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fcbe dlcvelanD Courier.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Be.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Poet tffiee at Cleveland
Ga., as second class mail matter.
Member Ninth Dietrict Pre»s Aeeocialnn
“ Georgia, P«M
“ Netlonal Editorial “
Subscription, $ 1.50 per year
in advance
While Mr. F. G. Jones,of Cleve¬
land, was down attending the com¬
mencement of the N. G. A. Col¬
lege last week, the institution
which shelters him while he was
studying his lessons for a long time
up into 1895, told us many inter¬
esting things about Muscle Shoals,
in Alabama, where he has spent
quite a while during the past few
months on business. By the way,
Mr. Jones is a candidate for the
state senate this time, composing
the counties of White, Lumpkin
Dawson, being White’s time to
name the candidate, although all
three of the counties will be bene
fitted if a wide awake, public
spirited man of business qualifica¬
tions is selected for senator. Our
friend was borned and raised in
Lumpkin county. We have known
him all hit life and we are confi¬
dent that Frank comes up to these
requirements. If we did not be
Siewe it we would say so.—Dah
loncga Nuggett.
The Lavonia Tildes says: “Yes,
money can be saved by not adver¬
tising, but more money can be
saved by not eating.”—Advocute
Up atCleveland the good women
cooked bushels of din. for the
newspaper scribes, and Jack Pat¬
terson was the only one there. Can
you imagine what happened?—Al¬
pharetta Free Free.
If we had been u fish or n bird
we would have gone to Cleveland
last Friday, but we are only a mere
man and couldn’t go.—Alpharetta
Free Press.
Owing to the very hard rains
last week, the Editor failed to get
off to Cleveland last Friday, lie
is going anyhow some time soon,
not to a press meeting there, but to
see the country and the town and
the editor of the Cleveland paper,
Jim Davidson.—Alpharetta Free
We were indeed sorry to miss
that trip to Cleveland on June Jnd,
but the terriflic rains completely up
set us. We made the trip to
Gainesville lust December during a
rainy time and we decided then
that we would never try it again.
The question of having our next
meeting is in the hands of the exe¬
cutive committee of the association
and they will make announcements
in due time.—Winder News.
“A loving man is God’s greatest
blessing” so says Miss Marilynn.
Now, is the "deer” old girl exact¬
ly correct ?
In “The British and American
Press” by Stephen Leacock lie tells
with keen humor as well as illumi¬
nating comparison the difference
between the British and American
Prof. Leacock says, the only
paper a man really enjoys and ap¬
preciates to the fullest is ttie news¬
paper of his own town. Prof.
Leacock gives a vivid story of
American people who live in Eng- j
land wanting the news of Europe I
they will not believe it until thev i
received tlieir American paper and :
find it therein.
Our good friend, Ernest Camp.
Editor of Che Walton Tribune.
Monroe, Ga.. accompanied by his
good wife, son, Ernest, Jr., and
smaller son and daughter, surprised
us with a very pleasant call last
Friday. Mr. Camp is held in the
highest esteem by all the news¬
papermen In Georgia. He is tst
Vice-President of the GeorgiaPrtls
Association and will be elected
president at the 1923 meeting. He
is President of the Eighth District
Press Association and has made a
splendid record in organizing that
district. His thriving town, Mon¬
roe, gave the Georgia Press Ass,
one of the best times they have
had, and ErnestCamp deserves that
While here Editor Camp and
family viewed our mountain range
from the Mountain View Terrace
Resort and told us what wonder¬
ful scenic grandeur we are so lucky
to possess. From Cleveland they
they motored through the famous
Nacoochee Valley by Clerkesville
to Tallulah Falls and Clayton.
We were quite sorry that the
time of Editor Camp and family
was so limited that could not be
with us longer and ascend Yonah,
but we trust they will return
again when they will have more
time witli us.
You will find the announcement
of Judge J. B, Jones for re-election
in this issue. Judge Jones has
made a splendid impression on the
public and his many friends will
make it hot for his opponents.
