Newspaper Page Text
&be Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of Whitt County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Poet vfflee at Cleveland
da., ae second class mail mailer.
Member Ninth Di.trict Prete Auocblnn
" Georgia Pre»e "
“ National Editorial "
Subscription, tl.50 per year
in advance
The man who knows all things
is rich. Rich in what? Conceit.
Have we any here in Cleveland?
When is a wise man wise? Un¬
til some good looking women
makes him act the fool.
The Chinese had n custom that
women had to squeeze their feet so
that she could hardly walk, else
she was not tolerated by the mascu¬
line sex of the Oriental country.
Seems that that custom is reaching
our own dear country, but the
masculines are not so very particu
about the feet.
Great Britian may claim a mo¬
nopoly of sunshine in her domains,
but North Georgia seems to have
the worlds share of moonshine.
You can’t convince a well con¬
structed girl that short skirts are
not the proper things to wear.
Iloschton News.
Funny, but when you hear some
one criticising the local paper he
generally owes for his subscription,
or else doesn’t take it at all but
borrows tt from his neighbor,—
Royston Record.
The Atlanta Journal is having
installed in its building on the fifth
floor one of the most powerful re¬
ceiving and broadcasting radio
apparatuses in the Southeast,
The 8th, district boys have been
asked to put all of their force into
action in securing the next meet¬
ing place of the Ga., l’ress Asso.,
at Lnvonia. We are confident
most of the 9th, district boys are
strong for Rnsh Burton’s town.
Hot bread is often thought to
cause indigestion, but the United
States Department of Agriculture
say; that when it does so it is
because it lacks some of the charac¬
teristics of good bread, not because
it is hot. Large or thick biscuits,
wheather raised with yeast, baking
powder, or soda, are likely, if
cooked only a short time, to be
soggy on the inside, and tins,
when it happens, is the objection
to them, rather than the fact that
they are served hot.
The editor had a letter recently
from Mr. R. M. Cook. Ass’t., U.
S. Atty,, telling us how royally
Cleveland entertained the Forest
Tour party on May 29. He says
it will not be soon forgotten. Was
the money our business men sub¬
scribed for their entertainment
worth while? You bet your life it
Senator Watson failed to speak
in Gainesville July 4 on account of
bronchitis, which prevented him
leaving Washington.
The editor is prepairing to spend
the week of July 16 with the Ga.,
Press Association and enjoy Brook
County’s hospitality and palatable
Do you owe sor your County
paper? If you do, pay up at once.
The members of the Georgia
legislature were honored Tuesday
night with seeing the film just de
veloped from the most scenic coun¬
try iu the U. S., that of North
Georgia. The Atlanta Constitu
tion is very anxious that every
member of this body attend.
What do you know of this?
“Statistics prove that only ten per
cent of the persons are thinking
persons; fifteen per cent think part
of the time and seventy-five per
cent never think at all.” If that
be true, then only a very few
people are the people who do
things. Are you one in the ten
per cent class; the fifteen per cent
class, or the seventy-five per cent
Dr. Campbell Morgan says : “If
our thinking is right, our character
and conduct will be right.”
Character is a result of our con¬
duct ; and conduct results from
Paul said When I was a child
I spoke as a child, I understood as
a child, I though as a child.”
It’s “powerful” easy to criticise,
any old fool can do that.
Ex-service men can get special
privileges under homestead act re¬
cently enacted, which entitles them
to take out a home stead provided
they live on it for seven months.
They should take advantage of this.
Senator McCumber, of North
Dakota, waB defeated. Looks like
things are not proving so good for
the “old guard.”
The Atlanta Constitution’s tour
through the mountains of North
Georgia was worth millions of dol¬
lars to us.
Did you rend the letter in this
issue from Mr. Reed to Congress¬
man Bell? Well, you should. If
a recreational park is made out of
these mountains Tom Bell deserves
that credit.
Mr. F. G. Mauney’s brother and
ssster, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mauney,
accompanied by their neice Miss
Mary Lee Mauney, sbent last week
with him.
Mr. Leon B. Spears, of the
highway, spent Monday in Cleve¬
land. While here he told ns they
would soon move to Dahlonega.
Virgil Glover is without one bit
of question the happiest man in
town just now. If you doubt that
get around him and see if we are
not correct. The reason of so
much happiness all at once is that
a big brund-new boy arrived at his
home Monday morning very early
and it just about large enough al¬
ready to cull him •‘daddy.”
Mr. S. B. Logan, of Nucoochee
Vulley, spent Monday in Cleve¬
Messrs. W. I. Stovall and son,
Fred, and T. B. Henderson, of
Nacoochee Valley, spent a few
hours in town July 4th.
Miss Johnnie V. Thompson, of
Nacoochee Institute, spent spent
the week-end with Mrs, R. B.
Mr. and Mrs. John McClain, of
Atlanta, spent a few days inCleve
land since our last issue visiting
Mrs. McClain’s relatives. Mrs.
McClain was formerly Miss Madge
Henley and her many friends and
relatives were glad to see her after
an absence of several years.
