Newspaper Page Text
Sead Wist Mrs. Local Writes Con¬
cerning Her Troubles, Which
May be Just Like Yours
St Louis, Mo. — ‘1 had troubles that
'm il women are apt t o have, with pains ia
my back, feelings weak, tired,
nervous and
a weak stomach. I
had been this way
about a year and was
unable to work or
stand on my feet for
any My husband’s length of time.
told me how much
ham’s good Lydia Vegetable E. Pink
__.—her Compound and begged had done
me to
try it, so I did. All my pains and weak¬
ness are gone, my stomach is all right
and I do my work at home and also work
for Swift’s Packing Company. I recom¬
mend friends your and Vegetable Compound to my
as testimonial.”—Mrs. you may publish Lulu my Lucas, letter
TL9A Vandeventer St., St. Louis, Mo.
Again and again one woman tells an¬
other of the merit of Lydia E. Pink
faam’s Vegetable Compound.
You who work must keep yourself
atrong and well. You can’t work if you
are Lucas suffering couldn’t from such troubles. Mrs.
She tried our Vegeta¬
ble Compound and her letter tells you
what it did for her. Give Lydia E. Pmk
bam’s Vegetable Compound a fair trial
Life is a burden when the body
is racked with pain. Everything
worries and the victim becomes
despondent and downhearted. To
bring back the sunshine take
The National Remedy of Holland for over
200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re¬
sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid
troubles. All druggists, three sizes.
Look for the name Gold Medal on every bag
and accept no imitation
Tha laiaat,' aad Childraa't Racalatar -
Pleasant to give—pleasant to
take. Guaranteed purely vee
, eubleand abaolutely harmlen.
It quickly overcome, colic,
J diarrhoea, flatulency and
other like dUordere. —
The open published
formula appear, on
.every label.
I AtAllDmiibtt
ilckly relieves the distress
r g paroxysms. Used for
„ 65 years and result of long
JffF experience throat and lung In treatment diseases bv of
Dr. J. H. Guild. FREE TRIAL
BOX, Treatise on Asthma, its
causes, treatment, etc., sent
I upon request. S5e. and 11.00
•t druggists. J. H. GUILD ) CO., RUPERT, VT.
25c—all .....-Me. druggists absolutely j
or fry mail from,
WEAK H*/ps ..'MKiiSSW.V?;*
for weak, nervous, despondent men and
-women, * 1.00 box on trial 26c (coin). Order
today. Osborne, pharmacist, Sellgman, Mo.
As a motorist, wo desire to voice the
Indignation of nil other motorists, and
to say that if these pedestrians don't
quit walking into our cars and bend¬
ing the bumpers all up, we'll start a
national movement to make it a misde¬
meanor to cross the street.
Personally, we haven't hit anyone
yet. but we feel it coining on.-—Rich¬
mond Thues-Dispateh.
Let your deeds praise you, your
tongue never.
Help That Aching Back!
Is your back giving out? Are you
tortured with backache and stabbing
pains? Does anv exertion leave you
"all played out"? Feel you just can't
keep blame. going? Overwork, Likely your kidneys are
to and strains, hurry
worry tend to weaken the kidney*.
Backache is often the first warning.
Headaches and dizziness may come, too,
and annoying bladder irregularities.
Help Pills the kidneys remedy with Doan's Kidney
—the recommended by
thousands. Ask your neighbor!
A Georgia Case
M. A. Lunsford,
farmer. R. F. D.
No. S, Roy sum. Ga.. tdk ,
says: "I had been
doing some heavy
lifting on the farm v
and ly taken 1 was sudden-] with a|
sharp catch across
my back. I was so
lame. I went about
all bent over My
kidneys didn't act
right. I got a box
of Doan's Kidney
Pills and began
using them. They____ the _ rain _
weren't long in driving away kid¬
from my back and regulating my
Get Doan’* at Any Store, 60c a Bo*
Tha Occurrence* Of Seven Day* Given
In An Epitomized Form For
Quick Reading
Paris dispatches announce that
France will be represented at The
Hague beyond the shadow of a doubt.
The Soviet ruble has reached an ex¬
ceedingly low value. The minimum
:ab fare is now one ruble, or "lemon,"
is it is called by the modern Rus¬
The prince of Monaco has undergone
another operation, the second within a
/ear. His malady is reported to be
of an intestinal nature.
It is stated in a telegram from Mos¬
cow to London that Lenine has been
itricken with cerebral paralysis, and
that his death is only a few weeks off
it most.