Col. H. II. Perry, of Gaines¬
ville, has announced for Judge of
this circuit. Col. Perry is well
known in this county as he has
made a splendid record as a jurist
and is quite capable for judge.
Col. A. H. Henderson, Jr., an
nouncement for the Senate appears
in this issue of our paper. Col.
Henderson will not be able to see
very many of the people for some
time os he will be engaged at his
duties in the Legislature. Col
Hetj.derson’s experience ex¬
perience in the legislature makes
him better fitted for the Senate.
Soon after it was announced that
the road from Blairsville would be
built across the Blue Ridge at
Frogtown Gap, Mr. Henley Wim¬
py was notified to extend his keep
up roads to the Jack Ash place on
this proposed route. But since the
tourists, together with candidates
and others interested in the Nation¬
al Highway running by Cleveland
and Gainesville, Mr. Wimpy has
been notified to suspend repair
work on or towards Frogtown Gap
until further notice, causing us to
believe that there will be no high¬
way built across the Blue Ridge to
or by way of Dnhlonega unless the
government turns all its lands into
a park and builds a road across the
mountain from Daldonega to get to
it. And such a road may be built
from some other point. You can’t
tell. It’s true that Engineer Neel
said the state highway would be
built through Frogtown Gap, but
things don't iook favorable for this,
if all reports are true. And if Mr.
Neel spoke without authority he
should jhuve kept Jiis lips closed.—
Dahlonega Nuggett.
Congressman Thos, M. Bell has
more friends than any man in the
Ninth District.—Alpharetta Free
lion. Clifford Walker has nn
nounced himself a candidate for
Governor on a platform of strict
economy, against any new taxes,
an unalterable opposition to the
destruction of the Constitutional
Limitation on new taxes and the
suppression of the Clayt Robson
Kimbali House domination of the
Mr. Walker is well known in
White County and has a number
of loyal supporters who will stand
by him as in the last election.
Mr. Walker carried \\ liite County
over his opposition iu the last
The right for Georgia to con
demn ,and for kigfejyay P ur P oses
1,i,s been «P lleld in a case decided
before J ud S e Tarver, of White- j
e * d County,
If Morristown, Tenn., can ship
$8,000,000 in eggs, chickens and
cattle in one year—1922—Why
can't White County make a better
A national weekly magazine
recently had a baby’s picture on
the front cover and under it was,
“Two Million and a Quarter Every
Week."—Hoschton News,
No wonder the women want to
The U. S. owns about one-half
of all the diamonds. The highest
record received in any one year
was 1920 which was $89,000,000.
The leading diamond fields of the
world are: South Africa, Brazil,
India, German Southwest Africa,
and Borneo.
Authur Brisbane says Ambassa¬
dor George Harvey has given up
wearing knee breeches at the
court of St. James and goes to
American trousers—even when he
sees the King. His reason, so
Brisbane says tin his legs are too
thin for his breebhes. He further
says thinlegs are the best, for a mat:
using his brain big muscles are
simply a handicap. He says thin
legs means more energy left over
for the brain.
Senator Wm. J. Harris writes
us the Department of Agricultuie
has just issued a bulletin on the
“Boll Weevil Problem.” The
Senator says he is anxious that
every cotton farmer have that
bulletin. If you desire it write
him requesting Bulletin No. 1262.
It rained and it poured, so that
Jack Patterson was the only news¬
paper man who reached Cleveland
some days ago, when the 9th dis¬
trict editors were to meet there.
It is said that the good ladies of
the community had prepared a
feast for forty editors and that
Jack ate it ull up. Having seen
him in action on several occasions,
we are fully prepared to believe it.
—Commerce News.
Mr. Bunion Satterfield has joined
the U. S, Army.
The Junior Y. M. C. A. of At¬
lanta arrived in Cleveland last
Thursday week on a special train
and were met by Mr. CharlieWhit
ner’s trucks and carried to Porter
Springs, where they have establ¬
ished a camp. On their way to
Porter Springs one of the boys,
about 13 years of age, fell out of
the truck and was run over by it,
breaking hie leg. He wits given
local medical attention and sent to
Atlanta on the train Friday morn¬
Mr. W. C. Henderson traded
his old Frrd for a brand new one.