Mr, and Mrs. T. O. Skelton, of
Decatur, visited Mr. Skelton’s
father the past week-end.
Mrs. C. 0 . Parks after spending
several days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Skelton, returned
home Sunday accompanied by her
sister, Mrs. J. E. Underwood.
Miss Ida Allison is spending
several days with homefolks.
Mrs. J. W. II. Underwood was
very sick for several days last
week, but is much improved now.
There will be a negro debate at
the Colored Methodist Church,Fri
j day night j uly The 6ub j ect
j was> Reso i ve . That whiskey leads
t0 more destruction than war.
Mr. II. A. Jarrard was confined
j to his bed for several days last
week with u sprain, but i-s able to
be out again.
Mr, Tom Warwick, of Texas,
is visiting relatives in White coun¬
Mr. B. F. Trotter, while cross¬
ing the Tesnatee Gap last Friday,
killed two rattlesnakes.
Walker Mt. Camp No. 565, W.
O. W. will meet Saturday night,
July 8th. All members are re¬
quested to be on hand as there is
some degree work to be done.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bell return¬
ed to Cleveland Tuesday to spend
a few days with parents. They
were accompanied by Mr. Carl
Witt, of Atlanta, and Mr. Auer¬
bach, of New York. These gen¬
tlemen are considering very strong¬
ly of buying Mr. O. C. Bell’s
property and putting in a dynamo,
besides doing other improvements,
Mr. J. R. Palmer tells us that 41
people from his section went to
Dukes Creek fishing Tuesday July
4th, and had a wonderful time be¬
sides catching all the fish they
could eat.
Mrs. Mosley, of Atlanta, is
spending a few days at the home
of Mrs. Frank Kenimer.
Sheriff W. A. Jackson spent a
day or two in Atlanta this week,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Mauney
spent several days last week visit¬
ing Mr. Mauney’s parents, of
The Children’s Day at the
Methodist Church Sunday night,
June 25, was a splendid sucess.
The house was over flowing and
the children rendered their parts
The pension money for those
entitled under the statute provid¬
ing for confederate veterans and
their widows, has been received by
the Ordinary,
It is reported that Bob Trotter
celebrated the Glorious Fourth by
embarking upon a long voyage
upon the gentle waves of matri¬
mony. As soon as this can be
confirmed by Bob we will tell you
Mr, Lee Warwick, who is in
Colorado, happened to the misfor¬
tune of getting both of his legs
., . . .
There Are No Two Ways About It
“Red Baby” and Its Brothers are the
Kind of Trucks ou Gan Depend On
$ 1,500 f. 0. b.
HEN we send '‘Red Baby” out to the country with a load
of heavy merchandise we know its going to deliver its
load, and deliver it with the least amount of fuss. And you
can believe us, there’s a lot of satisfaction in owning that kind
of a truck.
No doubt you do, or should employ trucks in your business. And for
that reason we want you to know that ,- Red Baby” has a bunch of brothers,
and they are fixed up with different body and cab combinations, twelve in
all, so there’s one or more of them built right to your specifications. They’re
a great bunch of trucks, and you ought to get acquainted with them.
If you’ll drop in at our store, of flag “Red Baby” when you see it,
we’ll be glad to tell you how “Red Baby” and its brothers are made—and
just why we can say unqualifiedly that they are the best Speed Trucks
you can buy for your business.
H. A. Jarrard 8 Son
broken just above the ankles, be¬
sides several other bruises about
the head and body. This accident
occurred while he was driving a
team to a reaper, the horses run¬
ning away. His many friends
deeply regret this occurrence and
and hope for his speedy recovery.
There's no excuse for getting
half sick and run down when
Tanlac will make you well, sturdy
and strong. Cleveland Drug Co,
Lookout Mountain, $1.50 per
bushel. Green Mountain, fa,00 at
at my home.
A. C. Bowen,
Rt. 5. Cleveland, Ga.
Throw off that tired, rundown
feeling and build up your strength
by eating nourishing food. Tanlac
does it. Cleveland Drug Co.
But you can’t tell much
about it from the picture.
You must actually see it to
appreciate its
Merits —
You must compare it with
other engines to realize its
value—you must operate
it to estimate its
Economy —
And experience only can
demonstrate the responsi¬
bility of a guarantee back¬
ed by an $8,000,000 Cor¬
Evuivllle, Indiana
Gainesville Georgia.
June 19, 1922.
This is to inform the ladies and gentle¬
men of the Northeastern Circuit that my
name will be on the ballots for Judge in
the September Primary.
This Circuit is the largest in the State
and I am necessarily prevented from
canvassing to the extent that I would
like. 1 like lo meet the people and talk
to them and deeply regret that my time
is bo limited. I shall therefore trust
them to look after my interests.
J. B. Jones.
Gainesville, Ga.,
June 16, 1922.