It is announced by Tokio newspa¬
pers that ten thousand men and several
mndred officers have been dropped
'rom the Japanese navy, in accordance
a'ith the agreement made at Washing
’.on at the arms conference.
;he government will pay the wages of
.he men until they find employment
sufficiently remunerative to support
.hemselves and families.
The American “Harvester Combine,"
which formerly dominated the markets
if Europe, is meeting with the stiff-
38t sort of competition from Germany’s
lewly-developed farm implement indus
The British reply to Premier Poln
jaire's memorandum setting forth the
French (attitude agrees that The Hague
inference should be a consultation of
experts and should avoid political and
liplomatic questions. Great Britain dis
tgreos, however, regarding Poincaire’s
lemand that the Soviet government
withdraw its memorandum of May 11.
Li-Yuan-Hung, who, five years ago.
vas forced out of the presidency of
China by the militarists, has arrived
n Pekin and resumed the presidency
it the request of the revived republi¬
can parliament.
It is announced in Berlin that five
American cities—Baltimore, Milwau¬
kee, Chicago, Indianapolis and Canton,
3hio—will soon have new German sew
ige disposal plants which develop a
valuable fertilizing material.
It Is definitely anonuneed in Tokio
,hat Baron Kato has accepted the pre¬
miership. He will form a non-party
cabinet. The military leaders have
igreed to Kato’s one condition—that
■.he army budget must be reduced by
10,000,000 yen.
The Japanese naval training squad¬
ron .carrying about four hundred mid¬
shipmen on a practice cruise, will leave
Tokio for Brazil early next month.
The allied reparations committee,
oy a three to one vote, overriding the
negative ballot of France, gave the
bankers’ committee full authority to
propose an international loan for Ger¬
many on any basis the committee may
'.hink desirable.
Princess Marie, who married King
Alexander of Jugo-Slavla, was given
bread and salt by the mayor of Bel
jrade on her arrival there as a token
■if friendship and loyalty.
The Republican national campaign
mmmittee has informed President
Harding that It plans to raise a
000 campaign fund to create public
sentiment favorable to the return of
Republican congress this fall.
Dismissal of the complaints
by the federal trade commission
3, against the merger of the
Stel corporation and the
Steel eotnanv is asked in replies
b ythe two companies denying that
consolidation will operate to
Three separate reports setting
recommendations for action by
gress with respect to private
ment of the government's
power and nitrate projects at
Shoals, Alabama, were made to
house by members of the
committee. The ttask of malting
final decision is admired in each
the reports to be the duty of the
membership of the house at an
date, but recommendation to that
submitted after four months of
tinuous consideration by the
tee, differ in important respects
they are presented in the documents.
Without accepting the Peruvian
posal to arbitrate the questions of
plebiscite in Tacona Arica, the
conferenee presented a counter
ean delegation to the
posal under which the plebiscite
be held and the United States
act as arbitrator of the plebiscite
Work on all naval vessels
the United States under the arms
ference treaty would proceed at
the present rate, with no
of forces at any of the private or
| ernment yard.s under the revisal
I appropriation bill as completed by
j senate apropriations sub-committee.
! The annual postoffice
bill, carrying over $600,000.00 and
j authorization for $50,000,000 for
j I eral good the road aid. was adopting completed the
congress, senate
j ference report already approved
j the house. ^ ____ —
The accession of Admiral Baron
Kato to the premiership of Japan is
looked on in many quarters as not
only a notable triumph for §rm/ the-prin¬
ciples of the Washington con¬
ference, but in a broader sense as the
beginning of a new day of conciliatory
policies in the Tokio governments re¬
lations with the rest of the wb^j|.
The soldiers’ bonus bill was fonhaliy
presented to the senate after a first
effort by Chairman McCumber, of the
finance committee to report it *it the
opening of the session had been block- ;
ed by Senator Williams (Democrat) of
A statement from Secretary Hoover j
declaring "the essential thing about
coal prices is that the runaway mar¬
ket has been stopped" was the’ latest
development in connection with agita¬
tion in the senate over the strike situ¬
ation and the plan adopted by the sec¬
retary for home purposes at $ fair
level during the tie-up of the industry.