Senator Thos. E. Watson will
speack in Gainesville at 11 o’clock
Ju’y 4 -
Mr. Reid Cox who has been on
a visit to relatives in White and
Lumpkin co,yn,ties, left Saturday
for Cuttibert, Ga.) where he will
spend a few daps with ids brother
before reporting to his ship at New
Port News, Va.
Miss Jessie Cox left Saturday
morning for Gainesville, where she
\yijl make her home with Mr, and
Mr*. C, F, Saine.
Mr. J. B. it. froffgtt has had
electric lights installed in the Ma¬
sonic Hall from his Delco plant.
Mr. Jess Pepper is riding in a
new Ford, too.
Dr. Erwin an ,4 daughter, of
Blairsville, spent a few .days this
week with Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Rev. Wm. Green way spent a
few days iu Atlanta this wggk.
Dr. McGee, of McRae, Ga.,
spent a day or two in Cleveland
this week.
Miss lone Kenimer is visiting in
Atlanta this week.
After preaching at the Baptist
Church last Sunday they elected a
A cow of Nelson Williams was
killed by lightning last Saturday
A bean beetle has bepb playing
havoc with the bean patches in
Cleveland. He is a yellow fuzzy
beetle. What do you know that
will conquer him!
statute in such cases made and provided
and that you be present at said time and
place with your assessor.
This the 16th, day of June 1922.
J. H. Telford, Clerk.
T. B. Hooper, Chairman.
J. H. Stovall.
II. A.. Jarrard.
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues,
White County, Georgia.
Mr. N. J. Allison,of Gainesville,
was a visitor in Cleveland last Sat
urday afternoon for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest House, ac¬
companied by Mr, John House,
left Thursday for Akron, Ohio,
where they will be employed in
the manufacture of antomobile tires
Mr. F. G, Jones returned Wed¬
nesday morning to Muscle Shoals.
A tacky party was given at the
Mountain View Terrace Resort
Thursday, June 15, which proved
to be a most enjoyable occasion for
those present. The costumes 6f
some were indeed amusing and
added much gayety to the occassion
Everyone present did all in their
power to make the party one long
to be remembered.
All day singing at Blue Creek
the 4th, Sunday in July. Dinner
on the ground. Ali good singers
and every body else invited.
Dr. J. E. Norton and Mrs,
Maude Kytle have been joined in
the holy bonds of matrimony.
There will a play at the
Cleveland High School Audi¬
torium July 1st, given by Mrs.
J. W. Marion.
JULY 4,1922
Thos E. Watson
Qn Jifly 4th the G. A N. W.
H-1#. will sell round tjrip tick¬
ets from all stations on its
line G) (inmesyille at Jlje price
of one way fare,
Senator Thos. E. Watson
will speak at 11 o’clock and a
game of baseball will be play¬
ed in the afternoon.
The afternoon train will not
leave Gainesville until (> 1*. M.
“The man who is really worth
while, it seems to us, is the man
who pays his bills us he goes, treats
his faiflify a 1)4 his friends squarely
and is above board wifh all man¬
kind, He puts a curb on his
tongue, and keeps his hands busy
with good deeds) he refrains from
petty and malicious gossip and
spreads the gospel of good fellow¬
ship. Such may never achieve
great fame, but he is sure to win a
place in the hearts of all who know
him. His memory will always be
a thing to cherish, and when his
soul has departed for that mysteri¬
ous unknown region, his friends
may well and truly say of him:
“He was a man I” No higher
praise, no better epitaph need be
given or written.”
and running in an easterly direction to
E. C. Dorsey corner, Ihence in a north¬
erly direction to a conditional corner,
thence west to the origional line, at a
corner, thence south said origiual line to
the starting point, with improvements
thereon, said land levied on as the prop¬
erty of Mrs. Sallie Wofferd to satisfy an
execution issued ou the 17th, day of Get.,
1922 from the Superior Court of White
County, Ga., in favor of Farmers and
Merchants Bank of Cleveland, Ga., and
against Mrs. Sallie Wofford and Homer
Wofford. Written notice of levy given
teunant in possession as required by law.