To the Yoters of the Circuit:
I respectfully submit my name as
candidate for nomination, at the primary
September 13th, for Judge of the Superi¬
or Courts of the Northeastern Circuit
I realize the great responsibility of
such an office, but, if elected. I will en¬
deavor, by the Divine help, to discharge
the duties of tuis important position with
impartiality and justice to all, and in a
manner to reflect credit on the Circuit.
H. H. Perry.
Georgia White County.
To whom it may concern :
Notice is hereby given that Jesse Hunt
as administrator of B. M, Cox, deceased,
having applied to me by petition for
leave to sell the raal estate of said B. M
Cox, deceased; and that an order was
made thereon at the July term 1922, for
citation, and that citation Issue; all the
heirs at law and creditors of said B. M.
Cox, deceased, will take notice that I
will pass upon said application at the
August term 1922, of the court of Ordi¬
nary of White County; and that unless
cause is shown to the contrary, at said
time, said leave will be granted.
This 3rd, day of July 1922.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia White County,
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that N. C.
Roper ae administrator of A. H. Roper,
deceased, having applied to me by pe¬
tition for leave to sell the real estate of
said A. H. Roper, deceased; and that an
order was made thereon at the July term
i922, for citation, and that citation issue;
all the heirs at law and creditors of the
said A. H. Roper, deceased, will take
notice that I will pass upon said appli¬
cation at tile August term 1923, of the
court of ordinary of White County ; and
that unless cause is shown to the con¬
trary, at said time.
This the 3rd, day of July 1922.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
To the Voters of the Northeastern
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the Judgeship of the Northeastern Circuit
subject to the Democratic Primary.
Pour veal's ago I aspired for this worthy
position and was defeated by Judge J. B.
Jones, who now holds this office. I am
thankful to those who supported me in
that election and at the same time bear
no ill feelings toward those who support¬
ed my opponent.
In offering for the Judgeship I can do
so with a record of more than thirty years
as a practicing lawyer of this Circuit and
should I be elected I will endevor »t all
times to peform the duties of the office in
a fair and impartieal manner.
Your support will be greatly appreci¬
Yours very truly
To Tim Voters Ok The North Easts**
Circuit: I hereby announce my candi¬
dacy for the offiice of Solictor Genera,
subject to the primary to be held in Sep¬
tember, and will appreciate your support.
Very truly,
Robert McMilliau,
Clar kesville.Ga
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the Legisluture, subject to the demo¬
cratic. primary to be held Sept. 13tb and
also subject to the rules and regulations
of said primary. I earnestly solicit the
support and consideration of each and
every voter in White County. I promise
if elected to serve my people to the best
of my ability and the best interest for
the state of Georgia and the county of
White. I have never lived in any other
county and most of her citizens know me.
I have never aaked for an office until
this and I beleive if I am elected that I
can he of some real benefit to the county.
Yours Respectfull,
G. A. Vandiver.
Being convinced of the desire of the
people of White County that I become
a candidate for State Senator. I respect¬
fully announce myself a candidate lor
that office, subject to the democratic
primary to lie held Sept. i3th. 1922,
If elected, I shall devote myself in all
matters coming before that liody, to the
best interest of my constituency of the
32nd senatorial district, as well as state
at large. Assuring you of my apprecia¬
tion of your support.
__ ___ Hespt. Yours. F, G. Jones,
Tothe voters of the Northeastern circuit:
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of Judge of tlie Superior court*
of the Northeastern circuit, subject ta
the primary to \,e held September 18th,
and I earnestly solicit your support and
influence. I promise, if elected, a
prompt, fair, and impartial discharge of
the duties of the office.
Yours truly,
l. H. Sutton
Clarkesville, Ga.
Georgia White County:
By virture of an order from the court
of Ordinary of White County, will lie
sold, at public outery, on the first Tues¬
day in July 1922, at the court house door
in said county, between the legal hours
of sale the following real estate in said
county: Two acres of land more or less in
Nacoochee Valley known as the Mrs.
Lou Richardson place and the place
where she lived at her death. On this
two acre tract of land there is a splendid
dwelling house and barn and out houses.
T his is a desirable piece of property and
located in the beautiful valley of Nacoo
ehee and near one of the best schools in
this part of the state. This property lie*
north of the main public road running
through Nacoochee Valley and a little
west of the residence of C. W. Oakes and
Nacoochee Institute and about one half
a mile from said Institute.
Terms one third cash, one third Jan.
1st, i923 and the balance July ist, 1923.
Deferred payments to be secured by
notes, with interest from date at the rate
of 8% per annum.
This 6th, day of June 1922
J. L. Glen, Admr., Miss Lou
Georgia White County
To the voters of said county:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the State Senate from the 32nd, Sena¬
torial District of Georgia, subject to tbs
Democratic Primary to be held on Wed¬
nesday September 13tb, 1922. If elected
I pledge myself to serve the best inter¬
ests of the people of this district.
Thanking the people for past support.
I am very respectfully,
A. H. HasDKBSosJr.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
Solicitor-General of the NorttjeagUrn
Circuit, subject to the September pri¬
mary. All Support given' me by the
people of the circut will be gratefully
Your* Respectfully,
HcWaas Tuouttos,