Newspaper Page Text
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot Hot water water
Sure Relief
25<r and ELL-ANS 75* Packages.
powders Sprinkle one the or two Allen’s Foot=Ease
in Foot Bath and soak and
rub the feet. It takes the sting out of
Corns and Bunions and smarting, aching
feet. Then for lasting comfort, shake Al¬
len’s Foot=Ease into your shoes. It takes
the friction from the shoe, rests the feet
end makes walking a delight. Always use
shoes. it for dancing Over One parties and to break in new
Million Five Hundred
Thousand pounds of Powder for the Feet
were usdd by our Army and Navy during
the war.
clean.omamental .eon
vement. nient. cheap cheap Lasts Lasts
ail season. Mace of
metal, can’t spill or
tip over injure : will »ot soil
3 by dealers,
prepaid. $1.25.
HAROLD SOMERS. 150 De Kalb Are., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mitchell Eye ---er s&fSSM irritation.
The The< old si topi© remedy medf
that brln brines comfort*
Salve ing relief lief Is ts best. best. 25c, 25c.
ail druggists or by maiu
147 Wmriy Plwe, New Y.A
Hay Fever and Catarrh
Free Trial Bottle. Ask your druggist or
Shave, Bathe and
Shampoo with one
Soap.— Cuticura
Cnticura Soap Isthe favoriteforsafetyrazor>having.
Chill Tonic
Makes the Body Strong,
Makes the Blood Rich. 60c
Short breathing re¬
lieved in a few hours;
swelling reduced in a
few days;tflregulates the liver, kidneys, stomach
and heart; purifies the blood, strengthens the
entire system. Write for Free Trial Treatment.
Stop Your Ailment*, gain weight, Natural strength. health
“Muscle Control,” $1 postpaid.
builder. Results guaranteed. Health Protec¬
tion Society, A-523 N. Charles, Baltimore, Md.
WANTED—County agents, Big profits even*
day. Sure-Grip Hold er. Samples C. and B. HOLT, prices
25 cents. Territory going fast. ATLANTA, GA.
Distributor, So. Atlanta Sta.,
Bemores Danaruff-StopsHair Fall In*
Restores Color and
Beavty to Gray and Faded Half
Me. and $ 1.00 at Patcbogue.H. I>ro$* gists. Y.
Htarox Chem. Wka.
louses. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal¬
e^e., stops all pain, ensures comfort to the
feet, makes walking easv. !5o. by mall or at Drop
fists. Uisosx Cheratui warks, Patchogue, & Y. nr e
Add a little Giant Lye to
the water and see how easily
your clothes wash clean.
Our FREE booklet, with pic¬
tures, tells of many other uses
for Giant Lye. Send for it.
B. T. BABBITT, Successor
The Mendieson Corporation
15 Vest 34th St., New York
Dyspepsia Entirely Overcome and She
Eats, Sleeps and Feels Better
Than in Years, Says Boston
“I have actually gained eight pounds
In two weeks’ time and am now eating
better, sleeping better and feeling bet¬
ter than I have in three or four years,’’
said Boston, Mrs. Celesta Fell, 82 Prince'street,
Mass., recently, in telling of
the great benefits she has derived from
the use of Tanlac.
“My stomach was in such a bad fix
before I took Tanlac that I did not
dare eat much of anything, for if I did
I would have so much pain and dis¬
tress from indigestion that I felt like
I was going to die. I was so run down
and weak from lack of nourishment
that I could not do my housework.
“I was so nervous I couldn't keep
still during the day nor sleep at night.
I can see now if it had not been for
Tanlac I would have had to give up
entirely. I am now feeling strong and
healthy and all the credit belongs to
Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists.
A Threatened Strike.
Bobbie—Fop, you gave me a nickel
to keep quiet an hour and the hour’s
' U P
Pop—Here’s a nickel for another
hour. Don’t bother me.
Bobbie—Double pay for overtime.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists
who are constantly in direct touch with
the public, there is one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made the as¬
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many applicants for insurance trouble are re¬
jected is because kidney is the so
common to the American people, and applica¬
large majority of those whose
tions are declined do not even suspect
that they have the disease.