This the 6 th. day of June 1922.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
Georgia White County
To the voters of said county:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the State Senate from the 32nd, Sena¬
torial District of Georgia, subject to the
Democratic Primary to be held on Wed¬
nesday September 13tb,1922. If elected
I pledge myself to serve the best inter¬
ests of the people of this district.
Thanking the people for past support.
I am very respectfully,
A. H. HbsdkbsonJi-.
Gainesville Georgia.
June 19, 1922.
This is to inform the Sadies anil gentle¬
men of the Northeastern Circuit that my
name will be on the ballots for Judge in
the September Primary.
This Circuit is the largest in the State
and I am necessarily prevented from
canvassing to the extent that I would
like. 1 like to meet the people and talk
to them and deeply regret that my time
is so limited. I shall therefore trust
them to look after my interests.
J. B. Jones. *
Gainesville, Ga.,
June 16, 1922.
To the Voters of the Circuit:
1 respectfully submit my name as
candidate for nomination, at the primary
September 13th, for Judge of the Superi¬
or Courts of the Northeastern Circuit.
I realize the great responsibility of
such an office, but, if elected, 1 will en¬
deavor, by the Divine help, to discharge
the duties of tnis important position with
impartiality and justice to all, and in a
manner to reflect credit on the Circuit.
H. H. Perry.
To, J. M. Meaders, C. J. Meaders, Wiley
Menders, Cheaver Meaders, (J. SJeaders,
Caulder Meadgrs, Miss Commilla Mead¬
ers, Jlrs. Lizzie Meaders, and Mrs.
Johnnie Whelehel all o< White County
Ga., except Casey and Caulder who
reside out of the State of Georgia and
whose addresses are unknown to the
undersigned Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues.
You are hereby notified, that iq as
mue|| as an agreement cannot lie reach¬
ed by and las'ween you and the under¬
signed Commissioners of Hoads and
Revenues of said County as to the
damage that will be sustained your
property by leasonof the construction
and building of a Highway over your
land, that the application to condem has
been tiled as required by law to condemn
sn easement or right of way fifty feet
in width for said highway over lots of
land Nos. — in the second land district
of White County, Ga. Said right of way
to tie used for the construction of a
highway to be tpveled by the public as
a public highway leading from Gaines¬
ville, Ga., to White County line and
from White CpppJj- line tp Cleveland,
Ga., and on through the County of White.
Said highway to be used as a public road
and to be traveled over by the public as
other roads are traveled over by the
public. Said land to be condemned
being a strip ot land fifty feet wide,
commencing where your land intersects
with the lands of J. D. Hulsey on the
south and running by or near the resi¬
dence of <4- Meadei-s and crossing the
creek just Above said Q. Meaders’resi¬
dence and running aerhss the upper end
of the bottom and coming out into the
present public road near the residence
of Cheaver Meaders anil crossing said
public road and running east of the
residence pf J. M. Meadprs 4 ml on in a
northerly direction to the line of said
Meaders' land and being the same Btrip
of land surveyeAnd marked out by the
surveyors of the State Highway Com¬
mission of Georgia and as an agreement
cannot he reached as to the amount of
damages and 4 tender having been made
to you by l},e County Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues and a refusal on
your part to accept the same, -ame being
for the actual and consequental damages
that will be sustained to your property
by reason of the building of said high¬
way over same as described above, as
assessor, the undersigned Commissioners
of Roads and Revenues of said County
name B. F. Trotter -to act as assessor
on the part of the County and fix the
5th, day of July 1922 at the hour of 11 A.
M as the time when said application will
be heard and name the residence of J. U.
Meaders as the place of hearing as by
To the Voters ot the Northeastern
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the Judgeship of the Northeastern Clreuit
subject to the Democratic Primary.
