit¬
ors to show cause if any they can,
why said executors should not be
discharged from their executorship,
and receive letters of dissmission
on the first Monday in June,
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Proof of the pudding is in the
eating thereof. Thousands praise
I anlac. So will you. Cleveland
Drug Co.
\ ou should patronize home in¬
dustries I have t^s good a nursery as
you will find anywhere. I guar¬
antee every tree to be true to name.
Let me know your wants
J. B. R. Barrett agt., Cleveland Ga.
Leaf, Ga.
I will try to make a round over
thecountry every month with 137
Watkins products, also a line of
automobile supplies.
Will take any kind of produce.
T. H. Campbell.