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root is on sale
at all drug stores in battles of two sizes,
medium and large. However, if you wish
first to test this great preparation send
ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham¬
ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention this paper.
Well Said.
Some one was urging Martha to tell
her secret, when she sagely remarked:
“A secret Isn’t a secret after it is
Apply Vacher-Balm; Nothing-is “just
as good,” no matter what you pay. Ask
your druggist. E. W. Vacher, Inc., New
Orleans, La.—Advertisement.
First Little Girl—“What’s your last
name, Annie?” Second ' Little Girl—
“Don’t know yet. I ain’t married.”
Dr. Peery's “Dead Shot” hot only expels
Worms and Tapeworm, but cleans out the
mucus in which they breed and tones up
the digestion. One dose sufficient. If it
fails, we will refund your money. 372
Pearl St., New York City.—Advertisement.
Hoof or Mouth.
"Any good lines in that new musical
comedy?" “What sort—audible or vis¬
ible?”—New York Sun.
Newsy Paragraphs
Of State Interest^
Hawkinsville. — The Hawkinsviile
Manufacturing company's lumber plant
was destroyed by fire with a loss of
$15,000, partly covered by insurance.
Juliette.—Along with the production
of peaches in Jasper county, the red
June plum is gaining favor. Several
days ago a carload of plums was ship¬
ped from Hillsboro by c. H. Marks,
R. C. Holland and others. The plum
crop of the county is good and will net
the growers several thousand dollars.
Americus.—Details of a river acci¬
dent which occurred recently at Spiv¬
ey’s landing, on the Flint river, 16
miles from Americus, establishes that
Arthur Mize, prominent Americus busi¬
ness man, and Foy Owen, a mechanic,
were drowned. Allen Chappell, an¬
other Americus business man, and Wal¬
lace Mott, other members of the party
escaped. Large numbers of Americus
people have gone to the scene of the
accident and the water there will be
dragged in an effort to recover the
Thomasville.—Flag day was celebrat¬
ed by the Girl Scouts, who gave an in¬
teresting program under the auspices
of the Daughters of the Revolution.
The program was given in Paradise
park in the afternoon, each scout troop
taking part in it. The programs con¬
sisted of the salute to the flag, the
pledge of allegiance to the flag, the
singing of the “Star Spangled Ban¬
ner,"'the history of the flag, the re¬
spect due to the flag, how to make a
flag and quotations from George Wash¬
ington in regard to the flag.
Decatur.—John R. Maddox, and V. S.
Morgan, both of Decatur, have formal¬
ly announced their respective candi¬
dacies for justice of the peace of the
531st militia district, of which this
city is the official center. C. H. Livesy
declared several days ago to run for
the office, and each of the three as¬
pirants are making a vigorous canvass
of the voters in his own behalf, and the
campaign is creating considerable in¬
terest. The governor has called a
special election for June 24 to fill the
vacancy on the local justice of the
peace bench caused by the recent
resignation of Judge C. L. Patillo, who
has held the post for about five years,
but who has resigned on account of
ill health.
Atlanta.—William H. Barrett, of
Augusta, widely known and prominent
Georgia attorney, was nominated by
President Harding for the office of
judge of the southern district of Geor¬
gia, to succeed tlie late Judge Beverly
D. Evans, acc’or(Ying to dispatches re¬
ceived in Atlanta from Washington.
The choice of President Harding of Mr.
Barrett, who Is a democrat, over the
list which contained the narnhs of rep¬
resentative republicans and democrats,
is indicative of the "high regard and
esteem in which Mr. Barrett is held.
Several republicans, including F. G.
Boatright, 6t Cordele, had been un¬
der consideration for several wefeks, it
was understood.
Atlanta.—Charges of counterfeiting
automobile state license tags here pre¬
ferred against U. G. Johnson, of Vien¬
na, secretary of state, following an in T
vestigation hy Judge Walter F. George,
of Vienna, former justice of the Geor¬
gia supreme court, who has been re¬
tained by the state to prosecute the
case. Johnson, who was arrested, fol¬
lowing the charges, will be arraigned
in the superior court of Dooly county.