Approximately 103,000 head of' Ari¬
zona cattle will be available for market
this spring, according to a forecast by
the department of agriculture. *
The navy’s salvage ship Falcon, now
m S« r S“‘ r, p,lr ”“ Tc r, Pe % H enry
I rfnl t the W former Tf German T subma- , ,U “
nff rr l n W u e f “„ her way
ortsmouth, v N. H., rs to Hampton ;
Roads , to be used as a target. The
(Vi thirty 11 * 1 feet 3 lying of water nose three down miles in off about the
light and is considered a danger to
navigation. Moreover under the «rm S
TT United .i Vf! States e ? mellt was wlth requested the * 1Iie to *» sink tJle
the submarine in deep water or totally
* %'
While the , inance committee ... majority .
continued to recede from some of the
™ rat " s originally recomemended
to the senate, the administration meas
tire came in for renewed assaults from
both sides of the chamber.
Domestic— |
The “Ford-for-Presldent” Club an¬
nounces that the demand that Henry
Ford run for president as an Independ¬
ent is growing so insistent that Mr.
Ford will likely accept.
The end of the long legal battle be
tween Elida Plza, Costa Rican beautv,
and Herber P. Crane, millionaire iron
master, her former husband, is seen
in a Kane county (Illinois) court or
der permitting Piza to take her three
year-old son out of the state
Col. Robert E. Lee, grandson of the •
famous chieftain of the Confederacy
is ’ j
critically ill at Hot Springs, Ark
and the prayers of the nation are so
liclted for his recovery
A violent storm, accompanied by
shifting winds that reached a velocity
of eighty-eight miles an hour, took
the lives of over fifty persons, injured
more than a hundred and caused enor
mdus property loss in the metropoli
tan section of New York City Many
lives were lost and much property dam
age ensued in the territory contiguous B
to New York City ;
Official tabulation of the vote cast
in more than seven hundred cities for
(he election of officers of the Interna- !
tional Typographical Union has be
gun at Indianapolis, and It will take
a week or ten days to complete it.
There is no doubt of the re-election
of President John McFarland.
Dissatisfied with the verdict of a
justice who freed Rodolph Valentino,
movie actor, of a charge of bigamous- j
ly marrying Winifred Hudnut, “ ’ perfume 1
manufacturer’s daughter, i u. District , At
torney Woolwine plans to reopen the
case at Los Angeles.
If Max Osey. fiance of Mathilde Mc¬
Cormick, granddaughter of John D.
Rockefeller, is unemployed for the sum¬
mer, a job awaits him at the Yellow¬
stone park at a “satisfactory salary
I l,J., '. 0 i. ! !in ' ‘ eb fa ent ? b i7 Girding a rommerce to reap
point , U. P G. Harding as governor of
the federal reserve board.
! Cm night not long since August Perl
! man and his wife, at Denver, Colo,,
played poker and got into a row be¬
cause the husband criticised his wife's
playing. The divorce grew so bitter
as the weeks passed that Mrs. Perlman
is seeking redress through the divorce
courts of California.
The heat Is intense in Chicago. Al¬
ready five deaths have been reported,
and many prostrations.
The all-metal plane in which Eddie
Rickenbacker was attempting a trans
continental trip from New York to San
Francisco, was struck by lightning at
Detroit. No injuries.
Mimic aerial warfare is being eon
ducted at Houston. Texas. The schoon
er Navidad was sunk in Galveston bay.
The twenty-seventh aerial squadron
from Ellington field is encamped at
Fort Crockett, Galveston.
Memorial resolutions and committee
reports marked the final session of the
Cotton Seed Crushers convention at
New Orleans.
Eddie Rickenbacker is making an
across-the-continent flight, and is some
where in Nebraska. The trip will con
i same eight weeks.
Although ill. Senator James A. Reed
' of Missouri is making a warm cam¬
paign against President Wilson's can¬
didate, Breckenridge Long.
Daniel H. Burnham, wealthy cigar
manufacturer of Chicago, sued for the
third time by his wife for divorce, says
h ewill never marry her again. She
charges him with drunkenness and
cruelty. i
In the role , of peacemaker, Samuel
Gompers is in Chicago and will appear i
, before the annual meeting of the build
i trades department of the city fed- j
j era 'ion in an effort to smooth the |
! way for A settlement of the dispute that j
l6d 10 e carpenters’ union withdraw- i
drawing from the department a year !
!3WS«$»5«$S5S«SS«Sf5«5«$S«^^ 1
Christ, the
Teacher of Bible Doctrine, Moody
Bible restitute, Chicago.
TEXT—-Now la Christ risen from the dead I
and become the firstfruits of them that
slept.—I Cor. 16:20.
The Bible is a book of facts out
of which issne great spiritual truths.