Four yeai-s ago I aspired for this worthy
position and was defeated by Judge J, B.
Jones, who now holds this office. I am
thankful to those who supported me ik
that election and at the same time bear
no ill feelings toward those who support¬
ed my opponent.
In offering for the Judgeship I can do
so with a record of more than thirty years
as a practicing lawyer of this Circuit fend
should I be elected I will endevor St all
times topeform the duties of the office in
a fair and impai-tical manner.
Your support will be greatly appreci¬
Yours very truly
To Tiik Votebs Of Thb Nokth- Eabtbks
Circuit 1 1 hereby announce my candi¬
dacy for the offiiee of Soliotor Genera,
subject to the primary to be held in Sep¬
tember, and will appreciate your support.
Very truly,
Robert McMilliitn,
Clarkesville ,Ga
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the Legislature, subject to the demo¬
cratic primary to be held Sept. 13tb and
also subject to the rules and regulations
of said primary. I earnestly solicit the
support and consideration of each and
every voter in White County. I promise
if elected to serve my people to the best
of my ability and the best interest for
the state of Georgia and the county of
White. I have never lived in any other
county and most of her citizens know me.
I have never aaked for an office until
this and I beleive if I am elected that I
can be of some real benefit to the county.
Yours Respectfull,
G. A. Vandiver.
Being convinced of the desire of the
people of White County that I become
a candidate for State 8 enat-or. I respect¬
fully announce myself a candidate tor
that office, subject to the democratic
primary to be held Sept. 18 th. 1922.
If elected, I shall devote myself in all
matters coming before that body, to the
best interest of my constituency of the
32nd senatorial district, as well as state
at large. Assuring you of my apprecia¬
tion of your support,
Respt. Yours, F, G. Jones,
Tothe voters of the Northeastern circuit:
I hereby announce uiy candidacy fof
the office of Judge of the Superior courts
of the Northeastern circuit, subject ta
the primary to he held September lfltb,
and I earnestly solicit your support aud
influence. I promise, if elected, a
prompt, fair, and impartial discharge of
the duties of the office.
Yours truly,
I. II. Sutton
Clarkesville, Ga.
Georgia White County:
By virture ot an order from the court
of Ordinary of White County, will be
sold, at public outcry, on the first Tues¬
day in July 1922, at the court house door
in said county, between the legal hours
of sale the following real estate in said
county: Two acres of land more or less in
Nacoochee Valley known as the Mrs.
Lou Richardson place and the place
where she lived at her death. On this
two acre tract of land there is a splendid
dwelling bouse and barn and out houses.
1 his is a desirable piece of property and
located in the beautiful valley of Nacoo¬
chee and near one of the best schools In
this part of the state. Tliis property lies
north of the main public road running
through Nacoochee Valley and a littjp
west of the residence of C. w'. Qekes and
Nacoochee Institute and about one bfilf
a mile from said Institute.
Terms one third cash, one third Jan.
1st, i923and the balance July ist, 1923.
Deferred payments to be secured by
notes, with interest from date at the rate
of 8 % per annum.
This 6 th, day of June 1922
J- L. Glen, Admr., Miss Lou
Georgia White County,
To all wfiom it may concern:
Jesse Rupt, bavjng i„ due form applied
to me for permanent letters of adminis¬
tration, upon the estate of B. M. Cox,
deceased, late of said county j this is (0
cite all and singula,- the next of kin aud
creditors of said 0. M. Co,, deceased,
that said application will be heard before
me at the regular July tern, 1932 of lh«
court of Ordinary of White County, Ga.
Witness my hand and official signa¬
ture, this the 6 th, day of June 1922.
A, L, Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia White County.
Will be gold at the eourt house door in
said county on the first Tuesday in July
1922. within the legal hours of sale, the
following land, to wit: Part of lot of land
No. 100 in the second land district of
said county and being about thirty acres
and known as the Jack Skelton Old home
place in said county and being the land
on which Homer Wofford now lives and
fully described as follows: Beginning at
the south west original corsw of said lot