According to Judge George, evidence
has been obtained which shows that
Johnson had changed a number of
1921 license tags to 1922 and sold
them to negroes for sums aggregating
from $2 to $5 each. About a dozen of
these tags have been seized, it is said,
Macon.—“I’s ready to die—sho wish
all my friends luck,” said Jim Denson,
21, negro plow boy, who is under sen¬
tence to be hanged at Irwinton, when
he was notified that Governor Thomas
W. Hardwick, had declined to save
him from the gallows. Denson was
arrested almost three years ago,
charged with a criminal assault on an
aged white woman in Wilkinson
ty. He was tried, convicted and
tenced to hang, but Attorney John R.
Cooper, of Macon, who was employed
after the negro’s conviction, carried
the case through-all the state court's
and to the supreme court of the United
States. The latter court, however, re¬
fused to take jurisdiction.
Royston.—Royston shipped to J. A.
Kelly, Atlanta Poultry and Produce
merchant, the first car of poultry from
Franklin county. Through the efforts
of County Agent W. Gladstone Owens
and Mr. Gray, of the bureau of markets,
state college of agriculture, Franklin
county poultry sale was made a reality.
Never before has Franklin had such a
grain crop and surplus crop on hand
as this season. Realizing the uncer¬
tainty of cotton crop under weevil con¬
ditions, the farmer is following the
methods of their brothers who were
hard hit a few years ago, lass cotton,
more corn, wheat, oats, chickens, eggs
butter, hogs and a few sheep and goats.
Royston expects more such sales in the
Atlanta.—The Georgia railroad com¬
mission recently issued a rule nisi
against the Georgia Railway and Power
company', July directing them to show cause
on 25 why its gas rates in Atlanta,
Decatur, College Park and East Point
should not be revised.
Decatur.—Walter Merks, who plead
guilty to bigamy, was sentenced in su¬
perior court to two years in prison.
Merks was arrested in March charged
with marrying his third time before
obtaining a divorce from his second
wife. His first wife died about four
years ago. His home is in Stone Moun¬
Children Cry For
s'et Contents 15 Fluid Dracltn
algohol-3 PER GENT.
„ p similatin^thcFood Avertable PreparatioafbrAj byKegula- ■
f itingtheStomacfiS
Infants/'Children Special Care of Baby.
That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it
is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
i LnccnuuicsitmuiiiJ..^..— Morphine nor a man’s medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
1 i neither Opium, Narco tic that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
Mineral, no t . be tolerated by specialists in children’s diseases.
fumpkav Your Physician will tell you that Baby’s medicine must be
Senna prepared with even greater care than Baby’s food.
/bcMUt Salt* A Baby’s stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
jbuseSttff by improper food. Could for
ailing child you a moment, then, think of giving
CarifM tform Ant SagsT to your anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don’t be deceived. *
A helpful Remedy for Make a mental note of this:—It is important, Mothers, that
Constipation and Diarrhoea. you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
and Feverishness and your Baby must receive special care. Ho Baby is so abnormal that
Loss of Sleep the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
iltf Ip resiittini thercfr ottPiflM gnatured dmv- prepared MOTHERS for grown-ups. THE
mill llfif J® NEW'VORK CeOTAUR CompakK Bears the Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY,
10 Cenls Gives PUTNAM Charming FADELESS New DYES—dyes Shade or to tints Old as Lingerie you wish
All who joy would win must share
It—happiness was born a twin.
. Cuticura for Pifnply Faces.
To remove .pimples and blackheads
smear them with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off in five minutes with Cuti¬
cura Soap and hot yater. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
dally toilet purposes. Don’t fail to In¬
clude Cuticura Talcum, Advertisement.
Usually Amiable Bachelor Had Rea¬
son for Returning From Week
End Visit With Grouch.
“Did you have a nice week-end?" in¬
quired the sweet young thing brightly
of the popular bachelor.
‘O, I suppose you might say so," he
grumbled, with unexpected 111 humor.
“But I’d like to know how anybody
can have a nice week-end when he
can’t sleep.” ’•
“What'was the matter?"