.Jrf’; .' 5393’7‘5’”-—w_, " I”; :5:
"V' t
i, 1V 11"}: 44:11.7 / 753ml" . V 1 ; “z ‘ '
i; .1; :gi;:_§j‘_/ ., 5
+1, 3}“!/ «fl? . _. ’ .’
u :—:«.,. ; , u
" /‘;
dry hones had been gathered together. i ;ss
“ d « ad « to stand upon their feet, an
exceeding great army ready for battle.
“ *<*» «e a Christian believer, be
«' are of that which minimizes the ini
portanC e of Christian doctrine.
Tht , value ot ChristiuD truth and
doctrine lies in Its ability to supply
3 p lrlnia! poweri t0 furnish moral ln .
eentlve anrJ to {mpart menta , vlsion
or understanding. This very truth of
Christ risen from the dead, the first
fruUs of them that slept ls an ex -
ample 0 f this. When believed and re
eetved it operates in a saving way:
- U thou shall confess with thy mouth
the Lord Jesus Christ, and shaft be
Ueve In thine heart that God hath
Him from the dead, thou shall
be saved."
Salvation Comprehensive.
Salvation is a big word, and com¬
prehends the whole process of God’s
remedial work, past, present and fu¬
ture. It includes the resurrection of
Christ as the firstfruits and the res¬
urrection of believers in Christ as the
harvest. The firstfruits is the pnttern
and P ied « e of the coming harvest. In
the Mosalc law the Hebrew people
were ,ilrect<: ' d t0 brln S a » tleaf of the
field ’ llke other sheaves that were to
be gathered later, and to wave it be
fore the Lord as the first sheaf ot the
harvest. So Is Christ presented as
the flrefcfruIt s of the glorious and
harvest to come—"Because
1Ive ’ ye shali llve also ’” There ls
Power in this. What is true
our Lord !s tnle of ever 5' believer
Ilim ’ Everythin 6 ls mnde de l' cnd -1
on the beli ‘' ver ’ s P osltlon 13 united
? Chris > Thls underUes the whole
P hIloso , P h y of the Gospel message, In
are invited to change our
headship os3 j ! £” ^ in Christ, hoadsbip who in through Adorn His to
"f men ‘ ?ln and | Ils ': Ictory °I er
and the grave has become Sa¬
vior to oil who put their trust In
Tho doctrine , of . onr ld ,, entity , with
„, and our participation in His
lfe i 10 VlC C0 ry 8U PP lles ' uo I nl
lncentlve for a holy „ , walk, and for
service. This very truth
the bodily resurrection of Christ
of the resurrection of Christian
when He returns, is the
ground of the appeal in I Cor. 15:58—
“Therefore be ye steadfast, unmov
of the ^ Lord, forasmuch as ^ ye know
that your labor is not in vain In the
The Apostle John used the same ba¬
sis of appeal and finds moral incentive
In the same facts—“Beloved, now are
we the sons of God, and it doth not
appear what we shall be, but we
know that when He shall appear we
be like Him, for we shall see Him
as jj e i s . Ancl eV ery man that hath
tWs hope ln hlm puriflot h himself, even
as H e is pure."
These gTent doctrines concerning
the future blessings of Christian be¬
lievers are never presented as abstract
truths or for mere academic discus¬
sion, but as vitalizing truths supplying
the necessary incentive for the conflict
with evil within and without.
Worldly Philosophy Inadequate.
Such a truth as this concerning our
Lord’s resurrection as the firstfruits of
a great harvest, to follow imparts
clear mental vision and understand
ing concerning the future. It re
claims the future from that dreary tn- !
definiteness and unthlnkabieness into
which false philosophy and false spir
itualism have put it. The New Testa
ment teaching of the resurrection is
plain, and when believed it saves us
from the delusive teaching against
which the Holy Spirit through the In
spired writers always puts Christians
on their guard. “Beware, lest any
man spoil you through philosophy and
vain deceit, after the tradition of men,
after the rudiments of the world, and
not after Christ.” This philosophy
may be very attractive; It is to the
natural mind. It has in it a specious¬
ness and an appearance which prom¬
ise much, but which In the end give
no rest, no power for a holy life and
no solid hope for the future. It be
lon S s t0 the rudiments of the world
and * s n<>t n ^ er Christ,
The religion of the New Testament
' s plain and homely. It begins v-ith a
babe In a cradle. It follows that
babe all the way through death and
resurrection to the place "i power
w ^ ere the crucified and risen Man is
seat ed on the right hand of Uod. It
us live in the risen Lord and look
to become like Him, risen in His very
image in a glorified body when He
5 j]all come. From the heavens He
spe aks—Believe in Me, live in Me. and
vou shall arise in Me when I return,
have been formu¬
lated into doc¬
trines. To “the
natural m a n,"
these doctrines
are like the dry
bones of Ezekiel’s
vision — very
many and very
dry. To the re¬
generated man
they are like the
other part of that
vision—when the
Petersburg Re*ident Says She Had
About Lost Hope of Getting Bet
ter—Now Well and Happy.