“O, the usual thing—the guest pil¬
low. How many times have I had a
good night in .ah otherwise pleasant
and comfortable room ruined by an
elephantine pillow. If you lay just
your heail on it you break your neck;
if you try to ease the slant by moving
it down under your shoulders you
might as well be sitting up.
"For themselves people have decent¬
ly low, soft, comfortable things which
are tucked out of sight In the day¬
time. But in the guest room the show
pillows are the only pillows provided.”
—New York Sun.
Tlie worst thing about the man with
one idea Is that the idea is seldom
big enough.
When a woman expresses a wish
her husband generally has to pay the
“Watch me,” said
5 the strong swimmer,
“I’m not afraid”
So he matched his strength Coffee can disturb nerves and
against the swirl of the rapids, digestion, and often it does.
and laughed at the danger, and There’s a safe and satisfying
kept repeating the stunt, until— course for everybody in the
It the day the life-savers selection of a table drink.
had been waiting for—that day Postum has charm without
the call for help came. harm. It’s the safe drink for
all, and probably, therefore, it’s
It’s an easy matter to smile the better drink for you.
at coffee warnings when you’re Thousands have found it better,
going strong. and fully satisfying, for them.
But good Your grocer has both forms of
a many strong Postum: Instant Postum (in tins)
swimmers won’t risk the rapids, made instantly in the cup by the
and good coffee drinkers addition of boiling water. Postum
a many Cereal (in packages of larger bulk,
are beginning to think of the for those who prefer to make the drink
caffeine in coffee. while the meal is being prepared)
made by boiling for fully 20 minutes.
“There’s a Reason” for Postum
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan
IN^ERSMITH’c ChillTonic °
Not Only For Chilly Fever and Malaria
."ii—i "" 1 111 It n®t *old by your write Arthur Peter & Louisville. Kj. ■•■■■ .... ■■
Little Incident Shows How Much
Chance Mere Man Has With
Real Mistress of Finance. ,
Mrs. Norman Whitehouse, the pa¬
trician ex-suffragist who lias gone In¬
to the leather business, said at a tea
In New York:
“Woman should succeed magnifi¬
cently In business, she is such a past
grand mistress of finesse.
“I know a pretty girl who once took
the part of palmist in a gypsy tent at
a fair. A young man came 111 to have
his 'tortiine told, and the pretty girl,
holding his hand in hers tenderly, said:
“ ‘You have an extraordinary char¬
acter. Your most remarkable quality
Is generosity. You hate skinflints, you
despise the money hoarder, and you
look' on avarice as a shameful vice.
A large and almost reckless liberality
marks your path through life.’
“ ‘Thank you,’ said the young man,
blushing and giggling. ‘You are flat¬
tering me, I’m afraid.’
“ ‘Not at all,’ said the pretty girl,
‘and now I’m going to wrap you up
these three dozen tickets for our tur¬
key raffle. They’re only a siffioleon
apiece. Three tens, a five,-and a one.
Thank you; that’s just right.’”
Having to pay for It afterward has
made" saints of sinners.
Fred Knew Johnny. .
Fred Smith was badly crippled,
physically; but his Indomitable spirit
kept him on a’ par with other lads of
his age. He joined the-pig club, and
took care of his pig with great skill
and enthusiasm.
One day I overheard Fred talking
to his crony, and this Is what he said:.'
“John Mitchell says his pig is. blg
ger'n mine!”
And then in a tone of great scorn,
he added:
“I’ll bet if we swapped he’d still
say his was tlie biggestFarm Life.
Doctors Declare Music Heals.
Music, as a powerful healing agency
for physical as well as mental mala¬
dies, was one of the principal topics
of discussion nt the annual meeting
of the Tri-State Medical, association
at Memphis recently. Approximately
250 physicians and surgeons from Mis¬
souri, Arkansas and Tennessee heard
this subject discussed. The physicians
were enthusiastic in boosting music as
a healer and classed It, in certain cir¬
cumstances, as almost as effective as
Some “go on the hypothesis” that
any kind of entertainment Is better
than staying at Home.
Don’t hand people clippings more
than three lines long.