“Tanlac has been such a blessing to
me I can’t help singing its praises,”
said Mrs. T. J. Archer, highly esteemed
resident of 1147 Shepard St., Peters¬
burg, Ya.
"I had indigestion so bad I couldn’t
eat a thing without being in misery for
hours, and the pam around my heart
caused by the gas seemed all I could
Stand, I constantly had headaches
and awful spells of dizziness. Then
to make matters worse rheumatism
In my arms, shoulders and knees al¬
most drove me to distraction, and for
three months I couldn’t do a stroke of
“I had just about decided it was no
nse to take any more medlclqe when
my husband brought me a bottle of
Tanlac. Now I never have a touch
of Indigestion. Headaches and dizzy
spells are a thing of the past, and
rheumatism has left me entirely. I
never have known a medicine to equal
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists
After hearing a glee club the patient
listener is apt to wonder where it got
Its name.
important to all Women
Readers of this Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and never
suspect it.
Women’s complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con¬
dition, they may cause the other organs
to become diseased.
You may suffer pain in the back, head¬
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irrita¬
ble and may be despondent; it makes any
one so.
But hundred, of women claim that Dr.
Kiimer’B Swamp-Root, by restoring
health to the kidneys, proved to be just
the remedy needed to overcome euch
Swamp-Root, Many send for the a sample kidney, bottle to liver see what and )
bladder medicine, will do for them. By
enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Binghamton, N. A'., you may receive You sam¬
ple size bottle by Parcel Post. can
purchase medium and large size bottles at
all drug stores.—Advertisement.
Mapping out a “career” mnkes no j
allowance for the power of people you
like to sidetrack ypu.
Take ; Baths
" MM
Goat, Eczema, Hives, etc Right in
your own home and at trifling cost,
you can enjoy the benefit of healing
sulphur baths.
Sulphur Compound
mature** own blood purifying and *Jdn he&Hn*
remedy—SlfLPHUK—tjrepared efficacious Use in a way to
make ft* use moet it in the
bath; use it as a lotion applying to affected
parts; and take ft internally..
60c and $130 the bottle
at your druggist's. If he can’t supply you,
Movd Ms name and the price in stamps ana
we will send you a bottle direct.
Bskimorc. Md.
Basse*) Seifhmr Csmt*msnJ Ohs*
mrnt—2j* and 50t~~f*r mas totth the
iMscid Ctmgmnd
T)URE, strong lye does far UlH»
* more work than weak lye.
Giant Lye is pure and powerful.
Use it in all kinds of cleaning.
Make its strength work for you,
Our FREE booklet tells you of many
nays to use Giant Lye . Write for it.
B. T. BABBITT, Successor
The Mendieson CorporatkJb
15 V. 34th St., New York
They Cost Less
becauje they gire longer terries
Every pair of
Suspenders RUB8ERLESS
Is guaranteed for a full
year's wear. Men like
their easy stretch and comfy~^~
feel. Ask Your Ooalor. If be
can’t giving supply dealer's you, send direct, ,
Nu-Wa> Strseh Adrian, Suspender Mich. «
J^^Pat. Proces^J LOOM Products
Baby Carnages & Furniture
Ask Your Local Dealer
Write Now
lor 32 -Page
The Lloyd Manufacturing Company
(Hey wood- Waktfidd Co .)
Dept. E
Menominee, Michigan (18)
and MICE
Always use the genuine
It forces these pests to run from the building fot
water and fresh al r. Bats, mice, cockroaches, water
bugs and ants destroy food and property and are
carriers of disease.
Directions in 15 languages ln every box.
2 ot. sl*e 36c. 16 oi. size tL60.
Cuticura Soap
Are Healthy
Soap 25c. Obtmnt 25 ud 50c, Talcum 25c.
Known as
“(hat good kind*
c Iry it-and you
will know why
Liberal Bottles 3Sc BOLD EVERYWHERE